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This paper introduces an application of type-2 fuzzy sets in data linguistic summarization. The original approach by Yager (1982) based on representing natural language statements via type-1, i.e., the Zadeh fuzzy sets, is generalized with type-2 fuzzy sets applied as models of linguistically expressed quantities and/or properties of objects. Type-2 sets extend the known summarization procedures by handling fuzzy values stored in databases, and allow to represent a linguistic term via a few different membership functions (e.g., provided by different experts), which makes the method more general and human-consistent. Furthermore, quality measures for type-2 summaries are discussed in order to evaluate the informativeness of the messages generated. Finally, two prototype applications are presented and the success of the new method is discussed.  相似文献   

本文提出了一种概念同现模型的多文档自动文摘方法。该方法使用HowNet进行概念获取,建立概念向量空间模型,利用词汇的吸引与排斥现象和概念同现频率建立概念同现模型,并使用概念同现模型计算各概念的权重,利用建立的概念向量空间模型计算句子权重,根据句子权重和相似度情况产生文摘。使用改进的ROUGE-N评测方法、主题词覆盖(TWC)、高频词覆盖率(HFWC)作为评测指标对系统产生的文摘进行评测,结果显示这些方法是有效的。  相似文献   

A three-criteria linear model is suggested for maximization of the gross domestic product (GDP), minimization of the use of fuel-and-energy resources, and maximization of the foreign-trade balance for the analysis and choice of alternative versions of the development of the real sector of the national economy. Based on the model, calculations are carried out with the use of the information on Belarus over the 1996–2000 period. Conclusions are made in accordance with the results of the performed investigations.  相似文献   

For recommender systems, the main aim of the popular collaborative filtering approaches is to recommend items that users with similar preferences have liked in the past. Single-criterion recommender systems have been successfully used in several applications. Because leveraging multicriteria information can potentially improve recommendation accuracy, multicriteria rating systems that allow users to assign ratings to various content attributes of items they have consumed have become the focus in recommendation systems. By treating the recommendation of items as a multicriteria decision problem, it is interesting to incorporate the preference relation of users of multicriteria decision making (MCDM) into the similarity measure for a collaborative filtering approach. For this, the well-known indifference relation can justify a discrimination or similarity between any two users, if outranking relation theory is incorporated. The applicability of the proposed single-criterion and multicriteria recommendation approaches to the recommendation of initiators on a group-buying website was examined. Experimental results have demonstrated that the generalization ability of the proposed multicriteria recommendation approach performs well in comparison to other single-criterion and multicriteria collaborative filtering approaches.  相似文献   

面向查询的多文档摘要技术有两个难点 第一,为了保证摘要与查询密切相关,容易造成摘要内容重复,不够全面;第二,原始查询难以完整描述查询意图,需进行查询扩展,而现有查询扩展方法多依赖于外部语义资源。针对以上问题,该文提出一种面向查询的多文档摘要方法,利用主题分析技术识别出当前主题下的子主题,综合考虑句子所在的子主题与查询的相关度以及子主题的重要度两方面因素来选择摘要句,并根据词语在子主题之间的共现信息,在不使用任何外部知识的情况下,进行查询扩展。在DUC2006评测语料上的实验结果表明,与Baseline系统相比,该系统取得了更高的ROUGE评价值,基于子主题的查询扩展方法则进一步提高了摘要的质量。  相似文献   

随着互联网上信息的爆炸式增长,如何有效提高知识获取效率变得尤为重要。文本自动摘要技术通过对信息的压缩和精炼,为知识的快速获取提供了很好的辅助手段。现有的文本自动摘要方法在处理长文本的过程中,存在准确率低的问题,无法达到令用户满意的性能效果。为此,该文提出一种新的两阶段的长文本自动摘要方法TP-AS,首先利用基于图模型的混合文本相似度计算方法进行关键句抽取,然后结合指针机制和注意力机制构建一种基于循环神经网络的编码器—解码器模型进行摘要生成。通过基于真实大规模金融领域长文本数据上的实验,验证了TP-AS方法的有效性,其自动摘要的准确性在ROUGE-1的指标下分别达到了36.6%(词)和33.9%(字符),明显优于现有其他方法。  相似文献   

