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新型制冷剂R1234ze(E)(trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene)因较低的GWP而被广泛关注,有望在热泵中作为R134a的替代品。本文对R1234ze(E)在内径为8 mm水平管内流动沸腾过程中摩擦压降特性进行实验研究,并在相同实验工况下与R134a进行对比。实验研究的流动沸腾换热的饱和温度为10℃,热流密度为5.0 k W/m~2和10.0 k W/m~2,质流密度范围为300~500 kg/(m~2·s),并分析质流密度、热流密度对R1234ze(E)和R134a饱和流动沸腾过程中摩擦压降的影响。结果表明,在相同工况下R1234ze(E)的流动沸腾过程的摩擦压降略大于R134a,如质流密度为500 kg/(m~2·s)时,R1234ze(E)的平均摩擦压降值比R134a大8.4%左右。最后,将实验结果同四种摩擦压降经验关联式进行比较分析。  相似文献   

随着全球对环保要求的日益提高,以R1234yf、R1234ze(E)、R1233zd(E)等为代表的ODP为0且GWP较低的制冷剂得到广泛关注并应用。针对R134a离心式冷水机组,采用CFD数值方法,对采用R1234ze(E)直接替代的离心制冷压缩机进行了模拟,对机组性能进行了比较分析。结果表明:在同一转速下,当冷凝温度较小时,R1234ze(E)机组的制冷量和COP都小于R134a机组的,当冷凝温度较大时,R1234ze(E)机组的制冷量和COP都大于R134a机组的。当R134a机组与R1234ze(E)机组的蒸发温度、冷凝温度和制冷量都相同时,R1234ze(E)机组的COP比R134a机组的COP平均降低了约5.14%。  相似文献   

新型制冷剂R1234ze(E)及其混合工质研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
低GWP值制冷剂R1234ze(E)(trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene)作为R134a较为理想的替代品而被关注,但其单一成分的热力学性能和传输特性并不理想,在R1234ze(E)中混入R32成分可以有效改善其热力学性能。本文概述了低GWP值工质R1234ze(E)及其与R32混合物的热物性特征、传输特性及系统运行性能方面的研究现状,并与目前常用的制冷工质进行比较分析,指出R1234ze(E)与R32混合工质有望成为新型低GWP值替代工质。  相似文献   

建立了冷藏车余热驱动型跨临界有机朗肯-制冷循环系统热力学计算模型,研究了R1234ze(E)在该循环系统中运行性能,系统地分析了冷凝温度为40℃、50℃、60℃时系统运行性能参数,得到冷凝温度为40℃时,对应发动机尾气温度约为140℃时,系统拥有最高的膨胀机做功量10.20 kW;对应发动机尾气温度约为165℃,系统拥有最优的TORC系统热效率9.49%和最大的TORC-制冷循环系统制冷量18.36kW以及最佳的热效率值19.12%。  相似文献   

本文对水平微细圆管内R290流动沸腾的流态进行了可视化研究,分析不同管径下流动沸腾换热主要流态形式及影响因素,基于理论流态图对比分析流态转变规律。实验工况:热流密度1~70 kW/m2,质量流率50~1 020 kg/(m2·s),饱和温度-10~25℃,管径1~3 mm,干度0~1。实验中共观察到8种R290微细通道内流动沸腾换热流态,其中间歇流和波状流为3 mm管的主要换热流态,弹状流和环状为1 mm管的主要换热流态;实测流态图中3 mm管的泡状流、混状流,2 mm管的泡状流,1 mm管的弹状流与D&W流态转变准则较为吻合,而2 mm管和1 mm管的离散流区域匹配性较差;管径的变化对流态有重要影响,随着管径的减小,气泡形状、流态形式、流态分布及流态转变曲线均发生变化,管径微尺度效应出现。  相似文献   

