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建立了一种基于长程表面等离子体共振技术检测大肠杆菌浓度的方法及系统。基于此,制备了能够产生长程表面等离子体共振效应的双层膜传感芯片,并在实验上将长程表面等离子体共振(LSPR)和传统表面等离子体共振(CSPR)两种生物传感器的性能进行了对比。结果表明LSPR生物传感器共振曲线的平均半高宽比CSPR传感器共振曲线的平均半高宽窄1.79倍,且其灵敏度是CSPR的2倍。由此,证实了基于LSPR的生物传感器对大肠杆菌浓度的改变更加敏感。此外,该方法分辨率高,试剂用量少,有效克服分界面所带来的影响,并能够对大肠杆菌进行实时检测。  相似文献   

A surface plasmon resonance biosensor based on large size square-lattice photonic crystal fiber has been designed and simulated by finite element method. The square-lattice airholes are first coated with a calcium fluoride layer to provide mode confinement, then a nanoscale gold layer is deposited to excite the plasmon mode, and finally, the sample is infiltrated into the holes. The numerical results reveal that the resonance properties are easily affected by many parameters. The refractive index resolution of corresponding sensor can reach 4.3 × 10?6 RIU when the optimum parameters are set as the radius of curvature of the airhole r = 2 μm, the thickness of the core struts c = 200 nm, the auxiliary dielectric layer s = 1 μm, and the gold film d = 40 nm. In addition, the effective area and nonlinear coefficient are calculated.  相似文献   

In this research, a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) immunosensor based on gold-capped nanoparticle substrate for detecting casein, one of the most potent allergens in milk, was developed. The fabrication of the gold-capped nanoparticle substrate involved a surface-modified silica nanoparticle layer (core) on the slide glass substrate between bottom and top gold layers (shell). The absorbance peak of the gold-capped nanoparticle substrate was observed at ∼520 nm. In addition, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) images demonstrated that the nanoparticles formed a monolayer on the slide glass. After immobilizing anti-casein antibody on the surface, our device, casein immunosensor, could be applied easily for the detection of casein in the raw milk sample without a difficult pretreatment. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limit of the casein immunosensor was determined as 10 ng/mL. Our device brings several advantages to the existing LSPR-based biosensors with its easy fabrication, simple handling, low-cost, and high sensitivity.  相似文献   

In this research, a localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) immunosensor based on gold-capped nanoparticle substrate for detecting casein, one of the most potent allergens in milk, was developed. The fabrication of the gold-capped nanoparticle substrate involved a surface-modified silica nanoparticle layer (core) on the slide glass substrate between bottom and top gold layers (shell). The absorbance peak of the gold-capped nanoparticle substrate was observed at ~520 nm. In addition, the atomic force microscopy (AFM) images demonstrated that the nanoparticles formed a monolayer on the slide glass. After immobilizing anti-casein antibody on the surface, our device, casein immunosensor, could be applied easily for the detection of casein in the raw milk sample without a difficult pretreatment. Under the optimum conditions, the detection limit of the casein immunosensor was determined as 10 ng/mL. Our device brings several advantages to the existing LSPR-based biosensors with its easy fabrication, simple handling, low-cost, and high sensitivity.  相似文献   

A dual communication band single-polarization photonic crystal fibre polarizing filter based on surface plasmon resonance is presented in this paper. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that the resonance strength of x- and y-polarized direction can reach 569.83 and 719.25?dB.cm?1 simultaneously at the communication wavelength of 1.31 and 1.55?µm. By filling liquid analyte, the confinement loss of x- and y-polarized direction can simultaneously reach 831.7 and 580.53?dB.cm?1 at the wavelength of 1.31 and 1.55?µm. Furthermore, when the fibre length L is equal to 700?µm, the peak value of the crosstalk can reach 493.86 and ?323.67?dB at the same time at the wavelength of 1.31 and 1.55?µm, and when the length of the fibre L is 400?µm, the bandwidths of the crosstalk better than 20?dB and less than ?20?dB are about 160 and 210?nm, respectively. These performances make it an ideal candidate for designing dual-band polarization filter equipment.  相似文献   

