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We discuss complementarity relations in a bipartite continuous variable system. Building up from the work done on discrete d-dimensional systems, we prove that for symmetric two-mode states, quantum complementarity relations can be put in a simple relation with the elements of the variance matrix. When this condition is not satisfied, such a connection becomes non-trivial. Our investigation is the first step towards an operative characterization of the complementarity in a scenario that has not been investigated so far.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the situation that three identical two-level atoms are separately trapped in the three single-mode cavities. Each atom resonantly interacts with cavity via a one-photon hopping. The dynamics of nonlocality in the system is investigated via Mermin–Ardehali–Belinksii–Klyshko inequality. The results show that when three atoms are initially in W state and three-cavity fields are in vacuum states both the quantum state of three atoms and that of three cavities all display nonlocality On the other hand, when three atoms are initially in Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger state and three-cavity fields are in vacuum states, the quantum state of three atoms and that of three cavities all do not display nonlocality.  相似文献   

As multibody systems often involve unilateral constraints, nonsmooth phenomena, such as impacts and friction, are common in engineering. Therefore, a valid nonsmooth dynamics method is highly important for multibody systems. An accuracy representation of multibody systems is an important performance indicator of numerical algorithms, and the energy balance can be used efficiently evaluate the performance of nonsmooth dynamics methods. In this article, differential algebraic equations (DAEs) of a multibody system are constructed using the D'Alembert's principle, and a novel nonsmooth dynamics method based on symplectic discrete format is proposed. The symplectic discrete format can maintain the energy conservation of a conservative system; this property is expected to extend to nonconservative systems with nonsmooth phenomena in this article. To evaluate the properties of the proposed method, several numerical examples are considered, and the results of the proposed method are compared with those of Moreau's midpoint rule. The results demonstrate that the solutions obtained using the proposed method, which is based on the symplectic discrete format, can realize a higher solution accuracy and lower numerical energy dissipation, even under a large time step.  相似文献   

空调系统运行能效及运行监测参数探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空调系统运行能效比对于判定空调系统是否节能运行十分重要。通过对5个工程运行管理和运行记录的调查分析,从计算空调系统运行能效比的角度出发,分别提出冷水机组+燃气锅炉,直燃机,水环热泵三种空调系统重点用能设备必要运行监测参数和记录频率,并将实际工程参数的记录情况与之比较,发现实际工程运行记录和运行管理中存在的一些问题,提出一些意见和需要注意的问题,为健全企业运行记录管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Power transformers with superconducting windings need a protection system to prevent damage to the low-loss superconducting winding by an abnormally high current. The generally accepted protection technique which uses auxiliary coils has been analysed using a network representation. The current distribution between main and auxiliary coil is expressed in terms of geometrical parameters. Experimental data on current transfer and main coil recovery in a test transformer are presented and a method of obtaining a very low auxiliary coil current is suggested.  相似文献   

对于一些展开结构,为达到其设计性能,必须采用特殊的索、膜结构,这些索、膜部件表现出不同的拉压性质。具有拉、压不同性质的材料或结构的力学分析,体现出较强的非线性特征,需要针对这类问题发展有效的求解算法。本文建立了由拉压刚度不同杆单元组成的桁架结构的动力学参变量变分原理,将拉压刚度不同桁架问题的非线性动力分析转换为线性互补问题求解。结合时间有限元方法构造了求解此问题的保辛数值积分方法,此方法不需要迭代和刚度矩阵更新,避免了迭代求解方法的收敛问题,计算过程稳定、高效。  相似文献   

Tools and equipment (T&E) play an important role in the simulation of virtual assembly, especially in the assembly process simulation and plan. The interactive operation simulation of T&E is also a challenge for interactive assembly operation because of variety in function and complexity in structure and manipulation. Based on detailed analysis of interactive operations, the functional requirement for T&E is given. Then, a unified modelling method for information expression and function realisation of general T&E is represented, and the handling methods of some typical manual, semi-automatic, automatic T&E are discussed. Finally, the rear suspension and the front suspension assembly workplace operation simulation in the RA-750 car assembly line are introduced. The result shows that the modelling and handling methods are applicable in the interactive simulation of various T&E.  相似文献   

