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Constraints enable flexible graph layout by combining the ease of automatic layout with customizations for a particular domain. However, constraint‐based layout often requires many individual constraints defined over specific nodes and node pairs. In addition to the effort of writing and maintaining a large number of similar constraints, such constraints are specific to the particular graph and thus cannot generalize to other graphs in the same domain. To facilitate the specification of customized and generalizable constraint layouts, we contribute SetCoLa: a domain‐specific language for specifying high‐level constraints relative to properties of the backing data. Users identify node sets based on data or graph properties and apply high‐level constraints within each set. Applying constraints to node sets rather than individual nodes reduces specification effort and facilitates reapplication of customized layouts across distinct graphs. We demonstrate the conciseness, generalizability, and expressiveness of SetCoLa on a series of real‐world examples from ecological networks, biological systems, and social networks.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a linear‐time repulsive‐force‐calculation algorithm with sub‐linear auxiliary space requirements, achieving an asymptotic improvement over the Barnes‐Hut and Fast Multipole Method force‐calculation algorithms. The algorithm, named random vertex sampling (RVS), achieves its speed by updating a random sample of vertices at each iteration, each with a random sample of repulsive forces. This paper also proposes a combination algorithm that uses RVS to derive an initial layout and then applies Barnes‐Hut to refine the layout. An evaluation of RVS and the combination algorithm compares their speed and quality on 109 graphs against a Barnes‐Hut layout algorithm. The RVS algorithm performs up to 6.1 times faster on the tested graphs while maintaining comparable layout quality. The combination algorithm also performs faster than Barnes‐Hut, but produces layouts that are more symmetric than using RVS alone. Data and code: https://osf.io/nb7m8/  相似文献   

In many scientific disciplines, the motion of finite‐sized objects in fluid flows plays an important role, such as in brownout engineering, sediment transport, oceanology or meteorology. These finite‐sized objects are called inertial particles and, in contrast to traditional tracer particles, their motion depends on their current position, their own particle velocity, the time and their size. Thus, the visualization of their motion becomes a high‐dimensional problem that entails computational and perceptual challenges. So far, no visualization explored and visualized the particle trajectories under variation of all seeding parameters. In this paper, we propose three coordinated views that visualize the different aspects of the high‐dimensional space in which the particles live. We visualize the evolution of particles over time, showing that particles travel different distances in the same time, depending on their size. The second view provides a clear illustration of the trajectories of different particle sizes and allows the user to easily identify differences due to particle size. Finally, we embed the trajectories in the space‐velocity domain and visualize their distance to an attracting manifold using ribbons. In all views, we support interactive linking and brushing, and provide abstraction through density volumes that are shown by direct volume rendering and isosurface slabs. Using our method, users gain deeper insights into the dynamics of inertial particles in 2D fluids, including size‐dependent separation, preferential clustering and attraction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in multiple steady and unsteady 2D flows.  相似文献   

Measured data often incorporates some amount of uncertainty, which is generally modeled as a distribution of possible samples. In this paper, we consider second‐order symmetric tensors with uncertainty. In the 3D case, this means the tensor data consists of 6 coefficients – uncertainty, however, is encoded by 21 coefficients assuming a multivariate Gaussian distribution as model. The high dimension makes the direct visualization of tensor data with uncertainty a difficult problem, which was until now unsolved. The contribution of this paper consists in the design of glyphs for uncertain second‐order symmetric tensors in 2D and 3D. The construction consists of a standard glyph for the mean tensor that is augmented by a scalar field that represents uncertainty. We show that this scalar field and therefore the displayed glyph encode the uncertainty comprehensively, i.e., there exists a bijective map between the glyph and the parameters of the distribution. Our approach can extend several classes of existing glyphs for symmetric tensors to additionally encode uncertainty and therefore provides a possible foundation for further uncertain tensor glyph design. For demonstration, we choose the well‐known superquadric glyphs, and we show that the uncertainty visualization satisfies all their design constraints.  相似文献   

The majority of visualizations on the web are still stored as raster images, making them inaccessible to visually impaired users. We propose a deep‐neural‐network‐based approach that automatically recognizes key elements in a visualization, including a visualization type, graphical elements, labels, legends, and most importantly, the original data conveyed in the visualization. We leverage such extracted information to provide visually impaired people with the reading of the extracted information. Based on interviews with visually impaired users, we built a Google Chrome extension designed to work with screen reader software to automatically decode charts on a webpage using our pipeline. We compared the performance of the back‐end algorithm with existing methods and evaluated the utility using qualitative feedback from visually impaired users.  相似文献   

