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A chemiluminescent ozone monitor using the ozone-ethylene reaction has been adapted for measuring unsaturated hydrocarbons. The only change in the monitor was a replacement of the ethylene supply system with an electric discharge ozone source. Chemiluminescence was detected for all olefin-ozone reactions studied, including ethylene, substituted ethylenes (vinyl fluoride, chloride and cyanide), propylene, the butenes, 1,3-butadiene and several higher olefins. The intensity of chemiluminescence differed for the different olefins and appeared related to the ozone-olefin reaction rate. Saturated hydrocarbons and aromatics did not give a response. The minimum detectability for ethylene was 0.003 ppm and this value was somewhat lower for the higher olefins.Several important implications of the findings are discussed. These include the development of a more sensitive ozone monitor and the application of a total olefin monitor for the measurement of reactive hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

The interaction of ozone with eight different building products was studied in test chambers. The products were plasterboard, two types of paints on plasterboard, two types of carpet, linoleum, pinewood, and melamine-covered particleboard. Four months of conditioning prior to the experiment had left the products with a low emission. The products' ability to remove ozone from the air covered a wide range. For three of the products (plasterboard with paint, carpet, and pinewood), it was shown that the removal was primarily due to interactions in the products' surfaces and only to a minor extent due to gas-phase reactions. Sensory evaluations were carried out for five of the products, with different ozone-removal potentials. A sensory panel assessed the emissions from sets of two specimens of each product; one specimen was exposed to a high, but realistic, ozone concentration (10 or 80 ppb) and one specimen was exposed to no ozone (background level < 3 ppb). The panel assessed odor intensity and was asked to choose which odor of the two specimens they preferred. The perceivable changes in emissions due to exposure of the products to ozone depended on the type of product. The greatest effect was seen for carpet. Carpet was the only product that showed significantly higher odor intensity when exposed to ozone. Besides, the effect of ozone on preference was strongest for carpet and resulted in a clear negative sensory evaluation. A similar but less pronounced effect was seen for pinewood and plasterboard with paint. No clear preference was seen for melamine and linoleum.  相似文献   

The Process Analysis tools of the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) modeling system together with back-trajectory analysis were used to assess potential contributors to ozone episodes that occurred during June 1-4, 2006, in three populated U.S.-Mexico border twin cities: San Diego/Tijuana, Imperial/Mexicali and El Paso/Ciudad Juárez. Validation of CMAQ output against surface ozone measurements indicates that the predictions are acceptable with regard to commonly recommended statistical standards and comparable to other reported studies. The mean normalized bias test (MNBT) and mean normalized gross error (MNGE) for hourly ozone fall well within the US EPA suggested range of ± 15% and 35%, respectively, except MNBT for El Paso. The MNBTs for maximum 8-h average ozone are larger than those for hourly ozone, but all the simulated maximum 8-h average ozone are within a factor of 2 of those measured in all three regions. The process and back-trajectory analyses indicate that the main sources of daytime ground-level ozone are the local photochemical production and regional transport. By integrating the effects of each process over the depth of the daytime planetary boundary layer (PBL), it is found that in the San Diego area (SD), chemistry and vertical advection contributed about 36%/48% and 64%/52% for June 2 and 3, respectively. This confirms the previous finding that high-altitude regional transport followed by fumigation contributes significantly to ozone in SD. The back-trajectory analysis shows that this ozone was mostly transported from the coastal area of southern California. For the episodes in Imperial Valley and El Paso, respectively, ozone was transported from the coastal areas of southern California and Mexico and from northern Texas and Oklahoma.  相似文献   

An ozone monitoring network was set up using passive samplers and biological mini-stations of two clones of white clover (Trifolium repens L. cv. Regal), NC-R (O(3)-resistant) and NC-S (O(3)-sensitive). This paper reports on a pilot study performed in the period June-October 1999 in the Rome municipal area by using five biomonitoring mini-stations and ozone passive samplers with a new nitrite based design. This combined methodology can be used to obtain information on the biological implications of the injury due to tropospheric ozone. The two techniques can integrate data for the short-medium period and can be placed in different urban and rural sites, proving to be a very useful tool for ozone concentration mapping.  相似文献   

