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左昱 《网络与信息》2012,26(5):31-31
随着网络发展,单位业务扩展,原本单一的内部局域网已不能适应时代需求、工作需要,国家、省、市、区的四级连通以及部门与部门之间的业务协作更多是以专线的方式出现,做好多条外部专线与内部网络的接入工作,是各单位减少投入,提高效率的必然选择。本文就以江苏环保业务专线接入我单位内网为例,介绍如何通过华为路由器的配置命令实现专线到内网的接入技术。  相似文献   

笔者单位在参与工程项目的过程中,出差在外的技术人员需要远程接入企业内部网络进行工作。DirectAccess是近年来新推出的一种企业远程接入方式,具有使用简便、安全高效的特点,较为适合中小型企业推广应用。本文对DirectAccess以及其他、常用的远程接入方式进行了比较,分析了DirectAccess的优势和技术特点,并对部署DirectAccess的过程和关键点作了说明。  相似文献   

目前有不少高校或大型企业拥有多个分支机构,单位的员工在外出途中也常常需要接入单位的网络"远程办公",而VPN技术能很好地解决多个机构之间网络的互通以及员工远程办公的需求。在VPN技术的帮助下,在保证安全的前提下,局域网内的内部资源可以得到最大程度的利用,并且在此基础上,网络应用能够得到进一步扩展。  相似文献   

万兴 《网管员世界》2013,(23):67-70
本单位有着丰富的内网资源,比如内网的文件服务器、财务工资查询、人事查询,这些服务都只能在本单位内部的电脑上才能访问。同时,本单位的官网管理入口,出于安全的考虑,开启的是8081端口和8082端口,这些在公网上也是禁止访问的,因此当有紧急事件,需要在家或者出差的异地访问本单位的内网服务时,就需要一台提供虚拟专用网络接入的服务器,简称VPN服务器。本文介绍利用Linux操作系统和x12tpd开源软件配置自己的虚拟专用网络服务器的方法。  相似文献   

倪冰 《信息网络》2003,(12):17-19
随着信息技术的普及,各行业信息化建设都得到了迅猛发展,越来越多的单位依靠网络进行内部的运作。同时,现在人员移动性大,经常需要远程获取企业内部信息。因此如何保证信息通畅、快速安全地进行信息沟通成为备受关注的问题。为了满足商务客户远程、移动接入内部办公网络的安全通信需求,中国电信利用网络资源、技术资源和管理资源,结合网络安全技术,为客户提供安全、可靠、便利的解决方案———“远程移动办公”业务。员工无论是在家里,还是在酒店、机场;无论是通过以太网、WLAN、ADSL,还是拨号,只要有互联网接入的地方,就可以通过网络上…  相似文献   

随着Internet的不断发展,网络安全问题显得越来越重要,全世界几乎每天都有闯入和安全侵犯等非法行为发生,接入Internet的单位都需要有办法来防止非法用户访问内部网络上的资源和非法向外传递内部信息。采用防火墙是防止网络被入侵的最好办法。但是,购买一个应用级的商业防火墙产品(含硬件),需花费数万元甚至更多。  相似文献   

专线连接费用昂贵作为国家信息化建设的重要行业,中国建设银行某市分行通过DDN专线,实现了柜台网点、自助设备等渠道共同办理银行核心业务,同时能够与外联单位联网,实时办理银行代理业务等网络远程接入的需求。随着办公自动化的发展,企业信息资源越来越多地通过网络传送和共享、银行内部员工的工作对电脑网络的依赖性越来越大。尤其是管理人员,每天办公都需要通过银行的OA系统,及时浏览分行发布的通知、内部公告等、而且还需要通过内部的邮件系统收发内部邮件和电子文档。  相似文献   

