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A macroscopic, canonical quantization of the EM field and radiating atom system in quantum optics and cavity QED involving classical, linear optical devices, based on expanding the vector potential in terms of quasi mode functions is presented. The quasi mode functions approximate the true mode functions for the device, and are obtained by solving the Helmholtz equation for an idealized spatially dependent electric permittivity function describing the device. The Hamiltonian for the EM field and radiating atom system is obtained in multipolar form and the quantum EM field is found to be equivalent to a set of quantum harmonic oscillators, one oscillator per quasi mode. However, unlike true mode theory where the quantum harmonic oscillators are uncoupled, in the quasi mode theory they are coupled and photon exchange processes can occur. Explicit expressions for the coupling constants are obtained. The interaction energy between the radiative atoms and the quantum EM field depends on the amplitudes of the quasi mode functions at the positions of the radiating atoms, similar to that for the true mode approach. The simpler forms for the quasi mode functions enable the atom-field interaction energy to be written in a form in which the atoms are only coupled to certain types of modes—for example cavity quasi modes, which are large inside the optical cavity. In such cases the escape of energy from excited atoms in the cavity can be pictured in quasi mode theory as a two step process—the atom de-excites and creates a photon in a cavity quasi mode, the photon in the cavity quasi mode is then lost and appears as a photon in an external quasi mode. In this process the first step occurs via the atom-cavity quasi mode interaction, the second through coupling between cavity and external quasi modes. This may be contrasted with the true mode approach, where the excited atom loses its energy and the photon is created in one of the true modes. As all true modes have non-zero amplitudes outside as well as inside the cavity, the escape of energy from excited atoms in the cavity is seen as a one step process. An application of the quasi mode theory to the quantum theory of the beam splitter is outlined. The unitary operator used to describe this device is a scattering operator, relating initial and long time values of annihilation, creation operators for pairs of incident and reflected modes, interpreted here as quasi modes.  相似文献   


The quasi mode theory of macroscopic quantization in quantum optics and cavity QED developed by Dalton, Barnett and Knight is generalized. This generalization allows for cases in which two or more quasi permittivities, along with their associated mode functions, are needed to describe the classical optics device. It brings problems such as reflection and refraction at a dielectric boundary, the linear coupler, and the coupling of two optical cavities within the scope of the theory. For the most part, the results that are obtained here are simple generalizations of those obtained in previous work. However the coupling constants, which are of great importance in applications of the theory, are shown to contain significant additional terms which cannot be ‘guessed’ from the simpler forms. The expressions for the coupling constants suggest that the critical factor in determining the strength of coupling between a pair of quasi modes is their degree of spatial overlap. In an accompanying paper a fully quantum theoretic derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction at a boundary is given as an illustration of the generalized theory. The quasi mode picture of this process involves the annihilation of a photon travelling in the incident region quasi mode, and the subsequent creation of a photon in either the incident region or transmitted region quasi modes.  相似文献   


The generalization of the quasi mode theory of macroscopic quantization in quantum optics and cavity QED presented in the previous paper, is applied to provide a fully quantum theoretic derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction at a boundary. The quasi mode picture of this process involves the annihilation of a photon travelling in the incident region quasi mode, and the subsequent creation of a photon in either the incident region or transmitted region quasi modes. The derivation of the laws of reflection and refraction is achieved through the dual application of the quasi mode theory and a quantum scattering theory based on the Heisenberg picture. Formal expressions from scattering theory are given for the reflection and transmission coefficients. The behaviour of the intensity for a localized one photon wave packet coming in at time minus infinity from the incident direction is examined and it is shown that at time plus infinity, the light intensity is only significant where the classical laws of reflection and refraction predict. The occurrence of both refraction and reflection is dependent upon the quasi mode theory coupling constants between incident and transmitted region quasi modes being nonzero, and it is seen that the contributions to such coupling constants come from the overlap of the mode functions in the boundary layer region, as might be expected from a microscopic theory.  相似文献   


