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Insulin injection therapy is the principal current treatment of type 1 diabetes. Patients, however, suffer from various complications generated by insufficient control of blood glucose levels over a long period. Therefore, a method which can infuse insulin in response to changes of blood glucose levels is eagerly desired. Transplantation of insulin releasing cells derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells has been expected to be one of promising approaches to realize this requirement. In this study, ES cell progeny which were derived in culture media with/without fetal calf serum contained two distinct kinds of cells immunostained by anti-insulin and anti-C-peptide antibodies. The cytoplasm and nuclei of one type of cell were immunoreactive against antibodies for insulin, while the other kind of cell only had the cytoplasm stained by the anti-insulin antibody. The first cell type was the major population of insulin-positive cells in serum-free medium, while the latter kind of cells was the major population in medium containing serum. Interestingly, the latter insulin-positive cells could be also immunostained by anti-C-peptide antibodies, and was observed even after nine subcultures in medium containing serum. Although there still remain many issues to be addressed in order to definitely demonstrate that insulin-positive cells derived from ES cells to be truly beta cells in the islets, these properties of the obtained cells are believed to promising cells for treatment of type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to determine whether the genetic background of tetraploid embryos contributed to the survival of mice derived from embryonic stem (ES) cells by tetraploid embryo complementation. Twenty-five newborns were produced by aggregation of hybrid ES cells and tetraploid embryos with different genetic backgrounds. These newborns were entirely derived from ES cells judged by microsatellite DNA (A specific sequence of DNA bases or nucleotides that contains mono, di, tri or tetra repeats) and coat colour phenotype and germline transmission. Fifteen survived to adulthood while seven died of respiratory failure. All newborns were derived from outbred or hybrid tetraploid aggregates and no newborns were from the inbreds. Our results demonstrate that the genetic heterozygosity, fitness of tetraploid embryos and fitness of ES cells are crucial parameters influencing survival of mice derived from ES cells by tetraploid embryo aggregation. In addition, this method represents a simple and efficient procedure for immediate generation of targeted mouse mutants from genetically modified ES cell clones, in contrast to the standard protocol, which involves the production of chimeras and several breeding steps.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are the source of all embryonic germ layer tissues. Oct-4 is essential for their pluripotency. Since in vitro culture may influence Oct-4 expression, we investigated to what extent blastocysts cultured in vitro from the zygote stage are capable of expressing Oct-4 and generating ES cell lines. We compared in vivo with in vitro derived blastocysts from B6D2 mice with regard to Oct-4 expression in inner cell mass (ICM) outgrowths and blastocysts. ES cells were characterized by immunostaining for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1) and Oct-4. Embryoid bodies were made to evaluate the ES cells' differentiation potential. ICM outgrowths were immunostained for Oct-4 after 6 days in culture. A quantitative real-time PCR assay was performed on individual blastocysts. Of the in vitro derived blastocysts, 17% gave rise to ES cells vs 38% of the in vivo blastocysts. Six-day old outgrowths from in vivo developed blastocysts expressed Oct-4 in 55% of the cases vs 31% of the in vitro derived blastocysts. The amount of Oct-4 mRNA was significantly higher for freshly collected in vivo blastocysts compared to in vitro cultured blastocysts. In vitro cultured mouse blastocysts retain the capacity to express Oct-4 and to generate ES cells, be it to a lower level than in vivo blastocysts.  相似文献   

The recently developed technique of establishing embryonic stem (ES) cell lines from single blastomeres (BTMs) of early mouse and human embryos has created significant interest in this source of ES cells. However, sister BTMs of an early embryo might not have equal competence for the development of different lineages or the derivation of ES cells. Therefore, single BTMs from two- and four-cell embryos of outbred mice were individually placed in sequential cultures to enhance the formation of the inner cell mass (ICM) and the establishment of embryonic outgrowth. The outgrowths were then used for the derivation of ES cell lines. Based on the expression of ICM (Sox2) and trophectoderm (Cdx2) markers, it was determined that ICM marker was lacking in blastocysts derived from 12% of BTMs from two-cell stage and 20% from four-cell stage. Four ES cell lines (5.6%; 4/72) were established ater culture of single BTMs from two-cell embryos, and their pluripotency was demonstrated by their differentiation into neuronal cell types. Our results demonstrate that sister BTMs of an early embryo are not equally competent for ICM marker expression. However, we demonstrated the feasibility of establishing ES cells from a single BTM of outbred mice.  相似文献   