新型制冷剂R1234ze(E)因较低的GWP备受制冷行业关注,其与R32的混合工质作为热泵系统制冷剂的研究也在逐步展开,本文以R1234ze(E)/R32(质量配比:27%/73%,命名为L-41b,GWP=493)混合工质为研究对象,在人工环境室中设计并搭建了空气源热泵测试系统,对比研究了L-41b与R410A在热泵系统中的性能系数COP、压缩机功耗、制热量、排气温度和循环压比。结果表明:当恒定冷凝温度,蒸发温度从5℃增加到13℃时,R410A和L-41b的COP偏差从8.6%缩小到2.8%。当恒定蒸发温度,冷凝温度从30℃提高到42℃时,L-41b的运行性能系数COP的降幅小于R410A,变工况实验表明在相对高温区L-41b替代R410A具有较好的替代性能。  相似文献   

R1234ze(E)(1,1,1,3-四氟丙烯)是当下具有较强替代潜能的环保制冷剂之一。本文搭建了溶解度测试实验系统,对R1234ze(E)在两种多元醇脂油中的溶解度进行测试,测试的温度范围为40~80℃,压力范围为0.123~0.360 MPa。采用PR状态方程和MHV2混合规则及NRTL活度系数模型对实验结果进行关联计算,得到不同温度下的交互系数及计算值与实验值的平均相对误差。结果表明:R1234ze(E)在两种多元醇脂油中的溶解度均随着温度的升高而降低,且R1234ze(E)在两种多元醇脂油中的平衡压力与溶解度之间存在立方函数关系。在两种多元醇酯油中,计算值与实验值的平均相对误差分别为1.68%和1.11%,可较好的描述R1234ze(E)在两种多元醇酯油中的相平衡行为。  相似文献   

王雨晨  方奕栋  苏林  杨文量  张昭 《制冷学报》2022,43(4):145-150+166
为研究平行通道直冷板的压降特性对换热的影响,本文对不同质量通量(118~1 300 kg/(m2 s))、入口过冷度(2.5~8 K)条件下低压制冷剂R1233zd(E)在平行通道直冷板内的摩擦压降进行了实验研究,分析了单相及两相摩擦压降以及气液相速度的变化规律。结果表明:在制冷剂单相情况下,随热流密度的增加,通道内的摩擦压降先减小后增加。当制冷剂进入两相状态后,摩擦压降随热流密度的增加而快速增长;质量通量的增加会使汽化核心的位置延后,导致摩擦压降变化趋势突变点的出现有所推迟。此外,在高热流密度下,制冷剂液相速度和气液相相对速度均有所增加;相同干度条件下,较高的质量通量使气液相相对速度增加,摩擦压降增速变快。  相似文献   

对流体R1234ze在内径2 mm 的水平光滑圆管内的冷凝换热特性进行了实验研究,设定流体饱和温度为35 ℃、40 ℃,质量流量为100~400 kg/(m2?s),热流密度为4~22 kW/m2。实验获得了R1234ze在不同工况下的冷凝换热系数和摩擦压降。发现R1234ze的冷凝换热系数范围在1.5到8 kW/(m2?K)之间,且随干度的增加而增加,随质量流量的增大而增大,随饱和温度的升高而降低,比在相同工况下R134a 、R32的换热系数分别平均低约22%和31%。R1234ze的摩擦压降随质量流量增加而增大,随饱和温度的升高而降低,高于相同工况下R32的摩擦压降。并将本次实验值与其它经典换热模型和压降模型进行了对比分析,发现Baird等人的模型对本次实验的换热系数预测较好,对其它文献中的相似数据点预测也较好。Müller- Heck模型对摩擦压降预测最好。  相似文献   

王皓宇  柳建华  张良  余肖霄 《制冷学报》2020,41(3):78-82+90
本文研究了R290在内径为1 mm、2 mm和4 mm水平微细圆管内的沸腾流动换热特性,在饱和温度为15℃条件下,质量流速为50~600 kg/(m2·s)、干度为0~1、热流密度为5~20 k W/m2时,对沸腾传热系数的影响进行了分析。通过实验发现,增大质量流速对传热系数具有增强作用,质量流速对传热系数的影响在低干度区域比高干度区域小。在热流密度方面,传热系数随着热流密度的增大而增大,且在1 mm和2 mm管内观察到了临界干度对传热系数的影响,这时传热系数有断崖式下降的趋势。在管径对于传热系数的影响方面,通过对不同管径换热特性的横向对比,发现在一定工况下传热系数随着管径的减小有所上升。此外本文还对R290已有的部分关联式进行了适配性验证。  相似文献   

