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This paper should not be only regarded as a presentation of new shell elements but rather as a methodology which can be applied to most classical shell elements and has two aims: Achieving the same results in bending cases while breaking from plane stress state hypothesis and adding a normal stress component for process simulations such as hydro‐forming, hemming, sheet metal forming with bottoming, flanging, incremental forming and so on. Owing to the non‐linear applications quoted before, only shell elements with one integration point on the mid‐plane are selected: Triangles that are naturally constant strain elements and reduced integration quadrilaterals. The method mainly consists of adding a central node at the center (of gravity for a triangle) with two degrees of freedom: Two translations normal to the mid‐surface for which one corresponds to the bottom surface (‘lower skin’ of the shell) and the other to the top surface (‘upper skin’ of the shell). Then a full 3D constitutive strain–stress behavior can be used. For triangles in bending state—either based on Kirchhoff's or on Mindlin's assumptions—, it is shown that the results are exactly the same as those given by the initial formulation of these elements using a plane stress hypothesis. For quadrilaterals, the results are slightly different but many numerical examples—including non‐linear computations—prove that those differences are not significant. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents the finite rotation exact geometry (EG) 12‐node solid‐shell element with 36 displacement degrees of freedom. The term ‘EG’ reflects the fact that coefficients of the first and second fundamental forms of the reference surface and Christoffel symbols are taken exactly at each element node. The finite element formulation developed is based on the 9‐parameter shell model by employing a new concept of sampling surfaces (S‐surfaces) inside the shell body. We introduce three S‐surfaces, namely, bottom, middle and top, and choose nine displacements of these surfaces as fundamental shell unknowns. Such choice allows one to represent the finite rotation higher order EG solid‐shell element formulation in a very compact form and to derive the strain–displacement relationships, which are objective, that is, invariant under arbitrarily large rigid‐body shell motions in convected curvilinear coordinates. The tangent stiffness matrix is evaluated by using 3D analytical integration and the explicit presentation of this matrix is given. The latter is unusual for the non‐linear EG shell element formulation. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this contribution a new finite element is presented for the simulation of delamination growth in thin‐layered composite structures. The element is based on a solid‐like shell element: a volume element that can be used for very thin applications due to a higher‐order displacement field in the thickness direction. The delamination crack can occur at arbitrary locations and is incorporated in the element as a jump in the displacement field by using the partition of unity property of finite element shape functions. The kinematics of the element as well as the finite element formulation are described. The performance of the element is demonstrated by means of two examples. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the recent years, solid‐shell finite element models which possess no rotational degrees of freedom and applicable to thin plate/shell analyses have attracted considerable attention. Development of these elements are not straightforward. Shear, membrane, trapezoidal, thickness and dilatational lockings must been visioned. In this part of this paper, a novel eight‐node solid‐shell element is proposed. To resolve the shear and trapezoidal lockings, the assumed natural strain (ANS) method is resorted to. The hybrid‐stress formulation is employed to rectify the thickness and dilatational locking. The element is computationally more efficient than the conventional hybrid elements by adopting orthogonal‐assumed stress modes and enforcing admissible sparsity in the flexibility matrix. Popular benchmark tests are exercised to illustrate the efficacy of the elements. In Part II of the paper, the element will be generalized for smart structure modelling by including the piezoelectric effect. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents eight‐node solid‐shell elements for geometric non‐linear analysis of elastic shells. To subdue shear, trapezoidal and thickness locking, the assumed natural strain method and an ad hoc modified generalized laminate stiffness matrix are employed. A selectively reduced integrated element is formulated with its membrane and bending shear strain components taken to be constant and equal to the ones evaluated at the element centroid. With the generalized stresses arising from the modified generalized laminate stiffness matrix assumed to be independent from the ones obtained from the displacement, an extended Hellinger–Reissner functional can be derived. By choosing the assumed generalized stresses similar to the assumed stresses of a previous solid element, a hybrid‐stress solid‐shell element is formulated. Commonly employed geometric non‐linear homogeneous and laminated shell problems are attempted and our results are close to those of other state‐of‐the‐art elements. Moreover, the hybrid‐stress element converges more readily than the selectively reduced integrated element in all benchmark problems. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a triangular thin flat shell element without rotation degrees of freedom is proposed. In the Kirchhoff hypothesis, the first derivative of the displacement must be continuous because there are second‐order differential terms of the displacement in the weak form of the governing equations. The displacement is expressed as a linear function and the nodal rotation is defined using node‐based smoothed finite element method. The rotation field is approximated using the nodal rotation and linear shape functions. This rotation field is linear in an element and continuous between elements. The curvature is defined by differentiating the rotation field, and the stiffness is calculated from the curvature. A hybrid stress triangular membrane element was used to construct the shell element. The penalty technique was used to apply the rotation boundary conditions. The proposed element was verified through several numerical examples.