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In this paper, we investigate the interaction between a vee-type three-level atom and a single mode of the electromagnetic field in the presence of a nonlinear Kerr-like medium and an intensity-dependent coupling. We have elucidated the system by a nonlinear Hamiltonian constructed from the standard Jaynes–Cummings model by deforming the field operators and adding some nonlinear terms. Using the initial conditions that the atom is prepared in an excited state and the field is in a coherent state, the state vector of the entire system is determined analytically. The time evolution of nonclassical properties such as Mandel Q, quantum entanglement and position-momentum uncertainty relation (squeezing) of the field are investigated. The quasiprobability distributions are also computed for the resultant state. The effects of the detuning parameters, generalized Kerr medium and intensity-dependent coupling on the previous nonclassicality signs are analysed, in detail.  相似文献   


We study the dynamics of an N-level atom coupled in a lossless cavity to a single-mode near-resonant quantized field. The atomic levels are coupled by the multiphoton transitions and the coupling constants between the field and the atomic levels are supposed to be intensity dependent. We find the exact solution for the state vector describing the dynamics of the atom-plus-field system. As an illustration we use the model for studying (i) the time evolution of the atomic occupation probability with the initially coherent field and (ii) the light squeezing, when the cavity field is initially in the vacuum state and the atom is prepared in the atomic ‘coherent state’ (a superposition of atomic states).  相似文献   


The conditions for obtaining squeezing by single-beam multiphoton absorption are examined. For an initial coherent light the amount of squeezing is calculated in the second order of interaction time using the master-equation formalism. A limit formula for the amount of squeezing is found in the case of an initial strong coherent beam. The results are compared with the exact numerical calculations and some remarks are made on the short-time approximation in multiphoton absorption.  相似文献   


In the present work we study the effects of squeezing on coherent states, number states, and on the thermal field states related to the time evolution operator, which is the result of the Hamiltonian describing the simultaneous non-degenerate parametric amplifier with mixing of two modes a and b via a rotation of their polarization. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The quasi-probabilities of the W Wigner and Q functions are calculated. The Glauber P representation for the squeezed thermal state explicitly shows the limit of its applicability.  相似文献   


In this paper we introduce the even binomal state, which interpolates between the even number state and the even coherent state. We consider the effect of this state on the Glauber second order correlation function. Both squeezing phenomena are discussed, i.e., normal squeezing and amplitude squared squeezing. The quasiprobability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function) for such a state are also examined.  相似文献   


The squeezing properties in terms of SU(1, 1) and SU(2) operators for the case of trilinear processes are studied. The initial state of the system is supposed to be a coherent state in one of the modes and number states in the remaining modes. It is pointed out that in several cases a considerable amount of squeezing can be achieved. Due to the common mathematical structure the case of a two-mode coupler with intensity dependent coupling is also analysed.  相似文献   


Various measures of phase resolution (including variance, entropy, confidence half-width, and reciprocal peak likelihood) are reviewed, and applied to the class of coherent phase states. These states arise naturally as eigenstates of the Susskind-Glogower phase operator, and are found to have near-optimal phase resolution properties for fixed mean photon number [nbar]. The mutual information for a communication channel based on coherent phase states is calculated as log ([nbar] + 1), within 1·5 bits of the theoretical maximum for single-mode channels.  相似文献   


By utilizing our previous operator solution [17], we have investigated the squeezing in the radiation field of the Tavis-Cummings model (collective N ? 1 two-level atoms interacting with a resonant single cavity quantized mode). With field and atoms initially in coherent field state strong or weak and atomic coherent state (of few excited atoms), periodic time-dependent squeezing in the field and the macroscopic polarization is expressed in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions of the first kind. The statistical investigations are carried out for the quasiprobability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function). The distribution function of the field quadrature has a variance less (greater) than that for a coherent state if this quadrature is squeezed (unsqueezed).  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the nonlinear coherent states formalism and using the Hamiltonian for a single mode field in a Kerr medium, the deformed photon-added nonlinear coherent states with negative m corresponding to the nonharmonic oscillators are constructed. In addition, some of the nonclassical properties associated with these states such as the Mandel parameter, quadrature squeezing and second-order correlation function are investigated. It is found that the deformed photon-added nonlinear coherent states with negative m for the one-mode field in a Kerr medium are nonclassical states.  相似文献   


One introduces the phase state as a nonlinear coherent state. Some of its properties, such as the sub-Poissonian statistics, the squeezing effects, the phase properties in the Pegg-Barnett formalism and the quasiprobability function of the nonlinear coherent states, are calculated and discussed in this paper. The results show that the phase states are squeezed.  相似文献   

By introducing a four-mode unitary operator U = exp[?iλ(X 1 P 2 + X 2 P 3 + X 3 P 4 + X 4 P 1)], we show how a four-mode coherent entangled state can be generated by entangling a two bipartite coherent entangled state. The corresponding squeezed vacuum state U|0000? in four-mode Fock space is derived by virtue of the technique of integration within ordered production of operators, which exhibits the standard squeezing for the four-mode quadratures. A new ideal quantum mechanical representation |α, β, γ? is constructed from U|0000? in the limit of infinite squeezing, which possesses the properties of both coherent and entangled states. The entanglement involved in |α, β, γ? is explained. A scheme for generating |α, β, γ? is presented.  相似文献   


