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一种基于频谱分析的离焦深度自动对焦法   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
通过计算2幅不同离焦位置的图像频谱的径向分布,推算出目标物体的离焦深度,从而调 整镜头位置完成自动对焦。算法适用于任意目标物体,尽管是基于频谱的,但是并不需要计算离焦图像的频谱,算法精度可达4%,鲁棒性良好。  相似文献   

We present a technique to recover and refine the depth map from a single image captured by a conventional camera in this paper. Our method builds on the universal imaging principle: only scene at the focus distance will converge to a single sharp point on imaging sensor but other scene will yield different blur effects varying with its distance from the camera lens. We first estimate depth values at edge locations via spectrum contrast and then recover the full depth map using a depth matting optimization method. Due to the fact that some blur textures such as soft shadows or blur patterns will produce ambiguity results during the procedure of depth estimation, we use a total variation-based image smoothing method to smooth the original image, a smoothed image with detailed texture being suppressed can be generated. Taking this smoothed image as reference image, a guided filter is used to refine the final depth map.  相似文献   

A single camera stereo vision sensor model based on planar mirror imaging is proposed for measuring a three-dimensional point. The model consists of a CCD camera and a planar mirror. Using planar mirror reflections of a scene, a picture with parallax is obtained by shooting the target object and its virtual image. This is equivalent to shooting the target object from different angles with the camera and the virtual camera in the planar mirror, so it has the function of binocular stereo vision. In addition, the measurement theory of the three-dimensional point is discussed. The mathematical model of a single camera stereo vision sensor is established, the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters are calibrated, and the corresponding experiment has been done. The experimental results show that the measuring method is convenient and effective; it also has the advantages of simple structure, convenient adjustment, and is especially suitable for short-distance measurement with high precision.  相似文献   

Feature-based stereo correspondence techniques suffer from the major limitation that it is difficult to match along epipolar lines and this often results in a sparse set of depth points. Past researchers attempted to solve this problem through trinocular stereo. In this paper, a new method has been proposed for reducing the sparsity of depth points by orienting the epipolar line of the cameras in a direction that maximizes the number of feature points. The corresponding epipolar axis has been termed as the optimal axis. Our analytical as well as simulation results have established that for a limited edge scenario, the proposed approach can lead to considerable improvement in the number of feature points that can be matched. We have introduced a figure-of-merit for the optimal axis and discussed how it is qualitatively related to the variance of the probability density function (pdf). We have also presented the results of our simulation experiment, termed as the random stick experiment. Finally, we have also shown the results of improved reconstructed surface of a synthetic image using optimal axis alignment.  相似文献   

立体视觉测量系统的空间分辨力随着物体的空间位置和移动方向的变化而变化,系统的空间分辨力高低在很大程度上会影响整个系统的测量精度。本文根据立体视觉测量系统的成像公式,对整个系统观察范围内的所有空间点的空间分辨力进行了详细分析与计算。结果表明,两个 CCD夹角在 80°~100°时系统的空间分辨力最高,并且 X方向的空间分辨力整体上高于 Y方向, Z方向的空间分辨力变化相对较小,最终的实验结果和仿真结果相吻合,根据系统空间分辨力的分布规律,本文制定出了制出了空间分辨力最优的立体视觉系统的参数设置方案。  相似文献   

The problem of catadioptric omnidirectional imaging defocus blur, which is caused by lens aperture and mirror curvature, becomes more severe when high resolution sensors and large apertures are applied. In order to overcome this problem, a novel method based on computational photography is proposed. Firstly, the defocus blur of catadioptric omnidirectional imaging is analyzed to calculate the point spread function for different scene points. Then, the defocus blur kernel of omnidirectional image is confirmed to be spatially invariant when rotating the focus ring of camera lens during an image’s integration time. Lastly, the deconvolution algorithm using prior sparse derivatives is applied to obtain all-focused/sharp omnidirectional images. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective for omnidirectional image deblurring and can be applied to most existing catadioptric omnidirectional imaging systems.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the design and construction of an electronic hybrid signal processing meter that develops an output voltage proportional to the depth of a concrete crack. The circuit employs multiplication, squaring, and square-rooting functions by means of a special nonlinear ADC and counting scheme.  相似文献   

