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In the second half of 1993 we presented to INFN a proposal of an experiment for detecting macroscopic quantum coherence with a system of SQUIDs. It was based essentially on ideas presented first by Leggett and collaborators and developed in many articles in the 1980s. The experimental work started in the 1994 just after the approval of the INFN. As an introduction, the experimental method and the setup we choose in order to perform a set of measurements on a system of SQUIDs is described. Then the measuring procedures and their purposes are explained and discussed.As a future perspective, a possible test on the existence of the quantum gravity is discussed. According to a theoretical proposal by John Ellis and collaborators, the quantum gravitational friction could induce the transition from QM behavior of microscopic states to the classical behavior of macroscopic states, i.e., states containing an Avogadro number (M pl/M e ) of elementary particles, as may be obtained in a SQUID.  相似文献   

Based on tensor representation and d-dimensional Bell basis measurements, we obtained a necessary condition for realizing controlled bidirectional quantum teleportation of qudit states. To verify its theoretical feasibility, we further give a general and simple method of selecting quantum channels for teleporting the ququart state.  相似文献   

A quantum analysis of the generalized polarization properties of multimode single photon states is presented. It is based on the optical field-strength probability distributions in such a way that generalized polarization is understood as a significant confinement of the probability distribution along certain regions of the multidimensional optical field-strength space. The analysis is addressed to multimode integrated waveguiding devices, such as N?×?N integrated directional couplers, whose modes fulfil a spatial modal orthogonality relationship. For that purpose a definition of the quantum generalized polarization degree in a N-dimensional space, based on the concept of distance to an unpolarized N-dimensional Gaussian distribution, is proposed. The generalized polarization degree of pure and mixture multimode single photon states and also of some multi-photon states such as coherent and chaotic ones, is evaluated and analyzed.  相似文献   

Quantum machine learning (QML) is a rapidly rising research field that incorporates ideas from quantum computing and machine learning to develop emerging tools for scientific research and improving data processing. How to efficiently control or manipulate the quantum system is a fundamental and vexing problem in quantum computing. It can be described as learning or approximating a unitary operator. Since the success of the hybrid-based quantum machine learning model proposed in recent years, we investigate to apply the techniques from QML to tackle this problem. Based on the Choi–Jamiołkowski isomorphism in quantum computing, we transfer the original problem of learning a unitary operator to a min–max optimization problem which can also be viewed as a quantum generative adversarial network. Besides, we select the spectral norm between the target and generated unitary operators as the regularization term in the loss function. Inspired by the hybrid quantum-classical framework widely used in quantum machine learning, we employ the variational quantum circuit and gradient descent based optimizers to solve the min-max optimization problem. In our numerical experiments, the results imply that our proposed method can successfully approximate the desired unitary operator and dramatically reduce the number of quantum gates of the traditional approach. The average fidelity between the states that are produced by applying target and generated unitary on random input states is around 0.997.  相似文献   

We present an experimental realization of the first iteration in Grover's quantum algorithm using classical light and linear optical elements. The algorithm serves to find an entry marked by an oracle in an unstructured database. In our scheme, the quantum states encoding the database are represented by helical modes generated by means of a Spatial Light Modulator, while the marking corresponds to a π phase shift of the hidden mode. The optical implementation of Grover's algorithm then selectively amplifies the intensity of the marked mode such that it can be revealed by a modal decomposition. The core of the algorithm – a geometrical reflection of the point representing all database entries – is implemented in a single step independent of the size of the database. Moreover, we demonstrate experimentally that one iteration of the algorithm is enough to identify the marked entry, as a consequence of using classical states of light.  相似文献   

We discuss complementarity relations in a bipartite continuous variable system. Building up from the work done on discrete d-dimensional systems, we prove that for symmetric two-mode states, quantum complementarity relations can be put in a simple relation with the elements of the variance matrix. When this condition is not satisfied, such a connection becomes non-trivial. Our investigation is the first step towards an operative characterization of the complementarity in a scenario that has not been investigated so far.  相似文献   


Low-noise, efficient, phase-sensitive time-domain optical detection is essential for foundational tests of quantum physics based on optical quantum states and the realization of numerous applications ranging from quantum key distribution to coherent classical telecommunications. Stability, bandwidth, efficiency, and signal-to-noise ratio are crucial performance parameters for effective detector operation. Here we present a high-bandwidth, low-noise, ultra-stable time-domain coherent measurement scheme based on balanced homodyne detection ideally suited to characterization of quantum and classical light fields in well-defined ultrashort optical pulse modes.  相似文献   