The dynamics of the Jaynes–Cummings (JCM) model with a nonlinear Kerr medium at initially thermal and squeezed vacuum fields is discussed. At a special choice of the detuning the Rabi frequency can have a minimum at the initial mean photon number [nbar]. Then the situation becomes especially interesting and instead of the first-order ‘usual’ revivals resembling those manifested by the standard coherent JCM, the nonlinear JCM exhibits second-order revivals, also for initially thermal and squeezed vacuum fields, at least for not too large [nbar]. The revival times are highly sensitive to the nature of [nbar]. In the first case the revival period of the oscillations is dependent on whether [nbar] is integer or non-integer (situation similar to an initially coherent field) while in the latter case it depends additionally on the parity of the integer [nbar]. Moreover, for the squeezed vacuum model appearance of the revivals at an integer [nbar] is accelerated when compared to coherent and thermal models.  相似文献   


We present a detailed discussion of a type of four-photon coherent state defined as right eigenstates of the operator â 4 where â is the usual annihilation operator. There are actually four sets of states that need to be considered, namely those containing as the lowest number states ¦0>, ¦1>, ¦2>, or ¦3>. These correspond to the possible unique superpositions of the ordinary coherent states ¦±α> and ¦±iα>. We discuss the nonclassical properties of these states such as photon antibunching and squeezing. The usual second order squeezing does not exist for these states but higher order squeezing and square field amplitude squeezing do exist. Also discussed are the quasiprobability distributions, namely the P-function, the Q-function and the Wigner function. Finally, a method of generating these states based on the competition between a four-photon parametric process and incoherent losses from four-photon absorption is presented.  相似文献   


It is shown that some 17 Rydberg Na atoms initially placed into a coherent atomic state and super-radiating into a low-Q microwave cavity at temperatures T ? 0·4 K will show modest squeezing in the fluorescence field, the squeezing arising from terms oscillating at twice the cavity frequency. It is also shown that similar numbers of Rydberg atoms undergoing resonance fluorescence in a coherent single-mode microwave driving field and without any cavity will show more substantial squeezing in the fluorescence field.  相似文献   


New coherent states of a harmonic oscillator in a finite-dimensional Fock space are introduced. Some properties of these coherent states are discussed. The second-order squeezing of these coherent states with respect to the quadrature operators is studied in detail. In particular, for a two-state system the arbitrary higher-order squeezing of these states is investigated. It is shown that these coherent states exhibit much richer squeezing properties than the coherent states of a usual harmonic oscillator in an infinite-dimensional Fock space. It is found that these coherent states have not only second-order squeezing but also higher-order squeezing with respect to the quadrature operators of the field under consideration.  相似文献   

We have examined both single and entangled two-mode multiphoton coherent states and shown how the ‘Janus-faced’ properties between two partner states are mirrored in appropriate tomograms. Entropic squeezing, quadrature squeezing and higher-order squeezing properties for a wide range of nonclassical states are estimated directly from tomograms. We have demonstrated how squeezing properties of two-mode entangled states produced at the output port of a quantum beamsplitter are sensitive to the relative phase between the reflected and transmitted fields. This feature allows for the possibility of tuning the relative phase to enhance squeezing properties of the state. Finally, we have examined the manner in which decoherence affects squeezing and the changes in the optical tomogram of the state due to interaction with the environment.  相似文献   


The dynamical properties of a two-level atom interacting with a single non-decaying mode of an electromagnetic field in a binomial state are studied. The statistical aspects of the field, such as intensity-intensity correlation and squeezing, are also investigated. The binomial state reduces to a pure number state and a pure coherent state in different limits. Hence it enables us to study how the sinusoidal Rabi oscillations in a pure number state develop to give rise to the phenomenon of collapse and revival which has been studied extensively in the coherent-state field. In addition, the binomial state exhibits squeezing for certain values of parameters, but it is not a minimum-uncertainty-product state.  相似文献   


A model for the master equation of multiphoton processes with radiative damping of the atomic levels is proposed and a matrix method employed to solve exactly the rate equations for the matrix elements of the reduced density operator in the Fock representation. This model has been applied to the study of the low-noise properties of squeezed light in an all-optical transmission link formed from alternating sections of linear and nonlinear attenuating fibre and optical amplifiers. When the attenuators present radiative damping of the atomic levels (the lower atomic state is not the ground state) the signal-to-noise ratio is enhanced with respect to the case in which the lower atomic level is the ground state. The enhancement is improved when the input light is squeezed. The statistical properties of linear and two-photon amplification with an absorption process which exhibits radiative damping have also been analysed for coherent and squeezed inputs. The second-order fluctuations are reduced when radiative damping in the absorption process is considered except in the case of two-photon absorption for small values of the saturation parameter sa . When the value of this parameter is increased the behaviour of the fluctuations changes and the noise is reduced. These results could be of interest in all-optical transmission links and are improved when the input light is squeezed.  相似文献   


The orthonormalized eigenstates of the higher powers, a k (k  3), of the annihilation operator a were obtained. We discuss the mathematical properties and the squeezing properties of the orthonormalized eigenstates of a k. We prove that these orthonormalized eigenstates of a k construct a complete representation, that none of them have the squeezed effect in the usual sense, and that higher-order squeezing can be found.  相似文献   


We analyse the dynamics of the q-deformed quantum harmonic oscillator initially prepared in the q-analogue of the coherent state. Non-trivial behaviour of the mean values of the q-position operator is observed. The squeezing of the second-order moments of this operator is studied.  相似文献   

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