阐述了机械结构间同轴度、光轴间同轴度、光轴与机械轴间同轴度的定义,介绍了引伸计同轴度 测量方法、应变计同轴度测量方法、百分表同轴度测量方法、三坐标测量机同轴度测量方法、激光对中仪法等 机械结构间同轴度测量方法的原理和优缺点;分析了干涉比较测量法、反射式定心测量法、透射直接测量法等 光轴间同轴度测量方法的特点;介绍了基于图像处理和机器视觉技术的光轴与机械轴之间同轴度测量方法的原 理及应用。指出机械结构间同轴度的测量方法较为传统,存在测量效率低、需要人为判断等缺点;同轴度测量 技术将向高精度、自动化、非接触的方向发展。  相似文献   

为了在已经建好的闭口风洞中进行基于声传感器阵列的声学测量,且获得最佳成像结果,需要按照壁面预留开口进行阵列的最优化设计,针对常见声源及风洞壁面已有开口提出了不同口径相配合、椭圆形和"窗口"型三种阵列布局方法,基本满足了各种壁面开口的需求,解决了规则形阵列设计与风洞预留开口不匹配、阵列性能无法达到最佳、甚至阵列无法使用等问题。通过特殊阵列设计以及成像结果对比,得出了影响波束形成的一般因素及阵列优劣的判定方法,仿真和实验结果表明,所提出的设计方法普适性强,而且波束形成结果具有较高的分辨率,能够有效抑制旁瓣,提高动态范围。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a device, based on amorphous silicon technology, fabricated on ceramic substrate able to perform pressure measurement with both good linearity and sensitivity. The active material of the sensor is a thin film (below 5 nm) of chromium silicide formed at room temperature on an n-type amorphous silicon layer. Sensors with different shapes (square and rectangular) and positions on the ceramic membrane have been characterized. Sensitivity in the order of 400 μV/kPa has been achieved.  相似文献   

陈辉  杨剑  黄晓铭  裴琴  黄梅丽 《计量学报》2019,40(3):403-408
利用从运动中恢复结构方法(SFM),提出了一种基于多视图立体视觉的沙堆三维重建及三维尺寸测量方法。首先根据SFM方法的求解不稳定特点,结合光束平差法对SFM求解过程进行分析及优化;其次针对SFM重建结果为稀疏点云的问题,利用基于面片的稠密重建算法重新生成稠密的三维点云,再利用泊松算法对密集点云进行三维曲面重建;最后获得模型的三维尺寸信息。对某建筑工地的沙堆进行了三维尺寸的测量实验,实验结果验证了该方法的有效及可行性,提高了重建能力及精度,同时考虑了目标实际测量误差与重建误差,能够满足实际智能测量的应用需求。  相似文献   

手推式钢轨外形几何尺寸测量系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研制了一种手推式钢轨外形几何尺寸测量系统。利用激光线光源投射于钢轨表面,钢轨外形轮廓的光截曲线成像在CCD上。经过灰度变换、边缘提取和中心线提取,获得截面处的钢轨外形曲线。将其标定后,与钢轨标准曲线进行比较,从而求得实测钢轨的磨损量。该系统具有体积小、重量轻、实时处理、操作方便等优点。  相似文献   

张志刚  霍晓丽  周冰 《包装工程》2020,41(19):230-236
目的 针对物流行业运输中包装箱的非接触自动测量,提出一种基于改进SURF配准算法的双目立体尺寸测量方法。方法 首先采用二进制FREAK描述子代替传统SURF的描述子,解决传统SURF描述子计算耗时、描述向量生成依赖于特征主方向,且主方向计算误差会在后续步骤中出现传导放大 的缺点;其次,采用PROSAC删除误匹配点,并利用FREAK级联匹配的方式进一步提高算法的匹配 速度和匹配准确率。最后,利用视差优化和边缘提取算法获得精确三维空间体,实现非接触尺寸测量。结果 实验表明改进算法可快速提取图片特征点并准确匹配,对不同规格包装箱检测结果显示,基于改进算法的测量方法测量误差小,检测速度快。结论 改进图像匹配算法可有效提高图像匹配准确率,减少测量时间,对于提高物流行业运输效率、减少人工成本具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为满足实际应用要求,设计一种新的制动系统气压传感器测试平台。该平台以DSP系统为核心,包括气压传感器、制动系统气压模拟装置、汽车气压仪表以及上位机。DSP接受上位机的实验指令后,气压传感器通过调理电路送给DSP系统板以实时测量当前实际气压值,并传递给上位机进行同步显示。测试结果表明:该平台人机界面友好,操作简单方便,可应用于气压仪表及气压传感器的参数测试、标定及相关的培训教育等领域。  相似文献   

