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Speckle interferometry is an important deformation measurement method for an object with a rough surface. In this paper, a novel fringe analysis method is proposed that uses a new optical system, which uses a plane wave as the reference beam of the speckle interferometer. When the optical system is employed in fringe analysis, the deformation information and the bias components of the speckle patterns are clearly separated in the frequency domain. Therefore, the deformation information can be readily extracted using a Fourier transform, which gives a pair of real and imaginary components concerning the information. The specklegram is calculated using such a pair of components, and the phase map is obtained from the specklegram. Experimental results confirmed that the resolution power of this measurement method is higher than 1/261 of the wavelength of the light source of the optical system.  相似文献   

Electronic speckle pattern interferometry is employed in many industrial fields as a useful deformation measurement method. However, two speckle patterns obtained before and after the deformation are necessary for measurement. Furthermore, at least three speckle patterns are required for high resolution measurement using ordinary fringe scanning technologies. In this paper, a novel method that can measure high speed deformations using a limited number of speckle patterns without using high speed cameras is proposed. The method enables application to dynamic deformation analysis because the method involves analysis using only two speckle patterns obtained before and after the deformation. A novel optical system that can record some spatial information into each speckle is set up for the method. In experimental results, it is confirmed that the out-of-plane deformation measurement can be precisely performed by the method and that the resolution power is almost equivalent to that of the ordinary method.  相似文献   

Spatial phase shifting technique in digital speckle pattern interferometry (DSPI) and digital shearography (DS) provides the phase information due to the object displacement from two images, one stored before and other after loading. The technique needs a carrier fringe system. The double aperture mask in front of the imaging system is one of the methods for introducing the spatial carrier frequency for phase evaluation. The size of the apertures and their separation are important criteria to obtain appropriate phase shift/column within the desired size of the speckle for phase retrieval. The assumptions of constant intensity and phase on adjacent pixels of the camera while calculating phase in spatial phase shifting (SPS) are not met as the speckled object wave contains intensity and phase gradients, resulting in distortions in the calculated phase profiles. In this paper we discuss a strategy to overcome these problems. The contrast of the correlation fringe obtained using this approach is much improved. It also eliminates the distortion in the unwrapped phase map like wave ripples. The experimental results on an edge clamped circular plate loaded at the center are presented.  相似文献   

This letter introduces a new approach for the demodulation of fringe patterns recorded in holographic interferometry using high-order ambiguity function (HAF). The proposed approach is capable of retrieving the phase from a single fringe pattern. The main advantage of this approach is that it directly provides an estimation of the continuous phase distribution and thereby avoids the necessity of using a cumbersome 2D phase unwrapping procedure. This method first computes the discrete-time analytic signal of the recorded fringe pattern. Then, by modelling this analytic signal as a polynomial phase signal embedded in additive complex white Gaussian noise, a parametric estimation procedure based on HAF is employed to directly estimate the unwrapped phase distribution. Numerical simulations and experimental results demonstrate the potential of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

An electronic speckle pattern interferometer that incorporates a commercial, long-working-distance microscope is described which provides new opportunities to perform nondestructive inspection for applications in fields such as microelectronics. The long-working-distance microscrope was attached directly to the CCD camera to form a compact, portable system with a field of view that was variable over several mm in width. Alignment was greatly simplified because the skewed Michelson interferometer configuration used a speckled reference beam imaged from a diffusely reflecting reference surface that was positioned adjacent to the test object. To demonstrate the performance of the micro-ESPI instrument, fringe patterns were recorded for the quasi-static cantilever deflection of a 1 mm-wide interconnect clip from an electronics socket.  相似文献   

针对基于传统三角原理的结构光三维测量方法难以测量阶梯形物体的问题,应用神经网络对获取的变形条纹进行处理,获取物体的三维面形信息。该方法通过对神经网络的训练,直接建立条纹图分布与物体高度之间的对应关系,完成对物体的三维测量,即使在投影系统参数未知的情况下,也能取得较好的结果。论文中提出的神经网络三维面形测量方法测量时间短,测量过程中只需要一幅条纹图就能恢复阶梯物体的高度信息。计算机模拟及试验验证了方法的可行性。  相似文献   

