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Constraints enable flexible graph layout by combining the ease of automatic layout with customizations for a particular domain. However, constraint‐based layout often requires many individual constraints defined over specific nodes and node pairs. In addition to the effort of writing and maintaining a large number of similar constraints, such constraints are specific to the particular graph and thus cannot generalize to other graphs in the same domain. To facilitate the specification of customized and generalizable constraint layouts, we contribute SetCoLa: a domain‐specific language for specifying high‐level constraints relative to properties of the backing data. Users identify node sets based on data or graph properties and apply high‐level constraints within each set. Applying constraints to node sets rather than individual nodes reduces specification effort and facilitates reapplication of customized layouts across distinct graphs. We demonstrate the conciseness, generalizability, and expressiveness of SetCoLa on a series of real‐world examples from ecological networks, biological systems, and social networks.  相似文献   

The hierarchical edge bundle (HEB) method generates useful visualizations of dense graphs, such as social networks, but requires a predefined clustering hierarchy, and does not easily benefit from existing straight‐line visualization improvements. This paper proposes a new clustering approach that extracts the community structure of a network and organizes it into a hierarchy that is flatter than existing community‐based clustering approaches and maps better to HEB visualization. Our method not only discovers communities and generates clusters with better modularization qualities, but also creates a balanced hierarchy that allows HEB visualization of unstructured social networks without predefined hierarchies. Results on several data sets demonstrate that this approach clarifies real‐world communication, collaboration and competition network structure and reveals information missed in previous visualizations. We further implemented our techniques into a social network visualization application on facebook.com and let users explore the visualization and community clustering of their own social networks.  相似文献   

Visualization of sentiments and opinions extracted from or annotated in texts has become a prominent topic of research over the last decade. From basic pie and bar charts used to illustrate customer reviews to extensive visual analytics systems involving novel representations, sentiment visualization techniques have evolved to deal with complex multidimensional data sets, including temporal, relational and geospatial aspects. This contribution presents a survey of sentiment visualization techniques based on a detailed categorization. We describe the background of sentiment analysis, introduce a categorization for sentiment visualization techniques that includes 7 groups with 35 categories in total, and discuss 132 techniques from peer‐reviewed publications together with an interactive web‐based survey browser. Finally, we discuss insights and opportunities for further research in sentiment visualization. We expect this survey to be useful for visualization researchers whose interests include sentiment or other aspects of text data as well as researchers and practitioners from other disciplines in search of efficient visualization techniques applicable to their tasks and data.  相似文献   

We introduce a visual analysis system with GPU acceleration techniques for large sets of trajectories from complex dynamical systems. The approach is based on an interactive Boolean combination of subsets into a Focus+Context phase‐space visualization. We achieve high performance through efficient bitwise algorithms utilizing runtime generated GPU shaders and kernels. This enables a higher level of interactivity for visualizing the large multivariate trajectory data. We explain how our design meets a set of carefully considered analysis requirements, provide performance results, and demonstrate utility through case studies with many‐particle simulation data from two application areas.  相似文献   

The analysis of paths in graphs is highly relevant in many domains. Typically, path‐related tasks are performed in node‐link layouts. Unfortunately, graph layouts often do not scale to the size of many real world networks. Also, many networks are multivariate, i.e., contain rich attribute sets associated with the nodes and edges. These attributes are often critical in judging paths, but directly visualizing attributes in a graph layout exacerbates the scalability problem. In this paper, we present visual analysis solutions dedicated to path‐related tasks in large and highly multivariate graphs. We show that by focusing on paths, we can address the scalability problem of multivariate graph visualization, equipping analysts with a powerful tool to explore large graphs. We introduce Pathfinder, a technique that provides visual methods to query paths, while considering various constraints. The resulting set of paths is visualized in both a ranked list and as a node‐link diagram. For the paths in the list, we display rich attribute data associated with nodes and edges, and the node‐link diagram provides topological context. The paths can be ranked based on topological properties, such as path length or average node degree, and scores derived from attribute data. Pathfinder is designed to scale to graphs with tens of thousands of nodes and edges by employing strategies such as incremental query results. We demonstrate Pathfinder's fitness for use in scenarios with data from a coauthor network and biological pathways.  相似文献   

