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The behavior of an electronic subsystem in strong interaction with phonon subsystem, or quantified electromagnetic field (QEF) is discussed. In this case the correlation effect between first and second order electron–phonon interaction (or atom–QEF interaction) takes place. It is shown that the temperature dependence of two-quanta exchange between Fermi sub-system and thermal reservoir gives a non-linear behavior of the order parameter in superconductivity and super-radiance, accompanied by an increase of the electron correlations with increasing temperature. The same effect is considered for two-quanta scattering processes, in which one quantum is absorbed and another is emitted. It is demonstrated, that the order parameter in such a system firstly increases with temperature achieving the maximal value. After that it decreases as in traditional phase transition effects.  相似文献   

We study the effect of quantum and classical phase fluctuations on the phase transitions in the system of Josephson-junction arrays. We employed a variational method for calculating the Gaussian type fluctuation of the phase in the Josephson-junction array lattice systems without and with an external magnetic field. We investigate the spectrum of collective excitations and the effects of collective excitations on the transport properties of Josephson-junction arrays. We showed that the Hamiltonian for the lattice system of the Josephson junction is the same as the Hamiltonian for the classical or quantum two-dimensional interacting rotators. We also showed that the dynamics of fluctuations of the phase in the lattice system of Josephson junction is very similar to the lattice dynamics of the lattice in crystals. We also showed that in the lattice system of Josephson junctions there is the collective acoustic mode similar to the acoustic mode in the crystal lattice, and this mode may lead to the dissipation of the Josephson current in the superconducting array of Josephson junctions. The speed of sound of the collective acoustic mode of the phase fluctuation depends on the Josephson coupling energy and the Coulomb charging energy. The contribution of the collective acoustic mode to the low temperature specific heat is the same as the contribution of the acoustic phonons to the specific heat of crystals. We also discuss the future development of results and their application.  相似文献   

Phases of Cu-(0.4%-2.0%) Cr-(0.05%-0.16%) Zr alloys were analyzed in both as cast and deformed state. Solute-rich clusters of Cr, which was supposed to form during aging treatment, were observed in as cast state; along with the morphology character, corresponding preferential orientation of Cr phase in as cast state was also investigated. Precipitates were observed to distribute in the matrix with a bimodal distribution, viz. coarse precipitates with dimension larger than several hundred nanometers and fine precipitates with size of 2- 10 nm. Three types of intermetallics, the common compound of Cu51Zr14, correspondingly infrequent Cu5Zr and rare Cu5Zr3, were characterized in different samples.  相似文献   

Ordering and segregation properties of Fe–Ni alloys and nanoalloys are investigated by means of Metropolis Monte Carlo (MMC) and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The model is based on an embedded atom potential which, according to thermodynamic integration, only stabilizes those phases that are observed experimentally. This stability is confirmed by MMC and the same phases are found stable in truncated octahedral nanoparticles containing no more than 201 atoms. At given composition, Ni segregates at {100} and nanoparticle surfaces on the Fe-rich side of the phase diagram, Fe segregates at intermediate compositions and no significant trend is predicted on the Ni-rich side. A BCC to L10 transition is observed to occur at a Ni fraction close to 0.32, both in bulk alloys and in nanoparticles. The transition gives rise to a change in the nanoparticle aspect ratio by a factor 21/2. Using MD, by varying temperature, it was possible to monitor a BCC to FCC transition in solid solution nanoparticles reversibly.  相似文献   

1.IntroductionNanocrystalline materials have attracted increasingscientific interests since they emerged in the late80s',be-cause of their unusual physical and chemical propertiesthat are normally attributed to the ultrafine grains.Thespecial properties of nanocrystalline materials are essen-tially connected with both thermodynamics and dynam-ics of the formation of nano materials.However,it hasshown that traditional thermodynamic and phase trans-formation models cannot satisfactorily describe…  相似文献   

1.IlitroductionThereisconsiderablecontemporaryimportancetodevelopCofreeferrouswearresistancematerial.Fe-Cr-C-X(X=Mn,W,Mo,Nietc.)alloysareexceLlefltcandidatesforhard-facingmaterialsintheap-plicationofhighwearresistance[1~3]'Singhetal.l4]revealedwearpropertiestobesuperiortoStellite6bylasercladdingFe-CrMnCalloyswithmetastableM6CandM7C3carbideprecipitates.Additionally,thehighdegreeofgrainrefinementandincreasedhthmogeneityresultingfromtherapidsolidificationcanbeexpectedtoyieldimprovedtoughn…  相似文献   

Shubnikov-de Haas oscillation and cyclotron resonance were studied for high mobility p-type Ge channels in strained Ge/Si1?x Ge x quantum wells, using pulsed high magnetic fields up to 50 T. Fine quantum oscillations were observed in ρ xx . Reflecting the complex Landau level structure in the nearly degenerate valence bands, the Fourier transform of the oscillatory spectra consists of several peaks. Cyclotron resonance was measured at photon energies between 10 and 17 meV. Two well-defined resonance peaks were observed in two samples with different x, resulting in different strains. A large non-parabolicity and large strain dependence of the effective masses were observed.  相似文献   