Speckle interferometry is generally known as a method for measuring the deformation of an object with rough surfaces. In this paper, a three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement method is proposed for superfine structures beyond the diffraction limit using the basic property of speckle interferometry. Since the differential coefficient distribution of the shape of such an object can be detected in speckle interferometry by imparting a known lateral shift to the measured object, the shape can be reconstructed by integrating the differential coefficient distribution. Based on experimental results obtained using diffraction gratings as measured objects, it is confirmed that the proposed method can measure 3D shapes that are beyond the diffraction limit of the lens.  相似文献   

With the development of image processing technology, optical methods based on fringe patterns, for example, the grid method, electronic speckle pattern interferometry, moiré techniques (including moiré interferometry and digital moiré), and coherent gradient sensing, have become useful techniques for measuring the full‐field deformation of materials and structures. An important application of these techniques is to offer deformation fields for extracting constitutive parameters in the inverse methods. In this paper, we proposed a novel inversion method based on fringe patterns (IMFP), which can be used to identify constitutive model parameters by comparing simulated fringe patterns obtained using the finite element method with experimentally measured fringe patterns. The feasibility and identification accuracy of IMFP were evaluated through numerical experiments, and an additional series of numerical tests were conducted to analyse the noise immunity of IMFP and its sensitivity to the number of constitutive model parameters. Finally, IMFP was applied in the identification of the mechanical parameters of selective laser melting three‐dimensional printed stainless steel.  相似文献   

Existing methods to measure 3D shape of complex object involve processing more than six captured images to obtain the absolute phase, which limit the measurement speed. This paper presents two sinusoidal fringes and two triangular wave fringes which is used to measure 3D shape of complex object. The two-step phase-shifting sinusoidal fringes and two-step phase-shifting triangular wave fringes are calculated to obtain the wrapped phase, and then the two-step phase-shifting triangular wave fringes are used to determine the fringe order. Due to decrease the number of projection fringes, the speed of measurement increases. The triangular wave fringe carries more information of the object than linear increasing/decreasing ramp fringe in the actual measurement, more noise in the base phase to be overcome, thus improving the measurement accuracy. The benefits can be widely applied in high-speed, real-time 3D measurement of complex shape. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed method is simple, but effective.  相似文献   

Séfel R  Kornis J 《Applied optics》2011,50(23):4642-4647
Multiple-exposure phase calculation procedures are widely used in electronic speckle pattern interferometry to calculate phase maps of displacements. We developed a double-exposure process based on holographic illumination of the object and the idea of the spatial carrier phase-shifting method to examine transient displacements. In our work, computer-generated holograms and a spatial light modulator were used to generate proper coherent illuminating masks. In this adjustment all phase-shifted states were at our disposal from one recorded speckle image for phase calculation. This technique can be used in the large scale of transient measurements. In this paper we illustrate the principle through several examples.  相似文献   

A computerized system for real-time displacement visualization using carrier fringes in an electronic speckle in-plane sensitive interferometer allows force calibration for micro-displacement analysis of rat bones and verification of axial loading conditions. Once the force has been calibrated and the load is applied along the bone axis, the difference-of-phase method is used to obtain the phase map, which after phase unwrapping, allows the evaluation of the displacements produced by the bone deformation. The proposed method avoids common loading mistakes using first carrier fringes to assure that the loads are within the measuring capabilities of the in-plane interferometer and the Carré phase-stepping method to compensate for linear phase step miscalibration. The experimental results obtained with the calibration of loading forces and axial loading verification show the advantages of the system proposed here over a system which uses a cantilever configuration to make a similar bone deformation analysis.  相似文献   

双色正弦投影傅里叶变换轮廓术方法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
提出双色正弦条纹投影方法来提高 FTP 的测量范围并保持其实时特点。只需采集一帧双色变形条纹,从中分离出两个有 π 位相差的分量,通过背景和对比度校正,得到一帧消零频的变形条纹图,并且自动生成物体轮廓的二元模板。此模板结合调制度信息相可以生成可靠性模板,指导相位展开,避免物体轮廓以外相位展开误差的传递;结合参考条纹可以完成变形条纹的扩充,提高频域的分辨率。  相似文献   

佀明华  王伟明  张勇  吴浩 《光电工程》2019,46(10):180445-1-180445-7
针对动态角度测量的成本高及精度低的问题,提出一种基于非合作目标视觉跟踪的光电测量方法。利用安装在被测对象上的光电伺服平台搭载相机和激光测距仪对非合作目标进行实时跟踪和距离测量,根据伺服平台输出的精密角度、非合作目标距离和被测角度之间的转化关系计算出被测动态角度值。研制了基于光电伺服平台的动态角度测量装置,并对其进行了精度标定和误差分析。利用高精度旋转台模拟被测动态角度进行实验,验证了测量方法的可行性。实验结果表明在测量空间11.082 m范围内,测角误差在±0.09°以内。  相似文献   