Parallel simulation codes often suffer from performance bottlenecks due to network congestion, leaving millions of dollars of investments underutilized. Given a network topology, it is critical to understand how different applications, job placements, routing schemes, etc., are affected by and contribute to network congestion, especially for large and complex networks. Understanding and optimizing communication on large‐scale networks is an active area of research. Domain experts often use exploratory tools to develop both intuitive and formal metrics for network health and performance. This paper presents Tree Scope , an interactive, web‐based visualization tool for exploring network traffic on large‐scale fat‐tree networks. Tree Scope encodes the network topology using a tailored matrix‐based representation and provides detailed visualization of all traffic in the network. We report on the design process of Tree Scope , which has been received positively by network researchers as well as system administrators. Through case studies of real and simulated data, we demonstrate how Tree Scope 's visual design and interactive support for complex queries on network traffic can provide experts with new insights into the occurrences and causes of congestion in the network.  相似文献   

Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) provides the possibility to visualize volumetric data sets as they occur in many scientific disciplines. With DVR semi‐transparency is facilitated to convey the complexity of the data. Unfortunately, semi‐transparency introduces challenges in spatial comprehension of the data, as the ambiguities inherent to semi‐transparent representations affect spatial comprehension. Accordingly, many techniques have been introduced to enhance the spatial comprehension of DVR images. In this paper, we present our findings obtained from two evaluations investigating the perception of semi‐transparent structures from volume rendered images. We have conducted a user evaluation in which we have compared standard DVR with five techniques previously proposed to enhance the spatial comprehension of DVR images. In this study, we investigated the perceptual performance of these techniques and have compared them against each other in a large‐scale quantitative user study with 300 participants. Each participant completed micro‐tasks designed such that the aggregated feedback gives insight on how well these techniques aid the user to perceive depth and shape of objects. To further clarify the findings, we conducted a qualitative evaluation in which we interviewed three experienced visualization researchers, in order to find out if we can identify the benefits and shortcomings of the individual techniques.  相似文献   

Data summarization allows analysts to explore datasets that may be too complex or too large to visualize in detail. Designers face a number of design and implementation choices when using summarization in visual analytics systems. While these choices influence the utility of the resulting system, there are no clear guidelines for the use of these summarization techniques. In this paper, we codify summarization use in existing systems to identify key factors in the design of summary visualizations. We use quantitative content analysis to systematically survey examples of visual analytics systems and enumerate the use of these design factors in data summarization. Through this analysis, we expose the relationship between design considerations, strategies for data summarization in visualization systems, and how different summarization methods influence the analyses supported by systems. We use these results to synthesize common patterns in real‐world use of summary visualizations and highlight open challenges and opportunities that these patterns offer for designing effective systems. This work provides a more principled understanding of design practices for summary visualization and offers insight into underutilized approaches.  相似文献   

We visualize contours for spatio‐temporal processes to indicate where and when non‐continuous changes occur or spatial bounds are encountered. All time steps are comprised densely in one visualization, with contours allowing to efficiently analyze processes in the data even in case of spatial or temporal overlap. Contours are determined on the basis of deep raycasting that collects samples across time and depth along each ray. For each sample along a ray, its closest neighbors from adjacent rays are identified, considering time, depth, and value in the process. Large distances are represented as contours in image space, using color to indicate temporal occurrence. This contour representation can easily be combined with volume rendering‐based techniques, providing both full spatial detail for individual time steps and an outline of the whole time series in one view. Our view‐dependent technique supports efficient progressive computation, and requires no prior assumptions regarding the shape or nature of processes in the data. We discuss and demonstrate the performance and utility of our approach via a variety of data sets, comparison and combination with an alternative technique, and feedback by a domain scientist.  相似文献   

A mandatory component for many point set algorithms is the availability of consistently oriented vertex‐normals (e.g. for surface reconstruction, feature detection, visualization). Previous orientation methods on meshes or raw point clouds do not consider a global context, are often based on unrealistic assumptions, or have extremely long computation times, making them unusable on real‐world data. We present a novel massively parallelized method to compute globally consistent oriented point normals for raw and unsorted point clouds. Built on the idea of graph‐based energy optimization, we create a complete kNN‐graph over the entire point cloud. A new weighted similarity criterion encodes the graph‐energy. To orient normals in a globally consistent way we perform a highly parallel greedy edge collapse, which merges similar parts of the graph and orients them consistently. We compare our method to current state‐of‐the‐art approaches and achieve speedups of up to two orders of magnitude. The achieved quality of normal orientation is on par or better than existing solutions, especially for real‐world noisy 3D scanned data.  相似文献   

The community structure of graphs is an important feature that gives insight into the high‐level organization of objects within the graph. In real‐world systems, the graph topology is oftentimes not static but changes over time and hence, also the community structure changes. Previous timeline‐based approaches either visualize the dynamic graph or the dynamic community structure. In contrast, our approach combines both in a single image and therefore allows users to investigate the community structure together with the underlying dynamic graph. Our optimized ordering of vertices and selection of colours in combination with interactive highlighting techniques increases the traceability of communities along the time axis. Users can identify visual signatures, estimate the reliability of the derived community structure and investigate whether community evolution interacts with changes in the graph topology. The utility of our approach is demonstrated in two application examples.  相似文献   