独立新风与冷却顶板相结合的空调系统是一种非常具有发展潜力的空调系统。通过阐述该系统的组成和特点,突显其舒适性及节能性。结合焓湿图讨论其全年运行工况下的空气处理过程,分析并得出各工况相应的运行控制方法,为在暖通设计中采用DOAS+CRCP系统的设计师提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Variational inequalities connected with Signorini's problem have appeared as a natural generalization of the minimum potential-energy theorem for bodies with unilateral constraints. In this paper, we describe numerical experience on the use of variational inequalities and Pade approximants to obtain approximate solutions to a class of unilateral boundary value problems of elasticity, like those describing the equilibrium configuration of an elastic membrane stretched over an elastic obstacle. These problems have the peculiar feature of being alternatively formulated as nonlinear boundary value problems without constraints for which the technique of Pade approximants can be successfully employed. The variational inequality formulation is used to discuss the problem of uniqueness and existence of the solution.  相似文献   

Short production runs are common in enterprises that require a high degree of flexibility and variety in manufacturing processes. To date, past research on short production runs has little focus on the multivariate control charts. In view of this, fixed sample size (FSS) and variable sample size (VSS) Hotelling's T2 charts are designed to monitor the process mean when the production horizon is finite. Optimal parameters to minimize the out‐of‐control (1) truncated average run length (TARL) and (2) expected TARL (ETARL) are provided such that the in‐control TARL is equal to the number of inspections (say I). The numerical study considers the run length performances of the FSS and VSS T2 short‐run charts for both known and unknown shift sizes. The VSS T2 short‐run chart performs well in swiftly detecting various mean shifts in comparison with the FSS T2 short‐run chart. Additionally, the VSS T2 short‐run chart is superior to the FSS T2 short‐run chart, in terms of the truncated standard deviation of the run length, expected truncated standard deviation of the run length, probability that the chart signals an alarm within the I inspections, ie, P(I) and expected P(I). A case study on the impurity profile of a crystalline drug substance illustrates the implementation of the VSS T2 short‐run chart.  相似文献   

We present an experimental realization of the first iteration in Grover's quantum algorithm using classical light and linear optical elements. The algorithm serves to find an entry marked by an oracle in an unstructured database. In our scheme, the quantum states encoding the database are represented by helical modes generated by means of a Spatial Light Modulator, while the marking corresponds to a π phase shift of the hidden mode. The optical implementation of Grover's algorithm then selectively amplifies the intensity of the marked mode such that it can be revealed by a modal decomposition. The core of the algorithm – a geometrical reflection of the point representing all database entries – is implemented in a single step independent of the size of the database. Moreover, we demonstrate experimentally that one iteration of the algorithm is enough to identify the marked entry, as a consequence of using classical states of light.  相似文献   

Traditional principles of mechanics are primarily conceived for constant mass systems, which are only valid if mass is gained or lost at null velocity with respect to an inertial reference frame for variable mass systems, thus the numerical algorithms for time‐varying structures based on these principles are only suitable for this special case. In this paper, Hamilton's law of variable mass system is derived based on Meshchersky's fundamental equation, and two classes of novel time finite element formulations for linear systems with arbitrary continuous time‐varying parameters are developed based on the previous law. The formulations are verified extensively through numerical examples in which the convergence and effectiveness of algorithms are evaluated. Numerical examples demonstrate that compared with the algorithms for time‐varying structures that developed based on traditional principles of mechanics, the proposed algorithms provide extended capabilities in both time‐varying mass problems that mass is gained or lost at any velocity (such as rocket problem) and moving‐mass problems (such as vehicle‐bridge interaction problem) besides the time‐varying stiffness and damping problems, the proposed algorithms have a wider range of application. In particular, Hamilton's law of variable mass system provides a solid theoretical foundation for further research on the algorithm design for time‐varying structures. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文研究了非增函数的加权Hardy不等式,对文[2]中的一个定理给出一个简单的证明,并对0<p<1的情况,建立了新的结果.  相似文献   

高温储能系统以其高效、环保、节能等优点而有着广泛的应用前景,含高温储能系统的微电网经济运行日益引起关注。文中对高温储能系统、风机、光伏电池、蓄电池、微型燃气轮机以及燃料电池组成的微电网进行分析研究,在分时电价以及微网并网运行的环境下,基于各电源功率特性,建立了高温储能系统模型及微网经济运行模型。运用改进免疫粒子群算法进行模型求解,现场应用验证了其有效性,结果表明文中方法可使微网动态运行整体达到最优,高温储能系统参与热负荷供应,可以节省成本,具有显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

