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This paper reports on the use of Antimony (Sb) polymer film to generate stable Q-switching pulses in Erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) cavity. The SA is fabricated by coating a thin layer of Sb on a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film through physical vapour deposition (PVD) process. A 1 × 1 mm area of the film SA is cut and integrated into between two fiber ferrules inside the laser cavity for intra-cavity loss modulation. Self-starting and stable Q-switched pulses are obtained within a pump power range from 60 to 142 mW. Within this range, the repetition rate increases from 70.82 to 98.04 kHz, while pulse width decreases from 7.42 to 5.36 μs. The fundamental frequency signal-to-noise ratio of the pulse signal is 74 dB, which indicates the excellent stability of the pulses. The maximum output power and pulse energy are 8.45 mW and 86.19 nJ, respectively. Our demonstration shows that Sb film SA capable of generating stable pulses train operating at 1.55-micron region.  相似文献   

The demonstration is reported of a diode-pumped passively Q-switched Nd:LuVO4 laser at 1064 nm using a transmission-type graphene oxide as the saturable absorber. The graphene oxide saturable absorber with a modulation depth of 10% was fabricated using a vertical evaporation method. With a pump of 11.5 W, a maximum output power of 1.353 W was obtained with 186-ns pulse duration and 336.7-kHz repetition rate, corresponding to a maximum pulse energy of 4 μJ per pulse.  相似文献   

We report on the generation of a triple-wavelength passively Q-switched ytterbium-doped fibre laser using a saturable absorber (SA) based on zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) film. The SA was fabricated by embedding ZnO NPs powder into a polyvinyl alcohol as a host polymer. By properly adjusting the pump power and the polarization state, single-, dual- and triple-wavelength Q-switching are stably generated without additional components (such as optical filter, or fibre grating). For the triple wavelength operation, the fibre laser generates a maximum pulse repetition of 87.9 kHz with the shortest pulse duration of 2.7 μs. To the best of authors’ knowledge, it’s the first demonstration of triple-wavelength passively Q-switching fibre laser using ZnO NPs as a SA. Our results suggest that ZnO is a promising SA for multi-wavelength laser operation.  相似文献   

A theoretical model concerning FSA-based active Q-switching is developed. And, characteristics of the active Q-switching operation are investigated and compared with the traditional passive Q-switching operation. Numerical results demonstrate that the active control of the repetition rate of FSA-based Q-switching is attainable. And, stable active Q-switching could be obtained from both no lasing state and stable passive Q-switching state.  相似文献   

In this paper, a stable and robust all-fibre passively Q-switched erbium-doped fibre laser (EDFL) emitting at 1558?nm is described. The proposed laser utilizes an 11?cm long erbium-doped fibre as saturable absorber (SA). The fibre SA features a linear optical absorption of about 13?dB in the Q-switched EDFL operating regime. By elevating the input pump power from the threshold of 60?mW to the maximum available power of 142?mW, a pulse train with a maximum repetition rate of 86?kHz, minimum pulse width of 3.39?µs, maximum average output power of 10.5?mW, maximum pulse energy of 122?nJ and maximum peak power of 36?mW are obtained. The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the spectrum is measured to be around 70?dB. This fibre SA is simple, reliable, compact and alignment free. Thus it is suitable for making a portable pulse laser source.  相似文献   

伍波  刘永智  刘爽 《光电工程》2007,34(10):30-33
结合光纤饱和吸收体与光纤光栅法布里-珀罗标准具,研制出了全光纤结构1550nm单频窄线宽掺铒光纤环形激光器.采用两个976nm激光二极管双向抽运作为抽运源,高掺杂浓度铒光纤作为增益介质,以行波腔消除空间烧孔效应,利用光纤光栅法布里-珀罗标准具窄带选模特性,以10m长低掺铒光纤饱和吸收体稳频,得到了十分稳定的窄线宽激光输出.激光器抽运阈值功率21mW,在抽运光功率为145mW时输出光功率39mW,斜率效率30%,信噪比大于50dB.采用延迟自外差方法精确测量光纤激光器线宽小于10kHz.  相似文献   

We report on passively Q-switched lasers in femtosecond laser written waveguide in Nd:YVO4 crystal. Using graphene as a saturable absorber, passively Q-switched waveguide laser operations are achieved along both TE and TM polarizations with single modal profiles. Furthermore, all-angle linear light pump was utilized to investigate the thorough information of the polarization effects of the laser, showing that the optimum polarization for laser generation is TE. The maximum average output power is estimated to be 129 mW with 12.2% slope efficiency, corresponding to single-pulse energy of 8.1 nJ, pulse duration of 25.0 ns and repetition rate of 16.3 MHz.  相似文献   

