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Maxime Feingesicht Andrey Polyakov Franck Kerhervé Jean‐Pierre Richard 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
The challenging problem of active control of separated flows is tackled in the present paper using model‐based design principles and applied to data issued from a two‐dimensional separated flow experiment. First, a bilinear state and input delay model of the system has been obtained from experimental data by means of a modified identification procedure. Adequacy and precision of the obtained model are demonstrated and compared with existing results. Next, two control problems (setpoint tracking and optimal control) have been formulated and studied using sliding mode control methodology and averaging analysis. The theoretical control results are supported with numerical simulations. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose a sliding mode controller for a MIMO model of flow separation in boundary layers. The model consists in a bilinear system with constant delays in both the state and the input. The main motivation to consider such a class of systems is that it has shown to be suitable for input‐output modeling and control design of some turbulent flow control systems. Stability and robustness properties of the control scheme are studied by means of Volterra equations theory, which provides easily verifiable stability conditions. 相似文献
This paper presents an integral sliding mode technique robustifying the optimal controller for linear stochastic systems with input and observation delays, which is based on integral sliding mode compen‐sation of disturbances. The general principles of the integral sliding mode compensator design are modified to yield the basic control algorithm oriented to time‐delay systems, which is then applied to robustify the optimal controller. As a result, two integral sliding mode control compensators are designed to suppress disturbances in state and observation equations, respectively, from the initial time moment. Moreover, it is shown that if certain matching conditions hold, the designed compensator in the state equation can simultaneously suppress observation disturbances, as well as the designed compensator in the observation equation can simultaneously suppress state disturbances. The obtained robust control algorithm is verified by simulations in the illustrative example, where the compensator in the observation equation provides simultaneous suppression of state and observation disturbances. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
In this paper, we develop two sliding mode—model reference adaptive control (MRAC) schemes for a class of delayed nonlinear dynamic systems under actuator failure that are robust with respect to actuator failures, to an unknown plant delay, to a nonlinear perturbation, and to an external disturbance with unknown bounds. Appropriate Lyapunov–Krasovskii‐type functionals with ‘virtual’ adaptation gains are introduced to design the adaptation algorithms, and to prove stability. Two different controllers are designed: one with discontinuous and another with continuous control actions, respectively. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This work considers the sliding mode control problem of a class of discrete‐time uncertain switched systems subject to detecting‐delay on mode signals, which may result in the asynchronous phenomenon between the controller and the switched system. Since the mode information of the controlled system is not available for the controller in time, a mode‐independent sliding surface will be introduced, by which an asynchronous sliding mode controller is designed, whose control gain and robust parameter will be changing according to the controller mode. In the analysis on the stability of the closed‐loop control system and the reachability of the specified sliding surface, the asynchronous characteristics are detailedly investigated. It is shown that the Lyapunov function may be not always decreasing along the state trajectories during the unmatched interval of controller modes and system modes. Nevertheless, it is proven that the state trajectories can be driven into a sliding region around the specified sliding surface in finite time. Finally, some numerical simulation results are provided. 相似文献
The paper is devoted to investigating sliding mode control for a class of nonlinear uncertain stochastic systems with input nonlinearity and Markovian switching. A nonfragile observer subjected to the transition rates of the modes is designed. By some specified matrices, the connections among the designed sliding surfaces corresponding to every mode are established. The state estimation‐based sliding mode control law is derived to guarantee the reachability of the sliding surface in finite time interval. The sufficient conditions on asymptotically stochastic stability of the error system and sliding mode dynamics with a given disturbance attenuation level are derived in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, an example is provided to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
This paper addresses the problem of robust stabilization of a class of uncertain systems subject to internal (i.e., in the state) point delays, external (i.e., in the input) point delays and nonlinear disturbances by using sliding mode control. Methods for the design of sliding mode controllers based on state feedback, static output feedback and dynamic output feedback, respectively, are proposed. Sufficient conditions for the asymptotic stability and robustnesss of the closed–loop systems are given under a wide class of admissible nonlinear disturbances. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Jian‐ning Li Hongye Su Yibo Zhang Zheng‐guang Wu Jian Chu 《Asian journal of control》2013,15(1):260-269
The problem of chattering free sliding mode control for a class of uncertain discrete singular systems with state delay is investigated in this paper. As a component of the solution, a new least squares support vector machine (LS‐SVM) reaching law is proposed. In terms of linear matrix inequalities, a delay‐dependent condition for sliding mode dynamics to be regular, causal, and asymptotically stable is established, and the chattering problem that appears in traditional variable structure systems is eliminated. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed methods. 相似文献
