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Rendering in real time for virtual reality headsets with high user immersion is challenging due to strict framerate constraints as well as due to a low tolerance for artefacts. Eye tracking‐based foveated rendering presents an opportunity to strongly increase performance without loss of perceived visual quality. To this end, we propose a novel foveated rendering method for virtual reality headsets with integrated eye tracking hardware. Our method comprises recycling pixels in the periphery by spatio‐temporally reprojecting them from previous frames. Artefacts and disocclusions caused by this reprojection are detected and re‐evaluated according to a confidence value that is determined by a newly introduced formalized perception‐based metric, referred to as confidence function. The foveal region, as well as areas with low confidence values, are redrawn efficiently, as the confidence value allows for the delicate regulation of hierarchical geometry and pixel culling. Hence, the average primitive processing and shading costs are lowered dramatically. Evaluated against regular rendering as well as established foveated rendering methods, our approach shows increased performance in both cases. Furthermore, our method is not restricted to static scenes and provides an acceleration structure for post‐processing passes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel shadow removal technique for cooperative projection system based on spatiotemporal prediction. In our previous work, we proposed a distributed feedback algorithm, which is implementable in cooperative projection environments subject to data transfer constraints between components. A weakness of this scheme is that the compensation is conducted in each pixel independently. As a result, spatiotemporal information of the environmental change cannot be utilized even if it is available. In view of this, we specifically investigate the situation where some of the projectors are occluded by a moving object whose one‐frame‐ahead behaviour is predictable. In order to remove the resulting shadow, we propose a novel error propagating scheme that is still implementable in a distributed manner and enables us to incorporate the prediction information of the obstacle. It is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally that the proposed method significantly improves the shadow removal performance in comparison to the previous work.  相似文献   

Because of its versatility, speed and robustness, shadow mapping has always been a popular algorithm for fast hard shadow generation since its introduction in 1978, first for offline film productions and later increasingly so in real‐time graphics. So it is not surprising that recent years have seen an explosion in the number of shadow map related publications. Because of the abundance of articles on the topic, it has become very hard for practitioners and researchers to select a suitable shadow algorithm, and therefore many applications miss out on the latest high‐quality shadow generation approaches. The goal of this survey is to rectify this situation by providing a detailed overview of this field. We show a detailed analysis of shadow mapping errors and derive a comprehensive classification of the existing methods. We discuss the most influential algorithms, consider their benefits and shortcomings and thereby provide the readers with the means to choose the shadow algorithm best suited to their needs.  相似文献   

Abstract— The perceived resolution of matrix displays increases when the relative position of the color subpixels is taken into account. “Subpixel‐rendering” algorithms are being used to convert an input image to subpixel‐corrected display images. This paper deals with the consequences of the subpixel structure and the theoretical background of the resolution gain. We will show that this theory allows a low‐cost implementation in an image scaler. This leads to high flexibility, allowing different subpixel arrangements and a simple control over the trade‐off between perceived resolution and color errors.  相似文献   

老式视频中固化的字幕影响了不同语种间视频的交流和处理。论文基于视频字幕的特点,提出了一种视频字幕的定位及提取方法,并结合图像修复技术,实现了一个自动视频字幕去除系统。实验结果表明,该系统能够较好地去除字幕。  相似文献   

In this survey we review, classify and compare existing approaches for real‐time crowd rendering. We first overview character animation techniques, as they are highly tied to crowd rendering performance, and then we analyze the state of the art in crowd rendering. We discuss different representations for level‐of‐detail (LoD) rendering of animated characters, including polygon‐based, point‐based, and image‐based techniques, and review different criteria for runtime LoD selection. Besides LoD approaches, we review classic acceleration schemes, such as frustum culling and occlusion culling, and describe how they can be adapted to handle crowds of animated characters. We also discuss specific acceleration techniques for crowd rendering, such as primitive pseudo‐instancing, palette skinning, and dynamic key‐pose caching, which benefit from current graphics hardware. We also address other factors affecting performance and realism of crowds such as lighting, shadowing, clothing and variability. Finally we provide an exhaustive comparison of the most relevant approaches in the field.  相似文献   

