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The squeezing properties in terms of SU(1, 1) and SU(2) operators for the case of trilinear processes are studied. The initial state of the system is supposed to be a coherent state in one of the modes and number states in the remaining modes. It is pointed out that in several cases a considerable amount of squeezing can be achieved. Due to the common mathematical structure the case of a two-mode coupler with intensity dependent coupling is also analysed.  相似文献   


The properties of states generated by the application of the two-mode squeeze operator to the pair coherent states are studied. These states are the two-mode analogues of the single-mode squeezed states generated by the application of the single-mode squeeze operator to an ordinary coherent state. In the present case there are correlations between the modes and strong non-classical properties are to be expected. We study the statistical properties of the photon number distributions, squeezing, violations of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, quasiprobability distributions and the phase distributions.  相似文献   


In this paper a two-photon Jaynes-Cummings model interacting with a Kerr-like medium is studied. It is assumed that the electromagnetic field is in different states such as coherent, squeezed vacuum and pair coherent, and that the atom is initially in the excited state. The temporal evolution of the population of the excited level, and the second-order coherence function are studied. The results obtained show that this system has some similarities with the two-mode Stark system. Two photon entanglement are analysed at different initial conditions.  相似文献   

We have studied the case in which one mode of the light field in the two-mode squeezed vacuum state evolves in a diffusion channel. By virtue of thermo-entangled state representation and the technique of integration within an ordered product, the evolution formula of the field density operator is given. Its non-classical properties, such as squeezing effect, antibunching effect, the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality and the entanglement property between two modes, are studied. The influences of the squeezing parameter and the dissipation time on the non-classical properties are discussed. The results obtained by the numerical method show that its non-classical properties are all weakened with the dissipation. On the other hand, its squeezing effect and the entanglement property between two modes are strengthened, but its antibunching effect and the violation of Cauchy–Schwartze inequality are weakened with the increase of the squeezing parameter.  相似文献   


We investigate the relationship between squeezing and reduced phase fluctuations for various states of the single-mode electromagnetic field, including the strongly-squeezed vacuum and phase states. We find that, although squeezing the fluctuations of the electric field that arise from the vacuum guarantees a more well-defined phase, reducing phase fluctuations does not guarantee a squeezed electric field. We also investigate the evolution of the electric field and its fluctuations for a phase state. Our results show that even though the electric field fluctuations never vanish for a phase state, the times when the electric field changes sign are precisely defined. We also discuss why it is not always possible to attribute physical properties to certain states, such as simple superpositions of phase states.  相似文献   

Employing the quantum Hamiltonian describing the interaction of a two-mode light (signal–idler modes) generated by a non-degenerate parametric oscillator (NDPO) with two uncorrelated squeezed vacuum reservoirs (USVR), we derive the master and the Fokker–Planck equations. The corresponding Fokker–Planck equation for the Q-function is then solved employing a propagator method developed by K. Fesseha [J. Math. Phys. 33 2179 (1992)]. Making use of this Q-function, we calculate the quadrature fluctuations of the optical system. From these results we infer that the signal–idler modes are in squeezed states. When the NDPO operates below threshold we show that, for a large squeezing parameter, a squeezing amounting to a noise suppression approaching 100% below the vacuum level in one of the quadratures can be achieved.  相似文献   


Master equation methods are used to investigate the effects of a broad-band squeezed vacuum on a three-level atom of the lambda configuration. The two-mode squeezed vacuum is treated as a Markovian reservoir in a non-stationary phase-dependent state. In addition to the squeezed vacuum the atom is driven by two coherent laser fields each of which, depending on the polarization, can couple to one or both of the atomic transitions. We show that in general the optical Bloch equations for the atomic density matrix elements have oscillatory coefficients, thereby necessitating the use of Floquet methods. For the case of equal laser frequencies, which are also equal to the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum, the coefficients of the Bloch equations become time independent and stationary solutions for the populations and coherences are obtained by standard matrix methods. For the ordinary vacuum the usual coherent population trapping effect at two-photon resonance is obtained, with the upper state population being zero. An unsqueezed thermal field partially destroys the trapping effect as the upper state population is no longer zero at two-photon resonance. The squeezed vacuum has the effect of improving the trapping in that the coherence hole becomes more pronounced for some values of the relative phase between the squeezed vacuum and the driving fields. The additional effects of a coherence transfer rate between the two optical coherences, which occurs for special choices of angular momentum quantum numbers are also studied. For the case of equal laser frequencies, the inclusion of this coherence transfer process destroys population trapping and reduces the lambda system to a two-level system. However, for the case of unequal laser frequencies, the coherence transfer process in combination with the squeezed vacuum can restore to some extent the population trapping. We show that other features that do not occur for two-level atoms, such as stationary population inversions between pairs of the atomic levels, also depend on the relative phase and can be enhanced in the squeezed vacuum. In the case of unequal frequencies of the driving fields the population in the upper state depends on the relative phase only when the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is equal to one of the two frequencies of the driving fields. When the carrier frequency of the squeezed vacuum is slightly detuned from both frequencies of the driving fields, the population in the upper state is insensitive to the relative phase but is dependent on the degree of squeezing. For large detunings, the population does not show any dependence on the degree of squeezing and its distribution in function of the two-photon detuning is similar to that in the thermal vacuum field.  相似文献   


One introduces the phase state as a nonlinear coherent state. Some of its properties, such as the sub-Poissonian statistics, the squeezing effects, the phase properties in the Pegg-Barnett formalism and the quasiprobability function of the nonlinear coherent states, are calculated and discussed in this paper. The results show that the phase states are squeezed.  相似文献   


