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In situ electrical conductivity measurements have been carried out on vacuum-deposited thin films of Se20Te80 alloy during heating and cooling cycles. The electrical conductivity and X-ray diffraction studies show that the as-grown Se20Te80 films are amorphous and, upon heating, undergo an irreversible amorphous-crystalline transition between 315 and 350 K. The observation that the as-grown thin films (deposited at room temperature on glass substrates) are amorphous is in contrast to earlier observations by other workers who find that they are polycrystalline. Above the transition temperature, the electrical conductivity of the polycrystalline Se20Te80 films changes as an exponential function of reciprocal temperature. The amorphous-crystalline transition in Se20Te80 thin films is broad, with films of high initial resistance having lower transition temperatures and low-resistance films having higher transition temperatures. The observation of a broad transition in the case of the present Se20Te80 thin films has to be contrasted with our earlier observations of sharp transitions in the case of Se80Te20 and Se50Te50 thin films.  相似文献   

The electrical conductivity of thin films of Se80Te20 polycrystalline alloy vacuum-deposited at room temperature on glass substrates has been studied duringin situ heating and cooling cycles. From the electron diffraction of as-grown films it is seen that the studied films are amorphous at room temperature. The electrical conductivity and electron diffraction studies showed that the as-grown amorphous thin films undergo an amorphous-crystalline transition in the temperature range 340 to 360 K. Upon cooling, the films appear to undergo a crystalline crystalline transition around the same temperatures. There does not appear to be any dependence of the amorphous-crystalline transition temperature on the thickness of the films. However, high-resistance films (thinner films) have a well-defined transition temperature while the low-resistance films (thicker films) have a broader transition. The electrical conductivity of polycrystalline Se80Te20 films above 360 K appears to be an exponential function of reciprocal temperature.  相似文献   

In the present communication, d.c. conductivity of a-Se80Te20 and a-Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) alloys has been studied in the temperature range 225–311 K in order to identify the conduction mechanism and to analyze the effect of different metallic additives on d.c. conduction in a-Se80Te20 alloy below the room temperature. An analysis of the experimental data confirms that conduction in low temperature region is due to variable range hopping in localized states near the Fermi level. The Mott parameters have been calculated in a-Se80Te20 and a-Se80Te10M10 (M = Cd, In, Sb) alloys. The experimental data is found to fit well with Mott condition of variable range hopping conduction.  相似文献   

Thermoelectric technology provides a promising solution to sustainable energy utilization and scalable power supply. Recently, Ag2Q-based (Q = S, Se, Te) silver chalcogenides have come forth as potential thermoelectric materials that are endowed with complex crystal structures, high carrier mobility coupled with low lattice thermal conductivity, and even exceptional plasticity. This review presents the latest advances in this material family, from binary compounds to ternary and quaternary alloys, covering the understanding of multi-scale structures and peculiar properties, the optimization of thermoelectric performance, and the rational design of new materials. The “composition-phase structure-thermoelectric/mechanical properties” correlation is emphasized. Flexible and hetero-shaped thermoelectric prototypes based on Ag2Q materials are also demonstrated. Several key problems and challenges are put forward concerning further understanding and optimization of Ag2Q-based thermoelectric chalcogenides.  相似文献   

Gallium lanthanum sulfide glass (GLS) has been widely studied in the last 40 years for middle‐infrared applications. In this work, the results of the substitution of selenium for sulphur in GLS glass are described. The samples are prepared via melt‐quench method in an argon‐purged atmosphere. A wide range of compositional substitutions are studied to define the glass‐forming region of the modified material. The complete substitution of Ga2S3 by Ga2Se3 is achieved by involving new higher quenching rate techniques compared to those containing only sulfides. The samples exhibiting glassy characteristics are further characterized. In particular, the optical and thermal properties of the sample are investigated in order to understand the role of selenium in the formation of the glass. The addition of selenium to GLS glass generally results in a lower glass transition temperature and an extended transmission window. Particularly, the IR edge is found to be extended from about 9 µm for GLS glass to about 15 µm for Se‐added GLS glass defined by the 50% transmission point. Furthermore, the addition of selenium does not affect the UV edge dramatically. The role of selenium is hypothesized in the glass formation to explain these changes.  相似文献   