Germ cells from mouse and human embryonic stem cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mammalian gametes are derived from a founder population of primordial germ cells (PGCs) that are determined early in embryogenesis and set aside for unique development. Understanding the mechanisms of PGC determination and differentiation is important for elucidating causes of infertility and how endocrine disrupting chemicals may potentially increase susceptibility to congenital reproductive abnormalities and conditions such as testicular cancer in adulthood (testicular dysgenesis syndrome). Primordial germ cells are closely related to embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and embryonic germ (EG) cells and comparisons between these cell types are providing new information about pluripotency and epigenetic processes. Murine ESCs can differentiate to PGCs, gametes and even blastocysts - recently live mouse pups were born from sperm generated from mESCs. Although investigations are still preliminary, human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) apparently display a similar developmental capacity to generate PGCs and immature gametes. Exactly how such gamete-like cells are generated during stem cell culture remains unclear especially as in vitro conditions are ill-defined. The findings are discussed in relation to the mechanisms of human PGC and gamete development and the biotechnology of hESCs and hEG cells.  相似文献   

Somatic/embryonic stem cell cloning has made it possible to produce an individual genomically identical to another individual. However, the cloned animals have a variety of abnormalities caused by the aberrant gene modification, with insufficient reprogramming in cloning. We previously reported abnormalities in cloned mice at birth. In this study, we examined what abnormalities could be seen in cloned mice after long-term maintenance. The aged cloned mice showed multiple abnormalities: increase of body weight, some phenotypic abnormalities in the kidneys, testes and thymus, and lower urea nitrogen in their serum biochemical values. The kidneys of all cloned mice were hypertrophied, with a metamorphic or whitish appearance. The multiple lesions, including the enlarged renal pelvis and distension of the renal veins in histology, might be the result of urine accumulation by urinary tract obstruction. The testes of the cloned mice were atrophied, and showed no sperm formation in histology. In contrast, the thymus was rather hypertrophied, and a comparably increased number of lymphocytes were observed in the medulla, consisting mainly of T cells. By conducting a progeny test between the cloned mice, it was confirmed that these abnormalities in the aged cloned mice were not transmitted to their offspring, indicating that the incomplete reprogramming in clones might be in part responsible for the abnormalities detected in aged clones. These results indicate that the postnatal abnormalities observed in aged cloned mice are varied and can be restored through the germ line.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells have the pluripotent ability to differentiate in vitro into various cell lineages, including neurons. Adding chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) conditioned medium (CM) to the culture medium promotes the differentiation of ES cells into neurons. We determined the types of neurons that differentiate from ES cells. The addition of DRG-CM caused nearly half of all ES cells on the periphery of the colony sphere to differentiate into neurons. Immunofluorescence analysis showed that the neurons that differentiated from ES cells were mainly motor, GABAergic, serotonergic, and cholinergic neurons. Of particular note, flow cytometry showed that approximately 50% of betaIII-tubulin-positive neurons were motor neurons. This indicates that DRG-CM induces ES cells to differentiate into motor neurons as target of DRG neurons (sensory neurons).  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells are one of the most promising sources for cell therapy in regenerative medicine. Using a patient's own genetically identical and histocompatible cells is the ideal way to practice personalized regenerative medicine. For personalized iPS cell therapy, the prerequisites for cell source preparation are a simple and safe procedure, no aesthetic or functional damage, and quick wound healing. Oral mucosa fibroblasts (OFs) may have high potential to fulfill these requirements. In this study, biopsy was performed in a dental chair; no significant incisional damage was recognized and rapid wound healing (within a week) was observed. We generated human iPS cells from the isolated OFs via the retroviral gene transfer of OCT4, SOX2, c-MYC, and KLF4. Reprogrammed cells showed ES-like morphology and expressed undifferentiated markers such as OCT4, NANOG, SSEA4, TRA-1-60, and TRA-1-81. Subsequent in vitro and in vivo analyses confirmed the pluripotency of resultant iPS cells, which matched the criteria for iPS cells. In addition, we found that the endogenous expression levels of c-MYC and KLF4 in OFs were similar to those in dermal fibroblasts. Taken together, we propose that OFs could be a practical source for preparing iPS cells to achieve personalized regenerative medicine in the near future.  相似文献   