Vortices are important features in vector fields that show a swirling behavior around a common core. The concept of a vortex core line describes the center of this swirling behavior. In this work, we examine the extension of this concept to 3D second‐order tensor fields. Here, a behavior similar to vortices in vector fields can be observed for trajectories of the eigenvectors. Vortex core lines in vector fields were defined by Sujudi and Haimes to be the locations where stream lines are parallel to an eigenvector of the Jacobian. We show that a similar criterion applied to the eigenvector trajectories of a tensor field yields structurally stable lines that we call tensor core lines. We provide a formal definition of these structures and examine their mathematical properties. We also present a numerical algorithm for extracting tensor core lines in piecewise linear tensor fields. We find all intersections of tensor core lines with the faces of a dataset using a simple and robust root finding algorithm. Applying this algorithm to tensor fields obtained from structural mechanics simulations shows that it is able to effectively detect and visualize regions of rotational or hyperbolic behavior of eigenvector trajectories.  相似文献   

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in judgment due to an over‐reliance on rule‐of‐thumb heuristics. Recent research suggests that cognitive biases, like numerical anchoring, transfers to visual analytics in the form of visual anchoring. However, it is unclear how visualization users can be visually anchored and how the anchors affect decision‐making. To investigate, we performed a between‐subjects laboratory experiment with 94 participants to analyze the effects of visual anchors and strategy cues using a visual analytics system. The decision‐making task was to identify misinformation from Twitter news accounts. Participants were randomly assigned to conditions that modified the scenario video (visual anchor) and/or strategy cues provided. Our findings suggest that such interventions affect user activity, speed, confidence, and, under certain circumstances, accuracy. We discuss implications of our results on the forking paths problem and raise concerns on how visualization researchers train users to avoid unintentionally anchoring users and affecting the end result.  相似文献   

The analysis of behavioral city dynamics, such as temporal patterns of visited places and citizens' mobility routines, is an essential task for urban and transportation planning. Social media applications such as Foursquare and Twitter provide access to large‐scale and up‐to‐date dynamic movement data that not only help to understand the social life and pulse of a city but also to maintain and improve urban infrastructure. However, the fast growth rate of this data poses challenges for conventional methods to provide up‐to‐date, flexible analysis. Therefore, planning authorities barely consider it. We present a system and design study to leverage social media data that assist urban and transportation planners to achieve better monitoring and analysis of city dynamics such as visited places and mobility patterns in large metropolitan areas. We conducted a goal‐and‐task analysis with urban planning experts. To address these goals, we designed a system with a scalable data monitoring back‐end and an interactive visual analytics interface. The monitoring component uses intelligent pre‐aggregation to allow dynamic queries in near real‐time. The visual analytics interface leverages unsupervised learning to reveal clusters, routines, and unusual behavior in massive data, allowing to understand patterns in time and space. We evaluated our approach based on a qualitative user study with urban planning experts which demonstrates that intuitive integration of advanced analytical tools with visual interfaces is pivotal in making behavioral city dynamics accessible to practitioners. Our interviews also revealed areas for future research.  相似文献   

We visualize contours for spatio‐temporal processes to indicate where and when non‐continuous changes occur or spatial bounds are encountered. All time steps are comprised densely in one visualization, with contours allowing to efficiently analyze processes in the data even in case of spatial or temporal overlap. Contours are determined on the basis of deep raycasting that collects samples across time and depth along each ray. For each sample along a ray, its closest neighbors from adjacent rays are identified, considering time, depth, and value in the process. Large distances are represented as contours in image space, using color to indicate temporal occurrence. This contour representation can easily be combined with volume rendering‐based techniques, providing both full spatial detail for individual time steps and an outline of the whole time series in one view. Our view‐dependent technique supports efficient progressive computation, and requires no prior assumptions regarding the shape or nature of processes in the data. We discuss and demonstrate the performance and utility of our approach via a variety of data sets, comparison and combination with an alternative technique, and feedback by a domain scientist.  相似文献   

