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采用颗粒尺度直接数值模拟的方法进行超临界水中单个椭球颗粒强制对流模拟,在压强为23 MPa条件下,考虑了超临界水物性参数随温度变化特性,计算得到了不同工况下椭球颗粒在超临界水中的曳力系数和平均努赛尔数.在两种不同的边界条件下,即流化颗粒问题的固定墙边界和沉降颗粒问题的移动墙边界,比较和讨论了墙壁因子和颗粒纵横比对曳力系数和平均努赛尔数的影响.结果表明:曳力系数和平均努赛尔数随着墙壁因子和颗粒纵横比的增大而减小,与沉降颗粒相比,流化颗粒受墙壁因子的影响更大.超临界水中的曳力系数与平均努赛尔数和前人的经验公式计算值存在很大差距,因此提出了新的预测关联式. 相似文献
研究转鼓中颗粒物质流动层厚度随转速的变化能提供颗粒物性的重要信息.该文作者实验研究了几种不同尺寸和形状的颗粒物质在低速转鼓中的流动层厚度变化情况,从理论上分析了影响流动层厚度的主要因素.结果表明:流动层厚度受转鼓半径与颗粒直径的比值K、转速ω和剪切率(γ)的综合作用影响.在试验条件相同的条件下,钢球、沙粒、雾化铁粉和CuP粉4种颗粒物质的流动层厚度均与K成线性关系;剪切率(γ)越高的颗粒物质,其流动层越薄;随转速ω增加,流动层厚度呈增大趋势. 相似文献
金属空气电池是一种将化学能转化为电能的发电装置,与燃料电池类似,铝空电池是以铝板为阳极,空气中氧气为阴极的新型电源。空气电极是电池的核心部分。目前,国内对于中性电极寿命影响因素鲜有归纳和验证。本文围绕不同制备工艺进行对比验证,结果发现催化膜挤料0次+压制30次时电极表面不易起泡;催化膜中PTFE质量比≤20%时能获得较好的放电性能;合膜压力20MPa时,电极放电性能最佳,合膜时间随电极面积的增大适当延长;锰基碳复合空气电极不适合进行热处理。 相似文献
根据包钢无缝钢管厂芯棒镀铬的实际情况,简要介绍了镀铬的一些基本内容,主要分析了影响芯棒镀铬的因素和原因,提出了优化镀铬的解决办法。 相似文献
文章在回顾已有审计判断绩效研究成果的基础上,对审计判断绩效的影响因素进行了比较深入地探讨,认为审计判断绩效的影响因素主要包括审计人员、审计任务和审计环境等3类,并探讨了各类因素的具体内容。 相似文献
目的 了解临床护士职业紧张的现状及影响因素.方法 应用职业紧张量表修订版(OSI-R)对二级、三级甲等医院从事临床治疗工作的护理人员236名(临床护士组)及女性后勤管理人员189名(对照组)进行调查.结果 临床护士组职业任务、个体紧张反应得分高于对照组,有显著差异(p<0.05或p<0.01).临床护士紧张反应的主要影响因素是任务不适、任务冲突、责任感、自我保健、社会支持、理性处理.结论 临床护士暴露于较高的职业紧张因素水平,增强个体应对能力可降低紧张反应. 相似文献
通过理论分析找出了影响回转窑下料量的关键因素。实践中通过合理抬高窑尾档料圈高度、调整煅烧带长度和位置、改进挡火墙结构及调整窑内负压等措施,有效提高了回转窑下料量,解决了煅后料供给问题。 相似文献
YANG Gang WANG Youqin WANG Hailong JIN QiangResearch Center of Metallurgical Slag SBMCC Shanghai China 《Baosteel Technical Research》2011,5(2):24-26
The steel slag(SS) permeable concrete was prepared by SS.The influences of the aggregate-cement rate,the aggregate particle size,the water-cement rate,the admixture dosage and other factors on the permeability coefficient of SS permeable concrete were analyzed.The law of influence was also investigated.The study serves as a technological reference for the construction and design of SS permeable concrete. 相似文献
Dirk Durinck Peter Tom Jones Muxing Guo Frederik Verhaeghe Gert Heylen Roel Hendrickx Rik Baeten Bart Blanpain Patrick Wollants 《国际钢铁研究》2007,78(2):125-135
The microstructural evolution of the slag during the electric arc furnace (EAF) austenitic stainless steelmaking was investigated with respect to its effect on chromium recovery and slag foaming. Two distinct EAF types were followed up: (1) an eccentric bottom tapping furnace (EBTF) and (2) a spout tapping furnace (STF). Slag samples were collected from 36 industrial heats at three (EBTF) or five (STF) distinct moments in the process. The microstructure of the slag samples was characterised with electron probe microanalysis using energy dispersive spectroscopy (EPMA‐EDS) and X‐ray diffraction (XRD). From the microstructural