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罗鹏  杜军 《铸造》2012,61(9):1047-1050
利用普通铸造法制备了Mg94ZnY(6-x)(x=5.2、4、3、2、0.8)合金,考察了Zn/Y原子比对铸态组织与物相组成及摩擦磨损性能的影响.结果表明:Zn/Y比对其组织结构和物相组成有明显影响,Mg94Zn52Y08合金其合金相主要呈断续网状和颗粒状,且其物相组成较为简单,但随着Zn/Y比减小,化合物主要呈晶间连续网状析出,合金相组成变得复杂.当Zn/Y比为1∶1、1∶2时,在合金中析出Mg12ZnY三元相,几种材料的磨损机制均主要表现为犁沟磨损,粘着磨损和氧化磨损,Mg94Zn0.8Y5.2的硬度较大,耐磨性最佳.  相似文献   

Mg–Zn–RE(Gd, Y) alloys with different Gd/Y atomic ratios were prepared by conventional casting, and the microstructure of the alloys was studied by multiple means. Icosahedral quasicrystal phases are observed in all alloys. The different Gd/Y atomic ratios affect the microstructures of the alloys irregularly. The alloy with more Gd has large dendritic structure and more complicated phase composition which are composed of I-phase lamellar eutectic, W-phase divorced eutectic, Mg–RE cuboid particles and Mg–Zn binary phases. Other two alloys show similar microstructures and phase compositions with very thin lamellar eutectics which distribute along the interdendritic region, and the lamellar eutectics are formed by I-phase and Mg. The element contents of the I-phases and Mg–RE phases are partially controlled by the Gd/Y atomic ratio.  相似文献   

研究了在250℃、不同挤压比下挤压变形对Mg95 Zn4.3 Y0.7合金组织及性能的影响。结果表明,Mg95 Zn4.3 Y0.7经过挤压变形后,合金中晶界处的共晶相破碎,弥散分布至晶粒内部,并且晶粒显著细化。同时,随着挤压比的增大,晶粒细化程度增加,合金的力学性能单调增加。当挤压比为16时,合金晶粒尺寸为5-8μm,抗拉强度为288.9MPa,显微硬度HV值为117.8。  相似文献   

研究了铸态Mg97Zn1Y2合金的室温、高温力学性能和干摩擦条件下摩擦磨损行为,并与AZ91合金进行了对比.结果表明:室温下AZ91合金的屈服强度要高于Mg97Zn1Y2合金,但高温下Mg97Zn1Y2合金较AZ91合金表现出更好的热强性,当温度超过150 ℃时,AZ91合金的屈服强度急剧下降,Mg97Zn1Y2合金则下降较少.Mg97Zn1Y2合金由轻微磨损向严重磨损的转变点明显滞后于AZ91合金,相同载荷范围内Mg97Zn1Y2合金磨损表面的温升要低于AZ91合金,其原因是Mg97Zn1Y2合金中的金属间化合物Mg12YZn较AZ91合金中的Mg17Al12相具有更佳的热稳定性.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜和X射线衍射仪等研究了Ti含量对铸态Mg93Zn6Y1合金凝固组织和力学性能的影响.结果 表明,添加Ti能够显著细化铸态合金的凝固组织.随着Ti含量的增加,合金中初生α-Mg相的晶粒尺寸先减小后增加,准晶相的形貌由连续网状转变为不连续网状,合金的抗拉强度和伸长率均先增加后降低.当添加0.4 at...  相似文献   

研究了相变温度附近等温热处理温度和保温时间对含长周期结构Mg97Zn1Y2合金的组织的影响,并对演变机理进行了探讨。主要研究结论如下:500℃固溶处理时,随着时间的增加,长周期结构有增长的趋势。采用等温热处理可以将Mg97Zn1Y2合金中的枝晶组织转变为球状晶,当合金保温温度范围从540℃~600℃时,组织尺寸由大-小-大的顺序变化,即经过了粗化、分离及球化至最后粗化三个过程。在等温热处理温度为575℃的组织大致演变趋势为:枝晶态-不规则球形+块状-球形状,当保温时间15min,其组织为均匀、圆整的球状晶。  相似文献   

