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OFDM同步跟踪阶段的频偏估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OFDM对栽频偏差是很敏感的,因此不仅在同步的捕获阶段,而且在同步的跟踪阶段,精确的频偏估计是很重要的。文献[3]提出了一种简化的相干判决反馈的迭代算法来估计同步跟踪阶段的载频偏差,对于128个子载波、QPSK调制的OFDM系统,在多径衰落信道下,当频偏小于子载波间隔的15%时,频偏估计的标准方差小于1%,但是这个结果是在假设信道频率响应、定时偏差、载波相位等参数已知的条件下取得的,而当这些参数的估计存在误差时,由仿真结果可看出,频偏估计性能恶化了,因此,提出了采用差分判决反馈的频偏估计算法,虽然只能估计小于子载波间隔 8%的频偏,但差分判决反馈算法不需要知道信道的参数,由于在同步跟踪阶段,频偏一般都较小,因此采用差分判决反馈算法可以很好地估计出同步跟踪阶段的频率偏差。  相似文献   

In this letter, a blind joint carrier frequency offset and DC offset (DCO) estimator for OFDM systems is proposed. By exploiting the underlying subspace of the received OFDM signals after the time-domain-average based coarse DCO cancellation, the proposed estimator can achieve excellent performance, which is demonstrated by simulations.  相似文献   

一种新的OFDM系统载波频率偏移估计和跟踪方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对载波偏移使OFDM系统出现严重的子载波干扰和性能的下降,该文提出一种OFDM频偏估计和跟踪方案,载频捕获阶段频偏估计采用时域内插入等值导频的方法,载频跟踪阶段不需要导频,而是利用循环前缀来估计频率偏移并进行校正。仿真结果证实,该方案中导频辅助的频率偏移估计和载频跟踪不仅估计范围大,而且估计值准确,频偏校正后系统的性能能达到信道理想估计条件下的误比特率。  相似文献   

1 Introduction OrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1 ] .Byinsertingaguardin tervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix ,theInterSymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigat ed.OFDMwasadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting(DAB)system[2 ]andADSL (AsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop) [3]andwasalsoproposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[4] . OFDMsystemsareverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset,andcarrie…  相似文献   

频偏跟踪是影响到OFDM系统性能的关键技术之一。该文基于迟早门类型的锁相环,提出了一种新的适合于OFDM系统的频偏跟踪算法。研究表明,该算法既能在AWGN信道中也能在多径衰落信道中完成频偏跟踪工作。并且其低信噪比下的频偏跟踪性能比一般的频偏跟踪方法好几个数量级。如果系统对定时估计的要求不是特别高,该算法还能实现定时偏移和频率偏移的联合跟踪。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于判决反馈机制的信道估计方法,采用少量导频估计出初始信道信息,再从接收端检测出的符号中选取一组包含了少量错误的符号作为准导频,反馈到信道估计器,与初始的导频一起构成数量更多的导频序列,经过几次迭代,达到提高信道估计精度的目的。为提高初始估计的精度。信道估计采用了一种频域分集的方法。计算机仿真表明,在多径瑞利衰落信道下,本文的方法可以在较低的复杂度下有效地提高信道估计的精度,在MMSE接收条件下,系统具有良好的误比特率(BER)性能。  相似文献   

Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation for OFDM Systems with Null Subcarriers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An accurate estimation of carrier frequency offset (CFO) is a crucial task for orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems but should be performed with affordable computational complexity for practicality. In this paper, the authors derive two new estimation algorithms (one for the integer part and the other for the fractional part of CFO), each of which utilizes only one OFDM block with null subcarriers but offers improved accuracy and reduced complexity. The proposed estimator for fractional CFOs operates iteratively and is insensitive to the initial CFO. The other proposed estimator for integer CFOs employs a pseudonoise binary random sequence to assist in subcarrier arrangement and accurate estimation of the integer CFO. To demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methods, numerical results are provided from computer simulation and analysis, and comparisons are made with other existing methods in the literature.  相似文献   

