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针对软件开发中顾客需求元素间的复杂关系,分析了层次分析法(AHP)与模糊层次分析法(FAHP)在解决复杂需求权重时所存在的缺陷;运用网络分析法(ANP)与梯形模糊数相结合的模糊网络分析法,建立加权极限超矩阵求解需求元素的混合权重;对比分析了模糊网络分析法、模糊层次分析法和网络分析法的权重结果;揭示了在复杂系统中元素的相互联系和顾客需求相对重要度评价的模糊性在权重的求解中的重要性;验证了模糊网络分析法在复杂需求权重求解中的可行性。研究结果为软件开发中顾客需求复杂权重的准确求解提供了依据。  相似文献   

基于带有对称三角形模糊系数的模糊回归及模糊规划理论,提出关联函数及自 相关函数的数学模型,并在系统考虑资源约束影响的基础上,分别建立了基于质量屋的产品 规划精确模型及模糊模型.仿真研究表明,这些模型适合于各种工程设计问题,尤其是在不 确定的、模糊的条件下,能够有效地确定关联函数及自相关函数,帮助开发人员优化顾客需 求的满意水平,在资源约束下使产品的顾客满意度最大.  相似文献   

在绿色质量机能展开(QFDE)方法中,精确计算工程特征的权重有利于更好地设计产品的功能和绿色性能,为此应用可拓工程方法提出一种能够考虑不同专家意见和多种影响因素的工程特征权重计算方法.将不同专家对顾客与环境需求和工程特征之间映射关系的模糊性判断表达为一个可拓区间数,运用可拓层次分析法将该可拓区间数转化为确定的权重值;在工程特征权重计算的质量屋中,同时考虑顾客与环境需求和工程特征之间的映射关系、需求项之间的自相关关系、与竞争对手之间需求项的竞争性关系、工程特征之间的自相关关系4种关系权重.该方法全面考虑了工程特征的各种影响因素及其模糊性,使计算获得的工程特征权重能够准确地反映顾客与环境需求;以此设计的产品既有绿色环保性,也具有竞争性.最后用一个实例说明了文中方法的实现流程和可行性.  相似文献   

质量功能展开(QFD),即质量屋的建造,是在整合产品生命周期内对产品功能质量进行分析、展开的理论方法。综合考虑客户要求、技术要求、市场状况以及其相互间的作用关系对产品质量、功能的影响。着重阐述质量屋的生成过程。并以洗衣机为例,建立分析、评价模型,构造相关要素矩阵,形成洗衣机的设计流程以及方法。  相似文献   

针对干燥机QFD系统的内在模糊性 ,运用带有对称模糊系数的模糊回归及模糊规划理论 ,建立了关联函数及自相关函数的模糊规划模型 ,分析了h值与各模糊系数展值的关系 ,提出了确定h最佳取值的方法 .仿真研究表明 ,这些干燥机模型能够在信息不确定、不完整、不充分的环境下 ,帮助开发人员有效确定质量屋中的关联函数及自相关函数 .该结果可应用于各种质量屋建模过程 .  相似文献   

为解决老年家用陪护机器人设计中用户需求多样性的问题,结合质量功能展开 (QFD)方法和Kano 模型,对老年家用陪护机器人用户需求的获取及需求转化展开研究。首先, 以老年用户为研究对象,运用Kano 模糊问卷调查法,从造型、功能、交互3 个方面获取老年 用户需求并对需求进行分类,建立老年家用陪护机器人的QFD 模型。其次,将用户需求转化 为设计要素,确定用户需求相对重要度,建立老年家用陪护机器人的QFD 模型。最后,从造 型、功能、交互3 个方面提出设计解决方案,为老年用户提供了满意的家用陪护产品。以老 年家用陪护机器人为例,将用户重点需求转化为设计要素,提出设计方案,为同类产品设计 提供参考。  相似文献   

研究绿色同时取送货车辆调度问题,提出改进的遗传禁忌搜索算法(Genetic Algorithm with Tabu Search,GA-TS)求解该问题。模型中,以服务成本、油耗成本和碳排放成本构成的总成本最小为目标,采用了综合模型计算油耗和碳排放成本,引入三角模糊数来描述客户需求的不确定性,并考虑同时取送货需求。在改进的GA-TS算法中,将惩罚因子引入适应度函数,采用结合精英策略的选择算子,提出结合禁忌搜索算法的变异算子。在案例分析中,采用田口分析法获取合理的参数设置,通过案例结果分析和算法对比分析验证模型和算法的有效性和先进性。  相似文献   

李惠  王时英  李娟莉 《图学学报》2021,42(6):1043-1050
人机界面的设计优化包括用户需求转化为设计需求的准确性和设计需求形成最优方案2部分,设计评价是界面设计优化的重要手段.在当前的评价方法中,上述两者是分阶段进行,数据共享性差.针对该问题,提出一种基于质量功能展开(QFD)和PUGH决策矩阵融合的人机界面评价方法.首先运用层次分析法确定人机界面的用户需求权重,结合界面产品特...  相似文献   