Nowadays, there is a strong trend towards rendering to higher‐resolution displays and at high frame rates. This development aims at delivering more detail and better accuracy, but it also comes at a significant cost. Although graphics cards continue to evolve with an ever‐increasing amount of computational power, the speed gain is easily counteracted by increasingly complex and sophisticated shading computations. For real‐time applications, the direct consequence is that image resolution and temporal resolution are often the first candidates to bow to the performance constraints (e.g. although full HD is possible, PS3 and XBox often render at lower resolutions). In order to achieve high‐quality rendering at a lower cost, one can exploit temporal coherence (TC). The underlying observation is that a higher resolution and frame rate do not necessarily imply a much higher workload, but a larger amount of redundancy and a higher potential for amortizing rendering over several frames. In this survey, we investigate methods that make use of this principle and provide practical and theoretical advice on how to exploit TC for performance optimization. These methods not only allow incorporating more computationally intensive shading effects into many existing applications, but also offer exciting opportunities for extending high‐end graphics applications to lower‐spec consumer‐level hardware. To this end, we first introduce the notion and main concepts of TC, including an overview of historical methods. We then describe a general approach, image‐space reprojection, with several implementation algorithms that facilitate reusing shading information across adjacent frames. We also discuss data‐reuse quality and performance related to reprojection techniques. Finally, in the second half of this survey, we demonstrate various applications that exploit TC in real‐time rendering.  相似文献   

We present a method to accelerate the visualization of large crowds of animated characters. Linear‐blend skinning remains the dominant approach for animating a crowd but its efficiency can be improved by utilizing the temporal and intra‐crowd coherencies that are inherent within a populated scene. Our work adopts a caching system that enables a skinned key‐pose to be re‐used by multi‐pass rendering, between multiple agents and across multiple frames. We investigate two different methods; an intermittent caching scheme (whereby each member of a crowd is animated using only its nearest key‐pose) and an interpolative approach that enables key‐pose blending to be supported. For the latter case, we show that finding the optimal set of key‐poses to store is an NP‐hard problem and present a greedy algorithm suitable for real‐time applications. Both variants deliver a worthwhile performance improvement in comparison to using linear‐blend skinning alone.  相似文献   

In urban design, estimating solar exposure on complex city models is crucial but existing solutions typically focus on simplified building models and are too demanding in terms of memory and computational time. In this paper, we propose an interactive technique that estimates solar exposure on detailed urban scenes. Given a directional exposure map computed over a given time period, we estimate the sky visibility factor that serves to evaluate the final exposure at each visible point. This is done using a screen‐space method based on a two‐scale approach, which is geometry independent and has low storage costs. Our method performs at interactive rates and is designer‐oriented. The proposed technique is relevant in architecture and sustainable building design as it provides tools to estimate the energy performance of buildings as well as weathering effects in urban environments.  相似文献   

Hidden images contain one or several concealed foregrounds which can be recognized with the assistance of clues preserved by artists. Experienced artists are trained for years to be skilled enough to find appropriate hidden positions for a given image. However, it is not an easy task for amateurs to quickly find these positions when they try to create satisfactory hidden images. In this paper, we present an interactive framework to suggest the hidden positions and corresponding results. The suggested results generated by our approach are sequenced according to the levels of their recognition difficulties. To this end, we propose a novel approach for assessing the levels of recognition difficulty of the hidden images and a new hidden image synthesis method that takes spatial influence into account to make the foreground harmonious with the local surroundings. During the synthesis stage, we extract the characteristics of the foreground as the clues based on the visual attention model. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by performing two user studies, including the quality of the hidden images and the suggestion accuracy.  相似文献   

Digital videos such as those captured by a smartphone often exhibit exposure inconsistencies, a poorly exposed sky, or simply suffer from an uninteresting or plain looking sky. Professionals may edit these videos using advanced and time‐consuming tools unavailable to most users, to replace the sky with a more expressive or imaginative sky. In this work, we propose an algorithm for automatic replacement of the sky region in a video with a different sky, providing nonprofessional users with a simple yet efficient tool to seamlessly replace the sky. The method is fast, achieving close to real‐time performance on mobile devices and the user's involvement can remain as limited as simply selecting the replacement sky.  相似文献   

Temporally consistent motion segmentation from RGB‐D videos is challenging because of the limitations of current RGB‐D sensors. We formulate segmentation as a motion assignment problem, where a motion is a sequence of rigid transformations through all frames of the input. We capture the quality of each potential assignment by defining an appropriate energy function that accounts for occlusions and a sensor‐specific noise model. To make energy minimization tractable, we work with a discrete set instead of the continuous, high dimensional space of motions, where the discrete motion set provides an upper bound for the original energy. We repeatedly minimize our energy, and in each step extend and refine the motion set to further lower the bound. A quantitative comparison to the current state of the art demonstrates the benefits of our approach in difficult scenarios.  相似文献   