光波在晶体表面来回反射形成了多种不同振幅的光波,光波叠加方式的不同会产生完全不同的效果.针对o光与e光非相干叠加和相干叠加两种情况,导出了光强公式.用铌酸锂晶体做了实验,结果与理论十分吻合.这对于分析晶体偏光干涉测量中的干扰以及充分利用干涉图信息改进测量方法与测量精度均具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are critical for manufacturing operation management and continuous improvement (CI). In modern manufacturing systems, KPIs are defined as a set of metrics to reflect operation performance, such as efficiency, throughput, availability, from productivity, quality and maintenance perspectives. Through continuous monitoring and measurement of KPIs, meaningful quantification and identification of different aspects of operation activities can be obtained, which enable and direct CI efforts. A set of 34 KPIs has been introduced in ISO 22400. However, the KPIs in a manufacturing system are not independent, and they may have intrinsic mutual relationships. The goal of this paper is to introduce a multi-level structure for identification and analysis of KPIs and their intrinsic relationships in production systems. Specifically, through such a hierarchical structure, we define and layer KPIs into levels of basic KPIs, comprehensive KPIs and their supporting metrics, and use it to investigate the relationships and dependencies between KPIs. Such a study can provide a useful tool for manufacturing engineers and managers to measure and utilize KPIs for CI.  相似文献   

价格不确定供应链的多目标运作鲁棒模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建立了由一个制造商和一个供应商构成的多产品、多阶段供应链在原材料和最终产品的市场价格均不确定情况下运作的鲁棒模型.采用区间不确定性描述价格的不确定性.供应链的运作模型为一个多目标规划问题,满足诸如供应链协调运作、所有供应链成员的目标利润尽可能最大、对应于不确定供求价格的决策的鲁棒性等多个相互冲突的目标.数值算例的结果表明,一定范围内的市场价格波动不改变供应链的运作策略,仅对其运作性能产生一定影响,即所提出的模型是鲁棒的.  相似文献   

The implementation of closed-loop supply chains to handle the problem of increasing levels of electronic and electrical equipment waste can be beneficial both economically and ecologically. Three different problem analysis techniques—why–what's stopping analysis, fundamental objective hierarchy, and means objective network—are used to analyse the problem from various perspectives. A non-preemptive goal-programming model and solution approach have also been developed, with goals being assigned different weights according to the respective goal priorities. The model considers multiple products, as well as operations associated with the product, subassembly, part, and material levels. A major contribution of the research involves the fact that the objectives and related constraints for each member of the supply chain are explicitly modeled. The results of the analysis show both the effect of varying the priority/weight associated with a goal, and how the values of the deviational variables can aid a decision maker in model analysis.  相似文献   

Nanoparticles (NPs) based therapies for Alzheimer's disease (AD) attract interest due to their ability to pass across or bypass the blood-brain barrier. Chitosan (CS) NPs or graphene quantum dots (GQDs) are promising drug carriers with excellent physicochemical and electrical properties. The current study proposes the combination of CS and GQDs in ultrasmall NP form not as drug carriers but as theranostic agents for AD. The microfluidic-based synthesis of the CS/GQD NPs with optimized characteristics makes them ideal for transcellular transfer and brain targeting after intranasal (IN) delivery. The NPs have the ability to enter the cytoplasm of C6 glioma cells in vitro and show dose and time-dependent effects on the viability of the cells. IN administration of the NPs to streptozotocin (STZ) induced AD-like models lead to a significant number of entrances of the treated rats to the target arm in the radial arm water maze (RAWM) test. It shows the positive effect of the NPs on the memory recovery of the treated rats. The NPs are detectable in the brain via in vivo bioimaging due to GQDs as diagnostic markers. The noncytotoxic NPs localize in the myelinated axons of hippocampal neurons. They do not affect the clearance of amyloid β (Aβ) plaques at intercellular space. Moreover, they showed no positive impact on the enhancement of MAP2 and NeuN expression as markers of neural regeneration. The memory improvement in treated AD rats may be due to neuroprotection via the anti-inflammation effect and regulation of the brain tissue microenvironment that needs to be studied.  相似文献   

Time‐harmonic Green's functions for a triclinic anisotropic full‐space are evaluated through the use of a symbolic computation system.This procedure allows evaluation of the Green's functions for the most general anisotropic materials. The proposed computational algorithms are programmed in a MATLAB environment by incorporating symbolic calculations performed using Maple Computer Algebra System. Extensive testing of the numerical results has been performed for both displacement and stress fields. The tests demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed algorithm in evaluating the Green's functions. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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