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传统的部分传输序列法(PTS)中,如果要得到最佳的相位旋转因子,需要遍历所有的可选相位,这样的计算量随分割的子序列数按指数增长。本文提出两种减少计算复杂度的改进PTS方法(经迭代的IPTS和经门限的IPTS)。这两种方法都利用快速傅立叶变换(FFT)的时域循环移位特性增加备选信号,改善PAPR降低的性能。首先提出了一种利用反复迭代移位的IPTS方法(经迭代的IPTS),该方法的计算量随子序列数按线性增长。接着提出了一种利用预先设定的门限值以降低计算复杂度的IPTS方法(经门限的IPTS)。最后理论分析、比较了PTS、PTS/CSS方法与本文方法的计算复杂度。Matlab软件仿真显示,当使用相同的分割子序列数和相位旋转因子时,两种IPTS方法能够以较小的运算量达到了PTS/CSS方法性能;两种IPTS方法降低PAPR的性能要优于PTS方法,但计算复杂度并没有增加。 相似文献
We present a new method (MMSE-threshold) for peak/average power reduction. This technique is derived from a constellation shaping algorithm, where the constellation points with lower average energy are selected from a larger set of points. There are multiple choices available to select the points with lower peak energy for a given sequence of data bits, and this flexibility is used to reduce the peak to average power ratio (PAPR). Subsequently, this selection algorithm, which is formulated in terms of a zero-one quadratic problem, is optimized by the semidefinite programming algorithm (SDPA). Simulation results show that the PAPR of SDPA is noticeably better than MMSE-Threshold, while the complexity of MMSE-Threshold is smaller than that of SDPA. MMSE-Threshold is compared with alternative techniques reported in the literature. We show that, while we obtain a PAPR that is similar or better than those of the compared techniques, the complexity of MMSE-Threshold is low. In addition, the MMSE-threshold method results in about 1 dB shaping gain (reduction in the average energy) with less than 1% rate loss for PAPR reduction. 相似文献
《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,57(4):1456-1468
We propose a simple adaptive algorithm for channel estimation of multiple antenna OFDM systems to provide competitive performance
with low computational complexity and tracking ability. The derivation of the mean-squared error (MSE) for the proposed scheme
is presented and the optimum selection of the parameter in the scheme is analyzed by utilizing the derived MSE expression. 相似文献
Bhalchandra M. Hardas Sanjay B. Pokle 《Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics》2017,62(12):1388-1395
Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) a multicarrier system [1, 2] provides base for all advanced wireless communication system. The performance of OFDM is degraded by peak-to-averagepower ratio (PAPR). High PAPR requires high power amplifiers (HPAs). The nonlinearity of the HPA exhibits amplitude and section distortions, that cause loss of orthogonality among the subcarriers, and hence, intercarrier interference (ICI) is introduced inside the transmitted signal. Not only that, high PAPR put together lands up in in-band distortion and out-of-band radiation. Rather than using HPA’s, the only way to improve performance of OFDM system is to reduce PAPR. The PAPR reduction of OFDM system gives fair reduction in PAPR under partial transmits sequence (PTS) and DCT-SLM techniques. Here in this paper we proposed a combination of PTS and DCT-SLM and an algorithm to cut back the PAPR. This hybrid combined technique reduces PAPR effectively and minimizes the complexity of PTS technique. 相似文献
