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Kong HJ  Jeon YG  Kim JK 《Applied optics》1995,34(6):993-995
We report a new scheme for efficient Raman conversion in high-pressure CH(4) gas. Through the use of backward stimulated Brillouin scattering as a resonator mirror for the pump wave at a wavelength of 1.06 μm, Raman laser generation at the eye-safe wavelength of 1.54 μm has been obtained from a passively Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. At a pressure of 600 psi, we obtained Raman conversion efficiencies of up to 48%.  相似文献   

Raman spectroscopy of crystals for stimulated Raman scattering   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Raman frequency shift, line width, integral and peak Raman scattering cross sections were measured in various crystals using spontaneous Raman spectroscopy. The highest Raman gain coefficient in steady state Stimulated Raman Scattering (SRS) regime was proved to be in barium nitrate crystal; for transient SRS it is expected to be in lithium niobate and tungstate crystals. Barium molybdate crystal is proposed as a new highly efficient Raman material.OCIS: 300.6450; 290.5910; 190.2640  相似文献   

Boucher V  Nguyen-Phu X 《Applied optics》2002,41(21):4390-4393
We report the experimental observation of Raman spatial solitons in a nonlinear planar waveguide. We show that, under certain conditions, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) can stabilize the pump beam propagation and give rise to multifrequency spatial solitons. We present the different Kerr media with which we obtained self-focusing and SRS. The observations can be described in terms of Raman gain versus soliton power.  相似文献   

The Hamiltonian and the equations of motion for various modes involving spontaneous and stimulated Raman processes are derived. The coupled differential equations involving these modes are solved analytically by using an intuitive approach (IA). The solution of the present paper does not require any short time approximation. As a matter of fact, the present solution for field operators and hence the squeezing for various modes are valid for all interaction time t. In this way, the present paper is more general compared to the earlier investigations where short-time approximations were found a must. By exploiting the solutions for the field operators, we obtain the squeezing effects of input coherent light for pure and for mixed field modes. The IA employs the perturbation theory and hence we came across the secular terms in the solution. Of course, for small coupling constants these secular terms could be summed for all orders. To establish our claim, we remove the secular terms at least for one occasion.  相似文献   

Single crystals of REBa2Cu3O7 (RE=La, Nd, Er, Yb) with large untwinned domains were grown from the melt. After oxidation these crystals displayed superconducting transition temperatures up to 95K. All Raman measurements could be performed on untwinned domains. The anomalous temperature behaviour of the B1g phonon near 340cm–1 has been studied in great detail and is shown to reflect the influences of electron-phonon coupling in these particular systems. Furthermore, the spectra are analysed in order to detect the appearance of the superconducting gap 2 in the electronic Raman scattering.  相似文献   

Coherent light coupled to a third-order nonlinear medium is responsible for spontaneous and for stimulated Raman processes. The analytical solutions up to second order in coupling constants of various field modes for spontaneous Raman and for stimulated Raman processes are utilized to obtain the amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing of the input coherent light. The amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed squeezing are completely ruled out for all modes for spontaneous Raman processes. For stimulated Raman processes, we observe that the squeezing for amplitude-squared and amplitude-cubed are possible for pump and for vibrational phonon modes. It is found that the percentage of higher ordered amplitude squeezing decreases with the increase of the orders. The squeezing in Stokes and in anti-Stokes modes are ruled out even for stimulated Raman processes.  相似文献   

光脉冲沿色散补偿光纤(DCF)传输会产生背向自发拉曼散射,当入纤激光功率大于阈值时,出现放大的背向自发拉曼散射现象。实验发现,反斯托克斯(ASR)和斯托克斯(SR)自身脉冲光纤拉曼放大的阈值泵浦峰值脉冲功率是18.2W和14.5W.当入纤激光功率为52W时,背向SR和ASR散射的增益分别为12dB和7dB。放大的反斯托克斯和斯托克斯背向自发拉曼散射时域曲线上的阈值时间位置随激发功率的增大而前移并具有规律性。  相似文献   

Millot G  Dudley JM 《Applied optics》2002,41(13):2589-2591
A convenient technique for polarization-mode dispersion measurements in short lengths of high-birefringence fibers is reported. The technique is based on spectral interferometry with a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser, which is frequency shifted and broadened by self-stimulated Raman scattering in an optical fiber. The different Raman Stokes beams permit accurate measurements over a 40-nm wavelength range in the visible spectrum.  相似文献   

An analytical tool has been proposed by the author for developing concurrent engineering within a manufacturing system, on the basis of quantitative analysis of the interconnections existing between the manufacturing processes. This tool takes account of forward and backward effects of the processes and can be employed to set up efficient multidisciplinary teams as the cornerstones of concurrent engineering. In fact, careful analysis of the interconnections existing between various processes is vitally important to set up efficient multidisciplinary teams. A systematic and quantitative approach is much in demand for this purpose, a traceable record of which can barely be found in the literature. The proposed tool also provides a means to evaluate the degree of influence each process exerts over the level of concurrency within the manufacturing system. The forward and backward effects address the effects each process can exercise on its succeeding processes or preceding ones, respectively. Both effects should be taken into consideration to take complete advantages of concurrent engineering. The functional performance of this method has been illustrated through several examples. It was employed in a machine tool manufacturing company, which led to more than a 50% reduction in lead time while the rework was also negligible.  相似文献   

Carley  Stephen F.  Kwon  Seokbeom  Porter  Alan L.  Youtie  Jan L. 《Scientometrics》2019,120(3):961-974
Scientometrics - In this paper we seek to better understand the relationship between forward diversity in the Cognitive Science and Educational Research literature, as well as what we call Border...  相似文献   

