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Large‐sized volume datasets have recently become commonplace and users are now demanding that volume‐rendering techniques to visualise such data provide acceptable results on relatively modest computing platforms. The widespread use of the Internet for the transmission and/or rendering of volume data is also exerting increasing demands on software providers. Multiresolution can address these issues in an elegant way. One of the fastest volume‐rendering alrogithms is that proposed by Lacroute & Levoy 1 , which is based on shear‐warp factorisation and min‐max octrees (MMOs). Unfortunately, since an MMO captures only a single resolution of a volume dataset, this method is unsuitable for rendering datasets in a multiresolution form. This paper adapts the above algorithm to multiresolution volume rendering to enable near‐real‐time interaction to take place on a standard PC. It also permits the user to modify classification functions and/or resolution during rendering with no significant loss of rendering speed. A newly‐developed data structure based on the MMO is employed, the multiresolution min‐max octree, M 3 O, which captures the spatial coherence for datasets at all resolutions. Speed is enhanced by the use of multiresolution opacity transfer functions for rapidly determining and discarding transparent dataset regions. Some experimental results on sample volume datasets are presented.  相似文献   

Interactions within virtual environments often require manipulating 3D virtual objects. To this end, researchers have endeavoured to find efficient solutions using either traditional input devices or focusing on different input modalities, such as touch and mid‐air gestures. Different virtual environments and diverse input modalities present specific issues to control object position, orientation and scaling: traditional mouse input, for example, presents non‐trivial challenges because of the need to map between 2D input and 3D actions. While interactive surfaces enable more natural approaches, they still require smart mappings. Mid‐air gestures can be exploited to offer natural manipulations mimicking interactions with physical objects. However, these approaches often lack precision and control. All these issues and many others have been addressed in a large body of work. In this article, we survey the state‐of‐the‐art in 3D object manipulation, ranging from traditional desktop approaches to touch and mid‐air interfaces, to interact in diverse virtual environments. We propose a new taxonomy to better classify manipulation properties. Using our taxonomy, we discuss the techniques presented in the surveyed literature, highlighting trends, guidelines and open challenges, that can be useful both to future research and to developers of 3D user interfaces.  相似文献   

We describe a design approach, Tangible Augmented Reality, for developing face-to-face collaborative Augmented Reality (AR) interfaces. Tangible Augmented Reality combines Augmented Reality techniques with Tangible User Interface elements to create interfaces in which users can interact with spatial data as easily as real objects. Tangible AR interfaces remove the separation between the real and virtual worlds, and so enhance natural face-to-face communication. We present several examples of Tangible AR interfaces and results from a user study that compares communication in a collaborative AR interface to more traditional approaches. We find that in a collaborative AR interface people use behaviours that are more similar to unmediated face-to-face collaboration than in a projection screen interface.  相似文献   

Sensing technologies such as inertia tracking and computer vision enable spatial interactions where users make selections by ‘air pointing’: moving a limb, finger, or device to a specific spatial region. In addition of expanding the vocabulary of possible interactions available, air pointing brings the potential benefit of enabling ‘eyes-free’ interactions, where users rely on proprioception and kinaesthesia rather than vision. This paper explores the design space for air pointing interactions, and presents tangible results in the form of a framework that helps designers understand input dimensions and resulting interaction qualities. The framework provides a set of fundamental concepts that aid in thinking about the air pointing domain, in characterizing and comparing existing solutions, and in evaluating novel techniques. We carry out an initial investigation to demonstrate the concepts of the framework by designing and comparing three air pointing techniques: one based on small angular ‘raycasting’ movements, one on large movements across a 2D plane, and one on movements in a 3D volume. Results show that large movements on the 2D plane are both rapid (selection times under 1 s) and accurate, even without visual feedback. Raycasting is rapid but inaccurate, and the 3D volume is expressive but slow, inaccurate, and effortful. Many other findings emerge, such as selection point ‘drift’ in the absence of feedback. These results and the organising framework provide a foundation for innovation and understanding of air pointing interaction.  相似文献   

