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为能够估计出MIMO-OFDM系统的信道状态信息(CSI)又能充分利用系统频谱资源,提出了一种基于叠加训练序列的信道估计算法。该算法即将非随机训练序列叠加于信息序列之上,利用训练序列与信息序列的不相关特性,在没有带宽损失的情况下估计出信道参数。并对估计的均方误差性能进行了分析,讨论了训练序列的优化方案。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。 相似文献
本文提出了一种利用叠加弱能量的周期训练序列进行信道估计的线性最小均方误差(LMMSEE)算法.该方法不需要信道先验信息、不占用宝贵的带宽资源、计算量比常规LS方法更低.理论分析和计算机仿真表明:在训练序列周期比信道冲击响应长度大时,在较低的信噪比下,利用LMMSEE方法估计信道性能比LS方法更佳. 相似文献
分析了两跳中继网络在同信道干扰下的中断概率。在中继网络中,源节点广播信号至所有的中继节点,此时同信道干扰在中继节点或者目的节点处被引入。中继节点采用解码转发策略转发源节点的信号,而目的节点采用最大比合并技术接收来自中继节点的信号。最终推导了各种干扰情形下系统中断概率的闭合表达式。仿真结果表明,解析曲线和蒙特卡洛仿真曲线非常吻合,而同信道干扰在某些场合会对系统性能造成较大影响。分析结果对中继网络的系统设计和参数设置都有一定的参考意义。 相似文献
信道估计技术作为获得信道衰落信息的方法,是提高无线信道传输接收性能的关键技术。本文针对放大转发双向中继系统的时间选择性平坦衰落信道,利用信道在多普勒域的稀疏性进行压缩信道估计。相比于传统的线性估计方法,压缩信道估计考虑了信道的固有稀疏性,降低了导频的开销,改善了信道估计性能,提高了频谱利用率及系统吞吐量。文中通过对双向中继信道进行多普勒域的稀疏建模,仿真分析了信道估计性能随着导频数量增加、信噪比增加,得到不断改善;而不同的导频分布将影响观测矩阵的相关度,从而对信道估计产生影响。仿真表明,当导频随机分布时,信道估计效果最佳。同时,文中还仿真分析了最大多普勒频移对信道估计性能的影响。 相似文献
在瑞利多径衰落信道中,针对叠加训练序列正交频分复用系统的迭代接收机,提出了一种迭代信道估计方法.在迭代译码开始前,利用与数据符号同时发送的训序列得到信道估计初始值,并在每次迭代后利用更新的码字比特先验信息估计接收信号中的数据符号,计算更准确的信道估计值.理论分析给出了每次迭代后的信道估计值的均方误差性能.在多径衰落信道中,通过计算机仿真验证了该迭代信道估计方法的有效性和可靠性。 相似文献
与传统的时分/频分复用训练序列相比,采用叠加训练序列的传输方案可以有效地提高系统的频谱利用率。然而,叠加方案中训练序列与信息序列的相互干扰会造成系统性能的严重下降,如何有效消除信息干扰是提高信道估计性能的关键。该文针对时变衰落信道,首先提出一种新的基于一阶统计量信道估计算法。该算法利用基扩展模型(BEM)构建时变信道,通过时域分块平均的方法来抑制信息序列干扰。在此基础上,利用信息序列和训练序列经历相同信道衰落的特性,提出一种基于加权最小二乘(WLS)的迭代信道估计与检测方案。新方案利用 Kalman滤波检测器代替确定性最大似然(DML)检测器,将检测符号序列看作附加的“训练序列”用于信道估计,从而可以显著提高信道估计性能。仿真结果表明,新方案可以有效消除信息序列干扰,且性能和计算复杂度均优于现有的同类方案。 相似文献
信道状态信息(CSI)对于无线通信来说至关重要,而叠加训练序列的信道估计方法由于不占用额外的信号带宽和具有较高的估计精度而受到人们的注意。从接收信号的一阶统计量入手,并且在训练序列为PN序列下,利用循环To-eplitz矩阵的特性,得到了信道估计的算法。仿真实验的结果表明,这种算法不需要矩阵求逆、计算量小,估计精度高,有很大的实际应用前景。 相似文献
提出了一种新的基于叠加导频的信道估计算法。利用循环序列频域能量集中在某些频点上的特点,消除未知传输数据对导频的影响,将导频完全从接收数据中分离出来。在此基础之上,结合PN序列的自相关特性,在时域进行信道估计,进一步降低了噪声对导频的影响。仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比,该方法不但误码率和均方误差更低,而且还具有计算复杂度低、频带利用率高的特点。 相似文献
Eduardo Romero-Aguirre Roberto Carrasco-Alvarez Ramón Parra-Michel Aldo G. Orozco-Lugo Antonio F. Mondragón-Torres 《Journal of Signal Processing Systems》2013,70(2):105-123
Channel estimation based on superimposed training (ST) has been an active research topic around the world in recent years, because it offers similar performance when compared to methods based on pilot assisted transmissions (PAT), with the advantage of a better bandwidth utilization. However, physical implementations of such estimators are still under research, and only few approaches have been reported to date. This is due to the computational burden and complexity involved in the algorithms in conjunction with their relative novelty. In order to determine the suitability of the ST-based channel estimation for commercial applications, the performance and complexity analysis of the ST approaches is mandatory. This work proposes two full-hardware channel estimator architectures for a data-dependent superimposed training (DDST) receiver with perfect synchronization and nonexistent DC-offset. These architectures were described using Verilog HDL and targeted in Xilinx Virtex-5 XC5VLX110T FPGA. The synthesis results of such estimators showed a consumption of 3 % and 1 % of total slices available in the FPGA and frequencies operation over 160 MHz. They have also been implemented on a generic 90 nm CMOS process achieving clock frequencies of 187 MHz and 247 MHz while consuming 3.7 mW and 2.74 mW, respectively. In addition, for the first time, a novel architecture that includes channel estimation, training/block synchronization and DC-offset estimation is also proposed. Its fixed-point analysis has been carried out, allowing the design to produce practically equal performance to those achieved with the floating-point models. Finally, the high throughputs and reduced hardware consumptions of the implemented channel estimators, leads to the conclusion that ST/DDST can be utilized in practical communications systems. 相似文献
Channel Estimation for OFDM Modulated Two-Way Relay Networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Feifei Gao Rui Zhang Ying-Chang Liang 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,57(11):4443-4455
In this work, we introduce the model of employing orthogonal-frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) for transmission over time-dispersive channels in the two-way relay network (TWRN), where two source terminals exchange their information through a relay terminal using the amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying scheme. We propose a two-phase training protocol for the channel estimation, which is compatible with the two-phase data transmission scheme. In the first phase, the two source terminals send their individual training sequences concurrently to the relay, while in the second phase the relay amplifies the received training sequences and broadcasts them to both source terminals. We propose two different types of training methods as well as develop their corresponding channel estimation algorithms at each of the two source terminals. The first type of training is block based, for which we first estimate the cascaded source-relay-source channels, and then design algorithms to recover the individual channels between sources and relay. The second type of training is pilot-tone (PT) based, for which we propose to directly estimate the individual channels between sources and relay. Moreover, the identifiability issues on the nonambiguous estimate of the channels in both types of proposed training are carefully addressed. Finally, various numerical examples are presented to corroborate our analytical results. 相似文献
本文在序列叠加信道估计研究的基础上,以交织多址接入系统为模型,利用导频训练序列与信息序列不相关的特性在接收端估计出信道状态信息,并采用最大化有效信噪比的方法给出了训练序列与信息序列的最优功率分配策略.此外,本文讨论了不同统计特性的训练序列对信道估计性能的影响以及估计误差对信道容量的影响,通过仿真研究验证了相关的理论分析,并说明了本文功率分配算法较其它分配策略更有利于提高系统性能. 相似文献