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In this paper, based on the nonlinear coherent states formalism and using the Hamiltonian for a single mode field in a Kerr medium, the deformed photon-added nonlinear coherent states with negative m corresponding to the nonharmonic oscillators are constructed. In addition, some of the nonclassical properties associated with these states such as the Mandel parameter, quadrature squeezing and second-order correlation function are investigated. It is found that the deformed photon-added nonlinear coherent states with negative m for the one-mode field in a Kerr medium are nonclassical states.  相似文献   


We analyse the dynamics of the q-deformed quantum harmonic oscillator initially prepared in the q-analogue of the coherent state. Non-trivial behaviour of the mean values of the q-position operator is observed. The squeezing of the second-order moments of this operator is studied.  相似文献   


The squeezing properties of the multiphoton Hamiltonian with intensity-dependent coupling are evaluated for the [xcirc] and [pcirc] x quadratures, for the initial state of a coherent electromagnetic field and an atom in the ground state. Two measures of squeezing: the percentage of total squeezing and the squeezing time-period percentage, are introduced. Interesting squeezing properties with respect to [xcirc] are observed for real coherent states when the time evolution of the above measures and of the time-averaged squeezing are analysed. The multiphoton intensity-dependent coupling Hamiltonian is found to be almost independent of the specific powers of the annihilation and creation operators, as long as the sum of the powers is kept constant.  相似文献   


In this paper we have employed the generalized two-mode squeeze operator to discuss the effect of squeezing on two-mode coherent states, number states and thermal states. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The statistical investigations are carried out for the quasi-probability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function). The P representation is also considered.  相似文献   


Various definitions of thermal coherent states and thermal squeezed states are compared and interrelated. Different ordering of squeezing, displacement and thermalizing operators is discussed in order to establish a relation between all definitions. A one-to-one correspondence is exhibited between general Gaussian density matrices in coordinate space and thermal squeezed states.  相似文献   


The squeezing properties in terms of SU(1, 1) and SU(2) operators for the case of trilinear processes are studied. The initial state of the system is supposed to be a coherent state in one of the modes and number states in the remaining modes. It is pointed out that in several cases a considerable amount of squeezing can be achieved. Due to the common mathematical structure the case of a two-mode coupler with intensity dependent coupling is also analysed.  相似文献   

We have examined both single and entangled two-mode multiphoton coherent states and shown how the ‘Janus-faced’ properties between two partner states are mirrored in appropriate tomograms. Entropic squeezing, quadrature squeezing and higher-order squeezing properties for a wide range of nonclassical states are estimated directly from tomograms. We have demonstrated how squeezing properties of two-mode entangled states produced at the output port of a quantum beamsplitter are sensitive to the relative phase between the reflected and transmitted fields. This feature allows for the possibility of tuning the relative phase to enhance squeezing properties of the state. Finally, we have examined the manner in which decoherence affects squeezing and the changes in the optical tomogram of the state due to interaction with the environment.  相似文献   


We present a detailed discussion of even and odd coherent states defined as eigenstates of the single mode two-photon annihilation operator a 2. We study the non-classical properties such as squeezing, higher-order squeezing, and photon antibunching. Also discussed are the various quantum quasiprobability distributions, namely the P function, which is shown to be highly singular, the Q function, and the Wigner, which can take on negative values for these states. Finally, we present a discussion of a possible mechanism for the generation of such states based on the competition between parametric amplification and the incoherent losses from two-photon resonant absorption.  相似文献   


A new formulation of loss or gain in the quantum theory of harmonic oscillators is put forward using a non-passive reactive circuit which can be readily quantized. The analysis is based on the electrical circuit theory and demonstrates how a circuit, with negative inductance ? L n and negative capacitance ? C n, coupled to a conventional harmonic oscillator circuit, of positive inductance L and positive capacitance C, can act as a source or sink of energy and allow for both gain and loss. Classically this series circuit is indistinguishable in its transients from either a + G or ? G conductance shunted across a main LC oscillator circuit. However, unlike the resistive circuit, this coupled circuit can be quantized, maintaining the uncertainty principle. A two-valued solution is found, dependent on whether the circuits are in a state to receive energy or a state to absorb energy. A full correspondence, including second-order frequency shifts, is found between the quantum and the classical solutions with states which are appropriate to thermodynamic equilibrium of a conductance at a temperature T as well as to the classical-like coherent states. While the accessible mode in the + L + C circuit does not exhibit any squeezing directly, the system as a whole is an example of two-mode squeezing discussed by other authors.  相似文献   


We propose a scheme to add/subtract excitations to/from an arbitrary quantum state or the harmonic oscillator. The method displaces the photon-number distribution and leaves its shape unchanged for a wide range of displacements. Mathematically this is realized by the action of phase operators of the Susskind-Glogower type onto the initial quantum state. Consequently, the shape of the phase distribution is preserved unless the number statistics are modified due to displacing it by subtraction onto the vacuum state. Starting with an initially coherent state one may realize pure quantum states displaying either amplitude or phase squeezing. The implementation of the method is based on interactions of the Jaynes-Cummings type, in the case of subtracting quanta one additionally needs to perform measurements on the electronic quantum state of the atoms. Our approach could be used for adding and subtracting both photons on a cavity field and motional quanta of a trapped ion.  相似文献   


