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The Navajo people of the American Southwest have been abundantly photographed since the beginnings of photography's extension into Western America — indeed, from almost since the beginnings of photography itself. Navajoland ‘offered’ dramatic landscapes and ‘The People’1 have served as exemplar for an assorted series of Western projects, changes in Western projects, and objects of Western desire. The photographs of Native Americans by Edward S. Curtis, though largely ignored during his lifetime, emerged shortly after his death in 1952 to become popular icons, which were so dramatic a phenomenon from the 1960s that today they are something of a cliché. ‘Original’ prints currently sell for thousands of dollars.2 This resurrection is also characteristic among specialists on Native Americans. Indeed, after having been neglected and abused by anthropology for many years for his elaborate staging, soft focus, excessive pastoral romanticism and nostalgia, Curtis has more recently become fashionable again and now enjoys something of an anthropological embrace.3  相似文献   



Using survey results of Japanese Americans (JA) living on the West Coast of the USA in 1998, and JA and non-JA living in Hawaii in 1999–2000, we examined cultural links between native Japanese, JAs, and Americans. For data on Japanese and Americans, survey results from 1988 were used for the analysis. To understand the social and cultural similarities and differences among Japanese, JAs, and American society groups, we examined interpersonal attitudes, ways of thinking, religious attitudes, and so forth. The results revealed that Japanese- like attitudes were maintained in both society groups of JA. The cultural links of these society groups was not one-dimensional.


李铭 《影像技术》1999,(2):10-10,21
喷墨打印技术是否已达到了照相影像的稳定性和存档质量?这个问题无法用简单的“是”或“不是”来回答。依据打印光谱颜色的不同,答案会有很大的差别。很多制造厂商生产的喷墨打印机,既是高档机,也兼作打样用的台式彩色打印机。这些机器的打印质量,常常可以和照相影像相比。很多人错误地认为,要想制作出稳定耐久的打印件,就不得不牺牲一些照相技术所特有的特点,比如影像可以是连续影调的,影像不是由点状结构组成的,等等。实际上,用市场上现在流行的机器,是有可能得到满意结果的。在稳定性方面,喷墨打印件能否比得上用传统方法加…  相似文献   

(续上期)4.8信息影像应用于地质探矿航空航天遥感信息影像在地质探矿的宏观研究的各个领域得到了广泛的有效应用,取得了明显的发展和效益。信息影像与现场地面观测调查相比较,具有信息密度大,形象逼真客观真实和宏观综合性强等特点。它可以从原始资料方面补救地面调查的某些局限性和零散性,避免不同时期、不同观测者认识客观地质事实的主观差异性,充实地质调查的信息内容从而有助于提高地质调查的精度、效率和学术水平,使地质调查的技术更新到大体适应当代的科学技术水平。信息影像的应用建立了缩微地质模型,从而对各类地质体的…  相似文献   

本文介绍了信息影像的特点及其在科学技术、工程、地矿、环境、农业、林业、水利、气象、考古、城市规划、军事情报等领域得到广泛应用,起到了其他方法无可替代的作用,并产生显著的效益。  相似文献   

贾永红 《影像技术》1997,(2):23-25,56
本文探讨HIS变换对数字化航空片影象与landsat TM多光谱影象进行复合的方法,并在此基础上提出一种改进的方法。试验结果表明本文提出的方法是一种非常行之有效的方法。复合后的影象不仅保留了TM影像的光谱特征,而且将其空间分解力由30m提高到10m,清晰度也提高了。因而复合后的影像能提高分类精度,制作专题图的精度、多时相监测能力和解译水平等。  相似文献   

李铭 《影像技术》1999,(2):25-27
本文阐述了胶片影像与数字影像相互转换的基本过程以及胶片影像数字化的益处。  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(12):1497-1507
An optical image processing facility designed specifically for the treatment of lattice images is described. A range of optical processing techniques for improving the interpretation of lattice images are outlined and illustrated with examples. These operations include methods of signal-to-noise enhancement and pseudocolour encoding of spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

王海生 《影像技术》2009,21(6):35-35,64
拍摄电视影像就是从电视机的屏幕上,直接把正在放映的画面影像拍摄下来。本文从快门选择、光圈控制、曝光控制、调焦方法、胶卷使用和环境处理等方面介绍了拍摄电视影像的注意事项。  相似文献   

Tia SQ  He M  Kim D  Herr AE 《Analytical chemistry》2011,83(9):3581-3588
We introduce and characterize multiplexed native Western blotting in an automated and unified microfluidic format. While slab gel Western blotting is slow and laborious, conventional multiplexed blotting ("reblotting": probing one sample with multiple antibodies) requires even more resources. Here we detail three key advances that enable an automated and rapid microfluidic alternative to slab gel reblotting. First, we introduce both assay and microdevice designs that integrate protein blotting against multiple antibody blotting regions with native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This microfluidic integration strategy overcomes nonspecific material losses inherent to harsh antibody stripping steps typically needed for conventional reblotting; said conditions can severely limit analyte quantitation. Second, to inform rational design of the multiplexed microfluidic device we develop an analytical model for analyte capture on the blotting regions. Comparison to empirical observations is reported, with capture efficiencies of >85%. Third, we introduce label free detection that makes simultaneous and quantitative multiplexed measurements possible without the need for prelabeling of sample. Assay linear dynamic range spans 8-800 nM with assay completion in 5 min. Owing to the speed, automation, enhanced quantitation capability, and the difficulty of conventional slab gel Western reblotting, microfluidic multiplexed native Western blotting should find use in systems biology, in particular in analyses of protein isoforms and multimeric protein complexes.  相似文献   

A simple optical attachment has been used to convert a transmission micradensitometer into a reflexion instrument. The sharpness of images contained in gelatin and in optical contact with a diffusing surface was found to be limited by the effect of multiple internal reflex ions in the gelatin layer. Some of the factors affecting the sharpness of reflected black-and-white and colour images are discussed, and oy correcting for the instrument response functions, the results are related to the sharpness of the corresponding negative films.  相似文献   

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