In this paper we have employed the generalized two-mode squeeze operator to discuss the effect of squeezing on two-mode coherent states, number states and thermal states. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The statistical investigations are carried out for the quasi-probability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function). The P representation is also considered.  相似文献   


The nonclassical photon statistics of one-mode and two-mode combination squeezed states introduced recently by Fan, which have less fluctuation in one quadrature phase than the usual two-mode squeezed states, is discussed. It is found that increasing the degree of two-mode squeezing cannot always increase the photon antibunching depth of these generalized two-mode squeezed states.  相似文献   

It is shown that there are certain quantum limits to angular momentum minimum-uncertainty (MU) obtained by polarization squeezing Hamiltonians, beyond which the MU cannot be realized. The analysis is made for two cases: (a) when a strong coherent state is in one mode and a squeezed vacuum is in the other mode. (b) For the interference between two optical modes which are amplitude squeezed, with equal squeezing and intensities’ magnitudes.  相似文献   


We discuss the connection between quantum correlations and squeezing in simple quantum optical systems. We illustrate this connection by a study of two-mode states of light produced by parametric down-conversion and similar two-photon processes. The intermode correlations in these systems are shown to be responsible for modifications in photon-number sum and difference operators, and for squeezing in the superpositions of the two modes. The disappearance of the diagonal coherent-state quasiprobability function P(α) when non-classical light properties are important is noted, and alternative and better-behaved Wigner functions and coherent-state expectation Q-functions for the two-mode system are developed.  相似文献   


In the present work we study the effects of squeezing on coherent states, number states, and on the thermal field states related to the time evolution operator, which is the result of the Hamiltonian describing the simultaneous non-degenerate parametric amplifier with mixing of two modes a and b via a rotation of their polarization. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The quasi-probabilities of the W Wigner and Q functions are calculated. The Glauber P representation for the squeezed thermal state explicitly shows the limit of its applicability.  相似文献   


Two-mode squeezed Gaussons are non-classical states of light which are intermediate between single-mode and two-mode squeezed states. They may be prepared by coherently mixing two single-mode squeezed states at a beam-splitter or via a frequency converter. When equally squeezed single-mode squeezed states are incident on a 50/50 beam-splitter the output will range between a two-mode squeezed state and two single-mode squeezed states as the phase of the input squeezed light is varied. This behaviour is reflected when the properties of such states are investigated.  相似文献   

We have examined both single and entangled two-mode multiphoton coherent states and shown how the ‘Janus-faced’ properties between two partner states are mirrored in appropriate tomograms. Entropic squeezing, quadrature squeezing and higher-order squeezing properties for a wide range of nonclassical states are estimated directly from tomograms. We have demonstrated how squeezing properties of two-mode entangled states produced at the output port of a quantum beamsplitter are sensitive to the relative phase between the reflected and transmitted fields. This feature allows for the possibility of tuning the relative phase to enhance squeezing properties of the state. Finally, we have examined the manner in which decoherence affects squeezing and the changes in the optical tomogram of the state due to interaction with the environment.  相似文献   


In this paper we derive the quantum statistical and dynamical properties of nonlinear optical couplers composed of two nonlinear waveguides operating by second subharmonic generation, which are coupled linearly through evanescent waves and nonlinearly through non-degenerate optical parametric interaction. Main attention is paid to generation and transmission of non-classical light, based on a discussion of the squeezing phenomenon, the normalized second-order correlation function and quasiprobability distribution functions. Initially coherent, number and thermal states of optical beams are considered. In particular, results are discussed with dependence on the strength of the nonlinear coupling relatively to the linear coupling. We show that if the Fock state |1〉 enters the first waveguide and the vacuume state |0〉 enters the second waveguide, the coupler can serve as a generator of squeezed vacuum state governed by the coupler parameters. Further, if thermal fields enter initially the waveguides the coupler plays a similar role as a microwave Josephson-junction parametric amplifier to generate squeezed thermal light.  相似文献   

We investigate the time evolution of entanglement between two two-level atoms which are coupled to a common multimode electromagnetic reservoir and simultaneously driven by a coherent field. We find that the entanglement can always be created and maintained with a moderate intensity of the driving field during the track of approaching steady entangled states when both atoms are initially in their ground states and the reservoir is in the vacuum state or the squeezed vacuum state. We also show that the steady-state entanglement between the atoms can be enhanced by use of the coherent field when the reservoir is in the weakly squeezed vacuum state. More interestingly, in the squeezed reservoir case, the sudden death period in the time evolution of the entanglement can be removed by use of the coherent driving field.  相似文献   


Fluorescence from a coherently driven two-level atom that is damped by a squeezed vacuum is studied. We show that the mean atomic polarization depends on the relative phases of the squeezed vacuum and the coherent driving field. The fluorescent spectrum is calculated and shows several modifications over the spectrum for normal resonance fluorescence. In particular, the central peak of the Mollow triplet has a linewidth that depends on the phase of the driving field. For strong squeezing this peak can either be much narrower or much broader than the natural linewidth of the atom.  相似文献   


The possibility of using squeezed states for improving the shot-noise limit of the strain sensitivity of Michelson interferometers is discussed. We find that the spectrum of squeezing required depends on the method of stabilization used in the experiment. Details are given for the widely used phase-modulation technique (which also allows for recycling of the field), where we find an important application for broadband (‘two-mode’) squeezing.  相似文献   

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