There exist a variety of models pertaining to the explanation of the regional growth process. Some empirical evidence exists in support of some of these models. It is not possible, however, to evaluate the relative merits of the models on the basis of the evidence, for the data base used for each differ from that used for the others. Yet, in view of the large number of models available, and the tendency to develop new ones, it is crucial that such an empirical evaluation be made.In this paper we consider the three most widely accepted demand models of regional growth, and examine the ability of each to explain the variation of growth experience among the different regions of the U.S. We also examine the degree to which the empirical evidence support or contradict the implicit assumptions and implications of each.Because a common data base is used for the estimation of all three models (cross-section samples on the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia, 1947, 1958 and 1963), we are able to assess the relative merits of the models and their dynamic behavior.The results reported in this study are based on those of a research project on regional growth sponsored jointly by the Japan-American Institute of Management Science, Hawaii and Fujitsu Ltd., Japan. Mr. M. Akiyama and M. J. Fujiwara of Fujitsu Ltd., collaborated with the author in that project. Their contribution as well as the support of JAIMS and Fujitsu are gratefully acknowledged. The views expressed in this paper, however, are solely the author's.  相似文献   

王向群 《山西建筑》2006,32(18):32-33
针对住宅设计的偏面现象,从厨房、卫生间、玄关、贮藏空间、阳台几个方面介绍了住宅的细部设计方法,同时分析了设计的合理性,满足了人们日益注重生活品质的需求。  相似文献   

新天地(上海市卢湾区109号和112号街坊)位于卢湾区、淮海园区中部,太平桥地区西北部,东临黄陂南路,南至自忠路、西抵马当路,北邻太仓路,109号街坊现状用地面积16,913平方米;112号街坊现状用地面积16,475平方米.  相似文献   

<正>伴随着工地上钢筋混凝土的浇筑,蓝图中的构思得以物化,而同时这也意味着优化设计的开始。有时是因为财力引发的材料调整,有时是需要施工中细化原有设计图中待明确的细节,有时是弥补原有设计中的不足,有时是在现场发现了更适合的建筑表达方式,有时是因为技术要求及规范调整而带来的构件优化,有时又是后期配合中多方参与带来的新灵感……调整与深化设计伴随着建筑的成长不断涌现。施工配合的过程体现出业主和施工各方对建筑师的信任,各参与方的共同努力与不懈追求最终使得建筑得以更好地展现。  相似文献   

In an effort to validate the use of ozone for contaminant oxidation and disinfection in water reclamation, extensive pilot testing was performed with ozone/H2O2 and biological activated carbon (BAC) at the Reno-Stead Water Reclamation Facility in Reno, Nevada. Three sets of samples were collected over a five-month period of continuous operation, and these samples were analyzed for a suite of trace organic contaminants (TOrCs), total estrogenicity, and several microbial surrogates, including the bacteriophage MS2, total and fecal coliforms, and Bacillus spores. Based on the high degree of microbial inactivation and contaminant destruction, this treatment train appears to be a viable alternative to the standard indirect potable reuse (IPR) configuration (i.e., membrane filtration, reverse osmosis, UV/H2O2, and aquifer injection), particularly for inland applications where brine disposal is an issue. Several issues, including regrowth of coliform bacteria in the BAC process, must be addressed prior to full-scale implementation.  相似文献   

周伟 《工程质量》2012,(7):51-55
屋面工程的细部处理历来是施工单位较难解决的问题,文章对屋面工程细部处理施工的工艺特点、适应范围、施工技术工艺原理进行分析并对施工流程及操作要点详细论述,以及对质量控制提出要求。  相似文献   

在城市规划过程中,控制性规划和局部调整是一个重要的管理平台。虽然局部调整已经在我国的城市规划过程中被广泛使用,但是其中还存在许多问题,例如缺乏科学合理性等。本文就对局部调整问题展开了讨论,并提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   