The Parallel Vectors (PV) Operator extracts the locations of points where two vector fields are parallel. In general, these features are line structures. The PV operator has been used successfully for a variety of problems, which include finding vortex‐core lines or extremum lines. We present a new generic feature extraction method for multiple 3D vector fields: The Approximate Parallel Vectors (APV) Operator extracts lines where all fields are approximately parallel. The definition of the APV operator is based on the application of PV for two vector fields that are derived from the given set of fields. The APV operator enables the direct visualization of features of vector field ensembles without processing fields individually and without causing visual clutter. We give a theoretical analysis of the APV operator and demonstrate its utility for a number of ensemble data.  相似文献   

We introduce a visual analysis system with GPU acceleration techniques for large sets of trajectories from complex dynamical systems. The approach is based on an interactive Boolean combination of subsets into a Focus+Context phase‐space visualization. We achieve high performance through efficient bitwise algorithms utilizing runtime generated GPU shaders and kernels. This enables a higher level of interactivity for visualizing the large multivariate trajectory data. We explain how our design meets a set of carefully considered analysis requirements, provide performance results, and demonstrate utility through case studies with many‐particle simulation data from two application areas.  相似文献   

Parallel simulation codes often suffer from performance bottlenecks due to network congestion, leaving millions of dollars of investments underutilized. Given a network topology, it is critical to understand how different applications, job placements, routing schemes, etc., are affected by and contribute to network congestion, especially for large and complex networks. Understanding and optimizing communication on large‐scale networks is an active area of research. Domain experts often use exploratory tools to develop both intuitive and formal metrics for network health and performance. This paper presents Tree Scope , an interactive, web‐based visualization tool for exploring network traffic on large‐scale fat‐tree networks. Tree Scope encodes the network topology using a tailored matrix‐based representation and provides detailed visualization of all traffic in the network. We report on the design process of Tree Scope , which has been received positively by network researchers as well as system administrators. Through case studies of real and simulated data, we demonstrate how Tree Scope 's visual design and interactive support for complex queries on network traffic can provide experts with new insights into the occurrences and causes of congestion in the network.  相似文献   

When performing queries in web search engines, users often face difficulties choosing appropriate query terms. Search engines therefore usually suggest a list of expanded versions of the user query to disambiguate it or to resolve potential term mismatches. However, it has been shown that users find it difficult to choose an expanded query from such a list. In this paper, we describe the adoption of set‐based text visualization techniques to visualize how query expansions enrich the result space of a given user query and how the result sets relate to each other. Our system uses a linguistic approach to expand queries and topic modeling to extract the most informative terms from the results of these queries. In a user study, we compare a common text list of query expansion suggestions to three set‐based text visualization techniques adopted for visualizing expanded query results – namely, Compact Euler Diagrams, Parallel Tag Clouds, and a List View – to resolve ambiguous queries using interactive query expansion. Our results show that text visualization techniques do not increase retrieval efficiency, precision, or recall. Overall, users rate Parallel Tag Clouds visualizing key terms of the expanded query space lowest. Based on the results, we derive recommendations for visualizations of query expansion results, text visualization techniques in general, and discuss alternative use cases of set‐based text visualization techniques in the context of web search.  相似文献   

The usage of deep learning models for tagging input data has increased over the past years because of their accuracy and high‐performance. A successful application is to score sleep stages. In this scenario, models are trained to predict the sleep stages of individuals. Although their predictive accuracy is high, there are still mis classifications that prevent doctors from properly diagnosing sleep‐related disorders. This paper presents a system that allows users to explore the output of deep learning models in a real‐life scenario to spot and analyze faulty predictions. These can be corrected by users to generate a sequence of sleep stages to be examined by doctors. Our approach addresses a real‐life scenario with absence of ground truth. It differs from others in that our goal is not to improve the model itself, but to correct the predictions it provides. We demonstrate that our approach is effective in identifying faulty predictions and helping users to fix them in the proposed use case.  相似文献   

Multidimensional data sets are common in many domains, and dimensionality reduction methods that determine a lower dimensional embedding are widely used for visualizing such data sets. This paper presents a novel method to project data onto a lower dimensional space by taking into account the order statistics of the individual data points, which are quantified by their depth or centrality in the overall set. Thus, in addition to conveying relative distances in the data, the proposed method also preserves the order statistics, which are often lost or misrepresented by existing visualization methods. The proposed method entails a modification of the optimization objective of conventional multidimensional scaling (MDS) by introducing a term that penalizes discrepancies between centrality structures in the original space and the embedding. We also introduce two strategies for visualizing lower dimensional embeddings of multidimensional data that takes advantage of the coherent representation of centrality provided by the proposed projection method. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our visualization with comparisons on different kinds of multidimensional data, including categorical and multimodal, from a variety of domains such as botany and health care.  相似文献   

