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The dynamical properties of a two-level atom interacting with a single non-decaying mode of an electromagnetic field in a binomial state are studied. The statistical aspects of the field, such as intensity-intensity correlation and squeezing, are also investigated. The binomial state reduces to a pure number state and a pure coherent state in different limits. Hence it enables us to study how the sinusoidal Rabi oscillations in a pure number state develop to give rise to the phenomenon of collapse and revival which has been studied extensively in the coherent-state field. In addition, the binomial state exhibits squeezing for certain values of parameters, but it is not a minimum-uncertainty-product state.  相似文献   


The effects of the coherence between the states of a two-level atom on the phenomenon of collapses and revivals in an undamped binomial state of the electromagnetic field are investigated. It is found that the Rabi oscillations exhibit qualitatively different behaviour for different phases of coherence between the levels. This behaviour in the binomial state of the field is in contrast with that in a coherent state field, in which case the Rabi oscillations are qualitatively the same for all values of the coherence between the two atomic levels.  相似文献   


Using a perturbation method, constructed in terms of SU(2) group representations, the interaction of N initially unexcited two-level atoms and a weak single-mode cavity field is studied. The field is assumed to be initially either in a Fock state with a number of photons equal to n or in a coherent state. In the case of the photon-number state with n  3, the pure phenomenon of collective collapses and revivals manifests itself. For the initially coherent field the phenomenon of collapses and revivals arising from the photon number distribution mechanism is additionally modulated by this collective mechanism. The problem of the interaction of excited atoms with an initially coherent field has already been solved numerically by Barnett and Knight. For n=1 2 and 3 the approximate solution is compared with the exact solutions also given in this paper and the limit of applicability of our approach is established.  相似文献   


We investigate some of the fundamental features of the interaction of squeezed light with two-level atoms in the framework of the Jaynes-Cummings model. We start our analysis by calculating the collapses and revivals of the atomic inversion. We discuss the degree of purity of the field (given by the entropy) and its disentanglement from the atomic source. The connection with the evolution of the Q-function is also made. We notice that contrary to the coherent state case, the field turns into a nearly pure (squeezed) state at the revival time as if the field was prepared in a coherent state. The field also becomes a superposition of squeezed states at half of the revival time, and this is confirmed by investigating the photon number distribution. The phase properties of the field are discussed using the Pegg-Barnett formalism.  相似文献   


By means of quantum electrodynamics, an analytical expression of emission spectrum for a Λ-type three-level atom with the two non-degenerate lower levels in the cavity is given. The character of the emission spectrum for the input in pure number state, a squeezed coherent state and grey-body state are exhibited. The effects of the atomic initial state, the field property, the cavity absorptivity and the system temperature on the time-dependent physical spectrum are analysed.  相似文献   


Multiple mode couplings in topological coherent modes of Bose–Einstein condensate are considered, by introducing an external alternating (resonating) field in the system. This analysis is based on the analytical solutions of nonlinear Gross–Pitaevskii equation for a trapped Bose gas at nearly absolute zero temperature. The dynamics of fractional populations of the generated coherent modes are analysed, particularly for a three-level system in the limit of small to large detuning of the intermediate state. These coupled topological modes, though nonlinear, are analogous to a resonant atom and exhibit a variety of significant non-trivial phenomena (effects), like: dynamic phase transitions, interference patterns, critical phenomena, mode-locking and chaotic motion.  相似文献   


We study the dynamics of an N-level atom coupled in a lossless cavity to a single-mode near-resonant quantized field. The atomic levels are coupled by the multiphoton transitions and the coupling constants between the field and the atomic levels are supposed to be intensity dependent. We find the exact solution for the state vector describing the dynamics of the atom-plus-field system. As an illustration we use the model for studying (i) the time evolution of the atomic occupation probability with the initially coherent field and (ii) the light squeezing, when the cavity field is initially in the vacuum state and the atom is prepared in the atomic ‘coherent state’ (a superposition of atomic states).  相似文献   


The effect of squeezing on binomial states and on negative binomial states is studied in terms of second-order correlation functions and quasi-probabilities of Wigner and Q-functions. The photon number distribution of these states is also discussed. The results presented for squeezed binomial (negative binomial) states may be useful for studying a transition from squeezed coherent states to squeezed number (quasi-thermal) states.  相似文献   


In this paper, anticorrelated field states with a binomial distribution over orthogonal polarizations, interacting with a nonlinear birefringent medium, are discussed. The field states are the SU(2) coherent states, where the angular momentum operators are realized as bilinear products of the boson operators associated with the two polarizations. The system discussed here provides an optical realization of a nonlinear rotator. We study the quantum dynamics of the statistical properties of the field and the evolution of the degree of polarization.  相似文献   


We propose a scheme to add/subtract excitations to/from an arbitrary quantum state or the harmonic oscillator. The method displaces the photon-number distribution and leaves its shape unchanged for a wide range of displacements. Mathematically this is realized by the action of phase operators of the Susskind-Glogower type onto the initial quantum state. Consequently, the shape of the phase distribution is preserved unless the number statistics are modified due to displacing it by subtraction onto the vacuum state. Starting with an initially coherent state one may realize pure quantum states displaying either amplitude or phase squeezing. The implementation of the method is based on interactions of the Jaynes-Cummings type, in the case of subtracting quanta one additionally needs to perform measurements on the electronic quantum state of the atoms. Our approach could be used for adding and subtracting both photons on a cavity field and motional quanta of a trapped ion.  相似文献   