We report the observation of Aharonov-Bohm (AB) oscillations for single Bi nanowires with diameter d< 80 nm. The single nanowire samples with glass coating were prepared by the Ulitovsky technique; they were cylindrical single crystals with (10 $\bar{1}$ 1) orientation along the wire axis. The surface of Bi nanowire supports surface states which give rise to a significant population of charge carriers with high effective mass that form a highly conducting tube around the nanowire. The oscillations of longitudinal magnetoresistance (MR) of Bi nanowires with two periods ΔB 1 and ΔB 2 proportional to Φ0 and Φ0/2 were observed, where Φ0=h/e is the flux quantum. From B~ 8 T down to B = 0 the extremums of Φ0/2 oscillations are shifted up to 3π at B = 0 which is the manifestation of Berry phase shift due to electron moving in a nonuniform magnetic field. A derivative of MR was measured at various inclined angles. The observed angle variation of the periods is not in agreement with the theoretical dependence Δ(α)=Δ(0)/cos?α of the size effect oscillations of the “flux quantization” type. Moreover, the equidistant oscillations of MR exist in transverse magnetic fields under certain rotation angles. An interpretation of the MR oscillations is presented.  相似文献   

On the basis of Usadel equations, we consider superconductivity nucleation and Josephson current in multiply connected mesoscopic superconductor/ferromagnet (S/F) hybrids. We demonstrate that the exchange field can provoke an increase in the critical temperature T c of the superconducting transition in the magnetic field. We study the Josephson effect in S/F composites and demonstrate that the negative sign of the critical current (π state) can be realized in such structures despite a dispersion of the distances between different segments of superconducting electrodes.  相似文献   

We investigated the magnetoconductivity and the Terahertz (THz) photo-conductivity of devices with HgTe quantum wells embedded in barrier layers of HgCdTe. For the photoconductivity measurements, a THz laser system (p-Ge-Laser) is applied. This laser uses transitions between Landau levels of light holes in Ge and emits laser pulses in the wavelength range 120 μm < λ < 180 μm. The THz laser radiation is used in order to excite charge carriers over the Landau-gap. The response of the sample to the laser impulses is in 2D-samples in the quantum Hall (QH) regime measured in order to receive data of the relaxation of the charge carriers. In this presentation we present photoconduction measurements of the HgTe-quantum well in Hall bar, Corbino as well as combined Corbino-Hall bar geometry in the QH-regime. The material system HgTe/HgCdTe is characterized by a small effective mass (compared to GaAs, in our case 0.023 m 0) and accordingly smaller magnetic fields for the appropriate cyclotron energy. Thus, this material combination provides the opportunity to make THz detectors using magnetic fields below 2 T for operation.  相似文献   

A review of computer simulations carried out at our Center for Materials Simulation applied to stud-ying the different atomistic processes of fracture and displacive (martensitic) transformations is pres-ented.Since these processes can happen extremely rapidly and involve only a small number of atomsinitially,they are ideally suited for molecular dynamics type simulations which can currently onlyspan times of the order of one nanosecond and involve at most a million atoms.A method is alsopresented for simulating much larger samples for much longer times through the use of theMonte-Carlo technique combined with a Ginzburg-Landau free energy functional,where the rele-vant material parameters are determined from molecular dynamics runs on the same alloy system.Asummary of studies on fracture simulations in the ordered intermetallics NiAI and RuAl is given,aswell as a discussion of the observation and analysis of the heterogeneous nucleation of themartensitic transformation in NiAI which shows localized soft mode phenomena.It is concluded thatcomputer simulations,whether of the atomistic molecular dynamics type or of the larger scaleMonte-Carlo variety,are rapidly becoming of greater and greater use in understanding the propertiesof solids under a wide rancle of temperature and stress conditions.  相似文献   

The aged and quenched microstructures of both alloys, Ti-42at-%Al and Ti-45at -%Al,homogenized in the disordered single phase field. were investigated And the results show that the quinched microstructure is a supersaturated single phase of ordered 22. When the supersaturated phase is aged in the two phase range at 1273 and 1373 K, it will transform to a lamellar microstructure of γ+α2. with a discontinuous decomposition mechanism in Ti-42at-%Al alloy and a semicontinuous decomposition mechanism in T1-45at-%Al alloy. With the methods of quantitative metallograph examination and X-ray diffraction analysis. the relationship between the amount of γ, phase precipitation and the time of isothermal transformation is agreed  相似文献   