A New Approach for Multi-Document Update Summarization   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
  • Manifold-ranking based topic-focused multi-document summarization 2007
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  • The use of MMR,diversity-based reranking for reordering documents and producing summaries 1998
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  • A trainable document summarizer 1995
  • Impact of linguistic analysis on the semantic graph coverage and learning of document extracts 2005
  • Document summarization using conditional random fields 2007
  • Adasum:An adaptive model for summarization 2008
  • Lexpagerank:Prestige in multidocument text summarization 2004
  • Mihalcea R.Taran P Textrank-Bring order into texts 2004
  • Mihalcea R.Tarau P A language independent algorithm for single and multiple document summarization 2005
  • Wan X.Yang J.Xiao J Towards an iterative reinforcement approach for simultaneous document summarization and keyword extraction 2007
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  • Li M.Chen X.Li X.Ma B Vitányi P M The similarity metric 2004(12)
  • Long C.Zhu X.Li M.Ma B Information shared by many objects 2008
  • Benedetto D.Caglioti E.Loreto V Language trees and zipping 2002(4)
  • Bennett C H.Li M.Ma B Chain letters and evolutionary histories 2003(6)
  • Cilibrasi R L.Vitányi P M The Google similarity distance 2007(3)
  • Zhang X.Hao Y.Zhu X.Li M Information distance from a question to an answer 2007
  • Ziv J.Lempel A A universal algorithm for sequential data compression 1977(3)
  • Lin C Y.Hovy E Automatic evaluation of summaries using n-gram co-occurrence statistics 2003
  • Nenkova A.Passonneau R.Mckeown K The pyramid method:Incorporating human content selection variation in summarization evaluation 2007(2)
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    一种基于HITS算法的Blog文摘方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    Blog文章对应了大量评论信息,评论中又包含大量的噪声,因此如何结合Blog评论获取Blog文章的主要内容是许多基于Blog的应用所要面临的难题。以往提出的文摘方法大多是针对多文档文摘的通用方法,并未考虑Blog文章的特殊性,无法有效地结合评论来处理文章。该文通过分析Blog的特点提出了一种新的结合评论信息的Blog文摘方法。该方法首先基于特征计算出评论的权重,然后结合图模型使用HITS算法得到正文句子权重,进而得到文摘句。通过在凤凰博客数据集上的实验表明,该文方法在ROUGE测度上优于以往方法。  相似文献   

    经典概念格和面向属性(对象)概念格都是形式概念分析中重要的数据结构,将区间集引入到这些概念格中,可以得到区间集概念格和面向属性(对象)区间集概念格。证明了面向属性区间集概念格与面向对象区间集概念格是反序同构的,将多粒度的思想引入到形式概念分析中,研究粒化前后区间集概念之间的关系;在多粒形式背景下,进一步研究了面向对象(属性)区间集概念之间的内在联系。  相似文献   

    Text summarization and keyword extraction are two important research topics in Natural Language Processing (NLP), and they both generate concise information to describe the gist of text. Although these two tasks have similar objective, they are usually studied independently and their association is less considered. Based on the graph-based ranking methods, some collaborative extraction methods have been proposed, capturing the associations between sentences, between words and between the sentence and the word. Though they generate both text summary and keywords in an iterative reinforced framework, most existing models are limited to express various kinds of binary relations between sentences and words, ignoring a number of potential important high-order relationships among different text units. In this paper, we propose a new collaborative extraction method based on hypergraph. In this method, sentences are modeled as hyperedges and words are modeled as vertices to build a hypergraph, and then the summary and keywords are generated by taking advantage of higher order information from sentences and words under the unified hypergraph. Experiments on the Weibo-oriented Chinese news summarization task in NLPCC 2015 demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible and effective.
    Key words hypergraph;document Summarization;keyword extraction;collaborative extraction


    Organizational knowledge typically comes from numerous independent sources, each with its own semantics. This paper describes a methodology by which information from large numbers of such sources can be associated, organized, and merged. The hypothesis is that a multiplicity of ontology fragments, representing the semantics of the independent sources, can be related to each other automatically without the use of a global ontology. That is, any pair of ontologies can be related indirectly through a semantic bridge consisting of many other previously unrelated ontologies, even when there is no way to determine a direct relationship between them. The relationships among the ontology fragments indicate the relationships among the sources, enabling the source information to be categorized and organized. An evaluation of the methodology has been conducted by relating numerous small, independently developed ontologies for several domains. A nice feature of the methodology is that common parts of the ontologies reinforce each other, while unique parts are deemphasized. The result is a consensus ontology.  相似文献   