The proliferation and differentiation properties of embryoid bodies (EB) from mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells were compared under two microchip conditions: microwell chip and micropatterned chip. The microwell chip contained 270 microwells (diameter, 600 μm; depth, 600 μm) on a polymethylmethacrylate plate and was surface-modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG) to render it non-adhesive. The micropatterned chip contained 270 gelatin spots (diameter, 200 μm) as the cell adhesion area on a glass plate; the region lacking these spots was PEG-modified to render it non-adhesive. The ES cells spontaneously formed the EBs from cell aggregates in each microwell in the chip. In contrast, cells inoculated onto the patterned chip formed a monolayer on the gelatin spots and gradually proliferated to form EBs. The EBs in the patterned chip maintained the high cell growth rate and the expression of endoderm (TTR and AFP) and mesoderm (Nkx2.5, αMHC, Flk1, and PDGFRβ) markers was increased, and these cell properties were similar to the previous methods (hanging drop and round-bottomed 96-well plate cultures). In contrast, the proliferation of ES cells in the microwell chip was lower than in the patterned chip and previous methods, and the EB differentiation proceeded slowly and only formed a small amount of endoderm. These results indicate that the difference of EB generating process in the microchip cultures may affect to the proliferation and differentiation of ES cells, and the existence of microwell structure in the microchip downregulates the cell proliferation and the differentiated progress of ES cells.  相似文献   

Oligodendrocytes are the myelinating cells of the central nervous system (CNS), and defects in these cells can result in the loss of CNS functions. Although oligodendrocyte progenitor cells transplantation therapy is an effective cure for such symptoms, there is no readily available source of these cells. Recent studies have described the generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS cells) from somatic cells, leading to anticipation of this technique as a novel therapeutic tool in regenerative medicine. In this study, we evaluated the ability of iPS cells derived from mouse embryonic fibroblasts to differentiate into oligodendrocytes and compared this with the differential ability of mouse embryonic stem cells (ES cells). Experiments using an in vitro oligodendrocyte differentiation protocol that was optimized to ES cells demonstrated that 2.3% of iPS cells differentiated into O4+ oligodendrocytes compared with 24.0% of ES cells. However, the rate of induction of A2B5+ oligodendrocyte precursor cell (OPC) was similar for both iPS-derived cells and ES-derived cells (14.1% and 12.6%, respectively). These findings suggest that some intracellular factors in iPS cells inhibit the terminal differentiation of oligodendrocytes from the OPC stage.  相似文献   

Culture conditions for human embryonic stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines have been derived and cultured in variable conditions. The idea behind derivation of hESC lines is to use them in human cell transplantation after differentiation, but already now these cells are widely used for research purposes. Despite similarities among the established lines, important differences have been reported between them, and it has been difficult to compare the results obtained using different lines. Recent optimization of hESC culture conditions has moved from cultures on mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) in fetal bovine serum-containing medium towards feeder-free culture methods using more defined animal substance-free cultures. The aim has been to establish robust and cost-effective systems for culturing these cells and eliminate the risk of infection transmitted by animal pathogens and immunoreactions caused by animal substances in cell cultures before clinical treatment. It is important to take these modifications into account when carrying out research using these cells. It is known that culture conditions influence gene expression and, hence, probably many properties of the cells. Optimization and standardization of culture methods is needed for research as well as for clinical purposes.  相似文献   

Epigenetic states of embryonic stem (ES) cells are easily altered by long-term cultivation and lose their developmental potential. To rescue this reduced developmental capacity, nuclear transfer (NT) of ES cells was carried out, and original ES and ES cells from cloned blastocysts (ntES) cells established after NT were compared with in vitro differentiation ability and developmental potential by embryoid body formation and tetraploid aggregation respectively. In the establishment of ntES cell lines, the oocytes fused with the ES cell were activated, and further cultured to cloned blastocysts. When in vitro differentiation ability was examined between original and ntES cell lines derived from ES cells with extensive passages (ES-ep), the day of appearance of simple embryoid body, cystic embryoid body, and spontaneous beating was almost similar. The developmental rates of ES-ep cells, that aggregated with tetraploid embryos to term, ranged from 3 to 6%. Moreover, the majority of live pups died soon after birth. In the ntES cell lines derived from ES-ep cells, developmental rates ranged from 0 to 5%. Those pups also died soon after birth, similar to the ES-ep-derived pups. These results suggest that profound epigenetic modifications of ES cells were retained in the re-established cell lines by NT.  相似文献   

Mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells, which are continuously growing cell lines, have a pluripotent ability to differentiate into various cell lineages in vitro including neurons. We investigated the effects of chick dorsal root ganglion (DRG) conditioned medium (CM) and nerve growth factor (NGF) on the directed differentiation of ES cells into neurons. Because DRGs from 8-day-old chick embryos are often used in bioassays of neurotrophic factors, DRGs may release soluble factors that can induce ES cell differentiation into neurons in a culture broth. When cultivated in a Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DMEM)/F-12K medium containing DRG-CM or NGF, the ES cell colonies clearly showed neurite outgrowths. Of particular significance, the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies using an anti-betaIII-tubulin antibody indicated that the addition of DRG-CM effectively promoted the differentiation of ES cells into neurons. We confirmed the effect of DRG-CM addition on ES cell differentiation into neurons via neuronal stem cells by the immunofluorescence analysis of ES cell colonies. Thus, DRG-CM appeared to effectively promote ES cell differentiation into neurons.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are a type of pluripotent stem cell line isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts and characterized by an almost unlimited self-renewal capacity and differentiation potential in vitro into multiple cell lineages. Therefore the use of ES cells has recently received much attention as a novel cell source for various hybrid artificial organs. To use ES cells, it is necessary to be able to produce functional matured cells from ES cells in large quantities. In this study, we applied polyurethane foam (PUF)/spheroid culture, which enables spontaneous spheroid formation and mass cultivation of cultured cells, to mouse ES cells for hepatic differentiation. Mouse ES cells spontaneously formed spherical multicellular aggregates (spheroids) in the pores of the PUF within 1 d. To induce hepatic differentiation, specific growth factors were added to the culture medium. Mouse ES cells proliferated by day 20, and high cell density (about 1.0 x 10(8) cells/cm(3)-PUF) was achieved. Differentiating ES cells expressed endodermal-specific genes, such as alpha-fetoprotein, albumin and tryptophan 2,3-dioxygenase. The activity of ammonia removal of mouse ES cells per unit volume of the module was detected by day 21 and increased with culture time. Maximum expression levels were comparable to those of primary mouse hepatocytes. Mouse ES cells could express liver-specific functions at high level because of the high cell density culture and hepatic differentiation. These results suggest that the PUF/spheroid culture method could be useful to develop mass differentiation cultures.  相似文献   

Available human feeder cells for the maintenance of human embryonic stem cells   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) have been previously used as feeder cells to support the growth of human embryonic stem cells (hESCs). In this study, human adult uterine endometrial cells (hUECs), human adult breast parenchymal cells (hBPCs) and embryonic fibroblasts (hEFs) were tested as feeder cells for supporting the growth of hESCs to prevent the possibility of contamination from animal feeder cells. Cultured hUECs, hBPCs and hEFs were mitotically inactivated and then plated. hESCs (Miz-hES1, NIH registered) initially established on mouse feeder layers were transferred onto each human feeder layer and split every 5 days. The morphology, expression of specific markers and differentiation capacity of hESCs adapted on each human feeder layer were examined. On hUEC, hBPC and hEF feeder layers, hESCs proliferated for more than 90, 50 and 80 passages respectively. Human feeder-based hESCs were positive for stage-specific embryonic antigen (SSEA)-3 and -4, and Apase; they also showed similar differentiation capacity to MEF-based hESCs, as assessed by the formation of teratomas and expression of tissue-specific markers. However, hESCs cultured on hUEC and hEF feeders were slightly thinner and flatter than MEF- or hBPC-based hESCs. Our results suggest that, like MEF feeder layers, human feeder layers can support the proliferation of hESCs without differentiation. Human feeder cells have the advantage of supporting more passages than when MEFs are used as feeder cells, because hESCs can be uniformly maintained in the undifferentiated stage until they pass through senescence. hESCs established and/or maintained under stable xeno-free culture conditions will be helpful to cell-based therapy.  相似文献   

Microarrays are currently recognized as one of major tools in the assessment of gene expression via cDNA or RNA analysis and are now accepted as a powerful experimental tool for high-throughput screening of a large number of samples, such as cDNA and siRNAs. In this study, we examined the potential of the microarray methodology for high-throughput screening of candidate cells as feeder cells which effectively differentiate embryonic stem (ES) cells to the specific lineage. Cell arrays were prepared by applying three kinds of cells, PA6, human umbilical vein endothelial, and COS-1 cells, to circular spots, 2 mm in diameter, on a glass plate, followed by the application of mouse ES cells to the cell microarray. After 8 d in culture, TuJ1 (neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin) immunocytochemical staining clearly demonstrated that only PA6 cell spots had the capability to induce ES cells to neuronal differentiation. Although this is a model experiment, these findings clearly indicate that the cell microarray will become a powerful tool for high-throughput screening large numbers of candidate feeder cells for specific differentiation.  相似文献   

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