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A method is proposed for the determination of the mutton tallow content of mixed beef and mutton tallow samples. The calculation is based on the determination of conjugated diene,trans acids, and monocis unsaturated acids in the sample. The analytical findings are employed in a single equation which is weighted to minimize uncertainty due to natural variation. The method is largely independent of the degree of “seeding” of the tallow prior to sampling and is accurate to approximately ±14%. This accuracy is considered reasonable in view of the natural variations of the two fats and their close analytical similarity.  相似文献   

By means of gas liquid chromatography and thin layer chromatography on Silica gel G/AgNO3 we isolated some isolinoleic acids from beef and mutton tallow, which by their chromatographical behavior, IR analysis and by double bond determination by ozonolysis are mainly stereo-isomeric 11,15-octadecadienoic acids and in a smaller amount stereo-isomers of 10,15-octadecadienoic acids. 4-Cis- and 4-trans-heptenals, 2-trans,6-cis- and 2-trans,6-trans-nonadienals have been isolated from the DNPH mixture obtained from the volatile decomposition products of an oxidized synthetic mixture of stereo-isomeric 11,15-octadecadienoic acids. Presented in part by G. Hoffmann at the 7th ISF Congress, Hamburg, October 1964.  相似文献   

The characteristics of Uruguayan commercial beef tallow are described. The mean values of some properties and their variation limits are summarized. Uruguayan beef tallow differs from those that have been described in other countries. Based on results presented as partial requirement for the Doctoral Thesis of M.A. Grompone.  相似文献   

Summary Crystallization of Indian beef tallow fatty acids (total saturated acid content 64.3% by wt.) from six dilutions of ethanol (95 to 70%) at five temperatures (20° to −12.5°C.) and at six solvent/acid ratios (2.5 to 20) was systematically studied. Optimum conditions of choice would use 85% ethanol at −12.5°C. at a solvent/acid ratio to 10 to give 69.7% precipitated acids, I.V. 11.0, and 30.3% soluble acids, I.V. 93.5. Other conditions of a similar order are possible. The comparatively saturated character of Indian beef tallows and the use of ethanol cause a departure from the Emersol process operating conditions using methanol, which is designed for American tallows. Considerations bearing on large-scale application are discussed.  相似文献   

By means of gas-liquid chromatography two isomeric 2,4-hepta- and 2,4-decadienals have been isolated from volatile decomposition products of soybean oil. The stereoconfiguration of the isomers appeared to be 2t, 4c, and 2t,4t. The precursor of the two heptadienals is assumed to be linolenic acid and that of the two decadienals, linoleic acid.  相似文献   

Edible beef tallow was extracted by supercritical CO2 in a dynamic mode at pressures from 138 to 345 bars and temperatures of 40 and 50°C. The lipid fractions were collected at 34.5 bar/40°C. A retrograde behavior of lipid solubility was observed around 170–175 bar. The ranges of the cholesterol concentration [chol.], were 300–450 mg/100 g and 50–200 mg/100 g lipid for the fractions extracted at 138 bar and 345 bar, respectively. Beef tallow was also extracted with sequentially varied pressures of 138, 345 and 138 bars at 40°C and collected at 34.5 bar/40°C. The results showed that after 20 kg CO2 was used for extracting 100 g of loaded beef tallow the weight of the residual beef tallow remaining in the extractor was 23 g with [chol.] of 49 mg/100 g lipid. The lower [chol.] of the residual beef tallow represents a 60–70% reduction in cholesterol content, when compared with untreated beef tallow where [chol.] ranges from 130 to 160 mg/100 g lipid. To isolate lipid fractions containing higher [chol.], beef tallow was extracted at 345 bar/40°C and then fractionated into three separators connected in series with decreasing pressures of 173 bar, 117 bar, and 34.5 bar at 40°C, respectively. The results showed that the fractions collected from the third separator (34.5 bar) contained concentrated [chol.] ranging from 272 to 433 mg/100 g lipid. The fatty acid analysis revealed that the fractions containing high [chol.] generally consisted of high concentrations of myristic and palmitoleic acids but low concentrations of stearic and oleic acids.  相似文献   

The effect of titer increase on the composition of 60 samples of Uruguayan beef tallow was studied. The results demonstrate that the titer depends fundamentally on the stearic/oleic ratio.  相似文献   