Monolayer graphene as a saturable absorber in a mode-locked laser   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We demonstrate that the intrinsic properties of monolayer graphene allow it to act as a more effective saturable absorber for mode-locking fiber lasers when compared to multilayer graphene. The absorption of monolayer graphene can be saturated at lower excitation intensity compared to multilayer graphene, graphene with wrinkle-like defects, or functionalized graphene. Monolayer graphene has a remarkably large modulation depth of 65.9%, whereas the modulation depth of multilayer graphene is greatly reduced due to nonsaturable absorption and scattering loss. Picosecond ultrafast laser pulses (1.23 ps) can be generated using monolayer graphene as a saturable absorber. Due to the ultrafast relaxation time, larger modulation depth and lower scattering loss of monolayer graphene, it performs better than multilayer graphene in terms of pulse shaping ability, pulse stability, and output energy.   相似文献   


Q-switched and mode-locked pulse generation in Erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFLs) are demonstrated using Poly [2-methoxy-5-(2-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenylenevinylene] (MEH-PPV) organic semiconductor material as a saturable absorber (SA) for the first time. The MEH-PPV was prepared in the form of a thin film having a modulation depth of 12% and saturation intensity of 40?MW/cm2. The SA was placed in a laser cavity to produce a stable Q-switched operating at 1564.0?nm. The maximum repetition rate of 78.62?kHz, minimum pulse width of 3.54?µs and maximum pulse energy of 59.45?nJ were attained at 125.2?mW pump power. On the other hand, by incorporating an additional 100?m long single mode fiber, the mode locked EDFL self-started as the pump power was raised above 125.2?mW. The soliton pulse was obtained due to the enhancement of the nonlinearity in the cavity. The mode-locked laser operated at 1568.5?nm with a fixed repetition rate of 1.859?MHz and pulse width of 2.97?ps.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a Q-switched Erbium-doped fibre laser (EDFL) utilizing cobalt oxide (Co3O4) nanocubes film based saturable absorber (SA) as a passive Q-switcher. Co3O4 nanocubes are embedded into a polyethylene oxide film to produce a high nonlinear optical response, which is useful for SA application. It has saturation intensity and modulation depth of 3 MW/cm2 and 0.35%, respectively. The proposed laser cavity successfully generates a stable pulse train where the pulse repetition rate is tunable from 29.8 to 70.92 kHz and the pulse-width reduces from 10.9 to 5.02 μs as the 980 nm pump power increases. This result indicates that the Co3O4 is excellent for constructing an SA that can be used in producing a passively Q-switched fibre laser operating at a low pump intensity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of Co3O4 film based fibre laser.  相似文献   

We report an observation of soliton and bound-state soliton in passive mode-locked fibre laser employing graphene film as a passive saturable absorber (SA). The SA was fabricated from the graphene flakes, which were obtained from electrochemical exfoliation process. The graphene flakes was mixed with polyethylene oxide solution to form a polymer composite, which was then dried at room temperature to produce a film. The film was then integrated in a laser cavity by attaching it to the end of a fibre ferrule with the aid of index matching gel. The fibre laser generated soliton pulses with a 20.7 MHz repetition rate, 0.88 ps pulse width, 0.0158 mW average output power, 0.175 pJ pulse energy and 18.72 W peak power at the wavelength of 1564 nm. A bound soliton with pulse duration of ~1.04 ps was also obtained at the pump power of 110.85 mW by carefully adjusting the polarization of the oscillating laser. The formation of bound soliton is due to the direct pulse to pulse interaction. The results show that the proposed graphene-based SA offers a simple and cost efficient approach of generating soliton and bound soliton in mode-locked EDFL set-up.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the generation of mode-locked Thulium-Doped Fibre Laser by employing a newly developed saturable absorber (SA) based on copper (Cu) thin film. The SA was prepared by depositing nano-sized particles of Cu onto the surface of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) film through the E-Beam evaporation process. A stable mode-locking pulse train operating at 1951?nm was successfully generated by introducing the Cu PVA SA into a laser cavity. The laser generated a pulse train at the fundamental frequency of 8.5?MHz with a calculated minimum pulse width of 14.8?ps. This demonstration proves that the Cu PVA based SA is suitable for generating mode-locked fibre laser at 2?µm region.  相似文献   

洪瑶  张靓  纪海莹  孙梦茹  王天枢 《光电工程》2021,48(5):200362-1-200362-7
本文报道了一种新兴的锁模方式-多模干涉锁模。这种锁模方式结构简单,搭建方便。在单模光纤激光器中熔接二段短的渐变折射率多模光纤,利用这种单模-多模-单模(SMS)结构的模式干涉效应实现可饱和吸收机制,从而实现锁模脉冲输出。SMS结构实现锁模需要对多模光纤的长度进行精确控制,本文提出将SMS结构缠绕进偏振控制器中,通过理论推导偏振控制器对多模光纤中传输光相位的调控,以实现可饱和吸收效应。在263 mW泵浦功率下实现了24.83 MHz重复频率的传统孤子脉冲输出,其脉冲间隔为40.12 ns,信噪比为50.8 dB,中心波长为1881.7 nm。通过调节偏振控制器和泵浦功率实现孤子分子与传统孤子脉冲的转换。在410 mW的泵浦阈值下实现了25 MHz重复频率的孤子分子脉冲输出,其脉冲间隔为40.3 ns,信噪比为54.4 dB,中心波长为1887.60 nm。  相似文献   

