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Squeezed Light     

In this paper we review the current state of progress in research on squeezed light. We discuss the basic theory of squeezing and the nature of quantum noise in optical fields. We examine various atomic sources of squeezed light and discuss phase-sensitive detectors of quantum noise including homodyne and heterodyne detectors. Various successful nonlinear optical methods for generating squeezed light are reviewed. We conclude with a discussion of the possible applications of squeezed light.  相似文献   


Various authors have shown that for a particular type of atomic light amplifier, which can be identified as an unsqueezed amplifier, squeezing in the output is destroyed for gains greater than 2, and if the input is classical light then there are no non-classical effects (squeezing or sub-Poisson photon statistics) in the output for any value of the gain; however, these results are not necessarily true for a squeezed amplifier. Here we investigate single-stage and multi-stage squeezed atomic light amplifiers and show that the above non-classical effects can occur even with a coherent-state input. We find that the output of a multistage squeezed amplifier can be squeezed in principle for any desired gain, and that when this amplifier is used as an attenuator, output light can in principle be produced with any desired amount of squeezing for any input.  相似文献   


We investigate some of the fundamental features of the interaction of squeezed light with two-level atoms in the framework of the Jaynes-Cummings model. We start our analysis by calculating the collapses and revivals of the atomic inversion. We discuss the degree of purity of the field (given by the entropy) and its disentanglement from the atomic source. The connection with the evolution of the Q-function is also made. We notice that contrary to the coherent state case, the field turns into a nearly pure (squeezed) state at the revival time as if the field was prepared in a coherent state. The field also becomes a superposition of squeezed states at half of the revival time, and this is confirmed by investigating the photon number distribution. The phase properties of the field are discussed using the Pegg-Barnett formalism.  相似文献   

本文主要研究60GHz无线通信系统在高斯信道下的香农信道容量及在脉冲位置调制(MPPM)下的信道容量。理论分析与推导得到香农信道容量与传输距离的关系函数,由MPPM调制原理及高斯信道的数学模型推导系统在MPPM调制下信道容量与信噪比、信道容量与通信距离间的函数关系,利用Matlab仿真,得到不同条件下的关系曲线。研究结果表明,60GHz无线通信系统在高斯信道下的信道容量是通信距离和信噪比的函数,该系统更适合于短距离无线通信。高进制的PPM调制能够显著的提高系统数据传输速率,当数据率相同时,高进制调制的PPM能够提供的可靠通信距离更远。  相似文献   

The dynamic response of the inversion in a two-level atom to single-mode squeezed states of the radiation field is examined. Depending on the direction of squeezing, an increase or decrease in the collapse time is demonstrated. A number of additional departures from the response of the atom to a coherent field are noted. In particular, for certain squeezed states the response of the atom is similar to that expected for chaotic radiation.  相似文献   

谈新权  陈锐 《光电工程》2002,29(1):23-25
云层使PPM光脉冲产生时间扩展。全信号检测带来困难。给出平均多路经时间扩展的计算式。并提出了克服困难的一种方法:将电脉冲非线性展宽,以减小云层厚度对脉宽度的影响。模拟实验表明,当输入脉冲宽度变化范围20ns-5μs时,输出脉冲宽度变化为1-5μs。  相似文献   


Using the approximation of small fluctuations around a stationary point, photon statistics and squeezing of vacuum fluctuations are derived in stimulated Raman scattering including the coupling of photon-photon and photon-phonon modes. The depletion of pump light is described and it is shown that a regime of inversion of the process is related to an increase in quantum fluctuations, which are finally reduced again, more in the anti-Stokes mode than in the Stokes mode. If the anti-Stokes coupling is stronger than the Stokes coupling, then an oscillating behaviour of the statistical characteristics occurs and substantial squeezing can be found in photon-phonon modes.  相似文献   

极大似然判决下大气无线光脉冲位置调制差错性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大气湍流对无线光通信系统影响较大,基于高斯信道及门限判决方法的大气无线光通信脉冲位置调制(PPM)的误码特性分析存在局限性.针对于此,推导了湍流大气中无线光PPM系统在极大似然判决(MLD)下的差错性能计算模型,并运用蒙特卡洛方法验证了理论计算模型的有效性.仿真分析表明,MLD下PPM具有更好性能,但也较易受湍流影响,为使弱湍流信道中PPM的误比特率不高于10-6,调制阶数每增加1阶,须提高平均接收信噪比0.67 dB以上.对于峰值功率恒定PPM系统,应根据器件性能和具体通信条件,在差错性能和功率利用率之间作出平衡.  相似文献   


We model the propagation of squeezed light through a dielectric medium. Frequency-dependent absorption reduces the level of squeezing and may decrease the squeezing bandwidth. Dispersion dephases the squeezing at different frequencies within the spectrum.  相似文献   


We describe the experimental observation and theoretical interpretation of a squeezing effect which occurs through the coupling of two light beams in a three-level atomic system. The origin of this effect can be attributed to the transfer of the intensity fluctuations of one beam to the phase fluctuations of the other one, followed by an optical feedback onto the intensity of the initial beam. The first step of the information transfer is similar to the one which occurs in a quantum non-demolition (QND) measurement of the intensity. The feedback effect is obtained through mixing of the phase and intensity quadratures, due to the detuning of the optical cavity which contains the nonlinear medium. Therefore the information obtained by the QND measurement is used to correct the intensity fluctuations of the signal beam by a build-in mechanism, which does not require any use of external electronics.  相似文献   


