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太赫兹波具有独特的低能性、高穿透性、惧水性等成像特性,将其应用于相衬成像能够反映物体的内部结构和更加丰富全面的生物信息,在生物医学检测等领域具有重要的应用。其中,太赫兹波数字全息成像是一种可以给出定量的振幅和相位信息的非接触、全场相衬成像方法,是太赫兹成像技术领域的重要研究方向之一。本文基于连续太赫兹源,从离轴式和同轴式数字全息成像的相衬成像原理、光路系统和再现算法多个方面,介绍了相关技术的研究现状,分析了太赫兹源、再现算法等因素对成像分辨率的影响,并对太赫兹数字全息的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

柴金燕  黄晁  陈春燕  杨超 《光电工程》2019,46(4):180418-1-180418-8
近年来,高温干扰遮蔽情况下利用红外热成像与数字全息成像相结合的新技术观察火场中目标成为时下的研究重点。理论上火焰和浓烟对长波长的红外数字全息成像没有影响,但在现实火场环境中,燃烧物的大颗粒灰尘将会干扰光路,严重增加了全息图重建图像的噪声。本文提出了一种新的图像处理算法来抑制红外数字全息重建的噪声。该算法利用双边滤波器配合拉普拉斯金字塔算法将全息重建图像的细节和能量层分开,再对细节层进行滤波,然后用反向拉普拉斯金字塔算法将分离的层叠加回重建图像中,从而提高重建像的分辨率,并通过模拟火场环境验证了该算法对改善红外数字全息图重建像的分辨率具有显著效果。  相似文献   

数字同轴和数字离轴全息系统分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用最高空间频率分析法,通过逐点分析记录在 CCD 上的空间频率信息,研究了物体可允许记录的最大横向尺寸、最小记录距离、全息图的信息量、空间分辨力、再现像的横向分辨力、轴向分辨力及散斑大小,并得到了数学表达式。理论分析和实验结果表明,数字同轴全息系统放宽了对 CCD 分辨力的要求,有较高的分辨力,较低的散斑噪声、灵活、简单的系统结构及较高的 CCD 空间带宽利用率,在增强系统性能方面要优于数字离轴全息系统。这一研究为数字全息系统的设计和操作提供了一定的理论和实验指导。  相似文献   

张建伟  吴伟  唐黎 《光电工程》2014,41(4):54-59
全景视觉是计算机视觉领域中的关键技术之一,而投影模型在全景技术中又起到了非常重要的作用。为了减少柱面投影带来的水平直线畸变以及保证不同摄像机之间图像接合处的平滑性,本文针对多摄像机全景系统提出了基于柱面的多平面全景投影技术,该技术首先通过对每个摄像机图像平面做柱面投影来实现柱面全景图像。然后在根据柱面全景中的内容进行水平二次划分为几个子图像。最后,对划分后的子图像再按照反柱面投影模型进行一次多平面投影就得到水平直线畸变较小的全景图像。实验结果表明该方法校正后的全景图像中水平直线的曲率不大于0.002,同时还保证了不同图像平面接合处的平滑性。  相似文献   

The presence of zero-order diffraction and a conjugate image in digital holography essentially diminishes the quality of the reconstructed image. In this paper, a novel method that adopts numerical operation to eliminate the zero-order diffraction and conjugate image is presented. The whole process needs only one hologram and a complex finite impulse response (FIR) digital filter. The method of numerical elimination is simple; it filters the hologram directly in the spatial domain instead of in the frequency domain. The design of a complex finite impulse response filter is described in detail. The experimental results demonstrate that the operation can completely eliminate the zero-order diffraction and conjugate image and significantly enhance the quality of the reconstructed image.  相似文献   

本文阐述了有关数字影像技术的一些基本概念、其特征、优越性和发展的成果,以及所采用的装备和材料。在数字影像技术的基础上,已开发出新的一代影像设备系列,为当代各行各业的影像体系开创了新的前景,包括:电影、电视、印刷、通讯等等。  相似文献   

Conventional numerical reconstruction for digital holography using a filter applied in the spatial-frequency domain to extract the primary image may yield suboptimal image quality because of the loss in high-frequency components and interference from other undesirable terms of a hologram. We propose a new numerical reconstruction approach using a statistical technique. This approach reconstructs the complex field of the object from the real-valued hologram intensity data. Because holographic image reconstruction is an ill-posed problem, our statistical technique is based on penalized-likelihood estimation. We develop a Poisson statistical model for this problem and derive an optimization transfer algorithm that monotonically decreases the cost function at each iteration. Simulation results show that our statistical technique has the potential to improve image quality in digital holography relative to conventional reconstruction techniques.  相似文献   