A set diagram represents the membership relation among data elements. It is often visualized as secondary information on top of primary information, such as the spatial positions of elements on maps and charts. Visualizing the temporal evolution of such set diagrams as well as their primary features is quite important; however, conventional approaches have only focused on the temporal behavior of the primary features and do not provide an effective means to highlight notable transitions within the set relationships. This paper presents an approach for generating a stepwise animation between set diagrams by decomposing the entire transition into atomic changes associated with individual data elements. The key idea behind our approach is to optimize the ordering of the atomic changes such that the synthesized animation minimizes unwanted set occlusions by considering their depth ordering and reduces the gaze shift between two consecutive stepwise changes. Experimental results and a user study demonstrate that the proposed approach effectively facilitates the visual identification of the detailed transitions inherent in dynamic set diagrams.  相似文献   

Process mining enables organizations to analyze data about their (business) processes. Visualization is key to gaining insight into these processes and the associated data. Process visualization requires a high‐quality graph layout that intuitively represents the semantics of the process. Process analysis additionally requires interactive filtering to explore the process data and process graph. The ideal process visualization therefore provides a high‐quality, intuitive layout and preserves the mental map of the user during the visual exploration. The current industry standard used for process visualization does not satisfy either of these requirements. In this paper, we propose a novel layout algorithm for processes based on the Sugiyama framework. Our approach consists of novel ranking and order constraint algorithms and a novel crossing minimization algorithm. These algorithms make use of the process data to compute stable, high‐quality layouts. In addition, we use phased animation to further improve mental map preservation. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations show that our approach computes layouts of higher quality and preserves the mental map better than the industry standard. Additionally, our approach is substantially faster, especially for graphs with more than 250 edges.  相似文献   

In sports, Play Diagrams are the standard way to represent and convey information. They are widely used by coaches, managers, journalists and fans in general. There are situations where diagrams may be hard to understand, for example, when several actions are packed in a certain region of the field or there are just too many actions to be transformed in a clear depiction of the play. The representation of how actions develop through time, in particular, may be hardly achieved on such diagrams. The time, and the relationship among the actions of the players through time, is critical on the depiction of complex plays. In this context, we present a study on how player actions may be clearly depicted on 2D diagrams. The study is focused on Baseball plays, a sport where diagrams are heavily used to summarize the actions of the players. We propose a new and simple approach to represent spatiotemporal information in the form of a timeline. We designed our visualization with a requirement driven approach, conducting interviews and fulfilling the needs of baseball experts and expert‐fans. We validate our approach by presenting a detailed analysis of baseball plays and conducting interviews with four domain experts.  相似文献   

Power saving is a prevailing concern in desktop computers and, especially, in battery‐powered devices such as mobile phones. This is generating a growing demand for power‐aware graphics applications that can extend battery life, while preserving good quality. In this paper, we address this issue by presenting a real‐time power‐efficient rendering framework, able to dynamically select the rendering configuration with the best quality within a given power budget. Different from the current state of the art, our method does not require precomputation of the whole camera‐view space, nor Pareto curves to explore the vast power‐error space; as such, it can also handle dynamic scenes. Our algorithm is based on two key components: our novel power prediction model, and our runtime quality error estimation mechanism. These components allow us to search for the optimal rendering configuration at runtime, being transparent to the user. We demonstrate the performance of our framework on two different platforms: a desktop computer, and a mobile device. In both cases, we produce results close to the maximum quality, while achieving significant power savings.  相似文献   

Communication‐minded visualizations are designed to provide their audience—managers, decision‐makers, and the public—with new knowledge. Authoring such visualizations effectively is challenging because the audience often lacks the expertise, context, and time that professional analysts have at their disposal to explore and understand datasets. We present a novel summarized line graph visualization technique designed specifically for data analysts to communicate data to decision‐makers more effectively and efficiently. Our summarized line graph reduces a large and detailed dataset of multiple quantitative time‐series into (1) representative data that provides a quick takeaway of the full dataset; (2) analytical highlights that distinguish specific insights of interest; and (3) a data envelope that summarizes the remaining aggregated data. Our summarized line graph achieved the best overall results when evaluated against line graphs, band graphs, stream graphs, and horizon graphs on four representative tasks.  相似文献   

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