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We investigate the generation of tripartite field states inside the high-Q cavities using the cavity QED. The main goal is to successfully generate the entanglement in tripartite systems by passing two-level atoms through three identical high-Q cavities. Our scheme gives the successful generation of entangled tripartite W and GHZ states for pre-determined interaction times of atoms with the cavity fields. The dynamics of initial entangled states is studied as the system evolves in the dissipative environments.  相似文献   

A new trapping effect of a three-level atom in interaction with a bimodal cavity field is proposed. This problem consists of the possibility for realization of initially separated states of an atom and an electromagnetic field after interaction. The quantum properties of a bimodal field, which satisfy the reversible conditions for the atom flying through the cavity, were studied.  相似文献   

介绍了量子关联成像的物理原理,阐述了量子关联成像灵敏度高、抗干扰能力强、信息获取效率高、能够实现单像素探测成像和无透镜成像的技术特点;探讨了量子关联成像雷达的运动物体成像问题和大气影响应对问题,指出可通过提高采样频率、升级跟踪手段、优化成像策略等方式提升量子关联成像雷达的应用性能;展望了量子关联成像雷达在侦察、预警等领域的发展方向,提出未来通过发展极弱光条件下的成像技术、优化设计照明方式、建立多基站协同体系、发展人工智能算法和多维信息智能融合算法等方式,进一步提升量子关联成像雷达的发现概率、跟踪精度、判别准确度、有效作用距离。  相似文献   

We address in detail the process of parameter estimation for an n-qubit system dissipating into a cavity in which the qubits are coupled to the single-mode cavity field via coupling constant g which should be estimated. In addition, the cavity field interacts with an external field considered as a set of continuum harmonic oscillators. We analyse the behaviour of the quantum Fisher information (QFI) for both weak and strong coupling regimes. In particular, we show that in strong coupling regime, the memory effects are dominant, leading to an oscillatory variation in the dynamics of the QFI and consequently information flowing from the environment to the quantum system. We show that when the number of the qubits or the coupling strength rises, the oscillations, signs of non-Markovian evolution of the QFI, increase. This indicates that in the strong-coupling regime, increasing the size of the system or the coupling strength remarkably enhances the reversed flow of information. Moreover, we find that it is possible to retard the QFI loss during the time evolution and therefore enhance the estimation of the parameter using a cavity with a larger decay rate factor. Furthermore, analysing the dynamics of the QFI and negativity of the probe state, we reveal a close relationship between the entanglement of probes and their capability for estimating the parameter. It is shown that in order to perform a better estimation of the parameter, we should avoid measuring when the entanglement between the probes is maximized.  相似文献   

We study how to control the dynamics of tripartite entanglement among optical cavities using non-Markovian baths. In particular, we demonstrate how the reservoir engineering through the utilization of non-Markovian baths with different types of Lorentzian and ohmic spectral densities can lead to an entanglement survival for longer times and in some cases considerable regain of seemingly lost entanglement. Both of these behaviours indicate a better sustainability of entanglement (in time) compared to the usual Markovian bath situations which assumes a flat spectrum of the bath around the system resonant frequency. Our scheme shows these effects in the context of optical cavities starting off in a maximally entangled W and Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger tripartite states. In Lorentzian cases, we find that the far detuned double Lorentzian baths with small coupling strengths and for ohmic-type baths super-ohmic environments with smaller cutoff frequencies are the best candidates for preserving entanglement among cavities for significant amount of time. A non-Markovian quantum jump approach is employed to understand the entanglement dynamics in these cases, especially to recognize the collapse and revival of the entanglement in both W and GHZ states.  相似文献   

Nonclassical properties exhibited by a chain of cavity modes second harmonic generation in coupled oscillators system, designed by using multichannel optical waveguides, is explored. The solution for the Hamiltonian of the coupled-modes driven by coherent excitation is obtained via an exact formulation of the normal-ordered Fokker-Planck equation. Nonclassical effects, namely the sub-Poissonian photons, squeezing and entanglement are noticed. Multichannel coupling of the coupled oscillators induces new possibilities for correlation between the modes in different channels, henceforth, provides an effective way towards manipulation of quantum light.  相似文献   

We investigate the dynamics of quantum correlations such as entanglement and quantum discord between two noninteracting atoms, each of which is trapped inside one of two coupled cavities. We find that the cavity decay can induce both entanglement and quantum discord between the two atoms when they are initially prepared in doubly excited state. The result shows the sudden death and sudden birth of entanglement and robustness of the quantum discord to sudden death. It is also found that the doubly excited state is responsible for the sudden death of entanglement. Moreover, the sudden death of entanglement can be controlled by the intercavity hopping rate.  相似文献   

The Feynman propagator has nonzero values outside of the forward light cone. That does not allow messages to be transmitted faster than the speed of light, but it is shown here that it does allow entanglement and mutual information to be generated at space-like separated points. These effects can be interpreted as being due to the propagation of virtual photons outside of the light cone or as a transfer of pre-existing entanglement from the quantum vacuum. The differences between these two interpretations are discussed.  相似文献   