小波变换在数字全息中的应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
数字全息是通过数字重构来同时获取被测物强度与相位,但记录时的激光散斑效应和重构时的零级衍射斑成为了这种方法的瓶颈。将小波变换引入数字全息,可直接消除零级衍射像,无需相移,也不需要采集多幅图像;小波非线性滤波器还可消除散斑噪声。模拟和实验结果表明,小波分析的引入,可以消除零级衍射影响,改善图像质量,提高测试分辨率。  相似文献   

We address the problem of exact complex-wave reconstruction in digital holography. We show that, by confining the object-wave modulation to one quadrant of the frequency domain, and by maintaining a reference-wave intensity higher than that of the object, one can achieve exact complex-wave reconstruction in the absence of noise. A feature of the proposed technique is that the zero-order artifact, which is commonly encountered in hologram reconstruction, can be completely suppressed in the absence of noise. The technique is noniterative and nonlinear. We also establish a connection between the reconstruction technique and homomorphic signal processing, which enables an interpretation of the technique from the perspective of deconvolution. Another key contribution of this paper is a direct link between the reconstruction technique and the two-dimensional Hilbert transform formalism proposed by Hahn. We show that this connection leads to explicit Hilbert transform relations between the magnitude and phase of the complex wave encoded in the hologram. We also provide results on simulated as well as experimental data to validate the accuracy of the reconstruction technique.  相似文献   

We present measurements of optical characteristics of sodium polyacrylate in the terahertz frequency range and discuss how material dispersion affects object visualisation in terahertz imaging. We demonstrate how important is to take into account the material dispersion for phase and relief reconstruction of the investigated object.  相似文献   

In this paper an eddy current imaging method for nondestructive testing purposes is presented which utilizes the concept of broadband holography. An eddy current coil which is used simultaneously as an antenna for eddy current generation and as a probe for detection of response of interaction between eddy currents and flaws, respectively, is moved along a synthetic aperture during the imaging procedure generating synthetic eddy current pulses by scanning a certain frequency range. In terms of wave propagation phenomena the penetration depth (range) of eddy currents in conducting media is small compared to the equivalent wavelength of this type of fields. Therefore, adequate resolution can only be obtained in the reconstructed cross-sectional images by phase multiplication of received multifrequency signals, which is equivalent to a fictitious reduction of wavelengths. Experimental results verify the imaging capability of this method with improved resolution compared to conventional eddy current testing methods.  相似文献   

Phase-shifting digital holograms can completely record the complex (amplitude and phase) wavefront information, containing three-dimensional object shape and relative position. In this study, we examine a binary representation for a phase-shifting digital hologram and apply it to three-dimensional object recognition and reconstruction. For this purpose, we derive an optimal threshold and quantized value for the binary representation of the interference patterns. The recognition results indicate that even with only one bit to represent the digital hologram, there is still enough information for us to recognize the three-dimensional objects. By using the proposed algorithms, one can easily implement the overall recognition process in real-time applications.  相似文献   

Xu L  Aleksoff CC  Ni J 《Applied optics》2012,51(15):2958-2967
Three-dimensional (3D) shape reconstructions and metrology measurements are often limited by depth-of-field constraints. Current focus-detection-based techniques are insufficient to profile out-of-focus 3D objects with high axial accuracy. Extended-focus imaging (EFI) techniques can improve the range and precision of such measurements. By incorporating digital refocusing with multiwavelength interferometry, a holographic imaging solution is presented in this paper to accurately measure 3D objects over a large depth range. Accuracy and repeatability of the proposed EFI technique are validated by digital simulations and refocusing experiments. A reconstruction example demonstrates the feasibility of high-precision 3D measurements of objects deeper than the system's classical depth of field.  相似文献   

We describe data compression in phase-shifting digital holography. We demonstrate by experimentation that an image of a diffusely reflecting object can be reconstructed only by phase data of the derived complex amplitude. It is shown that reduction of the bit depth of the phase data does not seriously damage the image even down to 1 bit. We observe enhancement of halo in the image with low bit depths. This tendency is verified quantitatively by a one-dimensional simulation. Our procedure for smoothing the images that result from the data-compression methods is shown to be effective.  相似文献   

