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One night, at the Savage Club, F.J. accepted a unique wager, and a few months later the Royal Academy, unwittingly, hung in its water-colour section a coloured photograph. That delicately tinted blue seascape had earned its place.  相似文献   


Dutkiewicz, a fascinating and in some ways tragic character, has had no luck with biographers. Apart from one article in a photographic monthly 1 Polish Biographical Dictionary, Cracow (1948), Vol. 6, pp. 15-16. This is in fact a résumé of an article by Aleksander Karoli, ‘In memoriam of Meletius Dutkiewicz’, published in a photographic monthly of Warsaw, Swiat?o (Light), No. 10 (1899), pp. 448-452. , and a brief entry in the Polish Biographical Dictionary, no published information concerning him has been traced. However, much that is of interest can be gleaned from surviving correspondence between the eminent Polish photographers Karol Beyer, Joseph Kordysz and Michal Greim 2 Only a part of this correspondence was published by Juliusz Garztecki in his book on Michal Greim Mistrz zapominiany (Forgotten Master), Wydawnictwo Literackie, Cracow (1972). .  相似文献   


‘However marvellous was the discovery of photography itself,we could understand how the image of the camera obscura could leave its impression upon a chemical surface susceptible of being affected by the very light which makes it apparent to our senses. We were afterwards enabled to understand, although with more difficulty, how the stereoscope could raise two flat photographic pictures into one, presenting the illusion of relief. In fact, this seemed to us the only sculpture, or at least the only illusion of sculpture, which might possibly be the result of the process of photography, and the word photo-sculpture to us could not convey any other meaning; for it seemed utterly impossible that photography could transfer a block of clay, or any other materials employed by sculptors, into a real plastic form1.’  相似文献   


William Carrick, whose name now appears in the Bolshaya Sovietskaya Encyclopaedia as one of the founders of Russian photography, was born of Scottish parents in Edinburgh, on 31st December 1827. A few months later he was taken to Russia, which was to be his home for the rest of his life. His grandfather and father were timber merchants, and ran their business from Cronstadt, the port for St. Petersburg.  相似文献   


A short obituary in Time magazine, published in June 1952, marked the passing of one of America's foremost women photographers, whose death had occurred almost three months earlier, on 16th March 1952.  相似文献   


Nevil Story-Maskelyne is not a man whose name readily comes to mind as a pioneer experimenter in photography, but he should not be ignored. As a young man of 22 in 1845, he revealed to Fox Talbot his devotion to photography and became a lifelong friend. During the Patent trial, Talbot v. Laroche—1855, he took a firm line of support, opposing the general opinions of the Council of the Photographic Society, a courageous attitude for one so young. In a letter to Talbot, he said at the time: ‘No man in my belief can take from you this that you first showed, that Iodide of Silver formed in the moist way [i.e., from solutions] was capable of being made acceptable of a latent effort under the influence of light, which in subsequent treatment with substances capable of a sort of reducing (dioxidying) [sic] action, was capable of developing into a visible effect. This I believe to be yours and on it, it seems to me your point rests securely’1 Letter LA54-60 (26th November 1854), Lacock Abbey Collection. . He went on to comment on those who had seen fit to claim the invention as their own, and said that they were men ‘most deeply indebted to you for their living at all’. Maskelyne was gifted, kind, generous, devoted to his family, and a highly intelligent scientist.  相似文献   

中国设计史的研究路径与逻辑起点,是随着工艺美术部、工艺美术研究所和中央工艺美术学院这种制度的演变而开始的。从 20世纪 50年代开始的“美学大讨论”到 20世纪 80年代“技术美学”的发展,以及对西方现代设计理念的翻译与引介,促使国内的设计教育和设计研究不断反思工艺美术与艺术设计的关系。七十年来,中国设计史在讨论、摸索、借鉴、尝试、反思的路径中前进。时至今日,中国设计史研究视野具有更加全球化的特征。在全球互联网发展和人工智能热潮的背景下,设计研究也必须兼顾人文学科、社会科学,乃至自然科学交叉学科的属性,才具备学科独立的基础。  相似文献   

