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The memory-assisted measurement device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD), which requires less stringent conditions on the memory modules than that of quantum repeaters scheme, offers a practical mid-term solution to long-distance quantum key distribution. In this paper, considering the high cost and the high multi-photon probability, respectively, of single-photon source (SPS) and weak coherent source (WCS), we present schemes on implementing the parametric down-conversion sources, including the heralded single-photon source (HSPS) and single-photon-added coherent source (SPACS), in the memory-assisted MDI-QKD. By numerical simulations, we show that HSPS and SPACS scheme have apparent superiorities both in the key generation rate and the required minimal coherence time of quantum memory compared to WCS scheme. Moreover, we find that the robustness of SPACS against intensity fluctuations is better than WCS, but still worse than HSPS.  相似文献   

We propose an experimentally feasible scheme for generating a two 2?×?4?×?4 dimensional photon hyperentangled state, entangled in polarization, frequency and spatial mode. This scheme is mainly based on a parametric down-conversion source and cross-Kerr nonlinearities, which avoids the complicated uncertain post-selection. Our method can be easily expanded to the production of hyperentangled states with more photons in multidimensions. Hence the expectation for vast quantities of information in quantum information processing will possibly come true. Finally, we put forward a realizable quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol based on the high dimensional hyperentangled state.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to generate an N-photon GHZ-type polarization-entangled state from 2N ? 1 parametric down-conversion sources, by using only linear optical elements and projective measurements. Successful preparation is heralded by detecting 3N ? 2 photons with ideal number-resolving photon detectors.  相似文献   

We study both theoretically and experimentally the interference pattern in a nonlinear Mach–Zehnder interferometer formed by two aperiodically-poled crystals, where broadband squeezed light is generated by both crystals via parametric down-conversion with a common quasi-monochromatic pump. This configuration is important for measuring the squeezing produced by the first crystal and also for measuring a small phase shift introduced by a sample between the crystals. On the basis of the approximate quantum Rosenbluth formula for each crystal we develop an analytic model for the field evolution in the interferometer. We report an experimental observation of the interference fringes, caused by the dispersion of the generated PDC waves in both crystals forming the interferometer. We observe a displacement of the interference pattern caused by a sample between the crystals and infer the phase shift within a band of 20?nm. The experimental data are in a good agreement with the predictions of the developed model, up to imperfections of the samples.  相似文献   

Using the phase space method, we study the quantum interference through a Mach–Zehnder interferometer with an arbitrary-photon Fock state and a coherent state as two inputs. The statistical properties, in terms of the Wigner function, average photon number, photon number distribution and parity, are derived analytically for the field of the individual output port. These results indicate that the output state is actually a statistical mixture between a bunch of Fock state and coherent states. In addition, the phase sensitivity is also examined by using the detection scheme of intensity difference measurement.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the evolution of quantum operators in a three-wave mixing process by using the nonlinear polarization driven wave equations and linearization of the quantum operators. We have theoretically shown that a nondegenerate optical parametric amplifier can generate amplitude-squeezed light when operated in the backconversion regime. Furthermore, a nondegenerate optical parametric oscillator, where only the signal wave is resonant, is proved to generate amplitude-squeezed light when the pump intensity is above the value at which 100% photon conversion efficiency is achieved. The calculated limit for amplitude-squeezing in this case is 3 d B.  相似文献   

Coherent interlayer cross talk and stray-light intensity of multilayer read-only-memory (ROM) optical disks are investigated. From results of scalar diffraction analyses, we conclude that layer separations above 10 microm are preferred in a system using a 0.85 numerical aperture objective lens in terms of signal quality and stability in focusing control. Disk structures are optimized to prevent signal deterioration resulting from multiple reflections, and appropriate detectors are determined to maintain acceptable stray-light intensity. In the experiment, quadrilayer and octalayer high-density ROM disks are prepared by stacking UV-curable films onto polycarbonate substrates. Data-to-clock jitters of < or = 7% demonstrate the feasibility of multilayer disk storage up to 200 Gbytes.  相似文献   

Product reliability is a very important issue for the competitive strategy of industries. In order to estimate a product's reliability, parametric inferential methods are required to evaluate survival test data, which happens to be a fairly expensive data source. Such costly information usually imposes additional compromises in the product development and new challenges to be overcome throughout the product's life cycle. However, manufacturers also keep field failure data for warranty and maintenance purposes, which can be a low‐cost data source for reliability estimation. Field‐failure data are very difficult to evaluate using parametric inferential methods due to their small and highly censored samples, quite often representing mixed modes of failure. In this paper a method for reliability estimation using field failure data is proposed. The proposal is based on the use of non‐parametric inferential methods, associated with resampling techniques to derive confidence intervals for the reliability estimates. Test results show the adequacy of the proposed method to calculate reliability estimates and their confidence interval for different populations, including cases with highly right‐censored failure data. The method is shown to be particularly useful when the sampling distribution is not known, which happens to be the case in a large number of practical reliability evaluations. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The development of parametric down-conversion devices operating in the mid-infrared, from 3 μm to about 20 μm, based on non-oxide nonlinear optical crystals is reviewed. Such devices, pumped by solid-state laser systems operating in the near-infrared, fill in this spectral gap where no solid-state laser technology exists, on practically all time scales, from continuous-wave to femtosecond regime. The vital element in any frequency-conversion process is the nonlinear optical crystal and this represents one of the major limitations with respect to achieving high energies and average powers in the mid-infrared although the broad spectral tunability seems not to be a problem. Hence, an overview of the available mid-infrared nonlinear optical materials, emphasizing new developments like wide band-gap, engineered (mixed), and quasi-phase-matched crystals, is also included.  相似文献   