The occurrence of fourth and fifth-order squeezing in the fundamental mode of the electromagnetic field in spontaneous and stimulated Raman processes under the short-time approximation is investigated on the basis of a fully quantum-mechanical approach. In an idealized model, the Raman process is looked upon as a two-photon on a one phonon interaction process. The coupled Heisenberg equations of motion involving real and imaginary parts of the quadrature operators are established. The dependence of fourth- and fifth-order squeezing in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio on the number of photons is investigated. We have also established the amplitude squeezing effects in the Stokes and vibrational modes, which is found to be dependent on higher-order difference squeezing showing a difference squeezing that can be converted to normal squeezing.  相似文献   

在以25kmG652单模光纤为增益介质的光纤拉曼放大器中,观察到了级联的受激布里渊散射。光纤中的双瑞利折射作用导致了二阶布里渊散射光子的出现,加快了二阶布里渊散射的出现。在拉曼增益的作用下,随着二阶布里渊散射的饱和会出现级联的多阶布里渊散射,形成梳状光谱。该梳状光谱也具有明显的阈值特性。在拉曼泵浦功率是1200mW的时候,出现梳状光谱的阈值在1.5到2.5dBm之间。在传输系统中,级联的受激布里渊散射会导致放大器的增益饱和,严重恶化系统的信噪比,因此必须采用增加信号光的带宽或者对信号光进行调制等措施加以控制。但该现象也有可能被用来制造梳状光源。  相似文献   

Stimulated anti-Stokes Raman scattering in molecular hydrogen allows for the generation of continuously tunable narrow-bandwidth radiation down to the transmission limit of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) window materials. Simultaneous irradiation of UV-pump radiation (in this application, dye laser radiation of wavelength lambda = 372 nm) and of radiation whose wavelength corresponds to the first Stokes component allows a considerable increase in efficiency-by nearly 2 orders of magnitude in the far VUV. The additional Stokes radiation is generated in a simple manner during the passage of the unfocused pump radiation through a high-pressure Raman cell that precedes the VUV Raman cell.  相似文献   

Nakazato M  Nagai T  Sakai T  Hirose Y 《Applied optics》2007,46(12):2269-2279
A UV ozone differential-absorption lidar (DIAL) utilizing a Nd:YAG laser and a single Raman cell filled with carbon dioxide (CO(2)) is designed, developed, and evaluated. The generated wavelengths are 276, 287, and 299 nm, comprising the first to third Stokes lines of the stimulated Raman scattering technique. The correction terms originated from the aerosol extinction, the backscatter, and the absorption by other gases are estimated using a model atmosphere. The experimental results demonstrate that the emitted output energies were 13 mJ/pulse at 276 nm and 287 nm and 5 mJ/pulse at 299 nm, with pump energy of 91 mJ/pulse and a CO(2) pressure of 0.7 MPa. The three Stokes lines account for 44.0% of the available energy. The use of argon or helium as a buffer gas in the Raman cell was also investigated, but this leads to a dramatic decrease in the third Stokes line, which makes this wavelength practically unusable. Our observations confirmed that 30 min of integration were sufficient to observe ozone concentration profiles up to 10 km. Aerosol extinction and backscatter correction are estimated and applied. The aerosol backscatter correction profile using 287 and 299 nm as reference wavelengths is compared with that using 355 nm. The estimated statistical error is less than 5% at 1.5 km and 10% at 2.6 km. Comparisons with the operational carbon-iodine type chemical ozonesondes demonstrate 20% overestimation of the ozone profiles by the DIAL technique.  相似文献   

Vertical ordered silicon nanowire arrays with diameters ranging from 30 to 60 nm are fabricated and display enhanced Raman scattering. The first-order 520 cm(-1) phonon mode shows no significant shift or peak broadening with increasing laser power, suggesting that the excellent defect-free diamond crystalline structure and thermal properties of bulk silicon are maintained. The Raman enhancement per unit volume of the first-order phonon peak increases with increasing nanowire diameter, and has maximum enhancement factors of 7.1 and 70 when compared to the original silicon on insulator (SOI) and bulk silicon wafers, respectively. For the array with 60 nm diameter nanowires, the total Raman intensity is larger than that of the SOI wafer. The results are understood using a model based on the confinement of light and are supported by finite difference time domain (FDTD) simulations.  相似文献   


A proposal is made for the creation of macroscopic quantum states of collective atomic-ensemble variables by the use of stimulated Raman scattering (SRS), followed by conditional optical measurement. After the completion of the SRS process, one is able to reverse the process and to return all the atoms to their ground states in such a way that reads out an arbitrary quantum state of the collective atomic field and writes this state onto the outgoing optical field. This scheme can be used for the creation of entanglement between two distant atomic ensembles. The quantum analysis of the SRS process treats one-dimensional spatial-temporal propagation accurately. Remarkably, it is found that this multimode problem can be simplified to a two-mode problem involving spatial-temporal wave-packet modes of the optical and atomic collective fields. This improves the understanding of the entanglement created in this system.  相似文献   

The Raman scattering intensity was measured for a colloidal crystal composed of polystyrene micro spheres and a polymer gel with a tunable continuous-wave dye laser as an excitation light source. Enhancement of the Raman scattering caused by both the electric field enhancement at the excitation frequency and the increase in the local photon density of states at the scattering frequency was expected. The observed Raman scattering intensity as a function of the excitation frequency showed a reasonable agreement with the theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

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