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Landscape models of geospatial regions provide an intuitive mechanism for exploring complex geospatial information. However, the methods currently used to create these scale models require a large amount of resources, which restricts the availability of these models to a limited number of popular public places, such as museums and airports. In this paper, we have proposed a system for creating these physical models using an affordable 3D printer in order to make the creation of these models more widely accessible. Our system retrieves GIS relevant to creating a physical model of a geospatial region and then addresses the two major limitations of affordable 3D printers, namely the limited number of materials and available printing volume. This is accomplished by separating features into distinct extruded layers and splitting large models into smaller pieces, allowing us to employ different methods for the visualization of different geospatial features, like vegetation and residential areas, in a 3D printing context. We confirm the functionality of our system by printing two large physical models of relatively complex landscape regions.  相似文献   

We propose a novel construction for extracting a central or limit shape in a shape collection, connected via a functional map network. Our approach is based on enriching the latent space induced by a functional map network with an additional natural metric structure. We call this shape‐like dual object the limit shape and show that its construction avoids many of the biases introduced by selecting a fixed base shape or template. We also show that shape differences between real shapes and the limit shape can be computed and characterize the unique properties of each shape in a collection – leading to a compact and rich shape representation. We demonstrate the utility of this representation in a range of shape analysis tasks, including improving functional maps in difficult situations through the mediation of limit shapes, understanding and visualizing the variability within and across different shape classes, and several others. In this way, our analysis sheds light on the missing geometric structure in previously used latent functional spaces, demonstrates how these can be addressed and finally enables a compact and meaningful shape representation useful in a variety of practical applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a practically robust method for computing foldover‐free volumetric mappings with hard linear constraints. Central to this approach is a projection algorithm that monotonically and efficiently decreases the distance from the mapping to the bounded conformal distortion mapping space. After projection, the conformal distortion of the updated mapping tends to be below the given bound, thereby significantly reducing foldovers. Since it is non‐trivial to define an optimal bound, we introduce a practical conformal distortion bound generation scheme to facilitate subsequent projections. By iteratively generating conformal distortion bounds and trying to project mappings into bounded conformal distortion spaces monotonically, our algorithm achieves high‐quality foldover‐free volumetric mappings with strong practical robustness and high efficiency. Compared with existing methods, our method computes mesh‐based and meshless volumetric mappings with no prescribed conformal distortion bounds. We demonstrate the efficacy and efficiency of our method through a variety of geometric processing tasks.  相似文献   

We introduce an interactive tool for novice users to design mechanical objects made of 2.5D linkages. Users simply draw the shape of the object and a few key poses of its multiple moving parts. Our approach automatically generates a one‐degree‐of freedom linkage that connects the fixed and moving parts, such that the moving parts traverse all input poses in order without any collision with the fixed and other moving parts. In addition, our approach avoids common linkage defects and favors compact linkages and smooth motion trajectories. Finally, our system automatically generates the 3D geometry of the object and its links, allowing the rapid creation of a physical mockup of the designed object.  相似文献   

Creating a virtual city is demanded for computer games, movies, and urban planning, but it takes a lot of time to create numerous 3D building models. Procedural modeling has become popular in recent years to overcome this issue, but creating a grammar to get a desired output is difficult and time consuming even for expert users. In this paper, we present an interactive tool that allows users to automatically generate such a grammar from a single image of a building. The user selects a photograph and highlights the silhouette of the target building as input to our method. Our pipeline automatically generates the building components, from large‐scale building mass to fine‐scale windows and doors geometry. Each stage of our pipeline combines convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and optimization to select and parameterize procedural grammars that reproduce the building elements of the picture. In the first stage, our method jointly estimates camera parameters and building mass shape. Once known, the building mass enables the rectification of the façades, which are given as input to the second stage that recovers the façade layout. This layout allows us to extract individual windows and doors that are subsequently fed to the last stage of the pipeline that selects procedural grammars for windows and doors. Finally, the grammars are combined to generate a complete procedural building as output. We devise a common methodology to make each stage of this pipeline tractable. This methodology consists in simplifying the input image to match the visual appearance of synthetic training data, and in using optimization to refine the parameters estimated by CNNs. We used our method to generate a variety of procedural models of buildings from existing photographs.  相似文献   