中国建设银行某市分行因业务需要,采用SINFOR SC的安全VPN管理平台,解决了其银行内部员工远程安全接入银行内部网络移动办公的需要,并实现了DDN无法解决的固定和临时节点分支机构灵活接入的问题,实现了网络安全远程接入和集中管理。远程支持技术平台应需而生中国建设银行某市分行因业务需要,早已实施了DDN专线等网络远程接入解决方案。在实施DCC系统之前,核心柜面系统主机提供有专门的远程拨号访问工具,但在DCC系统上线之后,该行核心系统均采用IBM RS6000P系列小型机,其不附带远程支持工具。此外,建行某市分行下属固定分支机构…  相似文献   

对当前主要的DSL接入技术进行了介绍,并结合企业内部分散用户的连网难题,提出了一种基于DSL接入技术的解决方案。充分利用企业内部现有的电话网络及设备,实现电话网络和计算机网络的无缝连接,并根据实际需要提供ADSL、ADSL2+等多种接入方式,将企业内部众多的分散用户有效地连入到企业网中。以较低的成本和较高的效率,实现了对企业网的快速扩展。  相似文献   

如今多数人都经常在办公室和家里访问Internet,但即使在家里,我们也常常需要访问工作单位的局域网或者通过单位的网络接入Internet。当我们出差在外时,这种需要更加突出。不少单位鼓励员工在家里工作,并为此配置了拨号路由器/服务器允许员工接入。但通常员工仍需承担电话拨号费用。回叫正是为了解决这个问题而产生的,是由拨号服务器接受拨号请求后反过来呼叫员工家庭电话号码,这样拨号费用由单位承担。  相似文献   

Usually, when an organization faces a crisis situation, the IS department suffers cutbacks in staff and systems development projects without any consideration for the adverse effects these actions might have on the departments ability to contribute to the organization's bottom line. This case study examines how one company - Bethlehem Steel Corp-facing its own business decline carefully restructured its IS department to operate more efficiently on its own and become a stronger, more profitable contributor so that it could help Bethlehem Steel successfully compete in the global steel market.  相似文献   

Usually, when an organization faces a crisis situation, the IS department suffers cutbacks in staff and systems development projects without any consideration for the adverse effects these actions might have on the departments ability to contribute to the organization's bottom line. This case study examines how one company – Bethlehem Steel Corp-facing its own business decline carefully restructured its IS department to operate more efficiently on its own and become a stronger, more profitable contributor so that it could help Bethlehem Steel successfully compete in the global steel market.  相似文献   

The computer department of the General Electric Corporation began with the winning of a single contract to provide a special purpose computer system to the Bank of America, and expanded to the development of a line of upward compatible machines in advance of the IBM System/360 and whose descendants still exist in 1995, to a highly successful time-sharing service, and to a process control business. Over the objections of the executive officers of the Company the computer department strived to become the number two in the industry but after fifteen years, to the surprise of many in the industry, GE sold the operation and got out of the competition to concentrate on other products that had a faster turn around on investment and a well established first or second place in their industry. This paper looks at the history of the GE computer department and attempts to draw some conclusions regarding the reasons why this fifteen year venture was not more successful, while recognizing that there were successful aspects of the operation that could have balanced the books and provided necessary capital for a continued business  相似文献   

社交网络已经成为现代人们在线交流并交换信息的重要途径之一。以国内的人人网为例,大量的年轻人,尤其是学生,以此为平台,相互讨论感兴趣的话题。人与人之间因为学习关系、工作关系、共同的兴趣等诸多因素关联起来;以大学生交流为主体的社交网则更有可能因为在相同院、系、所而关联在一起,从而呈现出社团结构。该文以人人网的真实数据,使用CNM算法来验证这一假设;同时,还利用社会网络的结构知识对CNM算法作了改进,提高了社团发现的精度。所挖掘的社团结构关系还表明,高校不同院系和学科形成的社团具有各自的特点。  相似文献   

介绍了一种烟道气中SO2在线检测系统,该系统可以实现24h不间断地监测烟道气中SO2的体积分数和质量浓度,同时将信息经网络传送给环保有关部门,具有一定的新颖性、可靠性、准确性。  相似文献   