By use of external periodic driving sources, we demonstrate the possibility of controlling the coherent as well as the decoherent dynamics of a two-level atom placed in a lossy cavity. The control of the coherent dynamics is elucidated for the phenomenon of coherent destruction of tunnelling (CDT), i.e. the coherent dynamics of a driven two-level atom in a quantum superposition state can be brought practically to a complete standstill. We study this phenomenon for different initial preparations of the two-level atom. We then proceed to investigate the decoherence originating from the interaction of the two-level atom with a lossy cavity mode. The loss mechanism is described in terms of a microscopic model that couples the cavity mode to a bath of harmonic field modes. A suitably tuned external cw-laser field applied to the two-level atom slows down considerably the decoherence of the atom. We demonstrate the suppression of decoherence for two opposite initial preparations of the atomic state: a quantum superposition state as well as the ground state. These findings can be used to decrease the influence of decoherence in qubit manipulation processes.  相似文献   


We propose a two-photon micromaser-based scheme for the generation of a non-classical state from a mixed state. We conclude that a faster, as well as a higher degree of field purity, is achieved in comparison to one-photon processes. We investigate the statistical properties of the resulting field states, for initial thermal and (phase-diffused) coherent states. Quasiprobabilities are employed to characterize the state of the generated fields  相似文献   


By utilizing our previous operator solution [17], we have investigated the squeezing in the radiation field of the Tavis-Cummings model (collective N ? 1 two-level atoms interacting with a resonant single cavity quantized mode). With field and atoms initially in coherent field state strong or weak and atomic coherent state (of few excited atoms), periodic time-dependent squeezing in the field and the macroscopic polarization is expressed in terms of Jacobian elliptic functions of the first kind. The statistical investigations are carried out for the quasiprobability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function). The distribution function of the field quadrature has a variance less (greater) than that for a coherent state if this quadrature is squeezed (unsqueezed).  相似文献   


We study the effect of losses on the phase noise of single-mode field states. The losses are described by the standard loss master equation, and it is used to find an upper bound for the increase in the phase noise as a function of time. We compare the time dependence of the phase noise of an initial coherent state to that of a state that initially has very small phase noise. Both states have the same initial mean photon number. While the small-phase noise state is more susceptible to losses, the difference between its behaviour and that of the coherent state is not great.  相似文献   


The theory of balanced homodyne and heterodyne detection is developed for inputs in which the signal field is in an arbitrary quantum state and the local-oscillator field is in a highly excited coherent state. Exact expressions are derived for the photocount moment-generating functions in the special case of a coherent signal. For more general signals, the first two moments of the photocount probability distribution are determined. The moments are evaluated for the examples of a coherent signal with a chaotic noise component, and for squeezed light derived from a degenerate and from a non-degenerate parametric amplifier. The corresponding moments for direct detection are obtained so that comparisons can be made. The Kelley-Kleiner photocount distribution formula is adapted to balanced detection schemes. Light beams are characterized throughout by their energy fluxes, and the theory accordingly describes steady-state experiments.  相似文献   


The phase distribution and phase correlation of two initially coherent electromagnetic field modes copropagating through a lossless nonlinear medium are investigated. We show that the number of distinguishable components in the phase distribution depends on the set of nonlinear parameters through a simple relation and that it is connected with the number of entangled field states as well as the number of components that a single field state acquires after propagating through the medium. The phase correlation between the two field modes is shown to exhibit a rich pattern of collapses and revivals, similar to those observed in the quantum inversion of several generalizations of the Jaynes-Cummings model and is related to beats of the various eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian.  相似文献   


Negative binomial states of a single field mode are introduced and their properties are compared with those of the (positive) binomial states. We find that the two types of state have similar properties if the roles of the creation and annihilation operators are interchanged.  相似文献   


The Hilbert—Schmidt distance between two arbitrary normalizable states is discussed as a measure of the similarity of the states. Unitary transformations of both states with the same unitary operator (e.g. the displacement of both states in the phase plane by the same displacement vector and squeezing of both states) do not change this distance. The nearest distance of a given state to the whole set of coherent states is proposed as a quantitative measure of non-classicality of the state which is identical when considering the coherent states as the most classical ones among pure states and the deviations from them as non-classicality. The connection to other definitions of the non-classicality of states is discussed. The notion of distance can also be used for the definition of a neighbourhood of considered states. Inequalities for the distance of states to Fock states are derived. For given neighbourhoods, they restrict common characteristics of the state as the dispersion of the number operator and the squared deviation of the mean values of the number operator for the considered state and the Fock state. Possible modifications in the definition of non-classicality for mixed states with dependence on the impurity parameter and by including the displaced thermal states as the most classical reference states are discussed.  相似文献   


The Jaynes-Cummings model of a single two-level atom interacting with a quantized single-mode coherent field generates at the half-revival time a dynamically disentangled atom-field state. At such times, the field is in asymptotically pure Schrödinger cat state, a macroscopic superposition of distinct field eigenmodes. In this paper we address the problem of field purity when a second atom is allowed to interact with the cavity mode and becomes entangled with the first atom via their mutual cavity field with which they interact. We employ the collective Dicke states to describe the cooperative effects on the entanglement and show that the second atom spoils the purity of the field state except for special cases of the atom-field coupling or of initial conditions.  相似文献   


The problem of reconstructing a wavefunction from probability distributions is re-examined in the context of whether a pure state vector of a single-mode optical field can be reconstructed from the photon number and phase probability distributions. An analytical solution is given for the case where the state of the mode is a superposition of a finite number of Fock states.  相似文献   

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