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Among the papers belonging to James David Forbes preserved in the University Library at St Andrews is a short letter that Sir John Herschel sent to Forbes on 6 June 1839. Writing while he was waiting to go in to a committee meeting at the Royal Society, Herschel's intention was to thank Forbes for having sent hirn copies of two of his scientific papers, but the most interesting part of the note is the hurriedly scribbled postcript with which it ends: ‘I have seen Daguerre's drawings (Photographs) in Paris which are all but miraculous!!!’. It is no exaggeration to say that Larry Schaaf's new book, The Photographic Art of William Henry Fox Talbot, generates a similar reaction.  相似文献   


The initial impact of photography on painting and the continuing interplay between the two remain one of the intriguing questions confronting the historian of nineteenth century art. Recognition of photographic history as a significant discipline in its own right has grown. rapidly in the last four decades, but a great deal remains to be done on the connection between the two arts. The pioneering works of Newhall, Schwarz and, later, Scharf, Coke and others, have already focused attention on the way in which photography acted upon the style and content of painting, a matter now widely recognized among art historians. There is no longer any novelty or surprise in discovering that a prominent artist made reference to, or in some cases actually copied, a specific photograph. The student today accepts the fact that such artists as Delacroix, Courbet, Manet and Degas made use of the works of Durieu, Villeneuve, Nadar, Carjat, Disdéri and others.  相似文献   

顾培根 《影像技术》1995,(2):32-34,41
本文综合阐述了感光材料单浴冲洗加工工艺有关的主要技术问题,如:功能、作用机理、药液成分、性能特点、影响因素和实际应用等。  相似文献   

Johnson JA 《NTM》1998,6(2):65-90
The paper traces the role of German women into the chemistry profession from 1925 to 1945, examining their relative numbers and experience in higher education, in academic and industrial careers as well as in professional organizations such as the Verein Deutscher Chemikerinnen. The paper examines the effect of the 1930s Depression, National Socialism, and World War II on women chemists, considering both general trends as well as the experiences and achievements of several individual women in a variety of situations. Finally, it considers the longterm consequences of these developments, such as the Nazi expulsion of Jewish women, destruction of women's organizations and devaluing of women's achievements, in limiting the recognition and participation of German women chemists after 1945.  相似文献   


From the very beginning, Canadian photography periodicals have had to cope with not only the small and uncertain home market, but also with the ready availability of similar imported publications, some of which included Canadian photographic news from time to time. As a result, the earliest native journals to appear were subsidized by photographic dealers, and were designed to appeal to both a professional and amateur readership. Around the tum of the century, with the rise in the numbers of amateur photographers, a few photojoumals directed specifically at them briefly prospered before succumbing to economic crisis and war. After the peace, it was the camera clubs, with their enlarged or new newsletters, that soldiered on during the Depression. Then another war intervened, during which time photographic activity halted once again. It was only in the 1950s that photomagazines began to appear (and disappear) with increasing frequency, until the efflorescence of the 1970s when the popular periodicals aimed at the amateur were joined by the non-profit ones devoted to photography as a visual art. This period of extraordinary photographic activity lasted about a decade, leaving behind a few popular publications issued by commercial concerns in French and English Canada, as well as one devoted to the history of the medium.  相似文献   

本文讨论了影响照相材料稳定与保存的几个因素以及为保持照相材料最佳稳定性、保存性而采取的几种有效方法。  相似文献   

本文叙述了近年来非银盐感光材料,例如抗蚀剂,聚酰亚胺、光致变色、液晶、高分子等材料的研究、应用和发展状况。  相似文献   


Of all the British claimants to the invention of photography, Henry Brougham is the one whose experiments have been given least attention in existing histories of photography. In his posthumously published three-volume autobiography of 1871, The Life and Times of Henry, Lord Brougham, written by himself, Brougham claimed to have engaged in some ‘experiments upon light and colours’ during the years 1794-–5 (when he was 16 years of age). He had, he tells us, included a discussion of his experiments in a paper offered to the Royal Society in 1795. Most of this paper, his first in the field of natural philosophy, was published in the Society's Philosophical Transactions (No. 86) of 1796 under the title ‘Experiments and observations on the inflection, reflection, and colours of light’. The paper, as published, was an attempt to discover analogous relationships between the bending of light within bodies (refraction or, using the 18th-century term, ‘refrangibility’) and the bending of light outside of bodies (reflection and diffraction or, in Brougham's terminology, flexion). As he wrote in the opening lines of his paper:

It has always appeared wonderful to me, since nature seems to delight in those close analogies which enable her to preserve simplicity and even uniformity in variety, that there should be no dispositions in the parts of light, with respect to inflection and reflection, analogous or similar to their different refrangibility. In order to ascertain the existence of such properties, I began a course of experiments and observations, a short account of which forms the substance of this paper.1  相似文献   

我是李根在,辞掉工代和来到纽约的台湾设计师,对于一个即将迈进中年的东方人而言,离开自己熟悉的地方,没有家人,朋友,想在这里得到机会是难上加难,我必须要克服很多问题。  相似文献   


The coalescence of nitrogen bubbles in liquid was studied by using a high‐speed motion picture camera at speeds up to 3,000 frames per second. Examination of the films frame by frame reveals that the general process of bubble coalescence is growth‐touching‐coalescence‐vibrating‐detachment. A small amount of surface active additive influences the time of coalescence significantly: 0.9ppm of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), 1.6 ppm of sodium laury benzene sulfonate (SLBS) or 1.8 ppm of n‐octanol inhibits the bubble coalescence completely. This phenomenon is attributed to the dynamic surface effect or the departure from static surface tension caused by extension of the gas‐liquid interface.  相似文献   

Journal of Low Temperature Physics -  相似文献   


The printing industry has always been a leading-edge application of photography1. It is no coincidence that the desire to improve on traditional graphic processes was the stimulus which fuelled the researches of both Niepce and Talbot. Since its invention, photography has been used as an information bearer in most domains of human activity. As Talbot recognized when he set up his Talbotype Printing Establishment in Russell Terrace, Reading, in late 1843 or early 1844, printing was a promising industrial sector for the exploitation of photography. He was also forced to realize, when he shut down the operation some three years later, that photographic publishing was perhaps an idea whose time had yet to come.2 The necessary preconditions for ensuring commercial success - minimum viability in the form oflow unit costs, mass-produced prints of marketable quality and evidence of a real demand for the finished product - had still to be met.  相似文献   

Results are presented from an investigation of the metrologic completeness of optical images of three-dimensional forms.Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 12, pp. 30–31, December, 1994.  相似文献   

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