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中国风电CDM项目经济性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国风电项目开发的主要障碍在于投资不足和融资风险相对较高。分析中国风电项目融资中的问题.对促进我国风电行业发展具有前瞻意义。文中通过构造并网型风电项目案例,讨论了项目经济性评估以及CDM合格性认定中存在的典型问题,提出了综合考虑国家政策和国际CDM资金的并网风电类项目的评价模式,以期能对中国风电行业发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model of a wind power plant for isolated locations composed of a vertical axis wind turbine connected to a self-excited induction generator operating at constant voltage and frequency; a back-up diesel generator and a battery system are moreover included in the system. Constant voltage and frequency are obtained only by controlling the generator appropriately. The control system is supposed to be optimised so that the system operates at the highest efficiency. In order to improve the total efficiency even further, a gear-box to vary the gear transmission ratio between the turinbe and the generator has been considered. A “Monte Carlo” type simulation has been used to analyse the operation of that system over a one year period. The model is based on a probability density function of the wind speed derived by statistical data concerning a given location and on the probabilistic curve of the load required by an isolated location. The cost per kWh for different dimensions of the main components has been evaluated and the optimum configuration has been identified.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to quantify the cost of the provision of voltage control by wind power generation. A methodology for evaluating the economic impact of providing different types of voltage control is proposed. This evaluation examines the increase in costs caused by the change in active power losses due to the provision of wind farms voltage control. These losses are computed for different controllers: (a) wind farms are operated at a fixed power factor, (b) wind farms provide proportional voltage control, and (c) wind farms provide reactive power to minimize power losses. Furthermore, these three possibilities are compared with the option of adding flexible alternating current transmission system devices, which are another alternative for supporting the grid by controlling voltage. The methodology outlined is applied to a real and representative Spanish wind harvesting network. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

肖劲松 《太阳能》2005,(5):44-46
本文介绍的型式认证和风电场认证是依据国际电工委员会IECWT01:2001标准风电机组合格测试与认证体系规则及程序。型式认证的步骤包括设计评估、生产评估、质量管理评估以及型式实验。风电场认证是在型式认证完成后进行,包括场地评估、基础设计评估、安装评估(可选)一旦型式认证和风电场认证的相关工作完成后将签发认证证书。  相似文献   

Present day wind turbines (large blade Props on Pole or POPs) have continued to evolve to ever larger sizes requiring massive blades, gearboxes or large, complex customized generators. This continuous increase in size has subsequently increased the costs and complexity of manufacturing, transporting, constructing and maintaining these systems. In this article, Alfred L. Weisbrich, ENECO Texas LLC, USA discusses an alternative wind power technology design, the Wind Amplified Rotor Platform (WARPTM) which uses many identical smaller vertically integrated modules as opposed to one large generator. The modular design can be easily and relatively inexpensively volume produced and implemented both in traditional electric utility scale wind farms as well as in marine based offshore wind farms sites.  相似文献   

针对冬季供热期我国北方地区因电网风电接纳能力不足导致的严重弃风问题,研究了电力市场背景下采用蓄热式电采暖提高电网风电消纳规模的经济性评估问题,考虑弃风电量、弃风电价等因素影响,建立了弃风蓄热式电采暖系统的经济性评估模型,分析了影响蓄热式电采暖系统经济性的关键因素。结合某清洁供暖示范工程进行算例分析,分析了协定弃风电价对系统经济性的影响,对所提出的经济性评估模型的有效性进行验证,为蓄热式电采暖可行性分析奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

第三讲风力发电用的发电机及风力发电系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
风能是我国目前开发利用比较成熟的一种新能源,风电事业正在我国蓬勃发展.为了帮助读者了解风力发电知识,我们请长期从事风力发电研究工作的中国科学院电工研究所倪受元研究员撰写了<风力发电>讲座,以飨读者.  相似文献   