    We are interested in the formulation of multicriteria decision functions based on the use of a measure over the space of criteria. Specifically, the relationship between the criteria is expressed using a monotonic set measure. We then use the Choquet integral to construct decision functions based on the measure. We look at a number of different decision functions generated from specific classes of measures.  相似文献   

    一种多属性决策问题的分类方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
    孙昭旭  韩敏  邱菀华 《控制与决策》2006,21(2):171-0174
    针对多属性决策的分类问题,基于方案间的赋值级别高于关系,提出一种多属性决策分类法.首先描述了多属性决策的分类问题;然后通过方案间赋值的级别高于关系和线性规划模型,得到一种符合决策者偏好的多属性决策分类方法,从而对方案进行归类.该方法克服了使用传统的ELECTRE Ⅱ方法时,定义的有序方案对之间的赋值级别高于关系导出属性权重的困难,并将否决因素考虑进来.最后通过一个数值例子说明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

    Ontology-based linking offers a solution to some of the problems with static, restricted, and inflexible traditional Web linking. Conceptual hypermedia provides navigation between Web resources, supported by a conceptual model, in which an ontology's definitions and structure, together with the lexical labels, drive the consistency of link provision and the linking's dynamic aspects. Lightweight standard representations make it possible to use existing vocabularies to support Web navigation and browsing. In this way, the navigation and linking of diverse resources (including those not in our control) based on a community understanding of the domain can be consistently managed.  相似文献   

    目前已应用的TOE网卡是一次拷贝传输,没有实现零拷贝。RDMA技术可以实现零拷贝,但它需要全新编程接口且只能与对等网卡通信。本文介绍了一种面向TCP/IP卸载、由网络协议栈完成本地内存管理的数据零拷贝传输方法,协议栈完成目标空间解析,网卡和用户空间直接进行DMA操作完成数据传输,不改变应用接口且能与普通网卡通信。测试表明该方法性能比一次拷贝传输有很大提高。  相似文献   

    组播数据的认证是安全组通信中的重点和难点问题之一,但目前没有一种有效方法能够真正适合所有组播应用领域的需求,如散列树的通信开销太大,而散列链不能应对网络传输中的数据丢包.因此基于这两种方法提出了一种复合型组播数据认证方法HAMA(hybrid approach to multicast authentication).通过性能分析与数据对比表明,HAMA的通信开销低于散列树,发生数据丢包时的认证概率高于散列链,且提供不可抵赖认证.所以HAMA是一种安全、有效、实用的组播数据认证方法,尤其适用于远程软件更新等非实时组播应用.  相似文献   

    尚书杰  王灿  朱俊彦 《计算机工程》2010,36(21):260-261,264
    提出一种基于标签的网页摘要方法。根据优质用户和优质标签之间的相互加强关系,利用二分图排序算法对标签进行排序和打分,构建标签?-文档图,应用Manifold Ranking算法对句子按其重要性进行排序,将排序靠前的句子组成网页摘要。实验结果证明,该方法的摘要准确性有明显改进。  相似文献   

    Procedural models can simulate an object's behavior as well as its appearance. When combined with data flow methods, they provide a useful approach to image composition and animation.  相似文献   

    Shared ontologies describe concepts and relationships to resolve semantic conflicts amongst users accessing multiple autonomous and heterogeneous information sources. We contend that while ontologies are useful in semantic reconciliation, they do not guarantee correct classification of semantic conflicts, nor do they provide the capability to handle evolving semantics or a mechanism to support a dynamic reconciliation process. Their limitations are illustrated through a conceptual analysis of several prominent examples used in heterogeneous database systems and in natural language processing. We view semantic reconciliation as a nonmonotonic query-dependent process that requires flexible interpretation of query context, and as a mechanism to coordinate knowledge elicitation while constructing the query context. We propose a system that is based on these characteristics, namely the SCOPES (Semantic Coordinator Over Parallel Exploration Spaces) system. SCOPES takes advantage of ontologies to constrain exploration of a remote database during the incremental discovery and refinement of the context within which a query can be answered. It uses an Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System (ATMS) to manage the multiple plausible contexts which coexist while the semantic reconciliation process is unfolding, and the Dempster-Shafer (DS) theory of belief to model the likelihood of these plausible contexts.  相似文献   

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