The Wigner distribution function (WDF) offers comprehensive insight into a signal, for it employs both space (or time) and frequency simultaneously. Whenever optical signals are involved, the importance of the WDF is significantly higher because of the diffraction (or dispersion) behavior of optical signals. Novel optical implementations of the WDF and of the inverse Wigner transform are proposed. Both implementations are based on bulk optics elements incorporating joint transform correlator architecture. A similar implementation is derived for the ambiguity function, which is related to the WDF through Fourier transformation.  相似文献   

The stability of lead halide perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) was improved by embedding them in carboxybenzene microcrystals.The resulting needle-shaped mixed microcrystals preserved the strong photoluminescence of the PQDs.Compared with previously reported polystyrene-encapsulated PQDs,the carboxybenzene crystals were robust and protected the dots from moisture and photodegradation.The enhanced stability was attributed to the tight matrix of carboxybenzene microcrystals,which protected the PQDs from moisture.This versatile strategy protected various QDs,including all-inorganic PQDs and chalcogenide QDs (e.g.,CdSe/ZnS QDs and CuInS/ZnS QDs).It provides a facile and versatile method of protecting PQDs and may enable applications in solid-state systems with high color quality requirements such as displays,lasers,and light emitting diodes.  相似文献   

We propose an optical protocol for quantum state sharing of superposed coherent state in terms optical elements. Our protocol can realize a near-complete quantum state sharing of a superposed coherent state with arbitrary coeficients. The realization of this protocol is appealing due to the fact that the quantum state of light is robust against the decoherence and photons are ideal carriers for transmitting quantum information over long distances. This protocol can also be generalized to the multiparty system.  相似文献   

提出了一种新颖的光纤无线通信(ROF)系统中高效全光下变频的方案.用此方案可远程传送光本振信号,在无需改变中心站配置和复杂度的情况下,仅需在基站使用一个电吸收调制器就能同时实现对上行链路数据的下变频并进行调制,使得基站不需要光源和本振射频源,大大减小了基站的复杂度,节约了系统成本.通过模拟和实验表明,光本振信号在光纤中传输20km后,对上行链路数据进行相干接收,其功率代价小于4dB.  相似文献   


Low-noise, efficient, phase-sensitive time-domain optical detection is essential for foundational tests of quantum physics based on optical quantum states and the realization of numerous applications ranging from quantum key distribution to coherent classical telecommunications. Stability, bandwidth, efficiency, and signal-to-noise ratio are crucial performance parameters for effective detector operation. Here we present a high-bandwidth, low-noise, ultra-stable time-domain coherent measurement scheme based on balanced homodyne detection ideally suited to characterization of quantum and classical light fields in well-defined ultrashort optical pulse modes.  相似文献   

We investigate theoretically the strong anisotropy in the wave packet distribution of biphoton pairs generated via spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC) process with biaxial crystals. From the angle relationship in biaxial crystals, we deduce the wave function of type I SPDC by considering the longitudinal detuning under paraxial approximation. Taking BiB3O6 (BIBO) as an example, we numerically simulate the single-particle and coincidence distributions in two observation planes under the optimum phase-matching scheme. In contrast to uniaxial crystals, a stronger anisotropy effect and a higher entanglement of the photon pair states are obtained, which are attributed to the complex structure of biaxial crystals. These results are important for the generation of highly entangled biphoton pairs, especially for multi-photon pairs generation.  相似文献   

We investigate the utility of parity detection to achieve Heisenberg-limited phase estimation for optical interferometry. We consider the parity detection with several input states that have been shown to exhibit sub-shot-noise interferometry with their respective detection schemes. We show that with parity detection, all these states achieve the sub-shot-noise limited phase uncertainty. Thus making the parity detection a unified detection strategy for quantum optical metrology. We also consider quantum states that are a combination of a NOON state and a dual-Fock state, which gives a great deal of freedom in the preparation of the input state, and is found to surpass the shot-noise limit.  相似文献   

An optical quantum memory can be broadly defined as a system capable of storing a quantum state through interaction with light at optical frequencies. During the last decade, intense research was devoted to their development, mostly with the aim of fulfilling the requirements of their first two applications, namely quantum repeaters and linear-optical quantum computation. A better understanding of those requirements then motivated several different experimental approaches. Along the way, other exciting applications emerged, such as as quantum metrology, single-photon detection, tests of the foundations of quantum physics, device-independent quantum information processing and nonlinear processing of quantum information. Here we review several prospective applications of optical quantum memories, as well as recent experimental achievements pertaining to these applications. This review highlights that optical quantum memories have become essential for the development of optical quantum information processing.  相似文献   


Optical precursors generated in a quantum-dot-molecule system by an incident square-modulated pulse are theoretically investigated. Voltage-controlled electron tunneling couples two quantum dots instead of a laser field, and a narrow transparency window appears with normal dispersion. The main pulse is delayed due to slow-light effect and the precursor pulses are obtained. We examine the linear susceptibility and find that its one part exhibits normal dispersion and the other one presents anomalous dispersion. Competition between the two parts leads to normal dispersion for the linear susceptibility, which contributes to the above results. Voltage-controlled precursors may be useful to design novel optical devices for generating precursors.  相似文献   

Ultrafast-response (20 μs) UV detectors, which are visible-blind and self-powered, in devices where an n-type ZnO nanowire partially lies on a p-type GaN film, are demonstrated. Moreover, a CdSe-nanowire red-light detector powered by a nanoscale ZnO/GaN photovoltaic cell is also demonstrated, which extends the device function to a selective multiwavelength photodetector and shows the function of an optical logical AND gate.  相似文献   

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