The effect of squeezing on binomial states and on negative binomial states is studied in terms of second-order correlation functions and quasi-probabilities of Wigner and Q-functions. The photon number distribution of these states is also discussed. The results presented for squeezed binomial (negative binomial) states may be useful for studying a transition from squeezed coherent states to squeezed number (quasi-thermal) states.  相似文献   


The excited atomic coherent (EAC) states are introduced and some of their statistical properties are discussed. When the Holstein-Primakoff transformations are used then these states become intermediate states interpolating between Fock and displaced Fock states. A generation scheme is discussed. The quasi-probability distribution functions (QDF) for these states are investigated. The Pegg-Barnett phase distribution of these states is studied.  相似文献   


We make a comparison between the necessary and sufficient conditions on the gain of the linear amplifier under which the light output exhibits sub-Poissonian photon statistics or squeezing and exact numerical results, obtained by solving the master equation by means of matrix procedures, and find good agreement. We find numerically that higher-order squeezing persists in a region in which sub-Poissonian statistics and second-order squeezing have already disappeared, for certain parameter ranges of input binomial states.  相似文献   


In this paper we have introduced a new class of the SU(1,1) coherent states which are the eigenstates of the generalized annihilation operator K_. We have also studied the SU(1,1) squeezing of the SU(1,1) generalized coherent states interacting with a nonlinear medium modelled as an anharmonic oscillator.  相似文献   


A system comprising an anharmonic oscillator interacting with an external filed is discussed. The oscillator is assumed to be driven by a series of ultra-short external coherent pulses, and is initially in the vacuum state. It is shown that despite strong and permanent external excitations and lack of damping processes, for sufficiently short times between two subsequent pulses the system's evolution is restricted to a finite set of Fock n-photon states. Consequently, the mean energy of photons remains finite and the system evolves similarly to displaced Kerr states. The dynamics of the mean energy of photons is compared to that of its classical counterparts.  相似文献   

By introducing a four-mode unitary operator U = exp[?iλ(X 1 P 2 + X 2 P 3 + X 3 P 4 + X 4 P 1)], we show how a four-mode coherent entangled state can be generated by entangling a two bipartite coherent entangled state. The corresponding squeezed vacuum state U|0000? in four-mode Fock space is derived by virtue of the technique of integration within ordered production of operators, which exhibits the standard squeezing for the four-mode quadratures. A new ideal quantum mechanical representation |α, β, γ? is constructed from U|0000? in the limit of infinite squeezing, which possesses the properties of both coherent and entangled states. The entanglement involved in |α, β, γ? is explained. A scheme for generating |α, β, γ? is presented.  相似文献   


In the present work we study the effects of squeezing on coherent states, number states, and on the thermal field states related to the time evolution operator, which is the result of the Hamiltonian describing the simultaneous non-degenerate parametric amplifier with mixing of two modes a and b via a rotation of their polarization. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The quasi-probabilities of the W Wigner and Q functions are calculated. The Glauber P representation for the squeezed thermal state explicitly shows the limit of its applicability.  相似文献   


In this paper we derive the quantum statistical and dynamical properties of nonlinear optical couplers composed of two nonlinear waveguides operating by second subharmonic generation, which are coupled linearly through evanescent waves and nonlinearly through non-degenerate optical parametric interaction. Main attention is paid to generation and transmission of non-classical light, based on a discussion of the squeezing phenomenon, the normalized second-order correlation function and quasiprobability distribution functions. Initially coherent, number and thermal states of optical beams are considered. In particular, results are discussed with dependence on the strength of the nonlinear coupling relatively to the linear coupling. We show that if the Fock state |1〉 enters the first waveguide and the vacuume state |0〉 enters the second waveguide, the coupler can serve as a generator of squeezed vacuum state governed by the coupler parameters. Further, if thermal fields enter initially the waveguides the coupler plays a similar role as a microwave Josephson-junction parametric amplifier to generate squeezed thermal light.  相似文献   


One introduces the phase state as a nonlinear coherent state. Some of its properties, such as the sub-Poissonian statistics, the squeezing effects, the phase properties in the Pegg-Barnett formalism and the quasiprobability function of the nonlinear coherent states, are calculated and discussed in this paper. The results show that the phase states are squeezed.  相似文献   


The nonclassical photon statistics of one-mode and two-mode combination squeezed states introduced recently by Fan, which have less fluctuation in one quadrature phase than the usual two-mode squeezed states, is discussed. It is found that increasing the degree of two-mode squeezing cannot always increase the photon antibunching depth of these generalized two-mode squeezed states.  相似文献   

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