余弦变换广泛应用于图像和视频的压缩编码以及模式识别之中。余弦变换为实偶对称的傅里叶变换,把实偶对称物体传送到位于傅里叶变换透镜前焦面的空间光调制器上,采用单色均匀平面激光光波照射,则在后焦面上为光波复振幅分布为实偶对称物体的傅里叶变换,即为物体的余弦变换。由于余弦变换谱系数既有正实数又有负实数,提出了采用傅里叶变换同轴数字全息方法记录余弦变换谱系数,通过把数字全息图减去参考光光强和物光光强而得到余弦变换系数。理论推导和实验结果表明了该方法的可行性,该方法可应用于图像的快速余弦变换。  相似文献   

We present an application of digital Fourier holography for selective imaging of scatterers with different sizes in turbid media such as biological tissues. A combination of Fourier holography and high‐resolution digital recording, digital Fourier microscopy (DFM) permits crucial flexibility in applying filtering to highlight scatterers of interest in the tissue. The high‐resolution digital hologram is a result of the collation of Fourier holographic frames to form a large‐size composite hologram. It is expected that DFM has an improved signal‐to‐noise ratio as compared to conventional direct digital imaging, e.g., phase microscopy, as applied to imaging of small‐size objects. The demonstration of the Fourier filtering capacity of DFM using a biological phantom represents the main focus of this article. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Imaging Syst Technol, 14, 253–258, 2004; Published online inWiley InterScience (www.interscience.wiley.com). DOI 10.1002/ima.20031  相似文献   

We measure the surface roughness of the mechanical parts based on digital holography. A digital offaxis hologram recording setup for reflective samples is built. Firstly, the height reconstruction error 2.3% of the setup is calibrated by using the quartz step height standard (VLSISHS-880QC). Then, the standard scribed-line model and the grinding roughness specimen are selected as the test samples and their surface roughness are 0.095 6 μm and 0.025 3 μm, with errors 6.3%, 0.9%, respectively. The results are in good agreement with the given roughness parameters. At last, we also analyze the window effect of the filter on the roughness measurement value based on digital holography. In conclusion, the paper demonstrated effectively that the digital holography could provide the surface feature for the roughness measurement with high accuracy.  相似文献   

赵报川  杨涛  张进 《声学技术》2017,36(3):203-209
为获取空间多种声源声场信息,传统统计最优近场声全息需要较多高阶项数的波函数来重建声场,而随着波函数阶数的提高,该方法对误差的放大作用也越大;此外传统方法都采用与声源共形的全息测量面,限制了其应用范围。提出了一种基于平面测量的改进统计最优近场声全息方法,可在波函数阶数较低的情况下提高重建精度。首先通过分析空间多种声源的特点选取合适的波函数组合,然后用该组合求出声场传递矩阵,最后重建出目标声源声场。通过数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性和适用性。结果表明:该方法能够有效地降低重建所需波函数阶数,抑制高阶波数对误差的放大作用从而提高重建精度,即使全息面与声源不共形,也能准确地重建出目标声源声场。  相似文献   

A technique based on superresolution by digital holographic microscopic imaging is presented. We used a two dimensional (2-D) vertical-cavity self-emitting laser (VCSEL) array as spherical-wave illumination sources. The method is defined in terms of an incoherent superposition of tilted wavefronts. The tilted spherical wave originating from the 2-D VCSEL elements illuminates the target in transmission mode to obtain a hologram in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer configuration. Superresolved images of the input object above the common lens diffraction limit are generated by sequential recording of the individual holograms and numerical reconstruction of the image with the extended spatial frequency range. We have experimentally tested the approach for a microscope objective with an exact 2-D reconstruction image of the input object. The proposed approach has implementation advantages for applications in biological imaging or the microelectronic industry in which structured targets are being inspected.  相似文献   

用于研究物质结构的光电子全息 ,其物理机制是光电子波在固体中的散射。在电子能量为 5 0~ 2 0 0eV的中低能量下 ,不能用通常的平面波近似方法加以研究 ,必须考虑到光电子波的球面波本质。即使在电子能量大于 5 0 0eV的高能情况下 ,用平面波近似的方法也应对前向散射进行修正。本文以铜单晶薄膜为例 ,利用单重散射模型讨论了球面波近似模型下校正因子对光电子全息函数的影响 ,并与平面波近似作了比较。结果表明 ,对能量低于 2 0 0eV的光电子全息来说 ,球面波近似校正因子对前向散射和背向散射的振幅和相位都有较明显的修正。而在高能条件下 ,球面波近似校正因子主要影响光电子的前向散射 ,对背向散射的影响较小。进一步研究发现 ,球面波近似校正可以提高光电子全息的重现图的质量。  相似文献   

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