Market participants and businesses have made tremendous efforts to make the best decisions in a timely manner under varying economic and business circumstances. As such, decision‐making processes based on Financial data have been a popular topic in industries. However, analyzing Financial data is a non‐trivial task due to large volume, diversity and complexity, and this has led to rapid research and development of visualizations and visual analytics systems for Financial data exploration. Often, the development of such systems requires researchers to collaborate with Financial domain experts to better extract requirements and challenges in their tasks. Work to systematically study and gather the task requirements and to acquire an overview of existing visualizations and visual analytics systems that have been applied in Financial domains with respect to real‐world data sets has not been completed. To this end, we perform a comprehensive survey of visualizations and visual analytics. In this work, we categorize Financial systems in terms of data sources, applied automated techniques, visualization techniques, interaction, and evaluation methods. For the categorization and characterization, we utilize existing taxonomies of visualization and interaction. In addition, we present task requirements extracted from interviews with domain experts in order to help researchers design better systems with detailed goals.  相似文献   

图聚集是将一个大规模的图用简洁的并能有效反映原始图的结构和属性信息的小规模图来表示的技术.图聚集在图数据管理、分析和可视化中发挥着重要作用.图聚集方面现有研究结果还很少,也很不系统.其主要不足之处是:1)算法依赖于具体应用;2)算法仅考虑了图的某方面信息,如结构信息或属性信息;3)算法对用户提供的交互和反馈信息的约束很强.针对现有图聚集算法存在的主要不足,提出一种有向图新型图聚集算法,该算法采用一种新的聚集图质量函数,全面刻画了聚集图多样性、覆盖性、简洁性和实用性.该算法使用LSH(locality sensitive Hashing)技术和基于熵的划分技术,保证了聚集图的质量.在真实数据集上进行了大量的实验,验证了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

When performing queries in web search engines, users often face difficulties choosing appropriate query terms. Search engines therefore usually suggest a list of expanded versions of the user query to disambiguate it or to resolve potential term mismatches. However, it has been shown that users find it difficult to choose an expanded query from such a list. In this paper, we describe the adoption of set‐based text visualization techniques to visualize how query expansions enrich the result space of a given user query and how the result sets relate to each other. Our system uses a linguistic approach to expand queries and topic modeling to extract the most informative terms from the results of these queries. In a user study, we compare a common text list of query expansion suggestions to three set‐based text visualization techniques adopted for visualizing expanded query results – namely, Compact Euler Diagrams, Parallel Tag Clouds, and a List View – to resolve ambiguous queries using interactive query expansion. Our results show that text visualization techniques do not increase retrieval efficiency, precision, or recall. Overall, users rate Parallel Tag Clouds visualizing key terms of the expanded query space lowest. Based on the results, we derive recommendations for visualizations of query expansion results, text visualization techniques in general, and discuss alternative use cases of set‐based text visualization techniques in the context of web search.  相似文献   

Turbulent flows are multi‐scale with vortices spanning a wide range of scales continuously. Due to such complexities, turbulence scales are particularly difficult to analyse and visualize. In this work, we present a novel and efficient optimization‐based method for continuous‐scale turbulence structure visualization with scale decomposition directly in the Kolmogorov energy spectrum. To achieve this, we first derive a new analytical objective function based on integration approximation. Using this new formulation, we can significantly improve the efficiency of the underlying optimization process and obtain the desired filter in the Kolmogorov energy spectrum for scale decomposition. More importantly, such a decomposition allows a ‘continuous‐scale visualization’ that enables us to efficiently explore the decomposed turbulence scales and further analyse the turbulence structures in a continuous manner. With our approach, we can present scale visualizations of direct numerical simulation data sets continuously over the scale domain for both isotropic and boundary layer turbulent flows. Compared with previous works on multi‐scale turbulence analysis and visualization, our method is highly flexible and efficient in generating scale decomposition and visualization results. The application of the proposed technique to both isotropic and boundary layer turbulence data sets verifies the capability of our technique to produce desirable scale visualization results.  相似文献   