Offshore wind offers a very large clean power resource, but electricity from the first US offshore wind contracts is costlier than current regional wholesale electricity prices. To better understand the factors that drive these costs, we develop a pro-forma cash flow model to calculate two results: the levelized cost of energy, and the breakeven price required for financial viability. We then determine input values based on our analysis of capital markets and of 35 operating and planned projects in Europe, China, and the United States. The model is run for a range of inputs appropriate to US policies, electricity markets, and capital markets to assess how changes in policy incentives, project inputs, and financial structure affect the breakeven price of offshore wind power. The model and documentation are made publicly available.  相似文献   

风 风能 风力发电——21世纪新型清洁能源   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
一风的一般属性1风的形成风是人们非常熟悉的一种自然现象,人人都能感觉到它的存在。春风和煦,给万物带来生机;夏风吹拂,使人心旷神怡;秋风送爽,带来丰收的喜悦;冬风呼啸,迎来漫天飞雪。那么风是怎样形成的呢?众所周知,人类生活的地球表面被大气所包围,来自太阳的辐射不断传送到地球表面,因太阳辐射受热情况不同,地球表面各处的气温不同。在影响气压高低的因素中,气温起着最重要的作用。温度高的地区空气受热上升,气压减小;温度低的地方,空气下降,气压增大,于是产生了气压差。和水往低处流一样,空气也从气压高处向气压…  相似文献   

Though wind power predictions have been consistently improved in the last decade, persistent reasons for remaining uncertainties are sudden large changes in wind speed, so-called ramps. Here, we analyse the occurrence of ramp events in a wind farm in Eastern Germany and the performance of a wind power prediction tool in forecasting these events for forecasting horizons of 15 and 30 min. Results on the seasonality of ramp events and their diurnal cycle are presented for multiple ramp definition thresholds. Ramps were found to be most frequent in March and April and least frequent in November and December. For the analysis, the wind power prediction tool is fed by different wind velocity forecast products, for example, numerical weather prediction (NWP) model and measurement data. It is shown that including observational wind speed data for very short-term wind power forecasts improves the performance of the power prediction tool compared to the NWP reference, both in terms of ramp detection and in decreasing the mean absolute error between predicted and generated wind power. This improvement is enhanced during ramp events, highlighting the importance of wind observations for very short-term wind power prediction.  相似文献   

风电的分散式开发不同于大规模开发和分布式开发,由于分散风电靠近负荷中心,直接接入配电网,且不加装无功补偿调节装置SVC,配网中较大的电压波动给分散风电的并网运行带来影响。文章讨论了配网对分散风电的电压控制特点和要求,结合风电机组无功控制能力,并推导出满足配网电压调节要求的风电机组无功控制范围和对机组设备的要求。  相似文献   

论述了风电容量在占局部电网相当比例时,风电机组的无功功率调整与电网电压之间的关系,对于定速和变速风电机组的运行特性做了分析,提出了在需要做无功功率调整时风电机组应能满足的特殊要求。  相似文献   

Simulation of hourly wind speed and array wind power   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Statistical summaries of wind speed are sufficient to compute many characteristics of turbine-generated power, such as the mean, variance and reliability of various power levels. However, a wind speed time series is necessary to produce a sequence of power values as used for investigating load matching and storage requirements. Since a long historical record of wind speed may not be available at a wind turbine candidate site, it is desirable to be able to generate a simulated numerical sequence of hourly wind speed values. Two such approximate procedures are developed in this paper. One procedure generates sequential wind speed values at a site based on the Weibull parameters of hourly wind speed and the lag-one autocorrelation of hourly wind speed values. Comparison with historical data at a site is made. The second procedure generates sequential hourly wind power values for a regional array of wind turbines. It utilizes the typical site wind characteristics, the spatial and lag-one cross correlation and autocorrelation of hourly wind speed values and an equivalent linearized relationship between array average wind speed and array power. Comparison with results for six different wind turbines in three different regional arrays indicates good agreement for wind power histograms, autocorrelation function and mean persistence.  相似文献   