建国初期,我国的电影机械工业由文化部主管。从1950年至1956年先后陆续建立了3个直接隶属于文化部的电影机械厂,它们是哈尔滨电影机械厂、南京电影机械厂和上海电影机械厂。上海电影机械厂是1956年在公私合营基础上组建的电影机械厂。它座落在上海市的南市区,建厂初期是一个只有五百人左右的小厂。但它的工种比较齐全,工人的平均技术级别也比较高,各工种都有技术精湛、经验丰富的老师傅。正因为如此,所以上级领导才把它定为以生产品种繁杂、技术要求较高的电影制片设备为主要产品方向的电影机械厂。  相似文献   

通过直流四端法研究了钙钛矿型混合导体La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ(LSCF)和La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ-Ce0.9Gd0.1O1.95(LSCF-GDC)复合材料的高温电学性质.通过电导率测试得出单相LSCF和LSCF-GDC的小极化子导电活化能分别为Ea1=9.72kJ/mol和Ea2=10.64kJ/mol.突然改变氧分压条件进行电导弛豫测试,进而研究了二者的氧表面交换性质.测定了温度范围在600~800℃、氧分压在21~34kPa之间变化时两种样品的表面交换系数为kchem为2.87×10-6~6.91×10-6cm/s.讨论认为GDC对氧表面交换过程的催化作用与引入GDC对材料微结构的影响共同促进了复合材料中的氧输运过程.根据两种样品氧表面交换系数和温度的关系估算了氧表面交换过程活化能.  相似文献   

本文对Co基非晶Fe_(5.3)Co_(61.3)Ni_(7.4)Si_(10)B_(16)及Fe_(5)Co_(58)Ni_(11)Si_(10)B_(16)合金用不同方法进行了热处理后得出:退火使合金磁性恶化,纵向磁退火有效地消除了应力,局部感生各向异性和畴壁钉扎,形成感生单轴各向异性,静态磁性获得显著提高。Fe_(5.3)Co_(61.3)Ni_(7.4)Si_(10)B_(16)合金最好静态磁性μ_m高达169×10~4Gs/Oe,Hc为4.3mOe,μ_(0.002)为94000G/0e,Br/Bs=0.895,磁滞损耗减小。但由于形成粗大180°畴使反常涡流损耗增加。倾斜磁场退火使180°畴数目增多,在一定频段内有效的降低反常涡流损耗。对提高初始导磁率有一定作用。  相似文献   

The thermal stability of amorphous ternary hydrides Mg_(50)Ni_(50)H_(54) and Mg_(30)Ni_(70)H_(45) and their corre-sponding amorphous binary alloys Mg_(50)Ni_(50) and Mg_(30)Ni_(70) were studied with X-ray diffraction(XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). Samples of the amorphous alloys were preparedby mechanical alloying and the amorphous hydrides were obtained by charging the alloys with gas-eous hydrogen at 3.0 MPa and 423 K. It was found that the amorphous hydrides released most oftheir hydrogen before the crystallization of the essentially hydrogen depleted amorphous alloy. Thecrystallization temperature of amorphous Mg_(50)Ni_(50)H_(54) elevated and that of amorphousMg_(30)Ni_(70)H_(45) did not change in relation to the original binary amorphous alloy. This is very excep-tional for amorphous hydrides. The reason for the effects of hydrogen absorption/desorption on thecrystallization of amorphous alloys was discussed.  相似文献   

为便于读者收集、检索国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的标准,本刊将在第三、四两期连载国际标准(ISO)题录,题录刊载了截止2002年12月中国标准研究中心标准馆收藏的全部现行标准。本刊同时发行: 国际标准化组织(ISO)标准题录(电子版)单价100.00元国际标准化组织(ISO)标准题录(中文合订本)单价150.00元上述电子版及中文合订本增加有标准顺序号与TC分类号对照表,便于读者使用。请需要的读者按杂志地址(或电话)与杂志社联系。  相似文献   

