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Based on the characteristics of the laser device and the inevitable error of the processing technique, a laser beam emitted from a communication terminal can be represented by the Gaussian Schell model (GSM). In space-to-ground link laser communications, the optical intensity is affected by the source coherence parameter and the zenith angle. With full consideration of these two parameters, the statistical distribution model of the optical intensity with a GSM laser in both downlink and uplink is derived. The simulation results indicate that increasing the source coherence parameter has an effect on the statistical distribution of the optical intensity; this effect is highly similar to the effect of a larger zenith angle. The optical intensity invariably degrades with increasing source coherence parameter or zenith angle. The results of this work can promote the improvement of the redundancy design of a laser communication receiver system.  相似文献   

在大气激光通信中,大气湍流所引起的光强闪烁会严重影响通信系统的性能,导致系统误码率的增加,多光束发射是克服这种影响的有效方法。本文分析了用不同数目光束发射时的光强概率分布;以及多束光发射时接收端用不同直径的接收透镜进行接收时的光强概率分布,结果表明随着发射光束的增加、孔径直径的增大,光强概率分布更加趋于正态分布,光强概率的均值增大。文中还分析了多光束发射的归一化相关系数和光强方差的关系以及多光束发射在不同湍流环境下的误码率性能,分析结果表明多光束发射系统可以很好地改善接收面的光强起伏,降低系统的误码率。  相似文献   


The scintillation index and bit error rate (BER) of a Gaussian beam propagating in a weakly turbulent soft tissue are formulated and analysed numerically. The scintillation indices are plotted against half of the measured slope in the range of power-law scaling at different tissue parameters, such as the random variations in the refractive index of the tissue, outer scale of the tissue turbulence and the tissue length between the optical source and the detector. Moreover, BERs of Gaussian beams against the signal to noise ratio (SNR) are examined for different tissue parameters. Our graphical results show that the scintillation index and BER increase with larger outer scales, longer tissue lengths and larger random variations in the refractive index of the tissue. In comparison with the spherical wave propagation, it was found that Gaussian beam yields larger scintillation index and BER values.  相似文献   

Based on the Huygens–Fresnel principle and Rytov method, the on-axis scintillation index is derived for hollow Gaussian beams (HGBs) in weak turbulence. The relationship between bit error rate (BER) and scintillation index is found by only considering the effect of atmosphere turbulence based on the probability distribution of intensity fluctuation, and the expression of the BER is obtained. Furthermore, the scintillation and the BER properties of HGBs in turbulence are discussed in detail. The results show that the scintillation index and BER of HGBs depend on the propagation length, the structure constant of the refractive index fluctuations of turbulence, the wavelength, the beam order and the waist width of the fundamental Gaussian beam. The scintillation index, increasing with the propagation length in turbulence, for the HGB with higher beam order increases more slowly. The BER of the HGBs increases rapidly against the propagation length in turbulence. For propagating the same distance, the BER of the fundamental Gaussian beam is the greatest, and that of the HGB with higher order is smaller.  相似文献   

赵黎  朱彤  刘智港  刘雪莹 《光电工程》2018,45(7):170503-1-170503-6
传统基于阵列的光源布局方式在室内难免存在光照度及系统误码率不均匀现象,为提高系统照度均匀性及通信可靠性,需合理对光源进行优化布局。本文以4 m×4 m×3 m的房间为模型,设计了单LED阵列+灯带的环形光源布局模型。模型中间采用6×6 LED阵列,阵列内部灯珠之间的距离为0.3 m;四周采用环形灯带形式,灯珠个数为316个,灯珠之间的距离为0.05 m。仿真结果表明,该模式下系统光照度均值为437.08 lx,光照度均匀性为93.9%,同时,系统误码率均值为2.8716×10-7。因此,本文所设计的环形光源布局模型兼顾了室内光照度分布的均匀性和通信的可靠性,可同时满足室内照明和通信,为室内可见光通信光源布局提供了一种优化方法。  相似文献   