反向条纹投影技术是一种应用于在线或批量检测的快速而稳定的光学三维面形检测技术。本文提出了一种利用分片二元三次多项式插值来确定摄像机和投影器坐标变换关系的方法,它通过在摄像机10个像素点区域内拟和两个二元三次多项式,来求得该区域内投影器像素点对应的摄像机坐标值。计算机模拟和实物的对比实验表明,该方法能有效地提高反向条纹投影的精度。  相似文献   

飞机机翼在飞行过程中受气动力影响会发生弹性形变,导致机翼外载荷大小与分布变化,危及飞行安全.该文针对民用飞机在飞行过程中机翼弹性形变测量的需求,分析大型飞机的结构负荷,采用多组摄像机组合标定、机载摄像机位姿修正、大倾角散斑图像解算等视觉测量技术,开展多摄像机组合的大翼展数字散斑形变测量方法研究,设计适用于C919飞机飞...  相似文献   

数字散斑相关方法在木材科学中的应用及展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着现代光电子和计算机技术的发展以及数字图像处理理论的深入,数字散斑相关方法(DSCM)迅速成为实验力学领域一种重要的测试方法。文章介绍了DSCM的基本原理,并对其在木材科学领域的应用进行了综述,包括在木材常规力学测试和木材断裂、微观力学以及复合材料力学测试等方面的应用及一些新的成果。最后根据木材材料的特点, 对DSCM在木材科学上的进一步应用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

针对目前光电自准直仪难以做到既有高分辨力同时又有大的测量范围的不足,提出一种成像式光栅自准直测角方法。该方法将成像式光栅方法、自准直测角技术相结合,利用标尺光栅像和指示光栅形成的光栅副反映被测物体的角度变化。试验结果表明,该系统接收到的光栅信号稳定,满足光栅计数的要求,成像式光栅自准直测角方法原理可行。该方法避免了光栅副间隙带来的误差,具有大量程及较高的分辨力。  相似文献   

针对原有轧机伺服液压缸高频动态响应测试系统的不足,提出一种基于应变计的新型测试方法.运用ANSYS有限元软件得到机架表面适用于实验的应变测点,并利用现有轧机伺服液压缸实验设备,制定合理的实验方法和流程,进行液压缸测试实验.结果表明:应变-位移曲线和载荷-位移曲线均呈很好的线性关系,重复性好,可以满足现有轧机伺服液压缸高频动态响应测试系统的要求.  相似文献   


Nonlinearities in the application of fringe projection metrology make it very difficult to acquire perfect 3D data. This paper describes a six-step phase-shifting technique for a structured light measurement system with an off-the-shelf projector. First, the phase error is analysed and a gamma model is established by deriving the relative expression between the wrapped phase and input images. This is then expressed in matrix form to derive a unique solution, which is used for the gamma solver. The complex gamma calibration and projector error compensation can be removed once the gamma value of the off-the-shelf projector has been determined. The ideal model reconstruction results are obtained through simulations and experiments, and the standard deviation of the phase error is found to be only 0.0039 radians. Hence, the proposed method eliminates the nonlinear errors associated with fringe projection technology using existing projectors and improves the overall image reconstruction quality.  相似文献   

幸高翔  朱杰 《声学技术》2011,(5):449-452
目标高分辨算法的性能优劣直接影响声纳、雷达的目标感知能力。考虑基于空间平滑思想的直接数据域算法,在干扰方向产生稳定的零陷。虚拟出期望信号并加入到接收数据中,将实际目标当作干扰,通过直接数据域自适应的方法在实际目标方向产生零陷:在波束图的左半部分适当位置虚拟一个期望信号,得到0°~90°的零陷分布图,在右半部分适当位置虚拟一个期望信号,得到90°~0°的零陷分布图,将这两部分零陷图组合后,取倒数得到实际功率谱图。该方法可以在单快拍、未知目标信号先验信息的情况下得到稳定、高分辨力的目标方位估计,并能够处理相干信号。仿真分析验证了算法的正确性和良好性能。  相似文献   

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