The Feynman expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of a charge moving on an arbitrary trajectory are found by two simple methods. The first involves a direct integration of Maxwell's time-dependent equations. The second is based on the formalism of quantum optics which uses the first order equations of motion for creation and annihilation operators. As an illustration of the simplicity of these methods, the fields of an oscillating electric dipole are obtained.  相似文献   


A single-mode radiation field with Gaussian Wigner functions (Gaussian state field) is studied. The single-mode Gaussian-field generating function for both the density matrix elements and the moments of the creation and annihilation operators is calculated. It is shown that the matrix elements as well as the moments of different orders can be expressed in terms of Hermitian polynomials of two variables. Furthermore, the cumulants of the Gaussian state field are calculated. Finally, we generalize the Gaussian state field and compute the corresponding moments and density matrix elements.  相似文献   


Negative binomial states of a single field mode are introduced and their properties are compared with those of the (positive) binomial states. We find that the two types of state have similar properties if the roles of the creation and annihilation operators are interchanged.  相似文献   

It is well known that the squeezing spectrum of the field exiting a nonlinear cavity can be directly obtained from the fluctuation spectrum of normally ordered products of creation and annihilation operators of the cavity mode. In this article we show that the output field squeezing spectrum can be derived also by combining the fluctuation spectra of any pair of s -ordered products of creation and annihilation operators. The interesting result is that the spectrum obtained in this way from the linearized Langevin equations is exact, and this occurs in spite of the fact that no s -ordered quasiprobability distribution verifies a true Fokker–Planck equation; that is, the Langevin equations used for deriving the squeezing spectrum are not exact. The (linearized) intracavity squeezing obtained from any s -ordered distribution is also exact. These results are exemplified in the problem of dispersive optical bistability.  相似文献   


A quantum mechanical analysis of the propagation of coupled modes in integrated optical waveguides is given. The modal orthonormalization property on a cross-section of an optical waveguide, the vector structure of the guided optical modes and the reversal-time symmetry are taken into account to derive the quantum momentum operator and Heisenberg's equations giving a quantum-consistent formulation of the coupled mode propagation as a function of forward and backward creation and annihilation operators.  相似文献   

Field quantization in unstable optical systems is treated by expanding the vector potential in terms of non-Hermitean (Fox-Li) modes. We define non-Hermitean modes and their adjoints in both the cavity and external regions and make use of the important bi-orthogonality relationships that exist within each mode set. We employ a standard canonical quantization procedure involving the introduction of generalized coordinates and momenta for the electromagnetic (EM) field. Three-dimensional systems are treated, making use of the paraxial and monochromaticity approximations for the cavity non-Hermitean modes. We show that the quantum EM field is equivalent to a set of quantum harmonic oscillators (QHOs), associated with either the cavity or the external region non-Hermitean modes, and thus confirming the validity of the photon model in unstable optical systems. Unlike in the conventional (Hermitean mode) case, the annihilation and creation operators we define for each QHO are not Hermitean adjoints. It is shown that the quantum Hamiltonian for the EM field is the sum of non-commuting cavity and external region contributions, each of which can be expressed as a sum of independent QHO Hamiltonians for each non-Hermitean mode, except that the external field Hamiltonian also includes a coupling term responsible for external non-Hermitean mode photon exchange processes. The non-commutativity of certain cavity and external region annihilation and creation operators is associated with cavity energy gain and loss processes, and may be described in terms of surface integrals involving cavity and external region non-Hermitean mode functions on the cavity-external region boundary. Using the essential states approach and the rotating wave approximation, our results are applied to the spontaneous decay of a two-level atom inside an unstable cavity. We find that atomic transitions leading to cavity non-Hermitean mode photon absorption are associated with a different coupling constant to that for transitions leading to photon emission, a feature consequent on the use of non-Hermitean mode functions. We show that under certain conditions the spontaneous decay rate is enhanced by the Petermann factor.  相似文献   