景雯  张天刚  张杰 《软件》2012,(8):34-35,38
各分项评价值的权重是模糊综合评价中非常重要的一个要素,但权重的给出通常是一个复杂的过程,本文以模糊数学理论为指导,在网络环境中给出了模糊综合评价系统中权重生成系统的算法及实现方法;并且在文中讨论了相应的算法的可行性,同时使用数据库对产生的权重值进行了存储,可作为今后设定权重的重要参考,文本解决了系统相关实现的技术问题,最后以某网络课程综合评价为例,使用投票系统计算其评价体系中的各项指标的权重值。  相似文献   

由于传统聚类算法的收敛过早、精度较低等缺点无法满足移动电子商务情境下的客户多样性、动态性、复杂性等特点,在研究典型客户细分领域聚类算法的基础上,提出一种结合不同聚类算法优点的混合聚类算法M-Cluster。针对移动电子商务情境下学生群体的消费模式和群集现象,构建出基于M-Cluster算法的融合LTV和RFM模型优点的CPM模型用于评价和细分客户群。  相似文献   

本文从网络环境下客户对售后评价系统的特点、设计、应用和测试方面介绍了该系统的设计与开发。该系统的数据库是SQLServer,采用ASP语言进行设计,以完成客户对售后评价系统的管理。该系统包含:客户评价的收集,结果的汇总、统计,并自动生成报表数据。并根据数据生成Excel文档,从而每个产品,每月和全年的数字统计一目了然。  相似文献   

The customer database, which once consisted of mere flat files of information used mainly to process new orders, has now become the source of all interactions with customers and usually involves building a data warehouse. the potential return on investment is promising, but an organization must have the knowledge and ability to build the data warehouse. This article provides a case study of a home service company's customer data warehouse project, as well as an approach to ensure the success of a data warehouse project, including the importance of having a clear mission, implementing effective business analysis, and gaining upper management support.  相似文献   

The prioritization of engineering characteristics (ECs) provides an important basis for decision-making in QFD. However, the prioritization results in the conventional QFD may be misleading since it does not consider the uncertainty of input information. This paper develops two robustness indices and proposes the notion of robust prioritization that ensures the EC prioritization to be robust against the uncertainty. The robustness indices consider robustness from two perspectives, namely, the absolute ranking of ECs and the priority relationship among ECs. Based on the two indices, robust prioritization seeks to identify a set of ECs or a priority relationship among ECs in such a way that the result of robust prioritization is stable despite the uncertainty. Finally, the proposed robustness indices and robust prioritization are demonstrated in a case study conducted on the ADSL-based high-speed internet service.  相似文献   

The major challenge for contemporary enterprises is to make products fulfill customers’ expectations. Conceptual design is the foundation of the development process, as it starts from the customer needs identification and decides about the whole product life cycle. Quality function deployment (QFD) helps to extract product characteristics from customer demands. Optimization of the product development process requires different product variant information at the early stage of product development. At the early designing stage, designers lack sufficient product information and have difficulty in determining it. The idea of the paper is to provide measurable engineering information for the quality function deployment method. For this purpose, a chosen artificial intelligence method was used. In the experiment, artificial neural network (NN) was applied. The results of analyses show that the intelligent estimation methods are useful and effective. The methods of estimation consist of four stages: goal setting, data acquisition, configuration of NN architecture, fulfilling of the QFD matrix. Finally, to illustrate the procedure of the chosen engineering characteristic estimation, a toothed gear box example was used.  相似文献   

Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a popular planning method often used to transform customer demands/requirements into the technical characteristics of a new or improved product or service. In order to better capture (and represent) the multifarious relationships between customer requirements and technical characteristics, and the relative weights among customer requirements, in this study a hybrid analytic network process (ANP)-weighted fuzzy methodology is proposed. The goal is to synthesize renowned capabilities of ANP and fuzzy logic to better rank technical characteristics of a product (or a service) while implementing QFD. To demonstrate the viability of the proposed methodology a real-world scenario, where a new equipment to squeeze the polyethylene pipes to stop the gas flow without damaging the pipes, is developed. The ranking of technical characteristics of the product is calculated using both crisp and fuzzy weights for illustration and comparison purposes.  相似文献   

We prove that any simplification order over arbitrary terms is an extension of an order by weight, by considering a related monadic term algebra called the spine. We show that any total ground-stable simplification order on the spine lifts to an order on the full term algebra. Conversely, under certain restrictions, a simplification ordering on the term algebra defines a weight function on the spine, which in turn can be lifted to a weight order on the original ground terms which contains the original order. We investigate the Knuth–Bendix and polynomial orders in this light. We provide a general framework for ordering terms by counting embedded patterns, which gives rise to many new orderings. We examine the recursive path order in this context.  相似文献   

《Information Sciences》1986,38(2):205-212
Shafer [1] defined weights of evidence and the weight of internal conflict for separable support functions. He also formulated a conjecture, the weight-of-conflict conjecture, which implies that these definitions can be extended in a natural way to all support functions. In this paper I show that the extension to support functions can be carried out whether or not the weight-of-conflict conjecture is true.  相似文献   

研究多属性群决策中权重调整问题。首先,对AHP法和复相关系数法计算得到的属性权重进行多目标优化;其次,计算专家个体决策结果与群体决策结果的灰色关联度,并结合初始专家权重计算出专家权重的修正值,进而计算相应的群决策结果;然后,根据2阶Minkowski距离对专家权重进行自适应调整,直至计算出稳定的专家权重;最后通过对风电机组设备供应商的评价证实了该方法的可行性与实用性。  相似文献   

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