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The effect of squeezing on binomial states and on negative binomial states is studied in terms of second-order correlation functions and quasi-probabilities of Wigner and Q-functions. The photon number distribution of these states is also discussed. The results presented for squeezed binomial (negative binomial) states may be useful for studying a transition from squeezed coherent states to squeezed number (quasi-thermal) states.  相似文献   


In this paper, anticorrelated field states with a binomial distribution over orthogonal polarizations, interacting with a nonlinear birefringent medium, are discussed. The field states are the SU(2) coherent states, where the angular momentum operators are realized as bilinear products of the boson operators associated with the two polarizations. The system discussed here provides an optical realization of a nonlinear rotator. We study the quantum dynamics of the statistical properties of the field and the evolution of the degree of polarization.  相似文献   


The effects of the coherence between the states of a two-level atom on the phenomenon of collapses and revivals in an undamped binomial state of the electromagnetic field are investigated. It is found that the Rabi oscillations exhibit qualitatively different behaviour for different phases of coherence between the levels. This behaviour in the binomial state of the field is in contrast with that in a coherent state field, in which case the Rabi oscillations are qualitatively the same for all values of the coherence between the two atomic levels.  相似文献   


The dynamic and statistical properties of a system of an effective two-level atom making two-photon transitions in the binomial state of the field in a lossless cavity are discussed. The binomial state enables the study of the development of the phenomenon of collapses and revivals of the Rabi oscillations as the field state is changed from a pure number state to a coherent state. This is because the binomial state, which is a pure number state in one limit, develops into a coherent state as some parameters are changed appropriately. The effect of Stark shifts arising due to the transitions to virtual levels are also investigated.  相似文献   


The dynamical properties of a two-level atom interacting with a single non-decaying mode of an electromagnetic field in a binomial state are studied. The statistical aspects of the field, such as intensity-intensity correlation and squeezing, are also investigated. The binomial state reduces to a pure number state and a pure coherent state in different limits. Hence it enables us to study how the sinusoidal Rabi oscillations in a pure number state develop to give rise to the phenomenon of collapse and revival which has been studied extensively in the coherent-state field. In addition, the binomial state exhibits squeezing for certain values of parameters, but it is not a minimum-uncertainty-product state.  相似文献   


We examine some properties of a class of partial phase states of a single field mode. The quasiprobability distribution function and the phase properties of both the generalized geometric and even geometric states are investigated. The relation between the coherent phase states and the SU(1, 1) coherent states is sought.  相似文献   


The properties of states generated by the application of the two-mode squeeze operator to the pair coherent states are studied. These states are the two-mode analogues of the single-mode squeezed states generated by the application of the single-mode squeeze operator to an ordinary coherent state. In the present case there are correlations between the modes and strong non-classical properties are to be expected. We study the statistical properties of the photon number distributions, squeezing, violations of the Cauchy-Schwartz inequality, quasiprobability distributions and the phase distributions.  相似文献   


We show that a finite superposition of photon-number states without the vacuum state can lead to squeezed fluctuations. The properties of these states are discussed.  相似文献   


The excited atomic coherent (EAC) states are introduced and some of their statistical properties are discussed. When the Holstein-Primakoff transformations are used then these states become intermediate states interpolating between Fock and displaced Fock states. A generation scheme is discussed. The quasi-probability distribution functions (QDF) for these states are investigated. The Pegg-Barnett phase distribution of these states is studied.  相似文献   


One introduces the phase state as a nonlinear coherent state. Some of its properties, such as the sub-Poissonian statistics, the squeezing effects, the phase properties in the Pegg-Barnett formalism and the quasiprobability function of the nonlinear coherent states, are calculated and discussed in this paper. The results show that the phase states are squeezed.  相似文献   


Two-mode squeezed Gaussons are non-classical states of light which are intermediate between single-mode and two-mode squeezed states. They may be prepared by coherently mixing two single-mode squeezed states at a beam-splitter or via a frequency converter. When equally squeezed single-mode squeezed states are incident on a 50/50 beam-splitter the output will range between a two-mode squeezed state and two single-mode squeezed states as the phase of the input squeezed light is varied. This behaviour is reflected when the properties of such states are investigated.  相似文献   