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the extension of a recently proposed reduced integration eight‐node solid‐shell finite element to large deformations. The element requires only one integration point within the shell plane and at least two integration points over the thickness. The possibility to choose arbitrarily many Gauss points over the shell thickness enables a realistic and efficient modeling of the non‐linear material behavior. Only one enhanced degree‐of‐freedom is needed to avoid volumetric and Poisson thickness locking. One key point of the formulation is the Taylor expansion of the inverse Jacobian matrix with respect to the element center leading to a very accurate modeling of arbitrary element shapes. The transverse shear and curvature thickness locking are cured by means of the assumed natural strain concept. Further crucial points are the Taylor expansion of the compatible cartesian strain with respect to the center of the element as well as the Taylor expansion of the second Piola–Kirchhoff stress tensor with respect to the normal through the center of the element. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper a new reduced integration eight‐node solid‐shell finite element is presented. The enhanced assumed strain (EAS) concept based on the Hu–Washizu variational principle requires only one EAS degree‐of‐freedom to cure volumetric and Poisson thickness locking. One key point of the derivation is the Taylor expansion of the inverse Jacobian with respect to the element center, which closely approximates the element shape and allows us to implement the assumed natural strain (ANS) concept to eliminate the curvature thickness and the transverse shear locking. The second crucial point is a combined Taylor expansion of the compatible strain with respect to the center of the element and the normal through the element center leading to an efficient and locking‐free hourglass stabilization without rank deficiency. Hence, the element requires only a single integration point in the shell plane and at least two integration points in thickness direction. The formulation fulfills both the membrane and the bending patch test exactly, which has, to the authors' knowledge, not yet been achieved for reduced integration eight‐node solid‐shell elements in the literature. Owing to the three‐dimensional modeling of the structure, fully three‐dimensional material models can be implemented without additional assumptions. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel reduced integration eight‐node solid‐shell finite element formulation with hourglass stabilization is proposed. The enhanced assumed strain method is adopted to eliminate the well‐known volumetric and Poisson thickness locking phenomena with only one internal variable required. In order to alleviate the transverse shear and trapezoidal locking and correct rank deficiency simultaneously, the assumed natural strain method is implemented in conjunction with the Taylor expansion of the inverse Jacobian matrix. The projection of the hourglass strain‐displacement matrix and reconstruction of its transverse shear components are further employed to avoid excessive hourglass stiffness. The proposed solid‐shell element formulation successfully passes both the membrane and bending patch tests. Several typical examples are presented to demonstrate the excellent performance and extensive applicability of the proposed element. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents a versatile low order locking‐free mixed solid‐shell element that can be readily employed for a wide range of linear elastic structural analyses, that is, from thick isotropic structures to multilayer anisotropic composites. This solid‐shell element has eight nodes with only displacement degrees of freedom and few assumed stress parameters that provide very accurate interlaminar stress calculations through the element thickness. These elements can be stacked on top of each other to model multilayer structures, fulfilling the interlaminar stress continuity at the interlayer surfaces and zero traction conditions on the top and bottom surfaces of the laminate. The element formulation is based on the well‐known Fraeijs de Veubeke–Hu–Washizu mixed variational principle with enhanced assumed strains formulation and assumed natural strains formulation to alleviate the different types of locking phenomena in solid‐shell elements. The distinct feature of the present formulation is its ability to accurately calculate the interlaminar stress field in multilayer structures, which is achieved by the introduction of a constraint equation on the interlaminar stresses in the Fraeijs de Veubeke–Hu–Washizu principle‐based enhanced assumed strains formulation. The intelligent computer coding of the present formulation makes the present element appropriate for a wide range of structural analyses. To assess the present formulation's accuracy, a variety of popular numerical benchmark examples related to element convergence, mesh distortion, and shell and laminated composite analyses are investigated and the results are compared with those available in the literature. These benchmark examples reveal that the proposed formulation provides very good results for the structural analysis of shells and multilayer composites. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An isogeometric solid‐like shell formulation is proposed in which B‐spline basis functions are used to construct the mid‐surface of the shell. In combination with a linear Lagrange shape function in the thickness direction, this yields a complete three‐dimensional representation of the shell. The proposed shell element is implemented in a standard finite element code using Bézier extraction. The formulation is verified using different benchmark tests. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In Part I of the paper, a hybrid‐stress‐assumed natural strain eight‐node solid‐shell element immune to shear, membrane, trapezoidal, thickness and dilatational lockings has been developed. Moreover, the element computational cost is reduced by enforcing admissible sparsity in the flexibility matrix. In this part of the paper, the solid‐shell element is generalized to a piezoelectric solid‐shell element. Using the two solid‐shell elements, smart structures with segmented piezoelectric sensors and actuators can be conveniently modelled. A number of problems are studied and comparisons with other ad hoc element models for smart structure modelling are presented. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work the recently proposed Reduced Enhanced Solid‐Shell (RESS) finite element, based on the enhanced assumed strain (EAS) method and a one‐point quadrature integration scheme, is extended in order to account for large deformation elastoplastic thin‐shell problems. One of the main features of this finite element consists in its minimal number of enhancing parameters (one), sufficient to circumvent the well‐known Poisson and volumetric locking phenomena, leading to a computationally efficient performance when compared to other 3D or solid‐shell enhanced strain elements. Furthermore, the employed numerical integration accounts for an arbitrary number of integration points through the thickness direction within a single layer of elements. The EAS formulation comprises an additive split of the Green–Lagrange material strain tensor, making the inclusion of nonlinear kinematics a straightforward task. A corotational coordinate system is used to integrate the constitutive law and to ensure incremental objectivity. A physical stabilization procedure is implemented in order to correct the element's rank deficiencies. A variety of shell‐type numerical benchmarks including plasticity, large deformations and contact are carried out, and good results are obtained when compared to well‐established formulations in the literature. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we develop an isogeometric non‐uniform rational B‐spline (NURBS)‐based solid‐shell element for the geometrically nonlinear static analysis of elastic shell structures. A single layer of continuous 3D elements through the thickness of the shell is considered, and the order of approximation in that direction is chosen to be equal to two. A complete 3D constitutive relation is assumed. The objective is to develop a highly accurate low‐order element for coarse meshes. We propose an extension of the mixed method of Bouclier et al. [11] to deal with locking in the context of large rotations and large displacements. The main idea is to modify the interpolation of the average through the thickness of the stress components. It is also necessary to stabilize the element in order to avoid the occurrence of spurious zero‐energy modes. This was achieved, for the quadratic version, through the adjunction of artificial elementary stabilization stiffnesses. The result is an element of order 2, which is at least as accurate as standard NURBS shell elements of order 4. Linear and nonlinear test calculations have been carried out along with comparisons with other published NURBS and classical techniques in order to assess the performance of the element. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, a shell element for small and large deformations is presented based on the extension of the methodology to derive triangular shell element without rotational degrees of freedom (so‐called rotation‐free). As in our original triangular S3 element, the curvatures are computed resorting to the surrounding elements. However, the extension to a quadrilateral element requires internal curvatures in order to avoid singular bending stiffness. The quadrilateral area co‐ordinates interpolation is used to establish the required expressions between the rigid‐body modes of normal nodal translations and the normal through thickness bending strains at mid‐side. In order to propose an attractive low‐cost shell element, the one‐point quadrature is achieved at the centre for the membrane strains, which are superposed to the bending strains in the centred co‐rotational local frame. The membrane hourglass control is obtained by the perturbation stabilization procedure. Free, simply supported and clamped edges are considered without introducing virtual nodes or elements. Several numerical examples with regular and irregular meshes are performed to show the convergence, accuracy and the reasonable little sensitivity to geometric distortion. Based on an updated Lagrangian formulation and Newton iterations, the large displacements of the pinched hemispherical shell show the effectiveness of the proposed simplified element (S4). Finally, the deep drawing of a square box including large plastic strains with contact and friction completes the ability of the rotation‐free quadrilateral element for sheet‐metal‐forming simulations. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Accuracy and efficiency are the main features expected in finite element method. In the field of low‐order formulations, the treatment of locking phenomena is crucial to prevent poor results. For three‐dimensional analysis, the development of efficient and accurate eight‐node solid‐shell finite elements has been the principal goal of a number of recent published works. When modelling thin‐ and thick‐walled applications, the well‐known transverse shear and volumetric locking phenomena should be conveniently circumvented. In this work, the enhanced assumed strain method and a reduced in‐plane integration scheme are combined to produce a new eight‐node solid‐shell element, accommodating the use of any number of integration points along thickness direction. Furthermore, a physical stabilization procedure is employed in order to correct the element's rank deficiency. Several factors contribute to the high computational efficiency of the formulation, namely: (i) the use of only one internal variable per element for the enhanced part of the strain field; (ii) the reduced integration scheme; (iii) the prevention of using multiple elements' layers along thickness, which can be simply replaced by any number of integration points within a single element layer. Implementation guidelines and numerical results confirm the robustness and efficiency of the proposed approach when compared to conventional elements well‐established in the literature. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Eighteen‐node solid‐shell finite element models have been developed for the analysis of laminated composite plate/shell structures embedded with piezoelectric actuators and sensors. The explicit hybrid stabilization method is employed to formulate stabilization vectors for the uniformly reduced integrated 18‐node three‐dimensional composite solid element. Unlike conventional piezoelectric elements, the concept of the electric nodes introduced in this paper can effectively eliminate the burden of constraining the equality of the electric potential for the nodes lying on the same electrode. Furthermore, the non‐linear distribution of electric potential in the piezoelectric layer is expressed by introducing internal electric potential, which not only can simplify modelling but also obtains the same as the exact solution. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Compared to the large number of curved quadrilateral degenerated‐ and solid‐shell elements, there are only a very few curved triangular degenerated‐ and solid‐shell elements. Based on the assumed natural strain sampling scheme previously developed for a quadratic degenerated‐shell element for linear analysis, this paper devises geometric non‐linear six‐node degenerated‐shell and twelve‐node solid‐shell elements. Both elements can be curved and are only equipped with the standard nodal d.o.f.s. Careful consideration has been exercised to circumvent various locking phenomena that plague degenerated‐ and solid‐shell elements. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate their efficacy. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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