Parallel coordinate plots (PCPs) are commonly used in information visualization to provide insight into multi-variate data. These plots help to spot correlations between variables. PCPs have been successfully applied to unstructured datasets up to a few millions of points. In this paper, we present techniques to enhance the usability of PCPs for the exploration of large, multi-timepoint volumetric data sets, containing tens of millions of points per timestep. The main difficulties that arise when applying PCPs to large numbers of data points are visual clutter and slow performance, making interactive exploration infeasible. Moreover, the spatial context of the volumetric data is usually lost. We describe techniques for preprocessing using data quantization and compression, and for fast GPU-based rendering of PCPs using joint density distributions for each pair of consecutive variables, resulting in a smooth, continuous visualization. Also, fast brushing techniques are proposed for interactive data selection in multiple linked views, including a 3D spatial volume view. These techniques have been successfully applied to three large data sets: Hurricane Isabel (Vis'04 contest), the ionization front instability data set (Vis'08 design contest), and data from a large-eddy simulation of cumulus clouds. With these data, we show how PCPs can be extended to successfully visualize and interactively explore multi-timepoint volumetric datasets with an order of magnitude more data points.  相似文献   

As many different 3D volumes could produce the same 2D x‐ray image, inverting this process is challenging. We show that recent deep learning‐based convolutional neural networks can solve this task. As the main challenge in learning is the sheer amount of data created when extending the 2D image into a 3D volume, we suggest firstly to learn a coarse, fixed‐resolution volume which is then fused in a second step with the input x‐ray into a high‐resolution volume. To train and validate our approach we introduce a new dataset that comprises of close to half a million computer‐simulated 2D x‐ray images of 3D volumes scanned from 175 mammalian species. Future applications of our approach include stereoscopic rendering of legacy x‐ray images, re‐rendering of x‐rays including changes of illumination, view pose or geometry. Our evaluation includes comparison to previous tomography work, previous learning methods using our data, a user study and application to a set of real x‐rays.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the increasing demand in industry for methods to analyze and visualize multimodal data involving a spectral modality. Two data modalities are used: high‐resolution X‐ray computed tomography (XCT) for structural characterization and low‐resolution X‐ray fluorescence (XRF) spectral data for elemental decomposition. We present InSpectr, an integrated tool for the interactive exploration and visual analysis of multimodal, multiscalar data. The tool has been designed around a set of tasks identified by domain experts in the fields of XCT and XRF. It supports registered single scalar and spectral datasets optionally coupled with element maps and reference spectra. InSpectr is instantiating various linked views for the integration of spatial and non‐spatial information to provide insight into an industrial component's structural and material composition: views with volume renderings of composite and individual 3D element maps visualize global material composition; transfer functions defined directly on the spectral data and overlaid pie‐chart glyphs show elemental composition in 2D slice‐views; a representative aggregated spectrum and spectra density histograms are introduced to provide a global overview in the spectral view. Spectral magic lenses, spectrum probing and elemental composition probing of points using a pie‐chart view and a periodic table view aid the local material composition analysis. Two datasets are investigated to outline the usefulness of the presented techniques: a 3D virtually created phantom with a brass metal alloy and a real‐world 2D water phantom with insertions of gold, barium, and gadolinium. Additionally a detailed user evaluation of the results is provided.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore the use of printed tangible props as input devices for scientific visualization. Three-dimensional printing technology is used to create a physical representation of data. The object is then used as a tangible input prop, which exactly matches the data. In addition, two-handed interaction with a stylus is performed on the prop without the use of buttons, instead relying on the detection of contact between the stylus and the prop through precise calibration and tracking. This allows the sense of touch to be harnessed to create a more efficient and natural interaction method for scientific visualizations in virtual and augmented reality. We explain the concept of tangible props and where it can be applied. We also consider the technical requirements of systems using such props. Finally, we present our example application, which uses printed tangible props for interactive measurement of marine coral data. The use of tangible props is found to improve the usability of the application.  相似文献   

We present the design and evaluation of FI3D, a direct-touch data exploration technique for 3D visualization spaces. The exploration of three-dimensional data is core to many tasks and domains involving scientific visualizations. Thus, effective data navigation techniques are essential to enable comprehension, understanding, and analysis of the information space. While evidence exists that touch can provide higher-bandwidth input, somesthetic information that is valuable when interacting with virtual worlds, and awareness when working in collaboration, scientific data exploration in 3D poses unique challenges to the development of effective data manipulations. We present a technique that provides touch interaction with 3D scientific data spaces in 7 DOF. This interaction does not require the presence of dedicated objects to constrain the mapping, a design decision important for many scientific datasets such as particle simulations in astronomy or physics. We report on an evaluation that compares the technique to conventional mouse-based interaction. Our results show that touch interaction is competitive in interaction speed for translation and integrated interaction, is easy to learn and use, and is preferred for exploration and wayfinding tasks. To further explore the applicability of our basic technique for other types of scientific visualizations we present a second case study, adjusting the interaction to the illustrative visualization of fiber tracts of the brain and the manipulation of cutting planes in this context.  相似文献   