We propose a novel framework to generate a global texture atlas for a deforming geometry. Our approach distinguishes from prior arts in two aspects. First, instead of generating a texture map for each timestamp to color a dynamic scene, our framework reconstructs a global texture atlas that can be consistently mapped to a deforming object. Second, our approach is based on a single RGB‐D camera, without the need of a multiple‐camera setup surrounding a scene. In our framework, the input is a 3D template model with an RGB‐D image sequence, and geometric warping fields are found using a state‐of‐the‐art non‐rigid registration method [GXW*15] to align the template mesh to noisy and incomplete input depth images. With these warping fields, our multi‐scale approach for texture coordinate optimization generates a sharp and clear texture atlas that is consistent with multiple color observations over time. Our approach is accelerated by graphical hardware and provides a handy configuration to capture a dynamic geometry along with a clean texture atlas. We demonstrate our approach with practical scenarios, particularly human performance capture. We also show that our approach is resilient on misalignment issues caused by imperfect estimation of warping fields and inaccurate camera parameters.  相似文献   

Stroke correspondence construction is a precondition for vectorized 2D animation inbetweening and remains a challenging problem. This paper introduces the FTP‐SC, a fuzzy topology preserving stroke correspondence technique, which is accurate and provides the user more effective control on the correspondence result than previous matching approaches. The method employs a two‐stage scheme to progressively establish the stroke correspondence construction between the keyframes. In the first stage, the stroke correspondences with high confidence are constructed by enforcing the preservation of the so‐called “fuzzy topology” which encodes intrinsic connectivity among the neighboring strokes. Starting with the high‐confidence correspondences, the second stage performs a greedy matching algorithm to generate a full correspondence between the strokes. Experimental results show that the FTP‐SC outperforms the existing approaches and can establish the stroke correspondence with a reasonable amount of user interaction even for keyframes with large geometric and spatial variations between strokes.  相似文献   

We present a novel method to compute bijective PolyCube‐maps with low isometric distortion. Given a surface and its pre‐axis‐aligned shape that is not an exact PolyCube shape, the algorithm contains two steps: (i) construct a PolyCube shape to approximate the pre‐axis‐aligned shape; and (ii) generate a bijective, low isometric distortion mapping between the constructed PolyCube shape and the input surface. The PolyCube construction is formulated as a constrained optimization problem, where the objective is the number of corners in the constructed PolyCube, and the constraint is to bound the approximation error between the constructed PolyCube and the input pre‐axis‐aligned shape while ensuring topological validity. A novel erasing‐and‐filling solver is proposed to solve this challenging problem. Centeral to the algorithm for computing bijective PolyCube‐maps is a quad mesh optimization process that projects the constructed PolyCube onto the input surface with high‐quality quads. We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm on a data set containing 300 closed meshes. Compared to state‐of‐the‐art methods, our method achieves higher practical robustness and lower mapping distortion.  相似文献   

In this work, we propose a controlled simplification strategy for degenerated points in symmetric 2D tensor fields that is based on the topological notion of robustness. Robustness measures the structural stability of the degenerate points with respect to variation in the underlying field. We consider an entire pipeline for generating a hierarchical set of degenerate points based on their robustness values. Such a pipeline includes the following steps: the stable extraction and classification of degenerate points using an edge labeling algorithm, the computation and assignment of robustness values to the degenerate points, and the construction of a simplification hierarchy. We also discuss the challenges that arise from the discretization and interpolation of real world data.  相似文献   