文章在分析无线激光通信(FSO)存在两种主要的大气信道问题的基础上,针对激光大气信道问题尤其是在复杂湍流环境下的频率选择性衰落问题和多径效应问题,提出了基于正交频分复用(OFDM)的湍流效应抑制方法,构建了FSO-OFDM系统,研究了该系统的基带模型以及信号的多载波调制与解调方法。分析了无线激光通信中存在复杂湍流环境下的大气信道问题,讨论了大气湍流影响下的平面波激光通信系统模型,建立了大气湍流影响下对数正态湍流通道的高斯光束空间光通信系统模型,推导了光波强度的概率密度函数,研究了利用信噪比概率密度函数分析各种大气湍流效应对系统性能影响的方法;设计了无线光通信系统的OFDM多载波调制方案,构建了FSO-OFDM系统基带模式模型,并基于该模型研究了其信号的调制与解调原理。最后,采用MATLAB编程实现FSO-OFDM系统,对多径干扰下的FSO通信系统进行仿真实验,进行了不同保护间隔下的误码率特性实验,验证了FSO-OFDM系统具有很强的抗多径干扰和频谱选择性衰落能力以及良好的BER性能,可有效解决码间干扰大、链路不可靠的问题,具有非常广泛的应用前景和使用价值。  相似文献   


This paper proposes using a mixed biasing distribution in Importance Sampling for estimating the bit error rate (BER) via Monte Carlo simulation. The proposed mixed biasing distribution is more robust than the commonly used Gaussian tail distribution when the signal or the threshold setting is disturbed by a uniformly distributed random noise. In this paper the robustness is quantified by the mean squared error.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the salient features of system design considerations for both uplink and downlink, subsystem details and the in-orbit performance of the communication system forAryabhata.  相似文献   

针对机载激光发射器位于云层上方或云层中央时,云层的存在会降低激光通信性能的问题,仿真分析了不同类型的云层对激光能量衰减、信噪比、最大码元传输速率与误码率的影响。得到结论:云的存在主要造成激光能量衰减,影响最大传输速率与误码率,但对信噪比影响较小。链路余量大于18.9 dB的通信系统,链路上允许存在4 km的云层。云层对最大通信速率与误码率的影响主要是时间扩展造成码间串扰。卷云对通信性能几乎无影响;积云对通信性能的影响较大;层云、层积云和积雨云对通信性能的影响更大,但三种云的差异很小,可不作区分;高层云和雨层云对通信性能影响最大,其中雨层云的影响比高层云更大。  相似文献   

Free-space laser communication (lasercom) systems are subject to performance degradation when heavy fog or smoke obscures the line of sight. The bit-error rate (BER) of a high-bandwidth (570 Mbits/s) lasercom system was correlated with the atmospheric transmission over a folded path of 2.4 km. BER's of 10(-7) were observed when the atmospheric transmission was as low as 0.25%, whereas BER's of less than 10(-10) were observed when the transmission was above 2.5%. System performance was approximately 10 dB less than calculated, with the discrepancy attributed to scintillation, multiple scattering, and absorption. Peak power of the 810-nm communications laser was 186 mW, and the beam divergence was purposely degraded to 830 murad. These results were achieved without the use of error correction schemes or active tracking. An optimized system with narrower beam divergence and active tracking could be expected to yield significantly better performance.  相似文献   

天线振动对大气激光通信误码率影响的仿真   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王瑞  柯熙政 《光电工程》2004,31(Z1):40-43
大气激光通信系统的误码率不仅受到振动时振幅大小的影响,而且受到光学发射天线孔径的影响。通过数值仿真,分析了孔径分别为 17.5mm, 20mm, 25mm 的光学发射天线,在其振动时对大气激光通信误码率的影响。分析表明,在一定距离下,选取产生大光斑的孔径,能提高系统对振动的抗干扰性。这为合理选择光学发射天线的孔径提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

李小明  张天硕  张家齐  李响  张立中 《光电工程》2020,47(9):190485-1-190485-7
激光通信大口径地面光端机的主要作用是与卫星建立通信链路,实现卫星与地面站之间的数据传输。某激光通信车载地面光端机600 mm主镜采用微晶材料,重量较大且工作角度不断发生变化。为保证镜面变形精度,该主镜在采用轴向背部9点支撑的基础之上,需同时采用径向支撑结构平衡主镜在其工作角度下重力的径向分力。本文根据主镜工作角度变化,针对传统多点径向支撑结构尺寸大并易造成应力集中等问题,为平衡主镜径向重力分量,减小径向支撑结构尺寸,设计了中心轴与水银带相结合的径向支撑方案,采用有限元分析方法得出水银带参数对主镜面形的影响,优化了支撑参数并设计了支撑结构。主镜面形测试结果表明,采用本文提出的径向支撑结构后,主镜面形达到了预期效果,面形PV值优于λ/5,RMS值优于λ/37,完全满足设计要求。  相似文献   