吕品 《山西建筑》2007,33(12):176-177
介绍了石材幕墙设计中石材和干挂方式的选择,详细探讨了石材及干挂体系的力学计算,简述了石材的物理性能试验,分析了石材的安装立面图、节点大样图、石材加工详图等,以确保石材幕墙的安全性。  相似文献   

结合消防工作实际,对消防工作绩效考评制度设计、考评方式方法和考评结果运用等内容进行了研究,探讨并建立了以消防执法质量考评、宣传教育考评和公安派出所消防监督工作考评“三位一体”的消防工作绩效考评体系.  相似文献   

There is a perception that tunnelling is sustainable. This is because it occurs underground, and consequently does not significantly interfere with surface or atmospheric processes unlike other anthropogenic activities. However, the tools and assessments used in tunnelling projects to evaluate sustainability in the construction and operational phases are primarily concerned with the reduction of carbon footprint and environmental performance. This does not provide a suitable approach to determining the sustainability of a tunnelling project directly. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) on the other hand does have this potential. However, it requires two things: (1) a suitable quantitative-based method of EIA; and most critically and (2) a means to evaluate sustainability from the EIA results. Based upon the recent work of Namin et al. (2014) concerning a new EIA methodology for tunnelling projects, this paper applies an established mathematical model of sustainability to the results of the EIA to determine the sustainability or unsustainability of tunnelling projects. The model’s application, in the form of an algorithm, evaluates three case studies assessed by Namin et al. (2014). The results are analysed and discussed in respect to the three projects’ construction and operation phases. The broader context of the results is then discussed in respect to the use of underground space as a means to achieve sustainability.  相似文献   

宋辉文 《山西建筑》2004,30(1):133-134
结合水利工程施工实际 ,分析了施工企业项目部在质量管理控制方面存在的问题与原因 ,提出项目部只有建立健全质量保证体系 ,认真执行三检制 ,规范质量评定程序 ,才能确保水利工程质量。  相似文献   

Five different mercury vapor monitors were subjected to exhaustive evaluation studies over an extended period of time against two established techniques, the integrated silver technique and a laboratory reference photometer. The overall procedure allows one to calibrate instruments of previously unknown performance as to the specificity of response, accuracy and sensitivity.  相似文献   

The base-bending moment (BBM) response and the mean BBM of grouped high-rise buildings are studied by a series of wind tunnel tests on typical tall building models using the high-frequency force balance technique. Interference excitations of two upwind buildings with various heights in different upwind terrains are considered. An effective method is proposed to represent the distribution of the envelope interference factor (EIF) among three tall buildings. The results show that two upstream buildings cause more adverse dynamic effects on the downstream building than a single upstream building does. Significant correlations are found in the distributions of the interference factors of different configurations and upwind terrains. Relevant regression equations are proposed to simplify the complexity of the multi-parameter wind-induced mean and dynamic interference effects among three tall buildings. Finally, an example of how to use the data provided in this paper and the proposed methodology is presented.  相似文献   

The residential sector consumes a considerable amount of energy for heating and preparing hot water. Little research has been conducted on heating systems in multifamily buildings under working conditions. This article presents the results of experimental research on three commonly used heating systems in multifamily buildings. A central heating and central domestic hot water system (system A), a decentralised system using residential thermal stations (system B) and a decentralised system using bi-functional gas boilers (system C) were analysed over a one year period. The systems analysed were in use in multifamily buildings in Lublin, Poland. The average annual efficiency for system A was 59.6%, that for system B was 70.1% and that for system C, 90.5%. The study determined the decrease in efficiency when the system was producing hot water only versus the system operating during the heating season. These decreases amounted to 20.7% for system A and 8% for system B. The amount of heat delivered and that lost in the respective heating systems were calculated and their relative advantages and disadvantages were identified. Special attention was paid to the amount of heat used for heating the flats of the buildings.  相似文献   

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