传统的比例–积分–微分(PID)滑模控制具有高频测量噪声鲁棒性差、参数整定方法复杂等缺点. 针对上述问题, 本文设计了一种基于带记忆输出反馈的比例–积分–滞后(PIR)滑模控制器, 并提出了基于频域分析的控制器参数自整定方法. 在控制器选型上, 将“带记忆”反馈机制引入到滑模面设计中, 提高滑模面的平滑滤波和高频噪声抑制能力. 首先, 基于PIR滑模面设计了等效控制律, 实现输出反馈下的闭环系统的滑模态稳定. 其次, 分析了基于输出反馈的PIR滑模面的有限时间可达性, 确保系统在存在匹配扰动时仍保持良好的鲁棒性. 最后, 在控制器参数整定方面, 通过迭代消除法消去时滞项在闭环特征方程中的影响, 同时基于衰减速率对系统进行极点配置, 实现PIR参数的在线自整定. 仿真结果表明, 该整定方法能够保证闭环二阶系统具有良好的鲁棒性和抗干扰性能. 相似文献
In this paper, a tracking control algorithm based on sliding mode prediction for a class of discrete‐time uncertain systems is presented. By creating a special model to predict the future sliding mode function value and by combining feedback correction and receding horizon optimization approaches, which are extensively applied in predictive control strategy, a discrete‐time sliding mode control law for tracking problem is constructed. With the designed control law, closed‐loop systems have strong robustness to matched or unmatched uncertainties as they eliminate chattering. Besides, in the robustness analysis, the boundary condition for uncertainties, which is a universal presupposition in sliding mode control method, is not required. Numerical simulation and cart‐pendulum experiment results illustrate the validity of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
This paper considers the observer‐based integral sliding mode controller design problem of semi‐Markovian jumping singular systems with time‐varying delays. Firstly, by using a plant transformation and supplementary variable technique in the work of Hou et al, the discussed phase‐type semi‐Markov jump singular system is equivalently transformed into its associated Markov jump singular system. Secondly, an observer‐based sliding mode controller design problem is investigated for the associated singular Markov jump systems. The highlight of this paper is that we construct an observer‐based mode‐independent integral sliding mode surface function, which is different from the mode‐dependant sliding mode surface function in the previous literatures. Based on this, an observer‐based sliding mode controller is designed to guarantee that the associated singular Markov jump system meets the reachable condition. Finally, a practical example is presented to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of our obtained results. 相似文献
在实际系统中,系统参数与结构随机变化、未知外界干扰、传感器时滞等现象时有发生并严重影响了系统的稳定运行.为了解决这一问题,本文提出计及随机传感器时滞的一类不确定半Markov跳变系统鲁棒滑模控制方法,其中系统的传感器时滞通过使用Bernoulli随机分布进行描述.考虑系统状态信息不可测量条件下,文章设计模态依赖Luenberger观测器去估计半Markov跳变系统的运行状态.然后,本文构造一个积分滑模面并借助随机Lyapunov理论,提出两种半Markov跳变系统的随机稳定性分析方法.进而,文章提出基于观测器的滑模控制方法使得系统状态能够在有限时间内到达滑模面上以及滑模动态在H∞性能指标γ下是随机稳定的.最后,通过一种基于他励直流电动机模型的数值仿真例子验证所设计的滑模控制方法的有效性与正确性. 相似文献
A. G. Loukianov H. Caballero‐Barragán L. Osuna‐Ibarra O. Espinosa‐Guerra B. Castillo‐Toledo 《国际强度与非线性控制杂志
In this paper, a novel discontinuous control strategy for robust stabilization of a class of uncertain multivariable linear time‐delay systems with delays in both the state and control variables is proposed. Two predictors are first designed to compensate the delay effect in the control input, and then an integral sliding mode control technique is applied to compensate partially the effect of the perturbation term. Finally, a nominal delay‐free component of the full control input is designed to stabilize the sliding mode dynamics. Conditions for the stability of the closed‐loop perturbed system are then derived. The proposed framework is then extended to the class of systems modeled in regular form. Some examples illustrate the feasibility of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Robust integral sliding mode control for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
This paper is concerned with sliding mode control for uncertain stochastic systems with time-varying delay. Both time-varying parameter uncertainties and an unknown nonlinear function may appear in the controlled system. An integral sliding surface is first constructed. Then, by means of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), a sufficient condition is derived to guarantee the global stochastic stability of the stochastic dynamics in the specified switching surface for all admissible uncertainties. The synthesized sliding mode controller guarantees the reachability of the specified sliding surface. Finally, a simulation example is presented to illustrate the proposed method. 相似文献
Yugang Niu Bei Chen Xingyu Wang 《International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems》2009,7(3):365-370
This paper deals with the problem of sliding mode control (SMC) for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems. The nonlinear uncertainties are unknown and unmatched. There exist state and input delays. A special switching function is designed such that the insensitivity of the system can be guaranteed throughout the entire response of the system from the initial time instance. Both the sliding surface and the sliding mode controller exist if a set of matrix inequalities is feasible. A simulation example is given to illustrate the proposed method. Recommended by Editorial Board member Poo Gyeon Park under the direction of Editor Young Il lee. The research was partially supported by NNSF under Grant (60674015, 60674089), the Technology Innovation Key Foundation of Shanghai Municipal Education Commission (09ZZ60), Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (B504), China. Yugang Niu received the Ph.D. degree in Control Theory and Control Engineering Automation from Nanjing University of Science and Technology in 2001. His research interests include nonlinear control, stochastic control systems, sliding mode control and network congestion control. Bei Chen received the B.S. degree in Automation from East China University of Science & Technology in 2008. Her current research areas are sliding mode control, and networked control systems. Xingyu Wang received the Ph.D. degree in Industrial Automation from the East China Chemical Institute in 1984. His current research areas primarily cover control theory and applications, intelligent control, and brain control with its wide range of applications. 相似文献