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Theories to calculate the propagation of arbitrary-order correlations of stationary or nonstationary partially coherent electromagnetic fields are proposed. The theories are based on separated-coordinate mode decomposition, and can make the well-developed propagation theories of fully coherent electromagnetic fields applicable to partially coherent electromagnetic fields governed by linear Maxwell equations. The validity of the theories is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

We study the frequency shifts taking place when a random, stationary optical field rotates with respect to an observer. The field is expanded in terms of fully coherent Laguerre-Gaussian basis modes, for which the rotational frequency shifts have been studied previously. We demonstrate the formalism by considering the spectrum of a Gaussian Schell-model field, and show that for a spatially highly incoherent field, significant spectral changes can be expected.  相似文献   

We construct the coherent-mode representation for fluctuating, statistically stationary electromagnetic fields. The modes are shown to be spatially fully coherent in the sense of a recently introduced spectral degree of electromagnetic coherence. We also prove that the electric cross-spectral density tensor can be rigorously expressed as a correlation tensor averaged over an appropriate ensemble of strictly monochromatic vectorial wave functions. The formalism is demonstrated for partially polarized, partially coherent Gaussian Schell-model beams, but the theory applies to arbitrary random electromagnetic fields and can find applications in radiation and propagation and in inverse problems.  相似文献   

The synthesis of diffraction-free fields with different profiles is described. The synthesis is done by illuminating a screen containing a circular slit with a cosine beam. The treatment is equivalent to the modulation of the slit transfer characteristics and makes possible a tunable interference interaction of Bessel beams with noncommon axes. These results are generalized, and it is shown that coherent diffraction-free fields with arbitrary profiles can be expressed as the superposition of shifted zero-order Bessel beams and temporary parametric representations of the shifted functions. Diffraction-free fields with partially coherent features can be obtained. Experimental results are shown for each case.  相似文献   

Propagation theories of partially coherent electromagnetic fields based on coherent mode decomposition or separated-coordinate mode decomposition are proposed. With the proposed propagation theories, various powerful theories for the propagation of fully coherent electromagnetic fields can be used for the propagation of partially coherent electromagnetic fields. The proposed theories are applicable to any propagation problem of partially coherent electromagnetic fields governed by linear Maxwell equations. Some examples are provided to illustrate the validity of the proposed theories.  相似文献   

The subject is the spectral characteristics of partially coherent light whose spectral degree of coherence satisfies or violates the scaling law in diffraction by a circular aperture. Three kinds of spectral correlations of the incident light are considered. It is shown that no matter whether the partially coherent light satisfies or violates the scaling law, a spectral switch defined as a rapid transition of spectral shifts is always found in the diffraction field. Different spectral correlations of the incident field in the aperture result in different points at which the spectral switch occurs. With an increment in the correlations, the position at which the spectral switch takes place moves toward the point at which the phase of the center frequency component omega0 becomes singular for illumination by spatially fully coherent light. For light that satisfies the scaling law, the spectral switch is attributed to the diffraction-induced spectral changes; for partially coherent light that violates the scaling law, the spectral switch is attributed to both the diffraction-induced spectral changes and the correlation-induced spectral changes.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for calculating the power coupled between collimated, partially coherent vector fields that are in different states of coherence. This topic is of considerable importance in designing submillimeter-wave optical systems for astronomy. It is shown that if the incoming field S has coherence matrix A, and the outgoing field D has coherence matrix B, then the power coupled is simply Ps = Tr(ATBT), where the elements of T project the basis functions of B onto those of A. A similar technique can be used to calculate the power coupled from the background of S to D. The scheme is illustrated by calculating the power coupled between two scalar, Gaussian Schell-model beams. The procedure can be incorporated into optical design software.  相似文献   

We first study the state of polarization of the superposition of partially polarized, statistically independent optical fields with application in coherent detection systems with emphasis on heterodyne configurations and obtain the DOP of the mixture of wave fields. Next we obtain the available heterodyne power after photodetection. Finally we obtain the spectrum of the photocurrent process resulting from the coherent detection of partially polarized amplitude-stabilized fields.  相似文献   

A procedure is described for calculating the power coupled between partially coherent waveguide fields that are in different states of coherence. The method becomes important when it is necessary to calculate the power transferred from a distributed source S to a distributed load L through a length of multimode metallic, or dielectric, waveguide. It is shown that if the correlations between the transverse components of the electric and magnetic fields of S and L are described by coherence matrices M and M', respectively, then the normalized average power coupled between them is (eta) = Tr[MM']/Tr[M]Tr[M'], where Tr denotes the trace. When the modal impedances are equal, this expression for the coupled power reduces to an equation derived in a previous paper [J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 18, 3061 (2001)], by use of thermodynamic arguments, for the power coupled between partially coherent free-space beams.  相似文献   

