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长短波授时系统(BPL/BPM)隶属于中国科学院国家授时中心,是我国第一批国家重大科技基础设施之一,自20世纪70年代开始就承担着我国标准时间、标准频率的发播任务,满足了国家经济发展、国防建设和国家安全保障的需求.基于现场访谈和档案材料,参考出版物及公开报道,就长短波授时系统的发展历程进行了详细的历史描述.首先,回顾了...  相似文献   

胡瑞林 《工程研究》2009,1(2):102-103
祝贺《工程研究》杂志创刊!我作为一位工程地质科研人员,平时主要与具体的工程问题(如工程规划、设计、施工等)打交道,很少站在高层次上思考整个工程学科的发展问题。这个杂志作为工程学科之间思想交流和技术方法互相渗透的平台,其创刊无疑会产生非常积极的推动作用,意义重大。  相似文献   

高小平  刘杰 《工程研究》2015,(2):130-136
我国的国家治理体系,是党领导人民管理国家的政治、经济、文化、社会、生态等各领域的体制、机制和法律法规的总合,是一整套紧密相连、相互协调的国家系统。本文从国家治理理论与实践的结合点出发,将治理理念融入价值理论、结构理论和层次理论,研究确立国家治理体系价值目标的基本原则,进而提出国家治理的价值目标是一个现代化、三个自信、十大关系和五大目标,国家治理体系的基本结构框架是价值、制度与行动组成的系统,国家治理的基本层次是国家治理、政府治理、社会治理、社区治理的梯次系统,政治–行政体系的层次是意识形态、政治纲领、法制规则、政治监督、组织人事、政府责任、管理绩效、机构编制、组织职能等按逻辑组成的多层系统。  相似文献   

李伯聪 《工程研究》2010,2(3):233-242
On account of the fact that engineering has been evolving, it should be studied in the view of evolution theory. The study of engineering evolution is not only of theoretical significance but also of practical importance. Engineering evolution is a must for the profound study of engineering philosophy. There is close relationship among the evolution of engineering theory, engineering history, and engineering philosophy. From the point of view of rhetoric, philosophy of language and cognitive science, this paper analyzes the method of metaphor and explains the similar yet different relationship between the theory of life evolution and the theory of engineering evolution. And the paper comes to a conclusion that only when the engineering evolution undergoes a transformation from considering evolution as a metaphor to a theoretical innovation, could it be an independent theory in the academic field.  相似文献   

In the 20 years from the late 19th century to early 20th century, industry developed rapidly in Europe and the U.S. During this period new branches of engineering science came into being. In order to have deep understanding of engineering science, the author chooses American Institute of Chemical Engineers as her case study target. On the basis of important sources and literatures, the paper made a study on the history of the formulation of chemical engineering as a new discipline from the perspectives of historiography and sociology of science. The paper shows that in the rapid growth of the chemical industry in the U.S, chemical engineers has become a new profession, and chemical engineering as a discipline is gradually shaped by the interaction and intersection of chemistry and mechanical engineering. In 1888, Boston Institute of Technology (the predecessor of MIT) started to design chemical engineering courses and to train engineers needed in chemical industry. Chemical engineers paid more attention to the connection of their work with pure chemistry and mechanical engineering. They tried to find out their own professional and knowledge boundaries in industry. The chemical industry grew along with the formation of chemical engineer groups and institutionalization of chemical engineering education. In such a context, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers was established in 1908. The AIChE was a distinguished mark of the institutionalization of chemical engineering. It played an important role in the shaping and promoting of the new discipline: defining the professional identity of the chemical engineer; constructing a platform of academic communication; clarifying the boundary of chemical engineering and the relationship among chemical engineering, chemistry, mechanical engineering and other disciplines; reforming the education of chemical engineering at American universities, standardizing the curriculum of chemical engineering; promoting the connection among academic institutions, universities and enterprises.  相似文献   

目前工程社会学在我国正逐渐兴起,出现了"工程共同体论"、"社会评价论"和"建设工程系统论"三种不同研究范式,各学者对系统的工程社会学体系莫衷一是。本文首先批判性梳理了上述三种范式,指出其对于工程社会学建构的作用和意义;其次,借鉴英国科学社会学家约翰·齐曼对科学社会学知识的类型划分,将工程社会学体系划分为"内部工程社会学"和"外部工程社会学",并提出"工程域"和"工程社区"两个概念,它们是工程社会学的基本范畴,也分别是内部工程社会学和外部工程社会学的核心概念;最后,展望工程社会学发展前景,指出工程社会学必将成为社会学"学术大家庭"中的重要一员。  相似文献   

郭世杰 《工程研究》2010,2(1):74-81
Under the international background of capital construction and city planning, this thesis investigates the making and publishing procedure and main content of the Nanjing capital Plan and analyzes the role of the main designers in order to disclose the propagation path of scientific city planning ideas and to enrich the understanding of this important historical fact in modern China's history of technology.  相似文献   