密码子优化的牛精蛋白基因在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以PCR的方法得到牛精蛋白基因的基因,去其内含子,得到牛精蛋白cDNA,克隆入原核表达载体pGEX-2T中,组装成表达载体pGEX-2T-PE,利用大肠杆菌偏好的编码精氨酸的密码子CGT将野生型牛精蛋白基因中编码精氨酸的稀有密码子(AGA或AGG)替换掉,通过基因合成得到密码子优化的牛精蛋白的基因,将其克隆入原核表达载体pGEX-2T中,组装成表达载体pGEX-2T-PS。将这两个表达载体分别转化入大肠杆菌表达菌株BL21中,经IPTG诱导,同样条件下,野生型牛精蛋白基因无法得到表达,密码子优化的牛精蛋白基因能够得到良好的表达,表达产物约占细菌总蛋白的18%,将表达蛋白纯化,进行DNA-蛋白结合实验,发现其能与DNA发生非特异性的结合。  相似文献   

The transmittance spectrum of a plasmonic filter has been numerically simulated by the two-dimension (2D) finite-difference time-domain method. The filter is composed of two Metal-Insulator-Metal waveguides and a resonator with two different rings. The results show that the rising edge of the asymmetric resonator is steeper than that of symmetric one at each pass band. By embedding the liquid crystal in the resonator, the filter can act as an electro-optical switch. These results show potential applications on nano-optical devices.  相似文献   

通过基因合成将大肠杆菌偏好的精氨酸密码子CGT取代野生型牛精蛋白基因中的稀有精氨酸密码子AGA和AGG,得到密码子优化的牛精蛋白基因,并将其克隆入原核表达载体pGEX-2T中,组装成表达载体pGEX-2T-PS。将这个表达载体转化入大肠杆菌表达菌株BL21中,经IPTG诱导,可得到一33kD融合蛋白表达带,首次成功地将牛精蛋白在大肠杆菌中进行了表达,但其表达量很低,约为总菌体蛋白的13%。增加表遂菌株培养液的离子强度,可将蛋白表达含量提高到28%,且蛋白表达量与离子强度呈正相关。纯化后的牛精蛋白可在体外条件下与DNA发生结合。  相似文献   

We show how the phase of a resonant interaction between a focused beam and a guided mode can be directly observed in a pupil imaging experiment, in which the irradiance leaving the pupil of a standard microscope is relayed to an image sensor through a combination Wollaston prism, calcite beam splitter and polarizer. We apply the method to the observation of a surface plasmon polariton resonance excited in a corrugated silver film fabricated using electron beam lithography. We discuss how this particular imaging configuration could be adapted for applications in plasmonic optical sensing.  相似文献   

In this paper we show a systematic study of the growth of silver nano-particles (NPs) embedded in an Erbium-doped tellurite glass with annealing time, aiming to a photoluminescence enhancement. The results indicate an improved or quenching of the photoluminescence due to an energy transfer mechanism in the coupling between NP’s electric dipoles and Er+3 transitions (4S3/2 → 4I15/2, 4F9/2 → 4I15/2 and 4I13/2 → 4I15/2).  相似文献   

将编码人I型免疫缺陷病毒(HIV1)核心蛋白p24gag的基因序列克隆到原核表达载体pET28(b)中,高效表达了N,C端融合His·Tagp24蛋白,所表达的重组p24蛋白占菌体总蛋白的46%。在变性条件下,使用NiNTA亲和层析法纯化了p24蛋白,纯度为94%。菌体中及纯化、复性后的目的蛋白均能与抗HIV1p24单克隆抗体发生特异性反应。用纯化的p24蛋白免疫小鼠,4周时小鼠血清抗p24抗体效价达1∶400。实验结果表明:大肠杆菌表达的HIV1p24蛋白纯化后可用作HIV1检测试剂的原料。  相似文献   

利用草甘膦极端污染土壤总DNA,构建了元基因组文库,筛选到一个高抗草甘膦的N-乙酰转移酶(N-acetyltransferase,GAT)基因,并利用原核表达系统对该基因进行了功能鉴定,发现其在大肠杆菌BL21中能耐受高达300 mM的草甘膦.研究结果为进行N-乙酰化途径高抗草甘膦机理研究和新型高抗草甘膦转基因作物的开发提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new stabilized finite element method based on the finite calculus (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1998; 151 :233–267) and arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian techniques (Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. 1998; 155 :235–249) for the solution to free surface problems. The main innovation of this method is the application of an overlapping domain decomposition concept in the statement of the problem. The aim is to increase the accuracy in the capture of the free surface as well as in the resolution of the governing equations in the interface between the two fluids. Free surface capturing is based on the solution to a level set equation. The Navier–Stokes equations are solved using an iterative monolithic predictor–corrector algorithm (Encyclopedia of Computational Mechanics. Wiley: New York, 2004), where the correction step is based on imposing the divergence‐free condition in the velocity field by means of the solution to a scalar equation for the pressure. Examples of application of the ODDLS formulation (for overlapping domain decomposition level set) to the analysis of different free surface flow problems are presented. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thickness and refractive index of Au films thermally evaporated onto glass substrates and with an underlayer of Cr are determined from surface plasmon resonance. The results for the thickness are found to agree very well with those from X-ray reflectivity when a simple model of layers with flat interfaces is used. Plasmon propagation along thin films is influenced by radiative damping due to scattering from surface roughness. To study this influence the surface roughness of the glass substrate, Cr an Au layers are measured by X-ray reflectometry and the results used to introduce three intermediate layers with effective refractive indices and thicknesses corresponding to the roughness. Then Fresnel's equations are used to fit the reflectivity and to deduce the layer properties. It is found that the roughness affects to a great extent the optical parameters of the Au films even when it is smaller than 1 nm. In particular, the absolute value of real part of the dielectric constant decreases while its imaginary part increases when those effects are not taken into account.  相似文献   