The scattering of ultrasonic Rayleigh waves incident normally on corners containing cracks is considered by using elastodynamic ray theory. Detailed calculations are presented for vertical and horizontal cracks in right-angle corners in aluminium. It is shown that crack depth can be measured simply from the spacing of interference fringes in the high-frequency spectra of either the back- or forward-scattered Rayleigh waves, given only a knowledge of the Rayleigh wave speed. Use of the back-scattered wave is preferable because its fringes show stronger modulation, and because an experiment requires a single transducer and access to only one face of the specimen. The technique is applicable without modification to the more general case of a crack at any angle in a corner of any angle.  相似文献   

邵双运  苏显渝 《光电工程》2005,32(9):43-46,54
理论分析表明,在正弦光栅成像面前后调制度分布是一种高斯分布,据此提出一种基于高斯曲线拟合的调制度测量轮廓术高度信息获取新算法:高斯曲线拟合法。该算法对调制度分布序列中极值位置附近的部分数据点利用高斯函数进行拟合,从获得的拟合曲线求出调制度极大值的真实位置,该位置对应的扫描距离即为对应点的高度信息。对同一测量数据利用三种高度算法分别计算高度,测量精度为:极值算法0.78mm、重心算法0.37mm和高斯曲线拟合算法0.22mm,表明高斯曲线拟合法可以获得更高的测量精度。  相似文献   

由序列图像进行三维测量的新方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目前的三维测量方法都需要专门的测量设备且存在着种种限制,为此提出了一种基于图像序列进行三维测量的新方法。将由数码相机围绕被测物体拍摄的多幅图像导入计算机,利用图像处理知识得到特征的二维信息;采用计算机视觉方法,对特征从射影空间到欧式空间分层逐步重建即可完成三维测量。设计一套特征标志组合,作为辅助测量工具避免了特征匹配难题。确立了一套图像分割与识别策略获得特征标志二维信息,识别率可达到95%以上。采用基于模约束的摄像机分层自标定方法得到特征在欧式空间下的三维信息,并通过多种优化方法减少误差的影响。该方法在硬件上实现简单,对测量条件要求不高。实际试验表明,相对误差可达到1.48%,重投影误差为0.3864像素。  相似文献   

Untreated fibre is not sensitive to bending deformation. In this paper, a fibre-optic deformation sensor has been developed by introducing a light leakage zone on one side of fibre, which measures bending deformation directly. A respiration measurement system based on fibre-optic deformation sensors is developed. Two fibre-optic sensors are bonded to an elastic belt that is fixed around the chest, which ensures the deformation curvature of the sensors changes during respiration. The light leakage zones of two sensors are arranged at the same cross-section of the belt and the directions of two light leakage zones are opposite. In this case, the throughput of one sensor increases and the other decreases during respiration. A differential system is established by these two fibre-optic sensors, which improves the sensitivity of the measurement system. The proposed fibre-optic respiration measurement system enables a quantitative assessment of the respiratory depth and respiratory rate.  相似文献   

远距离运动物体三维轮廓测量的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
提出了摄像机光轴平行和光轴垂直两种简化的双目立体视觉系统,用来实现远距离运动物体的三维轮廓测量。具体阐述了这两种简化系统的测量原理和数学模型,还着重对以上两种系统下远距离物体测量中摄像机参数,如焦距、视场角、分辨率、两摄像机间距离与落弹范围的距离等的选择进行了探讨。就不同的系统对摄像机的选择进行了实验运算,结果表明,用该摄像机对1000m处的直径为70mm的小目标进行测量,可获得90个像素的轮廓,便于进行三维轮廓的提取。仿真实验表明,简化的双目立体系统可以快速、方便、简单地得到远距离物体的三维轮廓。  相似文献   

A robust and accurate method for estimating the 3-D pose of a planar rigid object is presented. This article demonstrates that 3-D pose estimation becomes feasible by using the 2-D tracking points on an object of scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) and 3-D point cloud detected by stereo vision on an object, assuming that a 3-D geometric model of an object is known a priori. The roll and pitch angles of an object are estimated by the normal vector of approximate plane of 3-D point cloud on an object and the yaw angle is estimated by 2-D tracking point on an object of SIFT. Accurate object detection and localization in the camera coordinate system is crucial for grasping. In the motion planning, the bidirectional rapidly exploring random tree algorithm is used to search for a valid path for efficient grasping. Our robot arm can robustly and autonomously grasp a randomly rotative rigid object detected by SIFT in 3-D space. We have realized a grasping scenario with a dexterous arm (ADAM) such that an object in front of ADAM can be grasped. This demonstration shows how the proposed components build a dexterous and robust system integrating object detection, pose estimation, and motion planning.  相似文献   

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