李伯聪 《工程研究》2009,1(3):237-248
工程活动是有目的的人类活动,企业是现代社会中从事经济活动、工程活动的主要组织形式,是创造“广义价值”的主体。本丈着重从工程哲学和跨学科研究的视角,对大庆油田发展历程中的若干问题进行分析和思考。从企业社会责任理论和石油产品具有“双重属性”的角度分析了大庆油田的“企业责任”问题;从工程哲学、管理科学、伦理学、创新研究的视角,对大庆的管理经验、科技创新、战略决策、“百年油田”目标的确定等问题,进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

王国豫 《工程研究》2010,2(2):168-175
The institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics is to efficiently implement and apply the concept and research achievements of engineering and technology ethics into engineering activities by establishing effective institutions and organizations. German engineering and technology ethics has gained valuable experience in this respect. About the theoretical demonstrations on ethical institutionalization, there're mainly: Gehlen’s anthropological demonstration on the objective of institutionalization, and Ropohl's demonstration from the view of society-technology system theory while Hubig's from the viewpoint of axiology. And in Germany, the practical applications of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics chiefly include the establishment of various institutionalized organizations at the levels from federation, state to the public, and the promulgation and implementation of ethical guidelines for Association of German Engineers. Reviewing the experiences and characteristics of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics in Germany would not only be helpful to the enrichment of our theories of engineering and technology ethics, but also be of significant reference value for the the application of engineering and technology ethics in practice.  相似文献   

张志会 《工程研究》2010,2(3):217-227
At present, the study of “public understanding of engineering” in China has just started, and it can be said that there is adequate research space. Making the public understanding of dams in China as a starting point, this paper analyzes the importance and the present situation of “public understanding of engineering”, and makes some analysis and recommendations on how to promote and facilitate the public understanding of engineering.  相似文献   

朱亚宗  黄松平 《工程研究》2013,5(4):335-343
工程技术的首创性是综合国力的重要标志,中国当代工程技术的首创性水平不容乐观,并已成为中国经济、文化、社会、生态创新提质的瓶颈.为突破这一瓶颈,首先要在全社会树立首创性意识,并改进科技管理,选拔培养顶尖人才和高素质技术工人.同时,中国人一生中竞争最激烈的时期出现在高考阶段,而欧美却将最激烈的竞争设计在博士阶段,而后者正是通向首创性人才的重要阶梯.因此培养首创性人才必须深化教育改革,并高度注重培育适应工程技术首创性的文化土壤.  相似文献   

While the philosophy of engineering is becoming a popular topic in the academia, the philosophy of military engineering is rarely studied. The study of the definition, classification and specialty of military engineering is the basis and the logical foundation of the philosophy of military engineering. From the concept of engineering and engineer, we could tell that engineering is tightly bound to military in the very first place. The emergence of civil engineering has led to the diversity and versatility of engineering. This paper redefines the concept of military engineering by analyzing the purposes, the functions and the organizational management of military engineering constructions. By comparing military engineering with civil engineering, this paper classifies military engineering according to its functions, purposes and applications and clarifies the characteristics of military engineering.  相似文献   

栾恩杰 《工程研究》2014,(4):323-331
从工程与科学技术辩证关系的角度,在四个方面讨论了工程在创新驱动发展中的作用和意义.从劳动与劳动工具对人类进化和发展过程中的关键作用入手,讨论了工程的本质以及科学、技术、工程三者的关系,认为三者处于“无首尾逻辑”的不断循环的融合体状态,三者互相依赖、互相推动,而工程直接联系着技术的应用和科学的基础,在这一循环中起着“扳机”和载体的作用.以中国航天经历仿制阶段、自主研制阶段、跟踪发展阶段以及开始步入创新驱动发展新时期的58 年发展历程为例,论述了以重大工程带动科技发展对我国来说是一条成功之路.提出在未来的创新驱动发展中要坚持两项原则:一是坚持通过重大工程带动科技发展和社会进步;二是要将基础科研按其本身的特点并吸纳重大工程的成功经验制定发展规划.讨论了工程成果对于科学发展的基础作用,提出工程成果不仅是现代基础科学取得重大突破的必要手段和基础,还牵引着诸多基础学科的生成,完善和推动基础学科的发展;工程设施所提供的成果,既是设计成果、验证结果,也是运营的伴行装置;既是对象的物理表现,也是模型化认识的基础科学.对工程师的使命强调了三点认识:一是要依据系统工程的原则、方法和程序指导工程实践,一项重大工程系统在其运行中,必然要包括“非拥护性评审”以及相应的机会成本权衡;二是系统工程实施的第一步是工程需求论证,而复杂工程系统的需求论证必须是全域性的,涉及技术、经济、社会的诸多方面,否则可能造成巨大的损失;三是科技进步将人类社会推到高科技时代的同时,也把我们带进了为科技进步和工程建设而付出的各种代价之中,工程师要与科学家携手,通过“科学一技术一工程”无首尾逻辑的综合运用,共同解决当代民生难点课题,这是工程师的?  相似文献   

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