Quantum correlation shows a fascinating nature of quantum mechanics and plays an important role in some physics topics, especially in the field of quantum information. Quantum correlations of the composite system can be quantified by resorting to geometric or entropy methods, and all these quantification methods exhibit the peculiar freezing phenomenon. The challenge is to find the characteristics of the quantum states that generate the freezing phenomenon, rather than only study the conditions which generate this phenomenon under a certain quantum system. In essence, this is a classification problem. Machine learning has become an effective method for researchers to study classification and feature generation. In this work, we prove that the machine learning can solve the problem of X form quantum states, which is a problem of physical significance. Subsequently, we apply the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm and the decision tree to divide quantum states into two different groups. Our goal is to classify the quantum correlations of quantum states into two classes: one is the quantum correlation with freezing phenomenon for both Rènyi discord (  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of quantum correlations such as entanglement and quantum discord between two atoms in a lossy cavity. It is found that a stable quantum discord could be induced even when the atoms remain separable at all times. Also, we show that it is possible to amplify and protect the quantum discord under cavity decay for certain types of initial states. Moreover, entanglement decoherence-free subspaces are obtained which may be useful in quantum information and quantum computation.  相似文献   

With the exact solution of the Schroedinger equation for electrons in three-dimensional (3D) hardwall quantum channels, the conductance of small and short semiconductor quantum wires, or nanowires, is studied as a function of length, size, and contact dimensionality. Within the envelope function approximation, the two-terminal Landauer–Buttiker conductance has been calculated in the quantum ballistic regime, with complete mode mixing at the two end interfaces with the contacts. These are modeled by semi-infinite regions with hardwall confinement along only one of the transverse directions, so that continuous crossover from quasi-2D to 3D contacts can be simulated with increasing confinement length. The conductance oscillations within the 2e 2/h quantized conductance plateaus, due to the resonant transmission through quasi-bound longitudinal states, are shown to increase with contact dimension.  相似文献   

Privacy-preserving computational geometry is the research area on the intersection of the domains of secure multi-party computation (SMC) and computational geometry. As an important field, the privacy-preserving geometric intersection (PGI) problem is when each of the multiple parties has a private geometric graph and seeks to determine whether their graphs intersect or not without revealing their private information. In this study, through representing Alice’s (Bob’s) private geometric graph GA (GB) as the set of numbered grids SA (SB), an efficient privacy-preserving quantum two-party geometric intersection (PQGI) protocol is proposed. In the protocol, the oracle operation OA (OB) is firstly utilized to encode the private elements of SA =(a0,a1,…,aM-1) (SB =(b0,b1,…,bN-1)) into the quantum states, and then the oracle operation Of is applied to obtain a new quantum state which includes the XOR results between each element of SA and SB. Finally, the quantum counting is introduced to get the amount (t) of the states |ai⊕bj| equaling to |0|, and the intersection result can be obtained by judging t >0 or not. Compared with classical PGI protocols, our proposed protocol not only has higher security, but also holds lower communication complexity.  相似文献   

The effect of the external charge trap on the photoluminescence blinking dynamics of individual colloidal quantum dots is investigated with a series of colloidal quantum dot–bridge–fullerene dimers with varying bridge lengths, where the fullerene moiety acts as a well‐defined, well‐positioned external charge trap. It is found that charge transfer followed by charge recombination is an important mechanism in determining the blinking behavior of quantum dots when the external trap is properly coupled with the excited state of the quantum dot, leading to a quasi‐continuous distribution of ‘on' states and an early fall‐off from a power‐law distribution for both ‘on' and ‘off' times associated with quantum dot photoluminescence blinking.  相似文献   

Establishing entanglement is an essential task of quantum communication technology. Beyond entanglement, quantum discord, as a measure of quantum correlation, is a necessary prerequisite to the success of entanglement distribution. To realize efficient quantum communication based on quantum discord, in this paper, we consider the practical advantages of continuous variables and propose a feasible continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme based on quantum discord. By means of entanglement distribution by separable states, it can achieve quantum entanglement distribution from sources to targets in a butterfly network. Compared with the representative discrete-variable quantum network coding schemes, the proposed continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme has a higher probability of entanglement distribution and defends against eavesdropping and forgery attacks. Particularly, the deduced relationship indicates that the increase in entanglement is less than or equal to quantum discord.  相似文献   

Quantum states are inherently fragile, making their storage a major concern for many practical applications and experimental tests of quantum mechanics. The field of quantum memories is concerned with how this storage may be achieved, covering everything from the physical systems best suited to the task to the abstract methods that may be used to increase performance. This review concerns itself with the latter, giving an overview of error correction and self-correction, and how they may be used to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation. The planar code is presented as a concrete example, both as a quantum memory and as a framework for quantum computation.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors present the idea for reconstructing one-photon states. Reconstructing a quantum state means measuring the probability distribution P that allows one to write the density operator for the analysed state. The most commonly known approach for the quantum reconstruction is the quantum tomography. Our alternative method assumes that the analysed field is coupled with the reference field which is described by the parameters settled during a measurement. In the proposed gedankenexperiment the degree of linear polarisation (DOLP) of this combined beam is measured using a rotating linear polariser. We state that it is possible to obtain the P-function by changing the parameters of reference beams and by preparing the series of DOLP measurements. This series of data leads to the system of equations. The values of the P-function at chosen points are the unknowns of this system. This article focuses on the numerical algorithm for solving these equations.  相似文献   