Wildfires are a significant problem for power line maintenance that can lead to widespread power outages and economic loss in China. Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS) technologies and their derived applications are effective tools for power line surveillance and disaster prevention. Using multi-source data and remote-sensing techniques, a risk assessment of wildfire occurrence in high-voltage power line corridors in Hubei Province, China, is presented in this study. Both natural and human causes are considered in the assessment, including a traditional Chinese spring custom. Historical ignition points along power line corridors in Hubei Province that occurred from 2009 to 2014 were collected as training data to create a quantitative analysis. Next, a logistic regression model was applied, and ignition probability maps were produced for power lines. Several wildfire accidents that occurred in 2015 were used as validation data to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results indicated that the drought conditions significantly influenced wildfires as natural cause, and human activities play important roles in causing wildfires during specific time periods. The effectiveness and robustness of our method is thereby demonstrated, and our method can be used to provide valuable suggestions for wildfire management for the electrical department in Hubei Province.  相似文献   

The technological, professional, and intellectual context out of which the development of the continuous integraph or product integraph-as the immediate forerunner of Vannevar Bush's differential analyzer-evolved is outlined. In particular the affinity between transmission line research and teaching at MlT's electrical engineering department under Bush's guidance, on the one hand, and the creation of the product integraph for evaluating integrals, which resulted from the appropriate differential equations of the transmission problems, on the other hand, is detailed. I emphasize Bush's perception of promoting engineering by easing the applied mathematics in this field as it appeared in his contribution to the development of operational circuit analysis as an appropriate engineering mathematics as well as in creating analog machinery that was inspired by the formulation of transmission line problems in terms of that very operational methods after Oliver Heaviside  相似文献   

“Emergency medicine” is the front line of medical service a hospital provides; also it is the department people seek medical care from immediately after an emergency happens. The statistics by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, indicate that over years, the number of people at the emergency department has been increasing. The US has introduced and practiced the triage system in the emergency medicine in 1960, whereby to aid the emergency department in allocating the patients, to give them appropriate medical care by the fast decision of the nurses and doctors in case of the patients’ seriousness through their judgment.This study takes on the knowledge contained in the massive data of unknown characteristics in the triage database at a Taiwanese regional hospital, using the cluster analysis and the rough set theory as tools for data mining to extract, with the analysis software ROSE2 (Rough Sets Data Explorer) and through rule induction technique, the imprecise, uncertain and vague information of rules from the massive database, and builds the model that is capable of simplifying massive data while maintaining the accuracy in classifying rules. After analyzing and evaluating the knowledge obtained from relevant mining in the hospitals past medical data for the consumption of emergency medical resources, this thesis proposes suggestions as reference for the hospitals in subsequent elevation of medical quality and decrease in operative costs.  相似文献   

The growth of the Japanese steel industry has been supported by three factors: operation, equipment, and management technology. Computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) is the core of management technology. CIM's purpose is to improve production efficiency through computer integration of data covering the staff (design and production control) and management department as well as the production line process department (order entry, manufacturing, and shipment). In this paper, an overview of the Japanese steel industry's system development process is given and the steps taken in order to establish the CIM system are described. The organization, operation, and improvement of operational capability, along with marketing and production-related systems, are integrated. Furthermore, an integrated system model is given as a CIM conceptual model. In closing, reference is also made to the challenges facing CIM in the Japanese steel industry as well as future directions to be taken.  相似文献   

为了解决民航类专业学生及航司员工的教学及培训中无法明确了解飞机泊位系统原理和关键技术的问题,基于图像处理算法和模糊控制对飞机泊位模拟系统进行了研究,其中基于颜色识别的算法进行泊位线的提取,针对不同的颜色识别结果基于模糊控制决策表做出相应的飞机模型运动控制,在室外和室内环境下进行了实验,实验证明算法具备较高的可靠性,系统能够较好的完成飞机泊位引导过程的模拟。  相似文献   

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