比较研究了Mg-3Ce-1.2Mn-0.9Sc和Mg-3Ce-1.2Mn-1Zn镁合金的铸态组织和力学性能。结果表明:含Sc合金主要由α-Mg、Mg12Ce和Mn2Sc相组成,而含Zn合金则主要由α-Mg和Mg12Ce相组成。然而,含Sc和含Zn铸态合金中Mg12Ce相的形貌是不同的。含Sc合金中的Mg12Ce相主要呈颗粒状,而含Zn合金中的Mg12Ce相则主要呈连续和/或准连续的网状。同时,含Sc合金的晶粒较含Zn合金的相对较为细小。此外,虽然含Sc合金和Zn合金在室温和300°C下具有相似的抗拉性能,但含Sc合金在300°C和30MPa下持续100h后的抗蠕变性能较Zn合金的好。  相似文献   

The microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–6Zn–1Y and Mg–6Zn–3Y(wt%) alloys under different cooling rates were investigated. The results show that the second dendrite arm spacing(SDAS) of Mg–6Zn–1Y and Mg–6Zn–3Y is reduced by 32 and 30% with increasing cooling rates(Rc) from 10.2 to 23 K/s, which can be predicted using a empirical model of SDAS=68 R 0:45:45cand SDAS=73 R 0c, respectively. The compressive strength of both alloys increases with increasing the cooling rate, which is attributed to the increase of volume fraction(Vf) of secondary phases under high cooling rate. The interaction of the cooling rate and component with SDAS has been theoretically analyzed using interdependence theory.  相似文献   

快速凝固Mg94.6Zn4.8Y0.6镁合金薄带的组织与性能   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
采用单辊快速凝固技术制备了Mg94.6Zn4.8Y0.6合金薄带,研究了薄带的组织及性能特征。结果表明:Mg94.6Zn4.8Y0.6镁合金快速凝固薄带组织由过饱和的单相-αMg固溶体组成,沿厚度方向分为两个晶区:近辊面粗大等轴晶区和自由面细小等轴晶区。Mg94.6Zn4.8Y0.6合金快速凝固薄带的显微硬度为85.95HV,在250℃左右保温2 h的显微硬度最高,超过该温度(250~300℃)显微硬度显著下降。  相似文献   

在含1.0%Fe(质量分数)的A356铝合金中添加不同含量的Mn,采用OM、SEM、EDS及DSC等分析方法研究Mn/Fe摩尔比对富铁相形态的影响及其规律,探讨添加Mn后A356-1.0Fe合金中物相的凝固顺序。结果表明:随着Mn/Fe摩尔比的提高,富铁相形态的演变顺序为:针状→汉字状→树枝状→星形→多边形状,当Mn/Fe摩尔比超过1.2时可基本消除针状铁相。富铁相中(Fe,Mn)/Si摩尔比随富铁相形态的凝固先后顺序逐渐增加,分别为针状富铁相中(Fe,Mn)/Si摩尔比为0.5~0.7,树枝状和汉字状富铁相中(Fe,Mn)/Si摩尔比为的1.2~1.7,星型和多边形富铁相中(Fe,Mn)/Si摩尔比为1.9。富铁相的平均晶粒尺寸和体积分数随Mn/Fe摩尔比的增加先增加后减小,而后再增加。其中当Mn/Fe摩尔比为1.0时,富铁相的平均晶粒尺寸和体积分数均为最小,与A356-1.0Fe合金的相近。此外,Mn的添加有利于提高共晶相和α(Al)基体相的形成温度,有利于多边形富铁相的形成。  相似文献   