The phase transformation and deformationmechanism of the alloy based on composition Ti_3Alwith addition of Nb,V,Mo have been studied by useof transmission electron microscopy (TEM).It hasbeen shown that the orientation relationship ofα_2 phase transformed from β phase is:(0001)α_2//(l10)β,[1210]α_2//[111]β.The present dislocationslip systems in α_2 phase are (1100)[0001] and(1100)<1120>.There also exist α_2 twins whichhave new twin relationship and the twin plane is(2021).  相似文献   

Biological performance of bioceramics such as calcium phosphate has been proved to be improved by substitution of different ions like Mg, Sr and Si. In this study, different amounts of Zn ions in nitrate form were incorporated into β-tricalcium phosphate in which various molar ratios of Ca:Zn were achieved: 3:0, 2.8:0.2, 2.6:0.4, 2.4:0.6, and 2.2:0.8. The mixtures were heated at different temperatures ranging from 800–1100 °C. The phase composition, amount of each phase and lattice parameters of β-tricalcium phosphate were determined by means of X-ray diffractometry and coupled software. Also, solubility of the heated mixtures was investigated by determining the amount of Ca and Zn released into a simulated body fluid during 120 h. The results revealed that only limited amount of Zn ions could be incorporated into β-tricalcium phosphate lattice and ZnO phase was formed when high content of zinc nitrate was introduced in initial mixture. Both a and c lattice parameters of β-tricalcium phosphate were reduced by adding Zn. The release rate of calcium ions into the simulated body fluid was approximately constant during 120 h while for Zn minor release was observed.  相似文献   

This article mainly describes the selfreliance and innovation of Qinshan nuclear power project of phase II,inbetween it contains new reactor core design, as well as related experimental and calculation analysis, especially for new reactor design produced fluidinduced vibration model test, theoretical analysis and testing inbuilt reactor; aiming at twoloop NSSS a series improvement made for safety systems and related safety analysis to enhance their reliability and redundancy; according to specialty of twoloop NSSS an optimization made for NPP parameters and design of related equipments, for the purpose to make the output of NPP maximal; design of main reactor building and TG building also improved according to characteristics of twoloop NSSS and site conditions. CRDM and refueling machine are researched and manufactured on base of selfreliance, their performance are better than design requirements, large portion of key equipments are localized through different way. In construction first time realized the integrated erection of containment dome. During the commissioning nonnuclear steam driving of TG set, as well as 500 kV high voltage rising using emergent diesel generator, etc. are carried out. In period of operation still continuous innovation and improvement are made, so that to keep the good record of operation.  相似文献   

The unconventional nature of the quantum criticality in YbRh2Si2 is highlighted on the basis of magnetoresistivity and susceptibility measurements. Results obtained under chemical pressure realized by isoelectronic substitution on the rhodium site are presented. These results illustrate the position of the T?-line associated with a breakdown of the Kondo effect near the antiferromagnetic instability in the low-temperature phase diagram. Whereas at zero temperature the Kondo breakdown and the antiferromagnetic quantum critical point coincide in the proximity of the stoichiometric compound, they are seen to be detached under chemical pressure: For positive chemical pressure the magnetically ordered phase extends beyond the T ?(B)-line. For sufficiently high negative pressure the T ?(B)-line is separated from the magnetically ordered phase. From our detailed analysis we infer that the coincidence is retained at small iridium concentrations, i.e., at small negative chemical pressure. We outline further measurements which may help to clarify the detailed behavior of the two instabilities.  相似文献   

The Tx phase diagram of the CdTe–MnTe system is mapped out. The CdTe–MnTe join is shown to be nonpseudobinary. The system contains an extended series of CdTe-based solid solutions (0–71.4 mol % MnTe at 1070 K). At 1070 K, -MnTe dissolves up to 0.3 mol % CdTe. Data are presented on the composition dependences of lattice parameters for the solid solutions studied and the luminescent properties of Cd1 – x Mn x Te single crystals annealed in cadmium or tellurium vapor.  相似文献   

NiTi alloy is produced by mechanical alloying(MA). It becomes amorphous after milling for enough time, such as 100 h in this paper. DSC measurement shows that the crystallization temperature is 676 K for the amorphous powder. Activation energy of crystallization is 199.98kJ/mol for MA powder, which is lower than that of amorphous prepared by magnetron sputtering.Avrami parameter of crystallization is 1.07.  相似文献   

The Phase diagram of the pseudo-binary CrBFeB system was studied in the temperature range from 900 to 2200°C by using a piston-cylinder high pressure apparatus as a reaction vessel. The CrB-type phase was found to be unstable relative to the FeB-type phase at higher temperature. The magnetism and thermal expansion of the samples having the FeB-type structure were also studied in connection with their Invar properties.  相似文献   

We investigate the conductance and thermopower of a Rashba quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads. We show that the interference of localized electron states with resonant electron states leads to the appearance of the Fano–Rashba effect. This effect occurs due to the interference of bound levels of spin-polarized electrons with the continuum of electronic states with an opposite spin polarization. We obtain an important enhancement of the thermopower due to the Fano–Rashba effect.  相似文献   

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