正交频分复用(OFDM)系统受到时变信道的影响,产生载波间干扰(ICI),导致系统性能严重下降。消除ICI最有效的方法是频域均衡,但这需要准确的信道估计。基扩展模型(BEM)能够准确逼近时变信道,从而将对信道的估计转化为对少量模型参数的估计。然而,在使用导频符号对参数进行估计时,来自相邻非导频符号的ICI干扰,却严重影响了估计的准确性。为此,通过分析子载波所产生的ICI系数的变化特性,该文提出采用ICI自消除方法来减小参数估计中所存在的ICI项,以提高估计的准确性,从而改善时变信道估计与均衡的性能。仿真结果验证了该方法的有效性,相比单纯基于BEM的信道估计方法,能够得到更准确的时变信道,以及更好的ICI消除效果。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1~ 2 ,1 7] .Byinsertingaguardintervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix,theInter SymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigated .OFDMisadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting (DAB)sys tem[3] andAsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop(ADSL) [4] andisalso proposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[5] .OFDMsystemisverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset.Manymet…  相似文献   

在时变信道下正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,通过导频辅助,提出基于可变遗忘因子RLS(VFF-RLS)的载波频偏(CFO)估计改进算法。针对传统RLS(CFF-RLS)算法中遗忘因子无法同时满足CFO估计收敛速度和收敛精度的缺陷,本文设计了线性变化遗忘因子(LFF)和非线性变化遗忘因子(NLFF) 两种可变遗忘因子方案来提升CFO估计性能。仿真结果显示:在低信噪比的情形下,基于VFF-RLS算法的CFO估计性能明显优于基于CFF-RLS算法的CFO估计性能。  相似文献   

针对OFDM载波频偏与采样时偏的联合估计问题,提出了一种基于递推最小二乘(RLS)算法的新方法.该估计方法采用递推计算方式,能方便实时地更新偏差量的估计值.仿真结果表明,这一方法与现有的同类方法相比,在相同的信道条件下具有更优的估计性能.  相似文献   

李芳芳  郑建宏 《无线电工程》2005,35(11):14-16,34
在分析无线信道环境对OFDM系统影响的基础上,对目前该学术领域提出的多种同步算法进行了分析比较,探讨了数据辅助性估计的OFDM系统的同步过程,该过程包括符号同步、载波同步和采样率同步。该算法在时域上引入了一种更有效的导频方案,在此前提下,利用该PN序列的共轭对称性完成符号定时,然后通过一种基于PN的重复数据最大似然估计理论算法完成频偏估计。仿真结果证明,这种同步体制具有较好的同步精度。  相似文献   

OFDM系统上行链路的一种载波偏差估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析OFDM信号的特点,该文给出了OFDM系统上行链路的一种基于高倍钟采样的载波偏差估计算法.与采用循环前缀的载波偏差估计算法相比,该算法实现复杂度低,算法精度高,受用户子载波数目影响较小,适宜于多用户OFDM系统.计箅机仿真表明该算法具有优良的性能,优于采用循环前缀的载波偏差估计算法.  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are more sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) compared to the conventional single carrier systems. CFO destroys the orthogonality among subcarriers, resulting in inter-carrier interference (ICI) and degrading system performance. To mitigate the effect of the CFO, it has to be estimated and compensated before the demodulation. The CFO can be divided into an integer part and a fractional part. In this paper, we investigate a maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) for estimating the integer part of the CFO in OFDM systems, which requires only one OFDM block as the pilot symbols. To reduce the computational complexity of the MLE and improve the bandwidth efficiency, a suboptimum estimator (Sub MLE) is studied. Based on the hypothesis testing method, a threshold Sub MLE (T-Sub MLE) is proposed to further reduce the computational complexity. The performance analysis of the proposed T-Sub MLE is obtained and the analytical results match the simulation results well. Numerical results show that the proposed estimators are effective and reliable in both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-selective fading channels in OFDM systems.
Feng YangEmail:

In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, most of the conventional sampling frequency offset (SFO) estimation methods work under the assumption of time-invariant or slow time-variant channels. In mobile environment, the time-variant channel significantly degrades the accuracy of SFO estimation. To solve the problem, we first analyze the properties of time-variant channels. If terminal moves within some tens of the wavelength of radio frequency (RF) signal, channel path delay almost remains unchanged. For most practical OFDM systems, our analysis indicates that channel path delay can be regarded as unchanged during the interval of some tens of OFDM symbols in time-variant channels. Based on the analysis, we propose a novel SFO estimation method for pilot-aided OFDM systems. Different from the conventional methods, the proposed method estimates SFO by detecting the variation of the symbol timing error caused by SFO. The detection is finished by implementing correlation between the channel impulse responses (CIRs) estimated by different OFDM symbols. Performance of the proposed method is simulated and compared with that of two conventional post-FFT methods. Numerical results show that, the proposed SFO estimation method performs better than the conventional methods not only in time-variant channels, but also at low SNRs and large residual carrier frequency offsets (CFOs).  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of data-aided symbol timing and frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems is considered. A synchronization scheme based on a pilot symbol containing two identical parts obtained by transmitting BPSK data symbols on the even subcarriers and setting zero on the remaining subcarriers is proposed. In this case, if the number of subcarriers is sufficiently large, the pilot symbol can be modeled as a noncircular (NC) complex Gaussian random vector (CGRV). By exploiting the joint probability density function of NC-CGRVs, the joint maximum likelihood estimator for the parameters of interest is derived. Since its implementation complexity is high, a simpler synchronization scheme is obtained. Moreover, refined symbol timing and frequency offset estimators, that assure relevant performance in multipath channels, are proposed. T. Fusco was born in Naples, Italy, on March 22, 1977. She received the Dr. Eng. degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering from the Second University of Napoli in 2002. Since November 2002 she has been a Ph.D. student at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Napoli Federico II. Her current research and study interests lie in the area of statistical signal processing, with emphasis on parameter estimation problems in the context of OFDM communications. M. Tanda was born in Aversa, Italy, on July 15, 1963. He received the Dr. Eng. degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering in 1992, both from the University of Napoli Federico II. Since 1995, he has been an Appointed Professor of Signal Theory an the University of Napoli Fe-de-ri-co II. Moreover, he has been an Appointed Professor of Electrical Communications (from 1996 until 1997) and Telecommunication Systems (from 1997) at the Second University of Napoli. He is currently Associate Professor of Signal Theory at the University of Napoli Federico II. His research activity is in the area of signal detection and estimation, multicarrier, and multiple access communication systems.  相似文献   

频偏估计是正交频分复用(0FDM)系统域网(WIAN)的0FDM系统载波频偏产生的原因,阐述了一种用时域自相关实现频偏估计的算法原理及可行性,提出了相应的FPGA实现方案,并对实现过程中需要注意的一些问题做了说明.该方案基于IEEE 802.11a协议中的物理层帧结构,首先利用5至6个短符号进行复数自相关运算,然后将相关结果通过C0RDIC算法求得它的幅角,最后换算成归一化频偏.  相似文献   

This paper presents a practical low-density paritycheck (LDPC) coded OFDM system designed for the underwater acoustic channel with its attendant sparse multipath channel and Doppler effects. The carrier frequency offset (CFO) and channel state information (CSI) are assumed unavailable to both to the transmitter and the receiver. Several different receiver structures are considered, all of which perform CFO/channel estimation, detection and decoding in an iterative manner. The convergence behavior of the iterative receivers and their asymptotic performance are evaluated using the extrinsic information transfer (EXIT) chart method. OFDM receiver performance is further evaluated through simulations and field tests in shallow water.  相似文献   

郑来波  胡健栋 《电子学报》2006,34(1):127-130
在相干正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中为跟踪多径信道的实时变化通常在时频网格上插入导符号来进行信道估计.对利用这些导符号结合判决数据进行频率跟踪的算法作了进一步的研究.在时域和频域都重新推导了频偏的估计结果,经过合理近似,得到了时域最大似然估计的近似解;在频域推导了另一种形式的似然函数,得出了最大似然估计的解析表达式.新的频率跟踪算法降低了计算量,提高了频率同步的精确度.  相似文献   

刘元  彭端  陈楚 《通信技术》2008,41(2):20-21,24
文中分析了OFDM系统时钟采样频偏对系统性能的影响,提出了一种基于导频的OFDM时钟采样频偏最大似然估计新算法,新算法只需一个OFDM符号就能精确的估计采样频偏,理论分析和仿真表明,新算法在低信噪比条件下仍具有很好的性能.  相似文献   

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