采用Gleeble热力模拟试验机对Mg-Zn-Zr-Y合金进行了高温压缩变形实验,分析了合金在变形温度为573~723K、应变速率为0.001~1 s-1范围内的流变行为。结果表明,热变形条件对流变特征和流变应力影响显著,流变曲线呈现"饱和非线性"和"正偏态分布"2种特征,应力水平随着变形温度的降低和应变速率的增大而提高。基于Arrhenius和Zener-Holloman方程,线性拟合确定了合金的表观变形激活能(Q=152.307 k J·mol~(-1))和应力指数(n=5.521)等参数,建立了描述塑性流变行为的本构方程。结果显示,该本构模型数值计算出的流变应力理论值与实验结果的吻合程度依赖于热变形条件的取值范围,与"饱和非线性"稳态流变特征的塑性变形行为基本吻合;而与加工硬化突出的"正偏态分布"流变行为存在一定偏差,引起理论峰值应变前移,但峰值应力水平仍基本符合。表明该本构模型在Mg-Zn-Zr-Y合金中表现出较好的实用性,尤其适用描述高变形温度(623 K)和低应变速率(0.01 s~(–1))下稳态塑性变形行为。  相似文献   

研究了Zn与Al质量比对Mg-Zn-Al三元镁合金铸态组织和凝固行为的影响。结果表明:Zn与Al质量比小于2的实验合金主要由α-Mg+Mg32(Al, Zn)49相组成,且随着Zn与Al质量比的增加,实验合金中第二相的数量逐渐减少,同时其分布由连续网状逐渐向断续状转变;Zn与Al质量比大于2的实验合金则主要由α-Mg+Mg32(Al, Zn)49+MgZn相组成,且随着Zn与Al质量比的增加,实验合金中第二相的数量逐渐增加,同时其分布由断续网状逐渐向颗粒弥散状转变;此外,Zn与Al质量比小于2的实验合金的第二相转变开始温度和峰值温度基本上高于Zn与Al质量比大于2的实验合金,从而导致第二相转变过程中不同相变的发生和第二相类型的不同。  相似文献   

利用磁控溅射离子镀技术制备系列TiO 2-ZnO异质复合薄膜,通过调节溅射靶材电流的大小控制薄膜中n(Zn)/n(Ti)值。采用AFM﹑SEM﹑Raman和XPS手段表征薄膜的微观形貌和结构,并以甲基橙作为光催化污染物,研究n(Zn)/n(Ti)对TiO 2-ZnO复合薄膜微观结构及光催化性能的影响。结果表明:随着n(Zn)/n(Ti)的增大,复合薄膜的晶粒尺寸先减小而后增大,其粗糙度也先增大而后减小,且均在n(Zn)/n(Ti)为1/9.3时达到极值;n(Zn)/n(Ti)对薄膜中元素Ti和Zn的价态无明显影响,均以TiO 2和ZnO形式存在,但比值的大小影响薄膜退火后TiO 2中锐钛矿/金红石异质结的数量;n(Zn)/n(Ti)越大,复合薄膜的光响应范围及吸光度越大,其响应光谱最大可扩展150 nm,波长可至450 nm,但异质复合薄膜光催化效果与其并不对应,取决于ZnO对TiO 2复合薄膜微观结构的影响,当n(Zn)/n(Ti)为1/9.3时,薄膜的降解速率最大,光催化能力最好。  相似文献   

The planar features in a Mg–8Y–2Zn–0.6Zr (wt.%) alloy solution-treated at 500 °C for 1 h have been examined using conventional transmission electron microscopy and atomic-resolution high-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy. Three types of planar features are detected in the microstructure. The first type, which was previously reported to be an intrinsic stacking fault I1 bounded by a Frank partial dislocation, is shown to be the 14H precipitate phase that is associated with Shockley partial dislocations. The second type is also a precipitate phase that has a single unit cell height and is associated with Shockley partial dislocations. The third type of planar feature comprises small ribbon-like stacking faults. These stacking faults are determined as intrinsic I2 type bounded by two Shockley partial dislocations, which is further confirmed by computer simulation. The stacking fault energy associated with the faults is much smaller than that of pure magnesium.  相似文献   