The surface tension of R1243zf, R1234ze(Z), and R1233zd(E) were measured at temperatures from 270 K to 360 K by an experimental apparatus based on the differential capillary rise method. The deviation between the measured surface tension of R134a and R245fa and the calculated surface tension with REFPROP 9.1 (Lemmon et al., 2013) was ±0.13 mN m−1, which is less than the estimated propagated uncertainty in surface tension of ±0.2 mN m−1. Eleven points, thirteen points, and ten points of surface tension data were provided for R1243zf, R1234ze(Z), and R1233zd(E), respectively, in this paper. The measured data and the estimated surface tension using the methods of Miller, 1963, Miqueu et al., 2000, and Di Nicola et al. (2011) agree within the standard deviation of ±0.43 mN m−1. The empirical correlations that represent the measured data within ±0.14 mN m−1 were proposed for each refrigerant.  相似文献   

R1234yf and R1234ze(E) have been proposed as alternatives for R134a in order to work with low GWP refrigerants, but this replacement results generally in a decrease of the performance. For this reason, it is interesting to explore ways to improve the system performance using these refrigerants. In this paper, a comparative study in terms of energy performance of different single stage vapour compression configurations using R1234yf and R1234ze(E) as working fluids has been carried out. The most efficient configuration is the one which uses an expander or an ejector as expansion device. On the other hand, using an internal heat exchanger in a cycle which replaces the expansion valve by an expander or an ejector could produce a detrimental effect on the COP. However, for all the configurations the introduction of an internal heat exchanger produces a significant increment on the cooling capacity.  相似文献   

R1234ze(E) has a GWP<1 and a normal boiling temperature approximately 7.3 °C lower than that of R134a; it represents an interesting candidate for its replacement as working fluid in refrigerating machines. The refrigerant charge minimization in refrigerating and air conditioning equipment is a key issue for the new environmental challenges. Mini microfin tubes represent an optimal solution for both heat transfer enhancement and charge minimization tasks. This paper presents an experimental study of R1234ze(E) flow boiling inside a mini microfin tube with internal diameter at the fin tip of 3.4 mm. The experimental measurements were carried out at constant saturation temperature of 30 °C, by varying the refrigerant mass velocity between 190 kg m−2 s−1 and 940 kg m−2 s−1, the vapour quality from 0.2 to 0.99 at three different heat fluxes: 10, 25, and 50 kW m−2. The experimental results are then compared with those obtained for the more traditional R134a.  相似文献   

Condensation is usually assumed to begin when the bulk enthalpy reaches the saturated vapor enthalpy, which leads to discontinuity of heat transfer coefficient calculation in modeling. This paper addresses the discontinuity by showing the presence of condensation in desuperheating region when the wall temperature decreases below the saturation temperature at any operating condition. The experiments have been conducted with R134a, R1234ze(E) and R32 for mass fluxes of 100–300 kgm−2 s−1, saturation temperatures of 30°C–50 °C and from x = 0.05 to superheat of 50 °C in a horizontal smooth tube with 6.1 mm inner diameter. R134a is observed to have approximately 10% higher and 20% lower HTC compared to R1234ze(E) and R32 respectively. Cavallini correlation predicted the data within an accuracy of 12% while Kondo-Hrnjak correlation predicted HTC for condensation in de-superheating zone within accuracy of 23%.  相似文献   

R1234ze(E), trans-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoropropene, is a fluorinated propene isomer which may be a substitute of R134a for refrigeration applications. R1234ze(E) has a much lower GWP100-years than that of R134a. In this paper, the local heat transfer coefficient during condensation of R1234ze(E) is investigated in a single minichannel, horizontally arranged, with hydraulic diameter equal to 0.96 mm. Since the saturation temperature drop directly affects the heat transfer rate, the pressure drop during adiabatic two phase flow of R1234ze(E) is also measured. Predictive models are assessed both for condensation heat transfer and pressure drop. A comparative analysis is carried out among several fluids (R1234ze(E), R32, R134a and R1234yf) starting from experimental data collected at the same conditions and using the Performance Evaluation Criteria (PEC) named Penalty Factor (PF) and Total Temperature Penalization (TTP) to rank the tested refrigerants in forced convective condensation.  相似文献   

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