Establishing entanglement is an essential task of quantum communication technology. Beyond entanglement, quantum discord, as a measure of quantum correlation, is a necessary prerequisite to the success of entanglement distribution. To realize efficient quantum communication based on quantum discord, in this paper, we consider the practical advantages of continuous variables and propose a feasible continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme based on quantum discord. By means of entanglement distribution by separable states, it can achieve quantum entanglement distribution from sources to targets in a butterfly network. Compared with the representative discrete-variable quantum network coding schemes, the proposed continuous-variable quantum network coding scheme has a higher probability of entanglement distribution and defends against eavesdropping and forgery attacks. Particularly, the deduced relationship indicates that the increase in entanglement is less than or equal to quantum discord.  相似文献   

We propose a linear optical scheme for the transfer of unknown ionic states, the entanglement concentration for nonmaximally entangled states for ions via entanglement swapping and the remote preparation for ionic entangled states. The joint Bell state measurement needed in the previous schemes is not needed in the current scheme, i.e. the joint Bell state measurement has been converted into the product of separate measurements on single ions and photons. In addition, the current scheme can realize the quantum information processes for ions by using linear optical elements, which simplify the implementation of quantum information processing for ions.  相似文献   

We investigated theoretically the entanglement creation through tunneling rate and fields in a four-level triple quantum dot molecule based on InAs/GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure in both steady state and transient state. We demonstrate that the entanglement entropy among the QDM and its spontaneous emission fields can be controlled by coherent and incoherent pumping field and tunnel-coupled electronics levels. The results may provide some new possibilities for technological applications in solid-state quantum information science, quantum computing, teleportation, encryption, compression codec, and optoelectronics.  相似文献   

The decay of correlations between two qubits under the influence of a squeezed thermal reservoir is investigated by means of the quantum master equation in the Born–Markov approximation. To find the effect of the reservoir squeezing on the two-qubit correlations, concurrence, quantum discord, classical correlation and total correlation are calculated for the X-states. It is found that, except for quantum discord, the reservoir squeezing always suppresses the decay of the correlations during the time evolution. On the other hand, for quantum discord, the reservoir squeezing enhances the decay in the initial and intermediate time regions while it reduces the decay in the long time region.  相似文献   

We study a class of nonlinear Hamiltonians, with applications in quantum optics. The interaction terms of these Hamiltonians are generated by taking a linear combination of powers of a simple ‘beam splitter’ Hamiltonian. The entanglement properties of the eigenstates are studied. Finally, we show how to use this class of Hamiltonians to perform special tasks such as conditional state swapping, which can be used to generate optical cat states and to sort photons.  相似文献   

We study the quantum discord for a system of two identical coupled quantum dots interacting with quantized cavity field in the presence of cavity as well as dot decay and detuning. The cavity is externally driven by a coherent light. These results are compared with the entanglement of the quantum dots in various parameter regimes in which system may or may not show bistability. We show that the discord in the steady state is nonzero for any nonzero cavity field amplitude. The system has higher discord in the upper branch of the bistability curve where the entanglement is zero. We also find many other interesting results including high discord and entanglement in the presence of detuning, a phenomenon which we further examine by approximating the density matrix in the appropriate limit.  相似文献   

Quantum states are inherently fragile, making their storage a major concern for many practical applications and experimental tests of quantum mechanics. The field of quantum memories is concerned with how this storage may be achieved, covering everything from the physical systems best suited to the task to the abstract methods that may be used to increase performance. This review concerns itself with the latter, giving an overview of error correction and self-correction, and how they may be used to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation. The planar code is presented as a concrete example, both as a quantum memory and as a framework for quantum computation.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of two electrons located in two vertically tunnel-coupled quantum dots in the presence of an oscillatory electric field. By solving the time-dependent Schrödinger equation, we predict the dynamical generation of entangled electron states, such as the EPR (Einstein, Podolsky, and Rosen) pairs or Bell states. The Schmidt rank and the von Neumann entropy are evaluated to characterize the degree of entanglement of the two electron states.  相似文献   

Quantum Error Correction and Reversible Operations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article gives a pedagogical account of Shor's nine-bit code for correcting arbitrary errors on single qubits and reviews work that determines when it is possible to maintain quantum coherence by reversing the deleterious effects of open-system quantum dynamics. The review provides an opportunity to introduce an efficient formalism for handling superoperators. Some bounds on entanglement fidelity, which might prove useful in analyses of approximate error correction, are presented and proved.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to generate an N-photon GHZ-type polarization-entangled state from 2N ? 1 parametric down-conversion sources, by using only linear optical elements and projective measurements. Successful preparation is heralded by detecting 3N ? 2 photons with ideal number-resolving photon detectors.  相似文献   

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