《Acta Materialia》2007,55(12):4137-4150
We have investigated the microstructures of age hardened Mg–2.0Gd–1.2Y–xZn–0.2Zr (x = 0, 0.3, and 1.0) (at.%) alloys to understand the remarkable age-hardening and unusual plastic elongation behavior. The age-hardening of the alloys occurs through the sequential precipitations of β′ and β1 phases. The β1 phase heterogeneously nucleates at the interface of the β′ phase, and relaxes strain fields around the β′. Although the addition of Zn degrades the age-hardening response, it causes the discontinuous precipitation of a 14H-type long-period stacking (LPS) phase at grain boundaries as well as within grains in the over-aged condition, which enhances the maximum tensile elongation. The composition of the β1 phase was determined to be Mg–23.3 at.% RE–9.7 at.% Zn–2.0 at.% Zr (RE: rare-earth, Gd and Y), whereas that of the LPS is Mg–5.6 at.% RE–1.8 at.% Zn–1.0 at.% Zr.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of the Mg97ZnlY2 extruded alloy containing the long-period stacking ordered phase, the so-called LPSO-phase, with a volume fraction of 24%-25%, were examined by compression tests and cyclic tension-compression deformation tests. The plastic behavior of the extruded alloys with compositions of Mg99.2Zn0.2Y0.6 and Mg89Zn4Y7 (molar fraction, %), which were almost the same compositions of Mg matrix phase and LPSO phase in Mg97Zn1Y2 Mg/LPSO two-phase alloy, respectively, were also prepared. By comparing their mechanical properties, the strengthening mechanisms operating in the Mg97Zn1 Y2 extruded alloy were discussed. Existence of the LPSO-phase strongly enhanced the refinement of Mg matrix grain size during extrusion, which led to a large increment of the strength of alloy. In addition, the LPSO-phases, which were aligned along the extrusion direction in Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy, acted as hardening phases, just like reinforced fibers.  相似文献   

The mechanical properties of Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy, composed of Mg matrix phase and a long-period stacking ordered phase, the so-called LPSO phase, with a volume fraction of approximately 24%, were investigated using compression tests at room temperature. The microstructure was varied to a large degree by various heat treatments at high temperatures above 400 °C, and the relationship between the microstructure and mechanical properties was clarified. The plastic behavior of the Mg/LPSO two-phase alloy was compared with that of Mg99.2Zn0.2Y0.6 alloy, composed almost Mg-solid-solution phase, and the strengthening mechanisms at work in the Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy are discussed. The existence of the LPSO phase strongly enhanced the refinement of Mg matrix grains during extrusion, which led to a large increase in yield stress through the Hall–Petch relationship. In addition, the LPSO phases, which were aligned along the direction of extrusion in the Mg97Zn1Y2 extruded alloy, acted as hardening phases, being roughly coordinated with the short-fiber reinforcement mechanism.  相似文献   

应用金相显微镜、扫描电子显微镜和X射线衍射及能谱分析等检测方法,研究了Mg82Zn14.2Y3.3Zr0.5合金在经过500 ℃固溶和320 ℃高温时效后的合金中准晶相的形态、含量、化学成分以及分布。结果表明:该合金的铸态组织中含有准晶相Mg3Zn6Y1(I相)和Mg3Zn3Y2(W相);在经过固溶处理后W相消失;在时效过程中,在一段时间内I相的含量随着时间的延长而增加,当超过临界时间后I相的含量减少。观察发现在所研究的合金中存在两组形态的准晶相分别为花瓣状和鱼骨状,它们对晶界有很大的改善作用。  相似文献   

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