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李伯聪 《工程研究》2009,1(1):51-57
工程创新的实质和基本内容是创新空间中的选择与建构。一方面,就工程创新活动本身而言,工程创新活动是以创新者为主体而在“创新空间”中进行选择和建构活动,另一方面,在社会水平和层面上,创新者及研发成果又成为了社会和市场进行选择和建构的对象,成为了被选择者和被建构者。对现实空间的认知和对创新空间的认知是性质迥然不同的两种认知能力和认知方式。文中最后分析和评论了所谓“科技成果转化率”问题。  相似文献   

马强 《工程研究》2009,1(1):66-71
工程创新的成功在很大程度上依赖于工程创新群体中的有效沟通。本文基于知识整合的视角分析工程创新群体中的沟通问题,表明沟通的有效性主要受知识形态、沟通的结构和群体心理等因素的影响。在工程创新过程中,它们可能产生沟通的壁垒和陷阱,使创新陷于困境。  相似文献   

<正>古人云:"独学而无友,则孤陋而寡闻。"学者将学术成果公之于众,互相借鉴,互相批评,才能互相启迪,才能有新的发现,才能有学术创新,并以此促进各学科的交融发展。可以说,学术交流是学术活动的重要形式和基本规律之一。学术期刊作为交流学术成果的载体,是学术活动的重要平台。无疑,学术期刊在选择刊载学术成果时有某种程度的自由裁量权,一定程度上决定着学术交流的质量和方向。"会当凌绝顶,一览众山小",学术期刊的重要职责及最高境界是"引领学术方向、组织  相似文献   

邢怀滨 《工程研究》2009,1(1):58-65
工程创新是指那些发生在工程活动中的创新。在提出“壁垒-陷阱”创新模型的基础上,从“要素-集成”视角,剖析了工程创新的壁垒和陷阱。要素壁垒和陷阱主要来自于信息、技术、资本和市场,集成壁垒和陷阱主要来自于沟通、耦合、制度和文化。本文对这些形形色色的壁垒和陷阱进行分析,尝试描绘出工程创新的“壁垒-陷阱”图景。  相似文献   

朱亚宗  黄松平 《工程研究》2013,5(4):335-343
工程技术的首创性是综合国力的重要标志,中国当代工程技术的首创性水平不容乐观,并已成为中国经济、文化、社会、生态创新提质的瓶颈.为突破这一瓶颈,首先要在全社会树立首创性意识,并改进科技管理,选拔培养顶尖人才和高素质技术工人.同时,中国人一生中竞争最激烈的时期出现在高考阶段,而欧美却将最激烈的竞争设计在博士阶段,而后者正是通向首创性人才的重要阶梯.因此培养首创性人才必须深化教育改革,并高度注重培育适应工程技术首创性的文化土壤.  相似文献   

李伯聪 《工程研究》2010,2(3):233-242
On account of the fact that engineering has been evolving, it should be studied in the view of evolution theory. The study of engineering evolution is not only of theoretical significance but also of practical importance. Engineering evolution is a must for the profound study of engineering philosophy. There is close relationship among the evolution of engineering theory, engineering history, and engineering philosophy. From the point of view of rhetoric, philosophy of language and cognitive science, this paper analyzes the method of metaphor and explains the similar yet different relationship between the theory of life evolution and the theory of engineering evolution. And the paper comes to a conclusion that only when the engineering evolution undergoes a transformation from considering evolution as a metaphor to a theoretical innovation, could it be an independent theory in the academic field.  相似文献   

王国豫 《工程研究》2010,2(2):168-175
The institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics is to efficiently implement and apply the concept and research achievements of engineering and technology ethics into engineering activities by establishing effective institutions and organizations. German engineering and technology ethics has gained valuable experience in this respect. About the theoretical demonstrations on ethical institutionalization, there're mainly: Gehlen’s anthropological demonstration on the objective of institutionalization, and Ropohl's demonstration from the view of society-technology system theory while Hubig's from the viewpoint of axiology. And in Germany, the practical applications of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics chiefly include the establishment of various institutionalized organizations at the levels from federation, state to the public, and the promulgation and implementation of ethical guidelines for Association of German Engineers. Reviewing the experiences and characteristics of the institutionalization of engineering and technology ethics in Germany would not only be helpful to the enrichment of our theories of engineering and technology ethics, but also be of significant reference value for the the application of engineering and technology ethics in practice.  相似文献   

钱学森提出的技术科学思想及其方法论,是指从工程和实践中抽象出科学问题,基于自然科学理论建立简化力学模型,通过数学手段求解,得到理论结果,再经过实际检验,从而"创造出工程技术的理论".本文概述我们对这一思想的学习和思考,并以两个实例阐述我们对此的具体实践.  相似文献   

为真实反映国外纳米技术伦理及社会问题研究的兴起与发展现状,借助信息可视化技术和科学知识图谱,清晰地展示了国外纳米技术伦理与社会研究的发展现状、高影响力学术群体以及热点研究领域,以期为中国纳米技术伦理与社会问题的研究者们了解国外动态、选择研究方向提供参考.国外纳米伦理与社会研究经过20年的发展,形成了以RocoM和Bai...  相似文献   

王兆春 《工程研究》2010,2(3):264-277
Based on the continual development of the military engineering and technology in different historical stages in ancient China, this article describes the evolving process of the corresponding management institutions and discusses its causes. The whole process is divided into several historical phases, including germinating, shaping, developing, systematizing and modernizing. The author thinks that the military engineering, the military technology and the management institutions depended on, mutually promoted and closely associated with each other and went ahead side by side in the long history. Through serious study of the history development of the management institutions, readers can understand its ensuring function for the military engineering and technology and acquire the consciousness and foresight which is necessary for building and reforming the similar institutions.  相似文献   

张志会 《工程研究》2010,2(3):217-227
At present, the study of “public understanding of engineering” in China has just started, and it can be said that there is adequate research space. Making the public understanding of dams in China as a starting point, this paper analyzes the importance and the present situation of “public understanding of engineering”, and makes some analysis and recommendations on how to promote and facilitate the public understanding of engineering.  相似文献   

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