Dissection puzzles require assembling a common set of pieces into multiple distinct forms. Existing works focus on creating 2D dissection puzzles that form primitive or naturalistic shapes. Unlike 2D dissection puzzles that could be supported on a tabletop surface, 3D dissection puzzles are preferable to be steady by themselves for each assembly form. In this work, we aim at computationally designing steady 3D dissection puzzles. We address this challenging problem with three key contributions. First, we take two voxelized shapes as inputs and dissect them into a common set of puzzle pieces, during which we allow slightly modifying the input shapes, preferably on their internal volume, to preserve the external appearance. Second, we formulate a formal model of generalized interlocking for connecting pieces into a steady assembly using both their geometric arrangements and friction. Third, we modify the geometry of each dissected puzzle piece based on the formal model such that each assembly form is steady accordingly. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a wide variety of shapes, compare it with the state‐of‐the‐art on 2D and 3D examples, and fabricate some of our designed puzzles to validate their steadiness.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce multi‐column graph convolutional networks (MGCNs), a deep generative model for 3D mesh surfaces that effectively learns a non‐linear facial representation. We perform spectral decomposition of meshes and apply convolutions directly in the frequency domain. Our network architecture involves multiple columns of graph convolutional networks (GCNs), namely large GCN (L‐GCN), medium GCN (M‐GCN) and small GCN (S‐GCN), with different filter sizes to extract features at different scales. L‐GCN is more useful to extract large‐scale features, whereas S‐GCN is effective for extracting subtle and fine‐grained features, and M‐GCN captures information in between. Therefore, to obtain a high‐quality representation, we propose a selective fusion method that adaptively integrates these three kinds of information. Spatially non‐local relationships are also exploited through a self‐attention mechanism to further improve the representation ability in the latent vector space. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the superiority of our end‐to‐end framework in improving the accuracy of 3D face reconstruction. Moreover, with the help of variational inference, our model has excellent generating ability.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of non‐rigid shape matching using the functional map framework. Specifically, we analyze a commonly used approach for regularizing functional maps, which consists in penalizing the failure of the unknown map to commute with the Laplace‐Beltrami operators on the source and target shapes. We show that this approach has certain undesirable fundamental theoretical limitations, and can be undefined even for trivial maps in the smooth setting. Instead we propose a novel, theoretically well‐justified approach for regularizing functional maps, by using the notion of the resolvent of the Laplacian operator. In addition, we provide a natural one‐parameter family of regularizers, that can be easily tuned depending on the expected approximate isometry of the input shape pair. We show on a wide range of shape correspondence scenarios that our novel regularization leads to an improvement in the quality of the estimated functional, and ultimately pointwise correspondences before and after commonly‐used refinement techniques.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a deep learning‐based image tone enhancement approach that can maximally enhance the tone of an image while preserving the naturalness. Our approach does not require carefully generated ground‐truth images by human experts for training. Instead, we train a deep neural network to mimic the behavior of a previous classical filtering method that produces drastic but possibly unnatural‐looking tone enhancement results. To preserve the naturalness, we adopt the generative adversarial network (GAN) framework as a regularizer for the naturalness. To suppress artifacts caused by the generative nature of the GAN framework, we also propose an imbalanced cycle‐consistency loss. Experimental results show that our approach can effectively enhance the tone and contrast of an image while preserving the naturalness compared to previous state‐of‐the‐art approaches.  相似文献   

Fused deposition modeling based 3D‐printing is becoming increasingly popular due to it's low‐cost and simple operation and maintenance. While it produces rugged prints made from a wide range of materials, it suffers from an inherent printing limitation where it cannot produce overhanging surfaces of non‐trivial size. This limitation can be handled by constructing temporary support‐structures, however this solution involves additional material costs, longer print time, and often a fair amount of labor in removing it. In this paper we present a new method for partitioning general solid objects into a small number of parts that can be printed with no support. The partitioning is computed by applying a sequence of cutting‐planes that split the object recursively. Unlike existing algorithms, the planes are not chosen at random, rather they are derived from shape analysis routines that identify and resolve various commonly‐found geometric configurations. In addition, we guide this search by a revised set of conditions that both ensure the objects' printability as well as realistically model the printing capabilities of the printer at hand. Evaluation of the new method demonstrates its ability to efficiently obtain support‐free partitionings typically containing fewer parts compared to existing methods that rely on support‐structures.  相似文献   