本文针对幅度预矫正技术在降低OFDM系统PAPR(peak-to-average power ratio)的同时增加了系统平均功率的缺点,采用对部分输入符号进行两个相反方向的放大和缩小,以达到进一步降低系统PAPR,并且降低系统平均功率的目的.分析及仿真结果表明,在保证系统在AWGN信道中的误比特率性能的前提下,在概率为10-4处,改进后的方法比原方法PAPR降低了0.6dB,系统平均功率也有明显降低.本文方法具有算法简单、不产生失真,不发送边带信息及灵活性高,且易于与其他降低PAPR技术结合使用等特点,具有较好的实用价值. 相似文献
提出了一种基于判决反馈机制的信道估计方法,采用少量导频估计出初始信道信息,再从接收端检测出的符号中选取一组包含了少量错误的符号作为准导频,反馈到信道估计器,与初始的导频一起构成数量更多的导频序列,经过几次迭代,达到提高信道估计精度的目的。为提高初始估计的精度。信道估计采用了一种频域分集的方法。计算机仿真表明,在多径瑞利衰落信道下,本文的方法可以在较低的复杂度下有效地提高信道估计的精度,在MMSE接收条件下,系统具有良好的误比特率(BER)性能。 相似文献
提出了OFDM通信系统中一种新型自适应信道估计方法。利用信道冲激响应的最重要分量,该自适应信道估计方法能有效降低子载波间干扰和高斯白噪声的影响。根据性能仿真结果比较,本方法的MSE和BElK结果优于变换域插值、时域插值。 相似文献
正交频分复用(OFDM)技术是一种多载波调制方式。作为第四代移动通信系统的核心技术,OFDM己成为当今高速无线通信领域的研究热点。正交频分复用(OFDM)系统存在高峰值平均功率比(PAPR)问题,这一问题会导致系统性能降低,为其实用化设置了障碍。文中研究了一种改进的降低PAPR的非线性压缩与扩展算法,可以得到更好的PAPR性能。该方法的特点在于采用一种计算复杂度较低的非线性压扩函数,同时融合了叠加训练序列方法的改进非线性压扩算法,从而有效地降低系统PAPR。理论研究和仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比,所提出的改进压缩与扩展方法可以在降低系统复杂度的同时得到更好的PAPR性能。 相似文献
针对低压电力线信道噪声强、衰减大的问题,基于OFDM技术的电力线通信系统采用时域扩充结构,提高导频数据的可靠性.确定了在OFDM时域扩充结构中应用LMMSE准则时最大多径时延的最优取值.在此基础上提出一种更适合时域扩充系统的信道估计优化算法,通过利用OFDM符号内所有导频参与信道估计从而在低信噪比条件下获得更低的误码率.仿真结果表明提出的改进算法与传统LMMSE算法相比具有更好的信道估计性能,在信噪比低于0dB时改进算法的性能优势更加明显. 相似文献
In orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, the estimate errors of automatic gain control (AGC) and DC estimation (DCE) are larger than in single carrier systems. It is due to the fact that OFDM signals have Gaussian distributions. Consequently, estimate errors will occur in the AGC and the DCE because of the truncating effect generated by the analog-to-digital converter (A/D). In addition, the AGC and the DCE will interfere with each other when operated independently. In this paper, we analyze the estimate errors of the conventional AGC and DCE method in OFDM systems. We then propose the joint AGC-DCE method which performs the AGC and the DCE at the same time. The proposed method uses the distribution function of OFDM signals, and overcomes the truncating effect of the A/D and the interference between the signal power and the DC offset. In addition, we propose an enhanced AGC-DCE method which combines the proposed method with the conventional DCE so as to further reduce estimate errors. Simulation results verify that, the enhanced method estimates the signal power and the DC level more accurately than the conventional method. If the same estimate errors are reached, the estimate delay of the enhanced method can be only 1/4 of that of the conventional one. 相似文献
正交频分复用(OFDM)技术的一个主要缺点就是传输信号的峰均功率比(PAPR)较高,很容易导致OFDM信号的线性失真和系统性能的下降,这就限制了OFDM技术的广泛应用。因此,如何有效地降低OFDM系统中的PAPR是亟需解决的问题。在对选择性映射(SLM)方法进行深入研究的基础上,提出了基于新的相位序列的SLM技术,与传统SLM方法相比较,它的发送端和接收端不需要辅助信息。在没有数据损失和发送端信号功率稍微增大的情况下,就可以得到与传统的SLM技术相近的性能。并且,在选定合适的系统参数后,系统的SER性能没有得到退化。 相似文献
In this paper, an adaptive channel estimation for MIMO OFDM is proposed. A set of pilot tones first are placed in each OFDM block, then the channel frequency response of these pilot tones are adaptively estimated by reeursive least squares (RLS) directly in frequency domain not in time domain. Then after the estimation of the channel frequency response of pilot tones, to obtain the channel frequency response of data tones, a new interpolation method based on DFT different from traditional linear interpolation method according to adjacent pilot tones is proposed. Simulation results show good performance of the technique. 相似文献