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We have studied theoretically the dispersion of ultrafast coherent pulses in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well waveguide structures as a function of optical intensity. Semiconductor Bloch equations are used to obtain the polarization induced in the medium due to an incident Gaussian electromagnetic beam. The partial differential equation describing the pulse propagation in the presence of group velocity dispersion is used to analyze the role of higher-order dispersion on femtosecond pulse propagation in the waveguide. Due consideration has been given to the intensity dependent optical susceptibility of the medium. The results of the numerical analysis manifest significant influence of higher-order dispersion on femtosecond pulse propagation over short waveguide distance.  相似文献   

In this letter, under investigation is a nonlinear Schrödinger equation with varying dispersion, nonlinearity and loss for the propagation of ultra-short optical pulses in the normal dispersion regime of optical fibers. By virtue of the modified Hirota's method and symbolic computation, the analytic two-soliton solution is explicitly obtained. Both the bright and dark solitons are observed in the normal dispersion regime of optical fibers with dispersion management. An asymptotic analysis to verify the elastic collision between solitons is performed and the stability of the soliton solutions is investigated. Besides, a new bright solitonic generator for generating high-power and narrow bandwidth pulses is advised. Furthermore, possible applicable soliton control techniques which might be used for the design of optical switch and dispersion-managed systems are proposed.  相似文献   

本文主要对具有稀疏波长变换的WDM全光网的阻塞率进行分析,首先提出一种模型分析了无波长变换器的L跳路径端到端阻塞率,接着对部分波长变换器的L跳路径的阻塞率进行求解,随后分析了全网的平均阻塞率。研究得到的主要结论是,波长变换器使用的有效性取决于网络的连接度。  相似文献   

Broadband wavelength conversion based on degenerate four-wave mixing is theoretically investigated in a hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) waveguide with silicon nitride inter-cladding layer (a-Si:HN). We have found that enhancement of the non-linear effect of a-Si:H waveguide nitride intermediate layer facilitates broadband wavelength conversion. Conversion bandwidth of 490 nm and conversion efficiency of 11.4 dB were achieved in a numerical simulation of a 4 mm-long a-Si:HN waveguide under 1.55 μm continuous wave pumping. This broadband continuous-wave wavelength converter has potential applications in photonic networks, a type of readily manufactured low-cost highly integrated optical circuits.  相似文献   

高峰  高随祥 《高技术通讯》2006,16(7):681-686
波长转换是应用在全光WDM网络中打破波长一致性约束、降低网络阻塞概率的一种有效技术,但限于波长转换器的高昂成本以及其对信号失真度的影响,目前还不可能为网络中的每个节点均配置波长转换器,所以波长转换器需要以最优方案配置在网络中的个别关键节点上,本文提出了一种在任意拓扑结构的网络中,基于遗传算法的波长转换器配置算法,并对该算法在NSFNET网络上进行了计算机仿真,模拟结果显示该算法非常有效.  相似文献   

基于Flugge理论,建立了薄壁均质常曲率曲梁面内运动的6阶微分控制方程,得到了曲梁的频散特性曲线和6种波的轴向位移和径向位移的比值,推导了位移和内力响应的表达式以及物理域和波数域的变换矩阵。利用波的传递和反射矩阵对曲梁和半无限长直梁耦合时的能量传递系数和反射系数进行了求解分析。对于半无限长直梁中给定的拉伸波或弯曲波入射,得到了和频率,曲率半径和伸展角度相关的各种波传递和反射的能量系数表达式。数值结果表明,纵波和弯曲波在经过曲梁结构之后发生了波形转换,并研究了能量传递和反射系数随频率,伸展角度,曲梁曲率半径和截面尺寸比的变化。结果表明,无限长直梁和曲梁耦合系统中,低频时,经过曲梁反射和传递后的弯曲波和纵波会相互转化;高频时弯曲波和纵波都能够没有散射地通过曲梁而进行传播。为改善高频时曲梁中的能量衰减效果,研究了在曲梁结构中插入单个、多个中间支撑或阻振质量块时的能量传递和反射系数。结果表明,阻振质量块能够很好地阻止高频时曲梁中能量的传递,对于周期分布的多个阻振质量块,能量传递系数随频率的变化存在周期结构的阻带特征。这些研究结果为曲梁结构的设计提供定性的理论基础。  相似文献   

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