This paper analyses end-to-end packet error rate (PER) of a free-space optical decode-and-forward cooperative network over a gamma–gamma atmospheric turbulence channel in the presence of temporary random link blockage. Closed-form analytical expressions for PER are derived for the cases with and without transmission links being prone to blockage. Two cooperation protocols (denoted as ‘selfish’ and ‘pilot-adaptive’) are presented and compared, where the latter accounts for the presence of blockage and adapts transmission power. The influence of scintillation, link distance, average transmitted signal power, network topology and probability of an uplink and/or internode link being blocked are discussed when the destination applies equal gain combining. The results show that link blockage caused by obstacles can degrade system performance, causing an unavoidable PER floor. The implementation of the pilot-adaptive protocol improves performance when compared to the selfish protocol, diminishing internode link blockage and lowering the PER floor, especially for larger networks.  相似文献   


In underwater optical communication links, bit error rate (BER) is an important performance criterion. For this purpose, the effects of oceanic turbulence on multimode laser beam incidences are studied and compared in terms of average BER (<BER>), which is related to the scintillation index. Based on the log-normal distribution, <BER> is analysed for underwater turbulence parameters, including the rate of dissipation of the mean squared temperature, the rate of dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy, the parameter that determines the relative strength of temperature and salinity in driving index fluctuations, the Kolmogorov microscale length and other link parameters such as link length, wavelength and laser source size. It is shown that use of multimode improves the system performance of optical wireless communication systems operating in an underwater medium. For all the investigated multimode beams, decreasing link length, source size, the relative strength of temperature and salinity in driving the index fluctuations, the rate of dissipation of the mean squared temperature and Kolmogorov microscale length improve the <BER>. Moreover, lower <BER> values are obtained for the increasing wavelength of operation and the rate of dissipation of the turbulent kinetic energy in underwater turbulence.  相似文献   

在传统锁相环的基础上,提出并设计了一种数字锁相环,其在大气激光应急通信系统中的功能是用输入信号预处理得到的准同步信号去同步当地时钟信号,使之相位保持一致。该数字锁相环采用闭环反馈跟踪方法,并用 CPLD 器件予以实现。在 MAX PLUSⅡ环境下的仿真试验表明,该锁相环锁相误差小、抖动小、可靠性高;与传统锁相环相比,该设计编程方便,工作可靠。  相似文献   

The average bit error rate (BER) of optical communication systems is considered in the presence of random angular jitter. First, the received power and the BER in the absence of jitter are reviewed. Then the average BER is obtained in the presence of circularly symmetric, normally distributed jitter by using the probability density function of the optical signal. By minimizing the power penalty for average BER, the optimum ratio of the divergence angle of the laser beam to the random angular jitter at the desired BER is obtained. An analytic approximation of the optimum ratio is derived as a function of the desired average BER. The results can be used for designing the link budget of optical communication and tracking channels in the presence of jitter.  相似文献   

大气激光通信系统中RS码的研究与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杜安源  柯熙政 《光电工程》2004,31(Z1):44-47
根据大气激光通信系统中的信道特点,选择了 RS 码作为纠错码,以纠正大气信道中的突发错误和随机错误。在 RS 码的译码器设计过程中,提出了使用流水线算法在 FPGA 上实现脉冲位置调制(PPM)信道中 RS 码的译码模块的方法。测试结果表明,用 CPLD 实现的 RS 编译码系统与 PPM 信道匹配良好,能够纠正 3 位错误,系统最高速度达到 100Mbit/s,功耗为 0.8W。  相似文献   

Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) systems, which are widely used in telecommunication, have the advantages of huge bandwidth support and reliability. A performance analysis is presented of a WDM system using an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), with specific emphasis on bit error rate (BER) optimization. EDFA parameters, including doped fiber length and pump power, are optimized and performance evaluating parameters for different modulation schemes are observed. Simulation results provide optimized BER, noise figure, and gain flatness values. The WDM system is modeled from 1546 nm to 1558 nm bandwidth to obtain maximum gain uniformity, low noise figure, and low BER. This wavelength range is selected to investigate the 1550 nm wavelength commonly used in the telecommunication industry. Also, that we are using a WDM grid, so multiple channels can be accommodated in this range.  相似文献   

李红娟  孙超  李京华 《声学技术》2006,25(4):276-280
针对单传感器接收性能受水声信道衰落特性影响较大的问题,通过判决反馈均衡与分集技术相结合的空时联合均衡,采用快速优化最小均方(FOLMS)算法,实现了分集通信仿真。仿真结果表明,当信道出现衰落时,单通道均衡的效果较差,通过空时联合均衡则可有效提高接收性能。文中还给出了不同输入信噪比及不同分集情况下的计算结果,显示了误码率随分集数目的增加以及支路中衰落路数减少而降低的趋势。  相似文献   

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