The squeezing properties of the multiphoton Hamiltonian with intensity-dependent coupling are evaluated for the [xcirc] and [pcirc] x quadratures, for the initial state of a coherent electromagnetic field and an atom in the ground state. Two measures of squeezing: the percentage of total squeezing and the squeezing time-period percentage, are introduced. Interesting squeezing properties with respect to [xcirc] are observed for real coherent states when the time evolution of the above measures and of the time-averaged squeezing are analysed. The multiphoton intensity-dependent coupling Hamiltonian is found to be almost independent of the specific powers of the annihilation and creation operators, as long as the sum of the powers is kept constant.  相似文献   

We show that there is a way to unify distribution functions that describe simultaneously a classical signal in space and (spatial) frequency and position and momentum for a quantum system. Probably the most well known of them is the Wigner distribution function. We show how to unify functions of the Cohen class, Rihaczek's complex energy function, and Husimi and Glauber-Sudarshan distribution functions. We do this by showing how they may be obtained from ordered forms of creation and annihilation operators and by obtaining them in terms of expectation values in different eigenbases.  相似文献   


The theory of quantum-optical measurements is developed via a Heisenberg picture approach to quantum scattering theory. The multitime quantum correlation functions describing the measurements are expressed in terms of input or output operators, which are related via the scattering operator.  相似文献   

The soft mode dynamical model has been used to study the dielectric properties of Perovskite-type crystals. The model Hamiltonian proposed by Pytte has been modified and designed in terms of creation and annihilation operators. The correlations appearing in the dynamical equation have been evaluated using double time thermal retarded Green’s function and Dyson’s equation. Without any decoupling the higher order correlations have been evaluated using the renormalized Hamiltonian and thus, all possible interactions among phonons have been taken into account. The expressions for phonon frequencies and widths have beenMcalculated. Using appropriate parameters the softening of different modes at different transition temperatures give rise to a series of transitions from cubic to tetragonal, orthorhombic or trigonal phases. The significantly temperature-dependent modes are considered responsible for damping constant, dielectric constant, tangent loss and attenuation constant for these crystals. The dielectric properties are directly related to the optical phonon frequencies and widths and acoustic attenuation to the acoustic and optical phonon widths. Using suitable approximations, the model explains the experimental results on dielectric properties and acoustic attenuation reported for LiNbO3, SrTiO3, BaTiO3 and LaAlO3.  相似文献   


The well-known schemes for simultaneous measurement of canonically conjugate variables in quantum optics based on beam-splitting, amplification and heterodyning are analysed in the Heisenberg picture. It is shown that the operators representing the measured observables share a common structure. The measured phase-space probability is a non-negative smoothed Wigner function.  相似文献   


We show that the squeezed states of quantum optics are physically and mathematically equivalent to Gaussian wave packets. In the framework of wave mechanics it is possible to formulate and investigate in a very simple way all the properties of reduced or squeezed fluctuations of the position and momentum operators. We study squeezed quantum fluctuations of a minimum-uncertainty Gaussian wave function under two different dynamical conditions of free evolution and harmonic oscillation.  相似文献   


We introduce the inverse of the Hermitian operator (ââ ?) and express the Boson inverse operators â ?1 and â ??1 in terms of the operators â, â ? and (ââ ?)?1. We show that these Boson inverse operators may be realized by Susskind-Glogower phase operators. In this way, we find a new two-photon annihilation operator and denote it as â 2(ââ ?)?1. We show that the eigenstates of this operator have interesting non-classical properties. We find that the eigenstates of the operators (ââ ?)?1 â 2, â(ââ ?)?1 â and â 2(ââ ?)?1 have many similar properties and thus they constitute a family of two-photon annihilation operators.  相似文献   

The Lindblad operator of the Markovian quantum master equation for an oscillator system is diagonalized by means of linear transformations of annihilation and creation operators in non-equilibrium thermo field dynamics. When the linear attenuation and amplification processes are considered, the left and right eigenstates of the Lindblad operator are constructed in terms of the transformed operators. In the linear attenuation process, the results are compared with those obtained by the damping base of the Lindblad superoperator. The base describing the time-evolution of the linear amplification process is derived and compared with the damping base. The method for diagonalizing the Lindblad operator is useful for calculating average values of physical quantities in the quantum Markovian process.  相似文献   