Using the approximation of small fluctuations around a stationary solution, photon statistics and quadrature variances are derived in stimulated Raman and hyper-Raman scattering including the coupling of pumping, Stokes, anti-Stokes and phonon modes. The depletion of pump light is included. Compared to Raman scattering, additional regimes to generate anti-bunched, sub-Poisson and squeezed light were found caused by self-interaction of the pump mode. It was possible to include effects of nonlinear dynamics, initial squeezing of radiation and phonon system, external noise and losses.  相似文献   


We describe the theory of optical bistability when atoms are collectively excited within the cavity of a parametric oscillator. Both optical bistability and parametric amplification can squeeze significantly the cavity-field quantum noise. When they are coupled together we find significant changes both on the mean value bistability and on the spectrum of squeezing as the parametric coupling increases. These are calculated directly from the appropriate master equation for the density matrix using a quantum distribution function (positive P) to develop Fokker—Planck and Ito equations.  相似文献   

详细介绍了光电经纬仪伺服控制系统速度回路从数字脉冲调宽到数字调节器的硬件及软件设计方法 ,该系统易于与位置回路扩展 ,从而实现伺服控制系统的全数字化控制。  相似文献   

This paper deals with a novel method of transmission and receipt of a signal based on both the property of two chaotic systems generating the same chaotic signal when they are synchronized and the property of pulse position modulation (PPM) to be insensitive to the distortions of the transmission channel. The method is discussed in the context of ultrasonic radar systems, in which the transmitter and receiver, which consist of ultrasonic sensors, are near each other, and the received signal consists of the transmitted signal reflected by an obstacle. A reference sinusoidal signal is superimposed to a chaotic signal generated by a master chaotic system, and the whole signal is modulated according to the PPM method and transmitted by the sensor. The received signal is demodulated, and the demodulated signal forces a slave chaotic system to generate the chaotic signal embedded in it, which allows recovery of the sinusoidal signal by subtracting this chaotic signal from the demodulated echo. The difference of the phases of the reference sinusoidal signal and the recovered sinusoidal signal allows computation of the time of flight of the signal and, consequently, the distance of the radar system from the obstacle. The novel method is illustrated and tested by both simulation and experiments. The interference problem between the considered radar system and other radar systems ( crosstalk) is also addressed, and a solution is proposed to avoid it.  相似文献   


Quantum-noise reduction to levels nearly 1 dB below the standard quantum limit are reported for light frequencies near an atomic-sodium resonance. This squeezed light is generated in an optical confocal cavity using four-wave mixing due to the atomic-sodium resonance nonlinearity. Squeezed light exits the cavity through a partially reflecting mirror and is detected outside the cavity with a balanced homodyne detector. Experimental details are described for minimizing losses in the atomic beam and detection apparatus. Frequency jitter due to the pump laser also plays a key role in the limits for noise reduction. A wideband phenomenological model is used to analyse the results. Good agreement between this model and the experimental results is obtained. A full quantum model also agrees with the results and predicts even larger squeezing at higher pump intensities. Prospects for achieving this larger-noise-reduction regime are good.  相似文献   

阐明了在研究半导体光放大器对光脉冲放大这一动态过程中通常采用常数载流子寿命近似这一处理方法是不理的。通过考虑放大器中载流子的实际复合机制,数值模拟了脉冲数据流通过放大器后脉冲的时域分布,并与采用常数载流子寿命近似所得的结果进行了比较。结果表明,二者具有明显的差异。  相似文献   

从测量过程的随机性入手,借助于尘埃粒子计数光电传感器,对随机脉冲信号的幅度分布特征进行了统计测量,发现不同粒径标准粒子、空气中的尘埃粒子以及光电传感器随机噪声等对应的脉冲信号数随幅度的分布具有对数正态分布形式。描述其分布的参数与传感器特性有关。为尘埃粒子计数器的性能评价提供了理论依据。  相似文献   


The effect of squeezing on binomial states and on negative binomial states is studied in terms of second-order correlation functions and quasi-probabilities of Wigner and Q-functions. The photon number distribution of these states is also discussed. The results presented for squeezed binomial (negative binomial) states may be useful for studying a transition from squeezed coherent states to squeezed number (quasi-thermal) states.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种利用纯相位型液晶空间光调制器(LC-SLM)实现相息图三维显示的方法.该方法以LC-SLM为显示器件,通过相息图的衍射进行三维像的重构.详细研究了相息图的计算及其与LC-SLM参数间的关系,并对再现像像质进行了讨论.为提高显示的空问分辨率,采用分时复用技术,对三维物体进行分组取样,并计算每一分组的相息图,形成分组相息图序列,再现时依次将相息图输入到LC-SLM,利用人眼的视觉残留效应以达到连续扫描三维成像的目的.实验结果表明,该方法实现了三维物体的再现,为三维显示提供了一种有效的方法.  相似文献   

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