The electronic band-edges of lead chalcogenides PbY and tin chalcogenides SnY (where Y = S, Se, and Te) are investigated by the means of a full-potential linearized augmented plane wave (FPLAPW) method and the local density approximation (LDA). All six chalcogenide binaries have similar electronic structures and density-of-states, but there are differences in the symmetry of the band-edge states at and near the Brillouin zone L-point. These differences give the characteristic composition, pressure, and temperature dependences of the energy gap in Pb1−xSnxY alloys.We find that: (1) SnY are zero-gap semiconductors Eg = 0 if the spin–orbit (SO) interaction is excluded. The reason for this is that the conduction band (CB) and the valence band (VB) cross along the Q ≡ LW line. (2) Including the SO interaction splits this crossing and creates a direct gap along the Q-line, thus away from the L symmetry point. Hence, the fundamental band gap Eg in SnY is induced by the SO interaction and the energy gap is rather small E≈ 0.2–0.3 eV. At the L-point, the CB state has symmetric and the VB state is antisymmetric thereby the L-point pressure coefficient ∂Eg(L)/∂p is a positive quantity. (3) PbY have a direct band gap at the L-point both when SO coupling is excluded and included. In contrast to SnY, the SO interaction decreases the gap energy in PbY. (4) Including the SO interaction, the LDA yields incorrect symmetries of the band-edge states at the L-point; the CB state has and the VB state has symmetry. However, a small increase of the cell volume corrects this LDA failure, producing an antisymmetric CB state and a symmetric VB state, and thereby also yields the characteristic negative pressure coefficient ∂Eg(L)/∂p in agreement with experimental findings. (5) Although PbY and SnY have different band-edge physics at their respective equilibrium lattice constants, the change of the band-edges with respect to cell volume is qualitatively the same for all six chalcogenides. (6) Finally, in the discussion of the symmetry of the band edges, it is important to clearly state the chosen unit cell origin; a shift by (a/2,0,0) changes the labeling of the irreducible representations.  相似文献   

通过J-Quenching技术在低冷速(低于1000K/s)下制备出块体尺寸达2mm的Fe80P13C7非晶态合金。通过阳极极化曲线测试以及对样品在1mol/L的HCl溶液中浸泡后的腐蚀形貌的观察,对Fe80P13C7块体非晶态合金、非晶薄带以及晶态合金的电化学腐蚀行为进行了对比研究,结果表明,块体非晶的腐蚀性能优于非晶薄带和晶态合金。这可能是由于块体非晶态合金在制备过程中冷速较低,原子发生结构弛豫的时间更长,结合能增大,使得合金中原子与溶液中离子的反应速率减慢,从而提高了块体非晶态合金的腐蚀性能。  相似文献   

采用Taylor-Ulitovsky方法制备了直径分别在6.3~28.0μm、20.2~28.0μm和14.0~35.2μm之间的玻璃包覆非晶态FeCuNbVSiB、FeBSiCMn和CoNiFeSiB微丝。通过X射线衍射、扫描电镜、振动样品磁强计分别测试了玻璃包覆微丝的组织结构、微观形貌和磁性,研究了不同成分玻璃包覆磁性合金微丝的玻璃包覆层厚度、合金芯直径对微丝磁性能的影响。结果表明了,玻璃包覆磁性合金微丝的磁性能的影响因素由大到小依次为:饱和磁致伸缩系数、微丝成分和微丝尺寸。轴向磁化时随着微丝直径及玻璃包覆层厚度的增大,3 种微丝的径向饱和场强度降低,FeCuNbVSiB和FeBSiCMn微丝的轴向矫顽力先分别由508 A/m和390 A/m降低到486 A/m和278 A/m后再升高到2570 A/m和342 A/m,CoNiFeSiB微丝的轴向矫顽力由171 A/m降低到63 A/m。  相似文献   

Amorphous Pd80Si20 alloy was annealed at temperatures ranging from 200 to 400° C while being subjected to a pressure of 100 kbar. Structural changes taking place in the alloy during the annealing were investigated by X-ray diffraction after each pressurization experiment. Pressure has been shown not to enhance, but to retard the crystallization of the amorphous alloy on annealing. Crystalline phases which form under high pressure have, in contrast to those forming under atmospheric pressure, simpler structures; i.e. the phase appearing initially has a face-centred cubic structure and the other, appearing subsequently and having a higher silicon content, has a body-centered tetragonal structure.  相似文献   

Effect of sonication time on the synthesis of the CdS nanoparticles within the matrix obtained through the covalent functionalization of multiwall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) with maleic anhydride (MA) – 1-octene copolymer was investigated. Cadmium chloride and thiourea were used as the raw materials. MWCNTs used for the matrix were synthesized by Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition using Fe-Co/Al2O3 as the catalyst. The obtained nanostructures were characterized by FTIR, XRD, Raman spectroscopy, TEM, SEM, TG and UV-Vis spectroscopy. Electrophysical properties of the polymer nanocomposites obtained using different periods of time for sonication were comparably investigated. The average CdS particle diameter was between 3.9–7.9 nm as confirmed independently by TEM and XRD. UV-Vis spectroscopy revealed that the obtained nanostructures are appropriate base materials for making optical devices.  相似文献   