Feature curves on 3D shapes provide important hints about significant parts of the geometry and reveal their underlying structure. However, when we process real world data, automatically detected feature curves are affected by measurement uncertainty, missing data, and sampling resolution, leading to noisy, fragmented, and incomplete feature curve networks. These artifacts make further processing unreliable. In this paper we analyze the global co‐occurrence information in noisy feature curve networks to fill in missing data and suppress weakly supported feature curves. For this we propose an unsupervised approach to find meaningful structure within the incomplete data by detecting multiple occurrences of feature curve configurations (co‐occurrence analysis). We cluster and merge these into feature curve templates, which we leverage to identify strongly supported feature curve segments as well as to complete missing data in the feature curve network. In the presence of significant noise, previous approaches had to resort to user input, while our method performs fully automatic feature curve co‐completion. Finding feature reoccurrences however, is challenging since naïve feature curve comparison fails in this setting due to fragmentation and partial overlaps of curve segments. To tackle this problem we propose a robust method for partial curve matching. This provides us with the means to apply symmetry detection methods to identify co‐occurring configurations. Finally, Bayesian model selection enables us to detect and group re‐occurrences that describe the data well and with low redundancy.  相似文献   

Traditional automatic shader simplification simplifies shaders in an offline process, which is typically carried out in a context‐oblivious manner or with the use of some example contexts, e.g., certain hardware platforms, scenes, and uniform parameters, etc. As a result, these pre‐simplified shaders may fail at adapting to runtime changes of the rendering context that were not considered in the simplification process. In this paper, we propose a new automatic shader simplification technique, which explores two key aspects of a runtime simplification framework: the optimization space and the instant search for optimal simplified shaders with runtime context. The proposed technique still requires a preprocess stage to process the original shader. However, instead of directly computing optimal simplified shaders, the proposed preprocess generates a reduced shader optimization space. In particular, two heuristic estimates of the quality and performance of simplified shaders are presented to group similar variants into representative ones, which serve as basic graph nodes of the simplification dependency graph (SDG), a new representation of the optimization space. At the runtime simplification stage, a parallel discrete optimization algorithm is employed to instantly search in the SDG for optimal simplified shaders. New data‐driven cost models are proposed to predict the runtime quality and performance of simplified shaders on the basis of data collected during runtime. Results show that the selected simplifications of complex shaders achieve 1.6 to 2.5 times speedup and still retain high rendering quality.  相似文献   

Procedural modeling is used across many industries for rapid 3D content creation. However, professional procedural tools often lack artistic control, requiring manual edits on baked results, diminishing the advantages of a procedural modeling pipeline. Previous approaches to enable local artistic control require special annotations of the procedural system and manual exploration of potential edit locations. Therefore, we propose a novel approach to discover meaningful and non‐redundant good edit locations (GELs). We introduce a bottom‐up algorithm for finding GELs directly from the attributes in procedural models, without special annotations. To make attribute edits at GELs persistent, we analyze their local spatial context and construct a meta‐locator to uniquely specify their structure. Meta‐locators are calculated independently per attribute, making them robust against changes in the procedural system. Functions on meta‐locators enable intuitive and robust multi‐selections. Finally, we introduce an algorithm to transfer meta‐locators to a different procedural model. We show that our approach greatly simplifies the exploration of the local edit space, and we demonstrate its usefulness in a user study and multiple real‐world examples.  相似文献   

As the number of models for 3D indoor scenes are increasing rapidly, methods for generating the lighting layout have also become increasingly important. This paper presents a novel method that creates optimal placements and intensities of a set of lights in indoor scenes. Our method is characterized by designing the objective functions for the optimization based on the lighting guidelines used in the interior design field. Specifically, to apply major elements of the lighting guideline, we identify three criteria, namely the structure, function, and aesthetics, that are suitable for the virtual space and quantify them through a set of objective terms: pairwise relation, hierarchy, circulation, illuminance, and collision. Given an indoor scene with properly arranged furniture as input, our method combines the procedural and optimization‐based approaches to generate lighting layouts appropriate to the geometric and functional characteristics of the input scene. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated with an ablation study of cost terms for the optimization and a user study for perceptual evaluation.  相似文献   

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