The desire for the physical generation of computer art has seen a significant body of research that has resulted in sophisticated robots and painting machines, together with specialized algorithms mimicking particular artistic techniques. The resulting setups are often expensive and complex, making them unavailable for recreational and hobbyist use. In recent years, however, a new class of affordable low‐cost plotters and cutting machines has reached the market. In this paper, we present a novel system for the physical generation of line and cut‐out art based on digital images, targeted at such off‐the‐shelf devices. Our approach uses a meta‐optimization process to generate results that represent the tonal content of a digital image while conforming to the physical and mechanical constraints of home‐use devices. By flexibly combining basic sets of positional and shape encodings, we are able to recreate a wide range of artistic styles. Furthermore, our system optimizes the output in terms of visual perception based on the desired viewing distance, while remaining scalable with respect to the medium size.  相似文献   

Stereoscopic 3D technology gives visual content creators a new dimension of design when creating images and movies. While useful for conveying emotion, laying emphasis on certain parts of the scene, or guiding the viewer's attention, editing stereo content is a challenging task. Not respecting comfort zones or adding incorrect depth cues, for example depth inversion, leads to a poor viewing experience. In this paper, we present a solution for editing stereoscopic content that allows an artist to impose disparity constraints and removes resulting depth conflicts using an optimization scheme. Using our approach, an artist only needs to focus on important high‐level indications that are automatically made consistent with the entire scene while avoiding contradictory depth cues and respecting viewer comfort.  相似文献   

This paper presents a leak isolation methodology using a fitting loss coefficient calibration. Two stages are considered for this purpose: First, the equivalent straight length (ESL) is fixed by an model‐base observer designed as an extended Kalman filter. Once the leak is detected, the previous observer is stopped and the second system, based on an algebraic observer, is started with the ESL value fixed by the previous observer. Finally, the estimated leak position is recovered in original coordinates since the observer deal with ESL coordinates. In order to tackle the friction variations problem, the so‐called Swamee‐Jain equation is embedded explicitly, instead of a constant parameter as in other studies. The approach assumes only flow and pressure sensors at the ends of the duct. Experimental results with data obtained from a plastic pipeline prototype are presented to assess the method efficiency.  相似文献   

We propose an image editing system for repositioning objects in a single image based on the perspective of the scene. In our system, an input image is transformed into a layer structure that is composed of object layers and a background layer, and then the scene depth is computed from the ground region that is specified by the user using a simple boundary line. The object size and order of overlapping are automatically determined during the reposition based on the scene depth. In addition, our system enables the user to move shadows along with objects naturally by extracting the shadow mattes using only a few user‐specified scribbles. Finally, we demonstrate the versatility of our system through applications to depth‐of‐field effects, fog synthesis and 3D walkthrough in an image.  相似文献   

We present a method for rendering approximate soft shadows and diffuse indirect illumination in dynamic scenes. The proposed method approximates the original scene geometry with a set of tightly fitting spheres. In previous work, such spheres have been used to dynamically evaluate the visibility function to render soft shadows. In this paper, each sphere also acts as a low‐frequency secondary light source, thereby providing diffuse one‐bounce indirect illumination. The method is completely dynamic and proceeds in two passes: In a first pass, the light intensity distribution on each sphere is updated based on sample points on the corresponding object surface and converted into the spherical harmonics basis. In a second pass, this radiance information and the visibility are accumulated to shade final image pixels. The sphere approximation allows us to compute visibility and diffuse reflections of an object at interactive frame rates of over 20 fps for moderately complex scenes.  相似文献   

We present a method to automatically convert videos and CG animations to stylized animated line drawings. Using a data‐driven approach, the animated drawings can follow the sketching style of a specific artist. Given an input video, we first extract edges from the video frames and vectorize them to curves. The curves are matched to strokes from an artist's library, while following the artist's stroke distribution and characteristics. The key challenge in this process is to match the large number of curves in the frames over time, despite topological and geometric changes, allowing to maintain temporal coherence in the output animation. We solve this problem using constrained optimization to build correspondences between tracked points and create smooth sheets over time. These sheets are then replaced with strokes from the artist's database to render the final animation. We evaluate our tracking algorithm on various examples and show stylized animation results based on various artists.  相似文献   

Measuring the spectral power distribution of a light source, that is, the emission as a function of wavelength, typically requires the use of spectrophotometers or multi‐spectral cameras. Here, we propose a low‐cost system that enables the recovery of the visible light spectral signature of different types of light sources without requiring highly complex or specialized equipment and using just off‐the‐shelf, widely available components. To do this, a standard Digital Single‐Lens Reflex (DSLR) camera and a diffraction filter are used, sacrificing the spatial dimension for spectral resolution. We present here the image formation model and the calibration process necessary to recover the spectrum, including spectral calibration and amplitude recovery. We also assess the robustness of our method and perform a detailed analysis exploring the parameters influencing its accuracy. Further, we show applications of the system in image processing and rendering.  相似文献   

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