为便于读者收集、检索国际标准,本刊在2004年第4、5期连载国际标准(ISO)题录,题录刊载了截止2003年12月中国标准化研究院标准馆收藏的全部现行标准。本刊同时发行:国际标准(ISO)题录(中文电子版)单价200.00元,国际标准(ISO)题录(中文合订本)单价200.00元。上述电子版用微软Excel软件格式排列,便于读者使用。请需要该题录或标准全文的读者按杂志地址(或电话)与杂志社联系。  相似文献   

为便于读者收集、检索国际标准化组织(ISO)发布的标准,本刊将在第三、四两期连载国际标准(ISO)题录,题录刊载了截止2002年12月中国标准研究中心标准錧收藏的全部现行标准。本刊同时发行: 国际标准化组织(ISO)标准题录(电子版)单价100.00元国际标准化组织(ISO)标准题录(中文合订本)单价150.00元上述电子版及中文合订本增加有标准顺序号与TC分类号对照表,便于读者使用。请需要的读者按杂志地址(或电话)与杂志社联系。  相似文献   

为便于读者收集、检索俄罗斯联邦标准(ГОСТ)题录题录,本刊在2006年10-12期连载俄罗斯联邦标准(ГОСТ)题录题录,题录包括中国标准化研究院标准馆收藏的全部现行标准。本刊同时发行:俄罗斯联邦标准(ГОСТ)题录题录(2006年中文电子版)单价200.00元,俄罗斯联邦标准(ГОСТ)题录题录(中文2006年合订本)单价200.00元。上述电子版用微软Word软件格式排列,便于读者使用。请需要该题录或标准全文的读者按杂志地址(或电话)与杂志社联系。  相似文献   

采用流延–共压–共烧结法制备了具有多孔|致密|多孔Zr_(0.84)Y_(0.16)O_(2–δ)-La_(0.8)Sr_(0.2)Cr_(0.5)Fe_(0.5)O_(3–δ)(YSZ-LSCF)结构的透氧膜和多孔YSZ-LSCF|致密YSZ-LSCF|致密YSZ|致密YSZ-LSCF|多孔YSZ-LSCF结构的固体氧化物燃料电池。采用浸渍法在多孔层内壁上沉积了具有高催化活性的LaNi_(0.6)Fe_(0.4)O_(3–δ)(LNF)纳米颗粒,随着LNF浸渍量的提高,会在多孔层内壁上形成连续的导电网格,增加电化学反应活性位点,进而显著改善电极性能。当LNF浸渍量为12wt%时,电极性能达到最优,在800℃时阴极和阳极极化阻抗分别为0.26和0.08?·cm~2,在空气/CH_4梯度中氧渗透速率为7.6 mL/(cm~2·min),比未浸渍前提高了14倍。阻抗谱分析表明空气侧氧还原反应中的电荷转移反应是氧渗透过程的速率控制步骤。  相似文献   

光量子效率是非晶态光电导材料的一个重要参数。本文利用静电放电的方法,探讨和研究了 As—Se 系统非晶态半导体材料的光量子效率与电场和组份的关系,得出的结果与 Onsager 理论描述的相一致。由分析而得到了等剂量组份、富 As 和富 Se 系统光量子效率的变化趋势。  相似文献   

采用机械混合和凝胶包覆法制备10%(wt,质量分数,下同)BaZr_(0.9)Y_(0.1)O_(2.95)-90%BaCe_(0.86)Y_(0.1)Zn_(0.04)O_(2.91)(BZY-BCYZn)复相电解质,研究这两种制备方法对BZY-BCYZn复相电解质的结构和导电性能的影响。结果表明:凝胶包覆法制备的纳米BZY-BCYZn颗粒的平均晶粒尺寸为50nm,在1350℃烧结5h获得致密复相电解质材料(致密度达到96%),在600℃湿润Ar条件下的电导率为7.3mS/cm,比机械混合法制备的BZY-BCYZn复相电解质具有更加优异的烧结性能和导电性能。  相似文献   

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