Tallow is biodiesel feedstock that, due to its highly centralized generation in slaughter/processing facilities and historically low prices, may have energetic, environmental, and economic advantages that could be exploited. Transesterification of fatty acids by means of ultrasonic energy has been used for biodiesel production from different vegetable oils. However, application of ultrasonic irradiation for biodiesel production from beef tallow has received little attention. In this work, the transesterification of beef tallow with methanol was performed in the presence of potassium hydroxide as a catalyst using ultrasound irradiation (400 W, 24 kHz). The reaction time, conversion and biodiesel quality were compared with that seen in conventional transesterification. The results indicated that the reaction conversion and biodiesel quality were similar; however, the use of ultrasonic irradiation decreased the reaction time, showing that this method may be a promising alternative to the conventional method.  相似文献   

Bovine bone fat and beef tallow are widely used as raw material for oleochemical processes. Due to high temperature and pressure these processes are supposed to have an excellent inactivation potential for prions, i.e. the agent of BSE and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. To experimentally prove the destruction of the pathogenic prion protein aggregates under technically relevant conditions, oleochemical processes were emulated in the laboratory in reduced scale. Fat samples were spiked with highly infectious ex vivo prion rods and aliquots were taken before and after the processes. From these aliquots, undegraded prion protein was precipitated and determined by a sensitive Western blot assay. Degradation factors of 2 ?103 ‐ 104 for catalytic fat hydrogenation and 107 for fat hydrolysis represent acceptable safety limits. With these experimental prion protein degradation factors the risk of human exposure to oleochemical products of bovine origin can be assessed. Assuming worst‐case scenarios, the annual risk for human consumption of hydrogenated beef tallow is less than 6.8 x 10‐7 and for skin application of fatty acid derivatives is less than 7.0 x 10‐10. Both values are smaller than the background risk of contracting sporadic Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease (1 x 10‐6 per annum).  相似文献   

Summary Data on the densities and viscosities of miscellas from trichloroethylene and cottonseed oil, fish oil, and beef tallow for four different temperatures are presented. Equations, with the necessary constants, are given for calculating both densities and viscosities.  相似文献   

In order to increase its potential as a food ingredient, an oil fraction derived from a commercial edible beef tallow was substituted for soybean oil in a formulation designed to yield a spray-dried free-flowing powder readily reconstitutable with water to yield a nutritious beverage. If desired, the beverage powder could be fortified with a vitamin-mineral premix containing iron. After 6 months of storage at 37 C, no significant difference in flavor score was observed between samples containing the beef tallow oil fraction and control samples containing soybean oil. There was also no significant difference in flavor scores received by samples containing the beef tallow oil fraction fortified with vitamins and minerals and fortified control samples. However, peroxide values were eight times greater in the unfortified control samples. The beef tallow oil fraction warrants further study as a food ingredient in engineered food systems where enhanced oxidative stability is desirable.  相似文献   

Diglyceride (DG) was prepared by reaction of hydrogenated beef tallow and glycerol in the presence of aPsesudomonas lipase. The yield of DG depended strongly on the reaction temperature. After initial incubation at 60°C for 2 h, followed by the first temperature shift down to 55°C for 4 h and then the second shift down to 48°C for up to 3 d, the reaction mixture became solid and a yield of approximately 90% DG was obtained. About 95% of total DG was 1,3-DG. The yield of DG was also dependent on the glycerol (GL) to triglyceride (TG) molar ratio. At the molar ratio of 1∶2 (GL/TG), the enzyme-catalyzed reaction was highly efficient and utilized essentially all of the glycerol. The free fatty acid (FFA) content at equilibrium depended on the water concentration in the glycerol phase. The initial rate of FFA formation was low and was hardly affected by the moisture content between 0.5 and 4%, but, at higher water content (4–6.7%), there was a small increase in the rate.  相似文献   

明胶固定化猪胰脂肪酶催化牛油合成单甘酯   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用包埋法将猪胰脂肪酶固定于明胶上,固定化的脂肪酶保持了较高酶活性。用固定化的脂肪酶催化牛油甘油解反应,当反应温度为46℃、n(甘油):n(牛油)为4:1和甘油含水量为5%时,可获单甘酯质量分数达52.50%,反应在22h左右达到平衡,反应混合物常温下放置质量分数继续提高,4d后产率达82.29%。  相似文献   