New coherent states of a harmonic oscillator in a finite-dimensional Fock space are introduced. Some properties of these coherent states are discussed. The second-order squeezing of these coherent states with respect to the quadrature operators is studied in detail. In particular, for a two-state system the arbitrary higher-order squeezing of these states is investigated. It is shown that these coherent states exhibit much richer squeezing properties than the coherent states of a usual harmonic oscillator in an infinite-dimensional Fock space. It is found that these coherent states have not only second-order squeezing but also higher-order squeezing with respect to the quadrature operators of the field under consideration.  相似文献   

This paper elucidates a robust pole assignment (RPA) scheme for an interval polynomial based on positive interval Routh-table using a binomial coefficients feedback gain. The robust scheme transforms the problem of RPA into the problem of solving a family of stability condition polynomials that have positive function values. The condition for the existence of solution is that all entries of the Routh-table of binomial coefficients (RTBC) are positive. Importantly, this paper provides an advanced general formula for the generated entries of the RTBC, confirming that all entries of RTBC are positive. An illustrative example reveals the effectiveness of the scheme.  相似文献   


We study the statistical properties of radiation in the single-mode phase states by evaluating the expression for the photon-counting distribution and its factorial moments. A detailed comparison has been made of the properties of phase states with those of coherent and chaotic states.  相似文献   


In this paper we have employed the generalized two-mode squeeze operator to discuss the effect of squeezing on two-mode coherent states, number states and thermal states. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The statistical investigations are carried out for the quasi-probability distribution functions (Wigner function and Q function). The P representation is also considered.  相似文献   


Higher-generation Schrödinger cat states of the quantized electromagnetic field can be produced in a high-Q cavity, starting from a coherent state, through the passage of prepared Rydberg atoms interacting dispersively across it. These states are natural generalizations of the even and odd coherent states, the N th-generations corresponding to specific superpositions of 2 N states on a circle in phase space with well defined parity, and present very peculiar properties. Their photon statistics interchange between super- and sub-Poissonian behaviours and the nature of the photon bunching oscillates as the field intensity in the cavity is varied. For higher-generation even states, the minimum value of the Mandel factor almost reaches ?1.0 and the state represents the Fock state |2 N ). Squeezing properties and the Wigner function of these higher-generation Schrödinger cat states are also considered.  相似文献   


Various measures of phase resolution (including variance, entropy, confidence half-width, and reciprocal peak likelihood) are reviewed, and applied to the class of coherent phase states. These states arise naturally as eigenstates of the Susskind-Glogower phase operator, and are found to have near-optimal phase resolution properties for fixed mean photon number [nbar]. The mutual information for a communication channel based on coherent phase states is calculated as log ([nbar] + 1), within 1·5 bits of the theoretical maximum for single-mode channels.  相似文献   

《Journal of Modern Optics》2013,60(12):2475-2493
We introduce new kinds of states of electromagnetic field, which are quantum superpositions of binomial states. They not only exhibit remarkable non-classical properties but can also interpolate between the ‘Schrödinger cat’ type of states and the number states in a particularly interesting way. We basically discuss some of their main statistical properties, as well as schemes for their generation. We also employ quasiprobability distributions in phase space.  相似文献   


In the present work we study the effects of squeezing on coherent states, number states, and on the thermal field states related to the time evolution operator, which is the result of the Hamiltonian describing the simultaneous non-degenerate parametric amplifier with mixing of two modes a and b via a rotation of their polarization. By using the Glauber second-order correlation function we examined the statistical properties of these various squeezed states. The quasi-probabilities of the W Wigner and Q functions are calculated. The Glauber P representation for the squeezed thermal state explicitly shows the limit of its applicability.  相似文献   


We study the properties of quantum states of the electromagnetic field obtained from the application of the squeeze operator to superpositions of the ordinary coherent states ¦α> and ¦?α>.  相似文献   

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