analysis it is concluded that at the processing temperature the slag consists of a liquid slag matrix, two different types of metallic particles and MgO·(Al,Cr)2O3‐based spinel particles. The evolution of the microstructure is highlighted, the interactions between the phases are discussed and the effects of changing conditions on the slag microstructure are illustrated by thermodynamic calculations. Special attention is given to the effect of slag basicity on the activity of chromium oxide in the slag. It is shown that a thorough study of the microstructural evolution of the slag is instrumental to understanding and improving slag foaming and chromium recovery. 相似文献
简要介绍了昆钢炼钢厂钢渣的性质,选矿工艺流程,包括预处理、磁选精矿、尾矿深加工流程,具体分析了昆钢钢渣处理生产中出现的问题及解决方案,最后从经济效益、社会效益和环保效益分析了选矿设计的可行性。 相似文献
Metalloids normally get transferred at the interface of metal droplets passing through the slag system in the dropping zone and at the slag‐metal interface in the hearth zone in the lower region of a blast furnace. In these high temperature processes, the mass transport being the rate‐controlling factor, the viscosity of the slag system determines the kinetics of the refining reactions accompanied by mass and heat transfer at the metal droplets and slag interface. Slag systems generally possess random network structures comprising internal regions of weak ordering. The presence of these regions may result in non‐Newtonian behaviour of the slag. The rheological characteristics of a fluid relating to its network structure is expressed in terms of the indices consistency (k') and flow behaviour (n'). The extent of metalloids presence in hot metal is subjected to their residence time at the slag‐metal interface. The metal droplet descent through a surrounding fluid system has been studied and a co‐relation between drag Reynolds number and modified Reynolds number has been obtained. This correlation has been used to determine the drag velocity of a metal droplet falling through a slag system and the residence time distribution (RTD) of the metalloids at the slag‐metal interface in the lower region of the blast furnace. 相似文献
在冶炼硅钢时,残余的Ti元素会对硅钢最终的磁性能产生不利影响,因此在冶炼硅钢时要对Ti含量进行严格控制,尽可能降低Ti含量。文章共统计了60炉分为不同渣层厚度的硅钢中,在加入硅铁及铝铁后Ti含量数据,分析了有害元素Ti含量来源和增量。随着硅钢牌号的提高,硅钢中硅含量随之增加,导致硅铁合金加入量增加,Ti含量因此随之升高;同时减少渣层厚度,对于钢水终点Ti含量的控制有着至关重要的作用。 相似文献
钢锭冷凝过程二维数学模型及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文建立了钢锭冷凝过程的二维数学模型,采用了修正温度回升法、平均边界辐射热流、分区变时间步长等新方法。应用该模型对武钢C8412钢锭进行了计算,计算结果与实测值之间相对误差平均为0.98%。成功地制订了“C8412钢锭传搁时间表”。 相似文献
以鞍山钢铁集团公司中薄板坯连铸机为研究对象,利用商业软件CFX44对结晶器内钢水流场和传热凝固进行了数值模拟,主要研究了三孔浸入式水口的冶金特征及其对结晶器内钢水流场和温度场的影响。结果表明,采用三孔浸入式水口可以优化结晶器内钢水流场和温度场,稳定坯壳发育和成形,防止拉漏。 相似文献