比利时目前现有的鼓励政策仅限于独立风力发电制造商和小于10MW的项目。人们期盼着一个新的适用于比利时两个主要风区的绿色证书交易和具有罚款性质的可再生能源定额政策尽快出台。丹麦1国家制订了(企业)强制购买风电的政策。2风电馈入税率目前是0.33丹麦马克/kWh(4美分/kWh),加上绿色证书0.1丹麦马克/kWh~0.27丹麦马克/kWh(1~3.3美分/kWh),适用于风力发电机组运行4.2万小时(大约10年)。对于HornsRev项目和Rodstand计划,政府已出台了0.453丹麦马克/kWh(5.5美分/kWh)的税率。运…  相似文献   

Economic environmental dispatch (EED) is a significant optimization problem in electric power system. With more wide spread use of wind power, it is necessary to include wind energy conversion system (WECS) in the EED problem. This paper presents a model to solve the EED problem incorporating wind power. In addition to the classic EED factors, the factors accounting for overestimation and underestimation of available wind power in both economic and environmental aspects are also considered. In order to obtain some quantitative results, the uncertain characteristic of available wind power and the performance of WECS are determined on the basis of the statistical characteristic of wind speed. The optimization problem is numerically solved by a scenario involving two conventional generators and two wind-powered generators. The results demonstrate that the allocation of system generation capacity may be influenced by multipliers related to the cost for overestimation and underestimation of available wind power, and by the multiplier related to the emissions for underestimation of available wind power. Nevertheless, the multiplier related to the emissions for overestimation of available wind power has little impact on the allocation. Taking account of economic factors, environmental factors and impacts of wind power penetration, the proposed EED model is beneficial to finding the right balance between radical and conservative strategy for wind power development.  相似文献   

庞彩霞  黄晖 《太阳能》2004,(3):45-45
宽阔平坦的旷野上,随着一排排风车轻轻转动,巨大的电能沿着输电线路流向千家万户……这就是国家大力提倡发展的新型能源——风力发电的情景。当人们还难于将这种迷人的风力发电场景与广东拉上关系的时候,却传来全国目前装机容量最大的风电场项目建设在广东正式启动的消息:2004年3月21日,由粤电集团中标的全国首批风电特许经营权示范项目之一——广东惠来石碑山风电场项目机组设备合同签字仪式在粤举行,这标志着能源短缺的广东风电市场开发拉开了大幕。  相似文献   

第六讲 风力发电的现状和展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
倪受元 《太阳能》2001,(3):14-17
风能是我国目前开发利用比较成熟的一种新能源,风电事业正在我国蓬勃发展。为了帮助读者了解风力发电知识,我们请长期从事风力发电研究工作的中国科学院电工研究所倪受元研究员撰写了《风力发电》讲座以飨读者。———编者  相似文献   

沈德昌 《太阳能》2003,(2):36-36
截止2002年底,全世界已有10个近海风力发电站投入运行。早期的近海风力发电站规握较小,而且建在浅水区或隐蔽的海湾水区,算不上是海上风电站。2000年,英国的布莱斯(Blyth) 近海风力发电站并网发电,这个3.8MW的发电站完全暴露在北海之中,成为真正的海上风力发电站。此后,海上风力发电站的发展速度明显加快,仅2001年一年就增加了60.5MW。2002年,丹麦最新  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of the prospects of reducing the cost of wind-generated electricity. Special attention has been paid to the dynamic development of wind turbines, i.e. development based on experience gained in the production and use of wind turbines. Historical and future cost reductions associated with wind turbines are described using experience curves. The results of the analysis show that although the experience curve for wind turbines indicates relatively moderate cost reductions there is potential for considerable cost reductions in wind-generated electricity. This is due to the fact that the cost of wind-generated electricity will be affected by improved performance and reduced operating and maintenance costs, in addition to the reduction in cost of wind turbines. The results show that the average cost of wind-generated electricity will almost be reduced by half by the year 2020, assuming an annual market growth of 15–20%.  相似文献   

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