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黄鸿 《中华纸业》2002,23(4):40-41
高强高强竹胶合板模板作为一种新型的建筑模板,具有重量轻,幅面大,耐水耐磨,表面平整光滑,易脱模,可重复使用达30次以上等优点。广泛使用在高层建筑及立交桥、高架桥、水电站大坝等施工现场混凝土模板上,还用作车箱底板、集装箱底板和包装箱板。在竹胶合模板的生产过程中必须使用一种表层纸,经浸渍耐水酚醛树脂后,覆盖在层压复合的席状竹板的表面和底面,再经热压机高温高压定型压板。这种生产工艺要求表层纸对定量、吸收性、抗张强度、湿强度、透气度等技术指标有一定的要求,尤其湿强度和吸收性对后续加工和产品质量影响更大。这…  相似文献   

学习<林业产业振兴规划(2010-2012)>,结合我国人造板、胶合板、单板年产量及林资源建设目标,估算出新产品旋切单板生产线的国内市场空间巨大,具有非常广阔的发展创新前景.  相似文献   

中密度纤维板人造薄木贴面工艺的研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
探讨对中纤板进行薄木贴面装饰的技术可行性。并且 ,针对贴面过程中易产生的透胶、显底色、表面裂纹等问题 ,对工艺方法、胶粘剂的选配及各种工艺参数进行了研究。结果表明 :采用聚醋酸乙烯乳液胶和脲醛树脂胶以不小于1的比例混合施胶 ,并加以一定的面粉为填充剂 ,基材表面用钛白粉或隐蔽剂处理后 ,在上胶量为120g/m2 ,热压力1 0~1 5MPa ,温度120±5℃ ,时间120~80s的条件下压制出来的贴面装饰板的性能指标达到国标GB/T15104 -94优等品的要求。  相似文献   

There is an immediate need to develop and adopt new treatment technologies for eliminating insect pest and tree pathogens from veneer logs moved in trade. This is largely due to the current phase-out of methyl bromide and the uncertainty associated with the efficacy of potential alternatives. Vacuum and steam in combination has a proven and reliable record for commercially sanitizing a variety of commodities, including cotton, spices and textiles among others. This study was designed to evaluate basic parameters of vacuum and steam application on five high value hardwood veneer log species in an effort to ascertain the feasibility of continued treatment development. Relative heating rates to log center, damage and value loss assessment due to treatment, and overall energy used during treatment were recorded for logs treated individually in a flexible polymer chamber. At 200 mm Hg vacuum, time to reach 56 °C for 30 min to core ranged from 17 to 29 h, depending on density and log diameter. End checking varied by species, but veneer sawn from logs was largely unaffected in terms of yield and value. Energy used during treatments ranged from 54 to 205 kWh for individual logs. Results suggest that vacuum and steam as a phytosanitary treatment for hardwood veneer logs has potential and should be explored further.  相似文献   

朱捷  周树华 《木工机床》2007,23(3):25-29
根据在14家单板生产企业调查得到的104起工伤事故数据统计资料,对企业的事故者性别、年龄及年龄段进行划分,目的在于了解各类事故的分布发生情况.并对事故原因以及事故的重点进行了分析;另外对单板生产机械一一旋切机的操作工人通过发放调查问卷的形式.问卷内容主要涉及人、机和环境三个方面,分析工人工作时的亲身感受和在工作过程中所发现的事故隐患的反映,探明导致各类事故发生的主要危险和事故发生的直接原因.以便进一步根据事故的性质及事故的直接原因,提出有针对性的事故防治措施,为企业设备的安全运行提供借鉴.  相似文献   

即墨黄酒煮糜工艺对挥发性物质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用溶剂辅助风味蒸发(solvent assisted flavor evaporation,SAFE)和顶空固相微萃取法(headspace solid-phase microextraction arrow,HS-SPME-ARROW)结合全二维气相色谱-飞行时间质谱技术(comprehensive two di-...  相似文献   

熬煮工艺对鳙鱼汤成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究不同熬煮工艺下鳙鱼汤的成分变化情况。以粗蛋白回收率、胶原蛋白、氨基酸态氮等为指标研究熬煮条件对鱼汤固形物含量以及营养风味的影响,并利用SDS-PAGE电泳对鱼汤及鱼渣蛋白组成进行分析。结果表明:熬煮工艺对鳙鱼汤营养成分影响显著。当鱼水质量比为1∶5.5,熬煮2.5h时,蛋白回收率可达到23%,该条件下制得的鱼汤营养风味品质较佳,鱼肉中的大部分水溶性蛋白和部分盐溶性蛋白溶出,胶原蛋白和氨基酸态氮的溶出趋于平衡。采用胶体磨均浆处理鱼渣替代传统的多级熬煮工艺,可使鱼汤中粗蛋白累积回收率达到45%以上。  相似文献   