In this paper we discuss the reconstruction process of one-photon mixed states of partially polarised light. To solve this issue, we obtain the Stokes parameters by means of the degree of polarisation. The density operator describing the examined state is represented with these parameters. In the proposed two-beams method the degree of polarisation is measured on the analysed beam combined with reference beams containing photons with a settled state of polarisation. Coupling these beams allows one to obtain the Stokes parameters from the intensity contrast behind the rotating polariser. We discuss the influence of the quantum uncertainty on this technique of one-photon states reconstruction and we consider it for three aspects – the possibility of reducing the number of reference beams that are needed, the optimal state of polarisation of reference beams and the accuracy of the reconstruction method.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of two electrons located in two vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots in the presence of an oscillatory electric field. By solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we predict the dynamical generation of entangled electron states, such as the EPR (Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen) pairs or Bell states. The Schmidt rank and the von Neumann entropy are evaluated to characterize the degree of entanglement of the two electron states.  相似文献   

One of the most ambitious technological goals is the development of devices working under the laws of quantum mechanics. Among others, an important challenge to be resolved on the way to such breakthrough technology concerns the scalability of the available Hilbert space. Recently, proof‐of‐principle experiments were reported, in which the implementation of quantum algorithms (the Grover's search algorithm, iSWAP‐gate, etc.) in a single‐molecule nuclear spin qudit (with d = 4) known as 159TbPc2 was described, where the nuclear spins of lanthanides are used as a quantum register to execute simple quantum algorithms. In this progress report, the goal of linear and exponential up‐scalability of the available Hilbert space expressed by the qudit‐dimension “d” is addressed by synthesizing lanthanide metal complexes as quantum computing hardware. The synthesis of multinuclear large‐Hilbert‐space complexes has to be carried out under strict control of the nuclear spin degree of freedom leading to isotopologues, whereby electronic coupling between several nuclear spin units will exponentially extend the Hilbert space available for quantum information processing. Thus, improved multilevel spin qudits can be achieved that exhibit an exponentially scalable Hilbert space to enable high‐performance quantum computing and information storage.  相似文献   

We report the direct observation of coupling between a single self-assembled InAs quantum dot and a wetting layer, based on strong diamagnetic shifts of many-body exciton states using magneto-photoluminescence spectroscopy. An extremely large positive diamagnetic coefficient is observed when an electron in the wetting layer combines with a hole in the quantum dot; the coefficient is nearly one order of magnitude larger than that of the exciton states confined in the quantum dots. Recombination of electrons with holes in a quantum dot of the coupled system leads to an unusual negative diamagnetic effect, which is five times stronger than that in a pure quantum dot system. This effect can be attributed to the expansion of the wavefunction of remaining electrons in the wetting layer or the spread of electrons in the excited states of the quantum dot to the wetting layer after recombination. In this case, the wavefunction extent of the final states in the quantum dot plane is much larger than that of the initial states because of the absence of holes in the quantum dot to attract electrons. The properties of emitted photons that depend on the large electron wavefunction extents in the wetting layer indicate that the coupling occurs between systems of different dimensionality, which is also verified from the results obtained by applying a magnetic field in different configurations. This study paves a new way to observe hybrid states with zero- and two-dimensional structures, which could be useful for investigating the Kondo physics and implementing spin-based solid-state quantum information processing.

The delegating private quantum computation (DQC) protocol with the universal quantum gate set {X,Z,H,P,R,CNOT} was firstly proposed by Broadbent et al. [Broadbent (2015)], and then Tan et al. [Tan and Zhou (2017)] tried to put forward a half-blind DQC protocol (HDQC) with another universal set {H,P,CNOT,T}. However, the decryption circuit of Toffoli gate (i.e. T) is a little redundant, and Tan et al.’s protocol [Tan and Zhou (2017)] exists the information leak. In addition, both of these two protocols just focus on the blindness of data (i.e. the client’s input and output), but do not consider the blindness of computation (i.e. the delegated quantum operation). For solving these problems, we propose a full-blind DQC protocol (FDQC) with quantum gate set {H,P,CNOT,T}, where the desirable delegated quantum operation, one of {H,P,CNOT,T}, is replaced by a fixed sequence (H,P,CZ,CNOT,T) to make the computation blind, and the decryption circuit of Toffoli gate is also optimized. Analysis shows that our protocol can not only correctly perform any delegated quantum computation, but also holds the characteristics of data blindness and computation blindness.  相似文献   

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