While extensive research in data mining has been devoted to developing better feature selection techniques, none of this research has examined the intrinsic relationship between dataset characteristics and a feature selection technique’s performance. Thus, our research examines experimentally how dataset characteristics affect both the accuracy and the time complexity of feature selection. To evaluate the performance of various feature selection techniques on datasets of different characteristics, extensive experiments with five feature selection techniques, three types of classification algorithms, seven types of dataset characterization methods and all possible combinations of dataset characteristics are conducted on 128 publicly available datasets. We apply the decision tree method to evaluate the interdependencies between dataset characteristics and performance. The results of the study reveal the intrinsic relationship between dataset characteristics and feature selection techniques’ performance. Additionally, our study contributes to research in data mining by providing a roadmap for future research on feature selection and a significantly wider framework for comparative analysis.  相似文献   

针对纹理映射体绘制物理内存空间的限制,本文提出一种可在通用图形硬件上完成大规模数据场实时体绘制的有效方法.该方法基于满二叉树纹理分块策略,利用GPU着色器可编程性,将纹理数据制作为一个一维传递函数查找表和一个规模等同于体数据场的动态纹理工作集,有效提高了大规模数据场体绘制的实时性.动态纹理工作集使用抽象分块与继承关系管...  相似文献   

In medical area, interactive three-dimensional volume visualization of large volume datasets is a challenging task. One of the major challenges in graphics processing unit (GPU)-based volume rendering algorithms is the limited size of texture memory imposed by current GPU architecture. We attempt to overcome this limitation by rendering only visible parts of large CT datasets. In this paper, we present an efficient, high-quality volume rendering algorithm using GPUs for rendering large CT datasets at interactive frame rates on standard PC hardware. We subdivide the volume dataset into uniform sized blocks and take advantage of combinations of early ray termination, empty-space skipping and visibility culling to accelerate the whole rendering process and render visible parts of volume data. We have implemented our volume rendering algorithm for a large volume data of 512 x 304 x 1878 dimensions (visible female), and achieved real-time performance (i.e., 3-4 frames per second) on a Pentium 4 2.4GHz PC equipped with NVIDIA Geforce 6600 graphics card ( 256 MB video memory). This method can be used as a 3D visualization tool of large CT datasets for doctors or radiologists.  相似文献   

Appropriate selection of inputs for time series forecasting models is important because it not only has the potential to improve performance of forecasting models, but also helps reducing cost in data collection. This paper presents an investigation of selection performance of three input selection techniques, which include two model-free techniques, partial linear correlation (PLC) and partial mutual information (PMI) and a model-based technique based on genetic programming (GP). Four hypothetical datasets and two real datasets were used to demonstrate the performance of the three techniques. The results suggested that the model-free PLC technique due to its computational simplicity and the model-based GP technique due to its ability to detect non-linear relationships (demonstrated by its relatively good performance on a hypothetical complex non-linear dataset) are recommended for the input selection task. Candidate inputs which are selected by both these recommended techniques should be considered as significant inputs.  相似文献   

We present Video Brush, a novel interface for interactive video cutout. Inspired by the progressive selection scheme in images, our interface is designed to select video objects by painting on successive frames as the video plays. The video objects are progressively selected by solving the graph‐cut based local optimization according to the strokes drawn by the brush on each painted frame. In order to provide users interactive feedback, we accelerate 3D graph‐cut by efficient graph building and multi‐level banded graph‐cut. Experimental results show that our novel interface is both intuitive and efficient for video cutout.  相似文献   

We describe an augmented reality (AR) system that allows multiple participants to interact with 2D and 3D data using tangible user interfaces. The system features face-to-face communication, collaborative viewing and manipulation of 3D models, and seamless access to 2D desktop applications within the shared 3D space. All virtual content, including 3D models and 2D desktop windows, is attached to tracked physical objects in order to leverage the efficiencies of natural two-handed manipulation. The presence of 2D desktop space within 3D facilitates data exchange between the two realms, enables control of 3D information by 2D applications, and generally increases productivity by providing access to familiar tools. We present a general concept for a collaborative tangible AR system, including a comprehensive set of interaction techniques, a distributed hardware setup, and a component-based software architecture that can be flexibly configured using XML. We show the validity of our concept with an implementation of an application scenario from the automotive industry.  相似文献   