A tapered fiber is fabricated by heating and stretching a piece of optical fiber after the polymer protective cladding has been removed. An equidistant comb-like transmission spectrum, with a spacing of 1.6?nm and an extinction ratio of more than 5?dB, was obtained by the tapered fiber due to the multibeam interferences of the cladding modes. The tapered fiber was applied in a ring erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) to generate dual-wavelength lasing oscillations. The EDFL operates at wavelengths of 1557.0?nm and 1558.6?nm with a stable peak power and a signal-to-noise ratio of more than 40?dB.  相似文献   

A C-band mode-locked fibre laser incorporating a boron nitride-doped graphene oxide (BN-GO)-based saturable absorber (SA) is proposed and demonstrated. The SA is fabricated by depositing multiple layers of synthesized BN-GO nanoparticles onto the polished surface of a side-polished fibre, which is then inserted into an erbium-doped fibre laser cavity to generate the desired pulsed output. The strong nonlinear optical response and light absorption of the BN-GO nanoparticles induces the generation of a highly stable mode-locked pulse at 1567.32?nm with visible Kelly’s sidebands. The pulses have a measured repetition rate of 13.56?MHz and a pulse width of 1.18?ps at the maximum pump power of 280.5?mW. The pulses have a frequency signal-to-noise ratio of ~53?dB, indicating a highly stable output. The proposed laser would find significant telecommunications applications, particularly for dense wavelength division multiplexing systems.  相似文献   

We demonstrate a simple, compact, and low cost mode-locked erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) using a single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) embedded in polyethylene oxide (PEO) thin film as a passive saturable absorber (SA). The film with a thickness of 50?μm was fabricated using a prepared homogeneous SWCNT solution with 0.1% loading percentage, which was mixed with a diluted PEO solution and casted onto a glass Petri dish to form a thin film by evaporation technique. The film is sandwiched between two fiber connectors to construct a SA, which is then integrated in an EDFL cavity to generate a self-started stable soliton pulses operating at 1558?nm. The soliton pulse starts to lase at pump power threshold of 17.6?mW with a repetition rate of 50?MHz, pulse width of 0.67?ps, average output power of 0.158?mW, pulse energy of 3.16?pJ, and peak power of 4.43?W.  相似文献   

A graphene-based Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) with a tunable fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) acting as a wavelength tuning mechanism is proposed and demonstrated. The proposed setup utilizes a newly-developed ‘ferrule-to-ferrule transfer’ technique to obtain a single graphene layer that allows for Q-switch operation in the EDFL using a highly doped-gain medium. A TFBG is used as a wavelength tuning mechanism with a tuning range of 10 nm, covering the wavelength range from 1547.66 nm to 1557.66 nm. The system has a wide repetition rate range of over 206.613 kHz from 1.387 kHz to 208.000 kHz with pulse durations of between 94.80 μs to 0.412 μs. The laser output is dependent on the pump power, with energy per pulse of 4.56 nJ to 16.26 nJ. The system is stable, with power and wavelength variations of less than 0.47 dBm and 0.067 nm. The output pulse train is free from self-mode locking and pulse jitters.  相似文献   

In this work, a passively Q-switched Thulium/Holmium-doped fibre laser (THDFL) using a molybdenum tungsten disulphide (MoWS2) saturable absorber (SA) is proposed and demonstrated. The MoWS2 nanosheets are prepared by hydrothermal exfoliation and then suspended in a polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) thin film host. Q-switching of the THDFL at a maximum 1550 nm pump power of 445.2 mW gives a maximum repetition rate and minimum pulse width of 36.3 kHz and 2.8 µs with a corresponding pulse energy of 86.4 nJ and peak power of 31.1 mW. The MoWS2 based Q-switched THDFL's output has a very high signal-to-noise value of ~62.2 dB which strongly indicates that the laser is working in a stable operation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of MoWS2 as a passive SA in a THDFL for operation in the 2.0 µm region. The proposed laser would have significant medical and sensing applications, particularly at the biologically active 2.0–2.1 µm regions.  相似文献   

A passive Q-switched and mode-locked ytterbium-doped fibre laser (YDFL) pulse generation using a nickel oxide thin film as a saturable absorber is reported. The nickel oxide nanoparticle thin film was fabricated by a simple processing technique, and it has a modulation depth of 39% and saturation intensity of 0.04 MW/cm2. The saturable absorber was constructed by inserting a small piece of the film between two fibre ferrules. Then it was integrated in a YDFL cavity. The Q-switching operation started at a threshold pump power of 117.73 mW with an initial wavelength of 1073.5 nm. When the pump power was raised from 117.73 to 133 mW, the repetition rate grew from 9.5 to 15.8 kHz. The pulses had a maximum pulse energy of 478 nJ. Furthermore, a stable self-started mode-locked pulse was also succesfully generated at the threshold pump power of 97.3 mW. The central wavelength and repetition rate of the laser were 1037.72 nm and 23 MHz, respectively. The maximum pulse energy of 0.56 nJ and a peak power of 26.4 W were recorded at a pump power of 137.5 mW.  相似文献   

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