We report on the application of a simple propagation-based phase-space tomographic technique to the determination of characteristic projections through the mutual optical intensity and the generalized radiance of a scalar, quasi-monochromatic partially coherent wave field. This method is applied to the reconstruction of the coherence functions of an initially spatially coherent optical wave field that has propagated through a suspension of polystyrene microspheres. As anticipated, we see that the field separates into a ballistic, or unscattered, component and a scattered component with a much shorter coherence length. Good agreement is obtained between experimental results and the results of a model based on a wave-transport equation.  相似文献   

We introduce the partial coherence response function for describing the behaviour of imaging systems under spatial partially coherent illumination in the centre and the diierence coordinates notation. It involves the impulse response of the system and the spatial coherence properties of the illumination. It is shown that this function is the image cross-spectral density for a Young's pair of pinholes attached at the object plane. Furthermore, the partial coherence response function and the partial coherence transfer function constitute a Fourier pair on which the Fourier representation of partially coherent imaging can be based.  相似文献   

It is shown that any partially polarized, partially coherent source can be expressed in terms of a suitable superposition of transverse coherent modes with orthogonal polarization states. Such modes are determined through the solution of a system of two coupled integral equations. An example, for which the modal decomposition is obtained in closed form in terms of fully linearly polarized Hermite Gaussian modes, is given.  相似文献   

We discuss a general theoretical framework for representing and propagating fully coherent, fully incoherent, and the intermediate regime of partially coherent submillimeter-wave fields by means of general sampled basis functions, which may have any degree of completeness. Partially coherent fields arise when finite-throughput systems induce coherence on incoherent fields. This powerful extension to traditional modal analysis methods by using undercomplete Gaussian-Hermite modes can be employed to analyze and optimize such Gaussian quasi-optical techniques. We focus on one particular basis set, the Gabor basis, which consists of overlapping translated and modulated Gaussian beams. We present high-accuracy numerical results from field reconstructions and propagations. In particular, we perform one-dimensional analyses illustrating the Van Cittert-Zernike theorem and then extend our simulations to two dimensions, including simple models of horn and bolometer arrays. Our methods and results are of practical importance as a method for analyzing terahertz fields, which are often partially coherent and diffraction limited so that ray tracing is inaccurate and physical optics computationally prohibitive.  相似文献   

Spreading of partially coherent beams in random media   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Some published computational work has suggested that partially coherent beams may be less susceptible to distortions caused by propagation through random media than fully coherent beams. In this paper this suggestion is studied quantitatively by examining the mean squared width of partially coherent beams in such media as a function of the propagation distance. The analysis indicates under what conditions, and to what extent, partially coherent beams are less affected by the medium.  相似文献   

Propagation of a partially coherent optical beam inside a linear, nondispersive, dielectric medium is studied, taking into account the vector nature of the electromagnetic field. Propagation-induced polarization changes are studied by using the Gaussian-Schell model for the cross-spectral-density tensor. The degree of polarization changes with propagation and also becomes nonuniform across the beam cross section. The extent of these changes depends on the coherence radius associated with the cross-correlation function. For optical beams with symmetric spectra, the bandwidth of the source spectra is found to play a relatively minor role.  相似文献   

We consider the spatiotemporal behavior of coherent and partially coherent, pulsed, few-mode optical systems. It is shown that there is some set of orthogonal space-time pulses at the input reference surface that maps in one-to-one correspondence with some set of orthogonal space-time pulses at the output reference surface; we call these pulses eigenfields. The spectrum of the coupling coefficients determines the amount of information that can be transmitted within a given period of time. The eigenfields are unique for a given system and can be used to propagate a field that is in any state of spatial and temporal coherence. They can also be used to account for the spatial and temporal coherence of internally generated noise and to calculate the powers, fluctuations, and correlations that would be recorded by multimode detectors. Our technique is ideal for modeling the behavior of pulsed imaging arrays and interferometers.  相似文献   

We examine the angle-impact Wigner function (AIW) as a computational tool for the propagation of nonparaxial quasi-monochromatic light of any degree of coherence past a planar boundary between two homogeneous media. The AIWs of the reflected and transmitted fields in two dimensions are shown to be given by a simple ray-optical transformation of the incident AIW plus a series of corrections in the form of differential operators. The radiometric and leading six correction terms are studied for Gaussian Schell-model fields of varying transverse width, transverse coherence, and angle of incidence.  相似文献   

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