We present a pressure‐augmented tactile 3D data navigation technique, specifically designed for small devices, motivated by the need to support the interactive visualization beyond traditional workstations. While touch input has been studied extensively on large screens, current techniques do not scale to small and portable devices. We use phone‐based pressure sensing with a binary mapping to separate interaction degrees of freedom (DOF) and thus allow users to easily select different manipulation schemes (e. g., users first perform only rotation and then with a simple pressure input to switch to translation). We compare our technique to traditional 3D‐RST (rotation, scaling, translation) using a docking task in a controlled experiment. The results show that our technique increases the accuracy of interaction, with limited impact on speed. We discuss the implications for 3D interaction design and verify that our results extend to older devices with pseudo pressure and are valid in realistic phone usage scenarios.  相似文献   

Hybrid models based on feature selection and machine learning techniques have significantly enhanced the accuracy of standalone models. This paper presents a feature selection‐based hybrid‐bagging algorithm (FS‐HB) for improved credit risk evaluation. The 2 feature selection methods chi‐square and principal component analysis were used for ranking and selecting the important features from the datasets. The classifiers were built on 5 training and test data partitions of the input data set. The performance of the hybrid algorithm was compared with that of the standalone classifiers: feature selection‐based classifiers and bagging. The hybrid FS‐HB algorithm performed best for qualitative dataset with less features and tree‐based unstable base classifier. Its performance on numeric data was also better than other standalone classifiers, whereas comparable to bagging with only selected features. Its performance was found better on 70:30 data partition and the type II error, which is very significant in risk evaluation was also reduced significantly. The improved performance of FS‐HB is attributed to the important features used for developing the classifier thereby reducing the complexity of the algorithm and the use of ensemble methodology, which added to the classical bias variance trade‐off and performed better than standalone classifiers.  相似文献   

We present a novel methodology that utilizes four‐dimensional (4D) space deformation to simulate a magnification lens on versatile volume datasets and textured solid models. Compared with other magnification methods (e.g. geometric optics, mesh editing), 4D differential geometry theory and its practices are much more flexible and powerful for preserving shape features (i.e. minimizing angle distortion), and easier to adapt to versatile solid models. The primary advantage of 4D space lies at the following fact: we can now easily magnify the volume of regions of interest (ROIs) from the additional dimension, while keeping the rest region unchanged. To achieve this primary goal, we first embed a 3D volumetric input into 4D space and magnify ROIs in the fourth dimension. Then we flatten the 4D shape back into 3D space to accommodate other typical applications in the real 3D world. In order to enforce distortion minimization, in both steps we devise the high‐dimensional geometry techniques based on rigorous 4D geometry theory for 3D/4D mapping back and forth to amend the distortion. Our system can preserve not only focus region, but also context region and global shape. We demonstrate the effectiveness, robustness and efficacy of our framework with a variety of models ranging from tetrahedral meshes to volume datasets.  相似文献   

从高分辨率图像中获取周边目标的精准3D位置和尺寸信息是实现自动驾驶控制和行为决策的基础,因此基于图像的3D目标检测是自动驾驶领域中的研究热点。已有学者对该领域方法论及成果进行了比较详细的综述,但对于导致现有方法检测精度不尽如意的制约因素未能进行深入系统的分析。考虑自动驾驶领域在工程应用方面的要求高,且现有方法以数据驱动类型为主,本文从常用数据集和评价基准、数据影响、方法论的制约因素和误差等角度,对学术界和产业界在3D目标检测方面的研究成果及行业应用进行较为系统的阐述。首先,从学术界探索成果以及自动驾驶行业的应用角度进行概要介绍。然后,从数据采集设备、数据精度和标注信息3方面详细分析总结了KITTI等4个通用数据集,并对这些数据集提出的主要评价指标进行对比分析。接着,从数据和方法论方面分析制约算法性能的主要因素及由此造成的误差影响。在数据方面,制约因素主要是数据精度、样本差异、标注数据量和标注规范;在方法论方面,制约因素主要包括先验几何关系、深度预测误差和数据模态等。最后,对国内外研究现状进行总结,并在数据集、评价指标和目标深度预测等方面提出了未来需要重点关注的研究方向。  相似文献   

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