FEM analysis has proved to be a powerful investigative tool capable of encompassing all the aspects that characterise an SPF process. However, despite the high potential of FEM programs they do not allow one to directly and suitably obtain the thickness of a sheet product for high deformation values, as commonly occurs in SPF processes. Many papers have been published on finite element analysis of S.P.F. process but the question of calculus accuracy in thicknesses of a sheet product has not been directly investigated. This problem has been already considered by the authors in a previous study which proposed an algorithm to determine thicknesses for a specific application. The software set up starts out with the results of the FEM modelling, keeps track of the deformation undergone by each element of the mesh and calculates to a good approximation the thicknesses at the end of the forming. Although the original version of the algorithm could only be used for the application studied an updated version is introduced in this study that can be used for any case. In other words, the software generates the thickness profile at the end of the analysis independently of technological set up, item shape and type of simulation (3D and 2D). The proposed algorithm was tested with reference to the superplastic forming of an item of simple geometry beginning with a thin circular plate blocked at the edges and put under constant hydrostatic pressure on one side. The test material, made superplastic by means of a series of repeated laminations, was characterised using an alternative method to the traditional tension test. The results of the experiments are in good accordance with the numerical predictions both in terms of thickness distribution and forming times.  相似文献   

The conventional strong form collocation approach known as Differential Quadrature (DQ) method has been applied in the past to a vast type of engineering problems. It is well-known that its application is strictly limited to regular regions where derivatives are approximated along mesh lines. Generally, its accuracy increases when the number of collocation points is large and the method tends to be stable. However, for some numerical problems several points are needed in order to obtain an accurate solution. Changing the basis functions another numerical technique was developed called Radial Basis Functions (RBFs) method, which has the advantage of approximating derivatives using irregular point distributions and the basis functions depend on the mutual radial distance of the grid points. In order to extend the idea of DQ method to a general case a Radial Basis Function based on Differential Quadrature (RBF-DQ) method has been recently developed. This method merges the advantages of both techniques. Furthermore, this work proposes the application of RBF-DQ when a domain decomposition technique is considered. In this way it will be shown that, using some kind of basis functions the number of grid points per element can be reduced compared to other classical approaches. Furthermore, once the shape parameter is fixed for one case, it is not needed to calculate it again for other applications.  相似文献   

将编码人I型免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)衣壳蛋白的p24gag基因片段,克隆到原核表达载体pET-17b的T7噬菌体启动子下游,构建成了重组表达质粒pET24,并使p24gag基因片段在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中高效表达,产物为30kDa的s19-p24融合蛋白,表达量占菌体总蛋白的38.4%。重组p24蛋白均与抗p24单克隆抗体及HIV-1阳性血清发生特异性反应,具有较好的抗原性。  相似文献   

为了能够现场快速特异性检测大肠杆菌,研制了基于生物发光磁酶免疫的便携式检测仪,检测仪由光子计数单元、中央处理单元、温度控制单元和电源管理单元组成.温度控制单元可以提供恒定的温度37℃,适于培养和现场检测.提出一种改进的、将免疫磁珠与生物素化兔抗大肠杆菌抗体偶联的检测方法,能够一步直接测定大肠杆菌浓度.对浓度为23.00 CFU/mL~2.25×107CFU/mL的大肠杆菌菌液进行快速检测,仪表检测值与传统培养法结果在对数下呈良好的线性关系,相关系数为0.965 7,系统的检测灵敏度为0.478 7.对样品进行重复性测试,变异系数为4.48%.该集成了温度控制单元的检测仪便携、易于操作、检测成本低,将在食品卫生和安全、环境监测、疾病诊断等领域具有潜在的应用前景.  相似文献   

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