Hydroperoxides were isolated from the peanut lipoxygenase-linoleic acid reaction mixture and were separated as their methyl esters by high performance liquid chromatography. Mass spectrometry and infra-red analysis indicated the isolated hydroperoxides to be 13-hydroperoxy-cis-9,trans- 11-octadecadienoic acid; 13-hydroperoxy-trans- 9,trans- 11-octadeca-dienoic acid; and 9-hydroperoxy-trans-l0,trans- 12- octadecadienoic acid. The percentages of the hydro-peroxides in the reaction mixture were 72.8%, 3.6%, and 23.6% under the conditions used. 1 Paper No. 4973 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, NC 27607. Paper No. 4973 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, NC 27607.  相似文献   

Conclusion The protein of the Chinese tallow nut is quite easily isolated by employing rather mild conditions. On the basis of amino acid values presented, both the protein and flour should be suitable as a protein feed. The relatively low lysine and methionine content however would limit the usefulness of the protein as a supplement to cereal grains. The relatively high thiamin content of the protein, in addition to the presence of smaller amounts of the other B vitamins determined, suggests the possible use of this material in the enrichment of flour for the baking industry. The industrial possibilities in addition to the food value of the protein are yet to be determined.  相似文献   

We investigated modes whereby stearic acid (18∶0) exerts a neutral or cholesterol-lowering effect using dietary fats which provided graded levels of 18∶0 and distinct triacylglycerol (TAG) profiles. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (150–175 g) were fed diets containing 0.2% cholesterol and 16% fat from corn oil, or from 1% corn oil plus 15% lard (13.2% 18∶0), beef tallow (19.2% 18∶0) or cocoa butter (34.7% 18∶0) for 3 wk, and then killed in a fasted or fed state. Chylomicron (CM) fatty acid profiles suggested reduced absorption of 18∶0 with greater 18∶0 intake. CM TAG profiles indicated a reduction or loss of two TAG species compared to the TAG profiles of the stearate-rich diets: 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-3-stearoyl glycerol (POS) and 1,3-distearoyl-2-oleoyl glycerol (SOS). Hepatic total cholesterol concentrations were 54–77% lower (P<0.01) in the cocoa butter-fed than the lard- and beef tallow-fed groups. The cocoa butter group showed a significantly lower ratio of high-density lipoprotein esterified/free cholesterol than all other groups. Hepatic stearoyl-CoA and oleoyl-CoA concentrations, the substrate and product for hepatic δ9 desaturase, were not significantly different for corn oil-fed and cocoa butter-fed groups in spite of a large difference in 18∶0 intake. These data suggest that the neutral or cholesterol-lowering effect of 18∶0 is not due to hepatic conversion of stearic to oleic acid, and that POS and SOS are poorly absorbed from stearate-rich dietary fats.  相似文献   

在浓盐酸中由环己酮和2,6-二甲基苯胶一步合成了多取代基的4,4'-二胺基-2,2',6,6'-四甲基二苯基环己烷。报道了该二胺的纯化,井使用元素分析、红外光谱、核磁共振谱等分析手段对其进行了表征。  相似文献   

通过CSGC-PRV方程计算得到哌啶胺和哌啶醇的饱和蒸汽压数据并拟合出安托尼常数,采用COSMO-SAC方法计算哌啶胺-哌啶醇体系中各组分的活度系数,通过泡点计算得到哌啶胺-哌啶醇二元体系汽液平衡关系。根据计算结果,进行了哌啶胺间歇精馏提纯试验,获得了纯度大于99.00%(质量分数)的哌啶胺。  相似文献   

Thetrans 18:1 acid content and profile for several samples of edible refined beef tallow were determined monthly over a period of one year. For this purpose, gas-liquid chromatography was combined with silver-ion thin-layer chromatography. The mean content oftrans-18:1 isomers was 4.9±0.9% (n=10) of total fatty acids with a minimum of 3.4% and a maximum of 6.2%. The distribution profile of individual isomers was also established. As in other ruminant fats (milk fat, meat fat), the main isomer is vaccenic (trans-11 18:1) acid. Other isomers, with their ethylenic bonds between positions 6 and 16, were found in lesser amounts. However, some slight but definite differences exist between beef tallow and cow milk fat. The relative proportion of vaccenic acid is higher in the former than in the latter. However, the distribution pattern oftrans-18:1 isomers in beef tallow closely resembles that in beef meat fat (lean part).  相似文献   

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