Rifampicin, one of the main first line anti-TB drugs, shows variable bioavailability in different marketed preparations and reasons cited include physiological, degradation, manufacturing/ processing, solid state, and bioavailability assessment procedure. Although the amorphous form of a drug is expected to exhibit higher solubility, the amorphous rifampicin has been reported to have a solubility disadvantage as compared to crystalline form II, which is used in marketed preparations. Amorphous form was generated and characterized by solid-state characterization techniques. Physical powder mixtures of form II with varying amounts of amorphous form were prepared, which were then subjected to solid-state characterization techniques and further evaluated for their dissolution behavior. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) scans show that area enclosed by integral of melting endotherm can be used for quantification of crystalline component, which can then be used to estimate amorphous content. No definite trend was evident in powder dissolution of mixtures that could implicate solubility difference of amorphous form. Intrinsic dissolution rate (IDR) results indicate that amorphous content has no effect on dissolution profiles of crystalline rifampicin.  相似文献   

微量Zr对Cu-Ag合金磨损行为的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用真空熔炼的方法制备了CuAg-Zr合金,研究了微量Zr对Cu-Ag合金磨损行为的影响,探讨了合金的磨损机理.结果表明:Cu-Ag合金的磨损率随着Zr含量的增加明显减小,随着受电电流和滑动距离的增大逐渐增大.粘着磨损、磨粒磨损和电侵蚀磨损是主要的磨损机制.微量Zr的加入使合金中形成弥散细小的析出相,使其磨损性能明显优于Cu-Ag合金.  相似文献   

In this letter, we propose a method to fabricate Fe80Ni20-O film with improved static and high-frequency, magnetic and electrical properties. Fe80Ni20-O alloy films were prepared by direct current magnetron sputtering at room temperature. The results show that the in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy fields can be adjusted in a broad range by solely adding a very low dose of oxygen into Fe80Ni20 alloy films without applying any inducing field on substrates during deposition. By increasing the oxygen flow ratio from 0.75% to 3%, Fe80Ni20-O alloy films could be achieved with an adjustable ferromagnetic resonance frequency fr (from 2.2 to 5.9 GHz), a large saturation magnetization 4πMs (from 16.7 to 15.2 kG), and a high resistivity ρ (from 56.7 to 108 μΩ cm).  相似文献   

The present paper reports a comparative study of some thermophysical properties (thermal conductivity, thermal diffusivity, thermal effusivity, and specific heat per unit volume) for $\mathrm{{Se}}_{80}\mathrm{{Te}}_{20}$ Se 80 Te 20 and $\mathrm{{Se}}_{80}\mathrm{{Te}}_{10}\mathrm{{M}}_{10}$ Se 80 Te 10 M 10 (Cd, In, and Sb) alloys. The transient plane source technique is used for this purpose. The thermal conductivity is highest for $\mathrm{{Se}}_{80}\mathrm{{Te}}_{10}\mathrm{{In}}_{10}$ Se 80 Te 10 In 10 as compared to the other ternary alloys. This is explained in terms of the thermal conductivity of additive elements Cd, In, and Sb. The composition dependence of the thermal diffusivity and specific heat per unit volume is also discussed.  相似文献   

The precipitation evolutions of Mg-Al-Zn alloys play essential roles in their mechanical properties,corro-sion performance,formability,plastic deformation mechanisms and texture development.In the present work,the precipitation evolutions of AZ80 magnesium alloy during both non-isothermal and isothermal processes were unraveled by utilizing in situ electrical resistivity monitoring,hardness testing,differen-tial scanning calorimetry and microstructural characterization.The results showed that discontinuous precipitation(DP)and continuous precipitation(CP)occurred competitively during non-isothermal and isothermal processes.The precipitation of dominant 3-Mgi7Ali2 phase during non-isothermal processes was highly dependent on the thermal history.During isothermal processes,the precipitation behavior of AZ80 magnesium alloy could be considered as the functions of holding temperature and time.At lower temperatures,massive DP and CP were gradually formed to equally strengthen the alloy.At higher tem-peratures,the Ostwald coarsening was characterized in the later stages and indicated to slightly soften the alloy.Isothermal time-temperature-precipitation curves and quantitative precipitate evolution were estimated to unravel precipitation characteristics and their strengthening functions.  相似文献   

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