煮制时间对卤牛肉出品率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究煮制时间对卤牛肉出品率的影响.结果显示,煮制时间越长,卤牛肉出品率越低,在煮制30min内,煮制时间对出品率影响较大,煮制30min后,影响趋于平缓.研究还发现,煮制时间对没加磷酸盐腌制肉块的出品率影响比加磷酸盐腌制过的肉块大.  相似文献   

An investigation on some constituents of the pigmented skins of two onion (Allium cepa) varieties, i.e. Feteel and Mokawar, was carried out. Differences were found between the two onion skina in their content of some components. The extraction conditions for obtaining maximum yields of pectic substances with ammonium oxalate as well as the characteristics of these substances were studied. The pectin of the Mokawar onion skins was found to be naturally low in methoxylated groups (4·27%) and contained arabinose, xylose, glucose, galactose and rhamnose as sugar components. That of the Feteel skins was relatively highly methoxylated (8·17%) and contained the same sugar components except for glucose. The partial acid hydrolysis of both pectins led to the formation of reductic acid and reductone.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung The production of plywood from previously compressed veneer allows to save up to 25% of glue, to halve the roughness of veneer and plywood and to press the plywood at a 22% lower pressure. However, the thickness of plywood reduces from 8.3 mm for uncompressed veneer to 6.4–8.0 mm for compressed veneer, and the density increases from 793 kg/m3 to 807–1005 kg/m3 accordingly.  相似文献   

The production of plywood from previously compressed veneer allows to save up to 25% of glue, to halve the roughness of veneer and plywood and to press the plywood at a 22% lower pressure. However, the thickness of plywood reduces from 8.3 mm for uncompressed veneer to 6.4–8.0 mm for compressed veneer, and the density increases from 793 kg/m3 to 807–1005 kg/m3 accordingly.  相似文献   

活性染料的水洗主要分为两个阶段,一是去除纤维表面浮色、盐和碱的脏洗阶段,第二是去除纤维内部浮色,以提供较好色牢度。分析了影响水洗效果的主要因素,包括染料的性质、电解质浓度、水洗温度、洗液pH值、织物带液量、水质和皂洗剂等。在传统水洗的基础上提出了全新的全沸洗工艺。实践证明,活性染料平幅全沸洗工艺可节水40%~50%,节约蒸汽20%~30%。  相似文献   

Juglans regia ) logs, measured during boiling water process under industrial conditions. The colour changes in sapwood and heartwood evolution were analysed according to the previous results obtained in laboratory. As it was expected, the sapwood color changes quickly during the first 10 hours and definitely after 30 hours of industrial treatment. Its colour is darker and redder. Heartwood behavior is quite different because its colour is changing slowly during the first 10 hours and important changes are occuring after the 39 first hours. These mean results were obtained on the four logs studied. This work precise the particular behavior of the color of wood during boiling and the efficient method used. This study may be used by industries, which are concerned by heating treatment before slicing, and applied to other species.
Juglans regia ), die w?hrend der Behandlung in kochendem Wasser bei Industriebedingungen entstehen. Die Verf?rbungen im Splint- und Kernholz wurden analysiert unter Verwendung früherer Ergebnisse aus Laboruntersuchungen. Wie erwartet erfolgt die Verf?rbung im Splintholz rasch w?hrend der ersten 10 Stunden. Nach 30 Stunden wird ein Endwert erreicht. Die farbe wird dunkler und r?tlicher. Die Farb?nderungen im Kernholz verlaufen ander; sie beginnen sehr langsam w?hrend der ersten 10 Stunden und deutliche Farb?nderungen finden erst nach 39stündigem Kochen statt Die Ergebnisse werden als Mittel aus vier Rundh?lzern genommen. Sie pr?zisieren die spezielle Verf?rbungw?hrend des Kochens. Die verwendete Methode erwies sich als effektiv. Die Untersuchung k?nnte verwendet werden in Industrieprozessen, in welchen Erhitzen oder D?mpfen vor der Auftrennung des Holzes eingesetzt wird. Die Ergebnisse k?nnen auch auf andere Holzartn übertragen werden.

For an efficient wort boiling process, a homogenous wort treatment is important. In this publication a new method for quantifying wort homogeneity is proposed. A differential equation for wort heating was formulated, which was validated by temperature measurements during the heating process. The ratio between calculation and measurements quantifies wort homogeneity. Knowing this parameter leads to a better prediction of the different reactions and processes of wort boiling. Copyright © 2015 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

通过计算机建模方式综合考虑了装刀高度、单板厚度及起始半径等初始参数,采用OpenGL设计了一个Windows程序来计算第二类刀架上旋切后角并反映其变化情况,这可以为设计旋切机刀架提供依据,为合理调整偏心距,提高旋切单板质量提供新的方法。  相似文献   

阐述了酱油生产中淋浇工艺的特点及合理性,并提出利用淋浇工艺的具体要求。  相似文献   

介绍了单板节子快速检测的研究现状,为进一步开发新的单板节子快速检测方法提供了参考.  相似文献   

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