This topical review provides an overview of the key theoretical features of Bose–Einstein condensates (BECs) in cold atomic gases at near zero temperature in the situation where all the bosons occupy at most two single particle states or modes. This situation applies to single-component BECs in double well trap potentials and to two-component BEC in single well trap potentials, such as occur when BEC are used in interferometry experiments. The Hamiltonian is introduced in terms of field operators and mode expansions are restricted to a total of two modes. Spin operators and their eigenstates are introduced as the fundamental basis states for describing the two-mode N boson quantum system. The spin states have a macroscopic angular momentum quantum number of N/2 and the magnetic quantum number k specifies the relative number of bosons in the two modes. The treatment presented involves an extensive use of angular momentum theory, including unitary rotation operators. Important states of the two-mode system such as binomial or coherent states, relative phase eigenstates are discussed. Boson position measurements are specified via quantum correlation functions, and the use of these functions in describing coherence properties, interference patterns and fragmentation effects in BECs is presented. The Bloch vector is defined and related to the quantum correlation functions, with quantum fluctuations of the Bloch vector being treated in terms of the covariance matrix. Applications to important two-mode states are made. Spin squeezing is discussed. Based on applying variational principles, the general dynamical behaviour of the two-mode BEC is determined via generalised Gross–Pitaevskii equations for the modes and matrix mechanics equations for the probability amplitudes of the relative number basis states, the mode and amplitude equations being coupled and self-consistent. The single mode equations are also presented. The Hamiltonian is written in terms of the spin operators and the Josephson Hamiltonian obtained as a simplification in which the dynamical behaviour of the mode functions is ignored – for the one-component case the mode functions are also required to be localised and separate. Coefficients in the Josephson Hamiltonian describe tunneling/intercomponent coupling, asymmetry and collisions and these are defined via integrals involving the mode functions. The Josephson model involves using the Josephson Hamiltonian to give simple predictions of the energy states and dynamical behaviour of the two-mode system, dynamical effects on the mode functions being ignored. The three regimes – Rabi, Josephson and Fock are described, and the energy states obtained for the Fock and Rabi regimes. Dynamical behaviour treatments based on the Josephson model are outlined. In the situation where all bosons are in the same single particle state, semi-classical Bloch equations are derived and their solutions given in terms of elliptic functions. The quantum regime is treated using matrix mechanics equations for the probability amplitudes. Two representative applications of the Josephson model dynamics are treated, with graphs showing the results of numerical work being displayed. The first is in describing Heisenberg limited BEC interferometry for a single-component BEC in a double well, the treatment showing collapses and revivals in the probability distribution for the relative phase. The second treats Ramsey interferometry for a two-component BEC in a single well, the study revealing that oscillations of the Bloch vector collapse and revive, with the Bloch vector's departure from the Bloch sphere during the collapse period revealing that the BEC has fragmented. In both cases collisions cause the dephasing effects that result in the collapse, revival phenomena. The review ends with a brief outline of phase space and other approaches that extend the treatment beyond the two-mode theory, enabling decoherence effects associated with bosons in non-condensate modes to be studied. A summary of the review contents is included. Detailed mathematical derivations are included in several appendices, available as online supplementary material.  相似文献   


Numerical results for scattering of electromagnetic waves from a rough surface are presented and compared with experimental results. The method uses the Kirchhoff or physical optics approximation to separate the single and double scatter terms in the total scatter pattern. It is shown that enhanced backscatter occurs in the double scatter term as predicted by a simple ray picture of the scattering process.  相似文献   

The dispersion relation and the normal modes for magnetoelastic waves in ferromagnetic insulator crystals are calculated when the interaction between magnetization and strains is approximated to a bilinear form of creation and annihilation boson operators. Numerical results are obtained for YIG.  相似文献   

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