Shared visualization environments represent an effective means to enhance collaborative work in engineering and scientific design tasks. The availability of high‐speed networks allows researchers to work together from geographically distributed locations, and mobile devices are able to carry out ubiquitous 3D visualization tasks through wireless network connections. This paper presents a scalable architecture for the delivery of shared 3D visualization services to heterogeneous terminals ranging from powerful workstations to mobile devices such as PDAs and smart‐phones. The framework design allows both desktop and mobile clients to simultaneously visualize the same model by sharing a common view. Remote‐rendering servers support effective visualization on thin clients, and a load balancing mechanism provides efficient resource usage. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a novel and light‐weight approach to capture and reconstruct structured 3D models of multi‐room floor plans. Starting from a small set of registered panoramic images, we automatically generate a 3D layout of the rooms and of all the main objects inside. Such a 3D layout is directly suitable for use in a number of real‐world applications, such as guidance, location, routing, or content creation for security and energy management. Our novel pipeline introduces several contributions to indoor reconstruction from purely visual data. In particular, we automatically partition panoramic images in a connectivity graph, according to the visual layout of the rooms, and exploit this graph to support object recovery and rooms boundaries extraction. Moreover, we introduce a plane‐sweeping approach to jointly reason about the content of multiple images and solve the problem of object inference in a top‐down 2D domain. Finally, we combine these methods in a fully automated pipeline for creating a structured 3D model of a multi‐room floor plan and of the location and extent of clutter objects. These contribution make our pipeline able to handle cluttered scenes with complex geometry that are challenging to existing techniques. The effectiveness and performance of our approach is evaluated on both real‐world and synthetic models.  相似文献   

Real‐world systems change continuously. In domains such as traffic monitoring or cyber security, such changes occur within short time scales. This results in a streaming data problem and leads to unique challenges for the human in the loop, as analysts have to ingest and make sense of dynamic patterns in real time. While visualizations are being increasingly used by analysts to derive insights from streaming data, we lack a thorough characterization of the human‐centred design problems and a critical analysis of the state‐of‐the‐art solutions that exist for addressing these problems. In this paper, our goal is to fill this gap by studying how the state of the art in streaming data visualization handles the challenges and reflect on the gaps and opportunities. To this end, we have three contributions in this paper: (i) problem characterization for identifying domain‐specific goals and challenges for handling streaming data, (ii) a survey and analysis of the state of the art in streaming data visualization research with a focus on how visualization design meets challenges specific to change perception and (iii) reflections on the design trade‐offs, and an outline of potential research directions for addressing the gaps in the state of the art.  相似文献   

Electroencephalography (EEG) coherence networks represent functional brain connectivity, and are constructed by calculating the coherence between pairs of electrode signals as a function of frequency. Visualization of such networks can provide insight into unexpected patterns of cognitive processing and help neuroscientists to understand brain mechanisms. However, visualizing dynamic EEG coherence networks is a challenge for the analysis of brain connectivity, especially when the spatial structure of the network needs to be taken into account. In this paper, we present a design and implementation of a visualization framework for such dynamic networks. First, requirements for supporting typical tasks in the context of dynamic functional connectivity network analysis were collected from neuroscience researchers. In our design, we consider groups of network nodes and their corresponding spatial location for visualizing the evolution of the dynamic coherence network. We introduce an augmented timeline‐based representation to provide an overview of the evolution of functional units (FUs) and their spatial location over time. This representation can help the viewer to identify relations between functional connectivity and brain regions, as well as to identify persistent or transient functional connectivity patterns across the whole time window. In addition, we introduce the time‐annotated FU map representation to facilitate comparison of the behaviour of nodes between consecutive FU maps. A colour coding is designed that helps to distinguish distinct dynamic FUs. Our implementation also supports interactive exploration. The usefulness of our visualization design was evaluated by an informal user study. The feedback we received shows that our design supports exploratory analysis tasks well. The method can serve as a first step before a complete analysis of dynamic EEG coherence networks.  相似文献   

In many scientific disciplines, the motion of finite‐sized objects in fluid flows plays an important role, such as in brownout engineering, sediment transport, oceanology or meteorology. These finite‐sized objects are called inertial particles and, in contrast to traditional tracer particles, their motion depends on their current position, their own particle velocity, the time and their size. Thus, the visualization of their motion becomes a high‐dimensional problem that entails computational and perceptual challenges. So far, no visualization explored and visualized the particle trajectories under variation of all seeding parameters. In this paper, we propose three coordinated views that visualize the different aspects of the high‐dimensional space in which the particles live. We visualize the evolution of particles over time, showing that particles travel different distances in the same time, depending on their size. The second view provides a clear illustration of the trajectories of different particle sizes and allows the user to easily identify differences due to particle size. Finally, we embed the trajectories in the space‐velocity domain and visualize their distance to an attracting manifold using ribbons. In all views, we support interactive linking and brushing, and provide abstraction through density volumes that are shown by direct volume rendering and isosurface slabs. Using our method, users gain deeper insights into the dynamics of inertial particles in 2D fluids, including size‐dependent separation, preferential clustering and attraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in multiple steady and unsteady 2D flows.  相似文献   

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