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本文从视觉心理学角度出发,分析了视知觉的基本要素特征,界定了视觉感知、视觉思维、视觉抽象以及视觉心理四个概念。同时,以建筑的平面、立面、剖面为基准,解析了美国密歇根州市中心大湍城艺术博物馆的形态构成,其构成规律符合建筑形态构成理论中的八个基本点。希望人们从中获得某种启示,并能够以某种理性的态度来认识和掌握建筑形态的构成。  相似文献   

为探讨在视知觉认知建筑的过程中,作为主体的“人”由于经验、背景、专业程度都不尽相同,在认知过程中会出现视认知差异,进而从视知觉的角度可以将主体分为“大众”与“精英”两类,并总结出各自在认知建筑客体过程中的不同视知觉特性。  相似文献   

The analysis of the relationships between landscape visual quality and landscape structural properties is an active area of environmental perception research. The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between landscape spatial pattern and the rating of visual aesthetic quality. Eight landscape photographs were evaluated for 11 visual attributes by 98 respondents. The scores obtained for these 11 attributes were subjected to principal components analysis in order to summarize the qualities used by the respondents and thus determine their visual preferences. For each photograph, three window sizes were defined (with respect to a landcover map) to cover the different areas corresponding to the visual field (foreground, mid-ground and background). The landscape spatial structure for each window was analyzed using spatial metrics. The correlation between each dimension and the spatial pattern indices of the landscape were then calculated. Positive correlations were obtained between visual aesthetic quality and a number of landscape pattern indices. The results suggest that landscape heterogeneity might be an important factor in determining visual aesthetic quality.  相似文献   

从视知觉的角度看,人感知空间的基础在于眼睛接收到能产生视觉意义的信息,而非简单地看到空间实体。因此,建筑空间设计作为一种视觉艺术,在其设计中需要基于视知觉特性对光和空间实体进行双向的互动考量,以进一步拓展建筑空间设计的视觉表现力。  相似文献   

The urban landscape structure and its changing characteristics have produced various effects on natural and human systems of its own and surroundings [Gilbert OL. The ecology of urban habitats. London: Chapman & Hall; 1991 [1]; Rebele F. Urban ecology and special features of urban ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography Letters 1994;4:173–87 [2]; Rees WE. Urban ecosystems: the human dimension. Urban Ecosystems 1997;1:63–75 [3]; Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, Grove JM, Nilon CH, Pouyat RV, Zipperer WC, et al. Urban ecological systems: linking terrestrial ecological, physical, and socioeconomic components of metropolitan areas. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 2001;32:127–57 [4]; Hope D, Gries C, Zhu WX, Fagan WF, Redman CL, Grimm NB, et al., Socioeconomics drive urban plant diversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2003;100(15):8788–92 [5]; Pickett STA, Cadenasso ML, Grove JM. Resilient cities: meaning, models, and metaphor for integrating the ecological, socio-economic, and planning realms, Landscape and Urban Planning 2004;69(4):369–84 [6]; Luck M, Jianguo Wu J. A gradient analysis of urban landscape pattern: a case study from the Phoenix metropolitan region, Arizona, USA. Landscape Ecology 2002:17(4):327–39 [7]; Angold PG, Sadler JP, Hill MO, Pullin A, Rushton S, Austin K, et al., Biodiversity in urban habitat patches. Science of the Total Environment 2006;360(1–3):196–204 [8]]. By environmental literature conducted recently, it has been evidently comprehended that urban life quality for mankind and others can be improved by serving these systems with green and living elements. This study is to investigate urban rocky habitats that have special natural characteristics and that can be implicated for urban green areas. But these habitats have been considered as nature splits withstanding against the urban pressures by means of the unplanned build-up activities foremost, and road construction, poor quality or neglected remnants. Therefore, this study presents the environmental perception and preferences of urban rocky habitats which are threatening within excessive urbanization and human use of natural areas in the context of the city of Trabzon, Turkey. So, a total of 20 habitats selected from urban and surroundings were surveyed by using a questionnaire and landscape assessment approach. With surveying performed on 204 participants, visual preferences, landscape attributes and proposed management options for urban nature conservation were determined. The χ2χ2-test results revealed clearly that the demographic and expertise status of the participants were correlated with the preferences for types of rocky habitat scene and management options. The scenes with natural elements and less human disturbance obtained higher scores on visual preferences than any of the urban rocky scenes lacking these characteristics. Also, in the quantitative phase, factor analysis based on principal component structure revealed the ‘visual and spatial effects’, the ‘usage and arrangement’, the ‘naturalness and ecological value’, and the ‘functionality’ components of the scenes. Consequently, some implications for the effective and efficient planning and development of urban nature conservation by assisting the better understanding of the various patterns of landscape preference, choice and satisfaction in habitats under the present study were suggested.  相似文献   

目前国内的建筑美术教育,可以归纳为“传统技法训练”“结构素描训练”以及更符合当下趋势的“视知觉训练”三大体系。通过分析它们的发源和特点,对比不同学者的教学总结,可以归纳出现今国内建筑美术教育概况及其革新方向。同时,在深入分析“视知觉训练”体系之具体教学构架、特性及不足的基础上,针对地方院校建筑美术教育现状,从“在地性”“课程联动”“个人情感”等方面入手能够提出某种批判视角下的“视知觉训练”新构想,并据此进行相应的教改实验。  相似文献   


The United Nations’ (UN) sustainable development goals (SDGs), the core of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the UN Paris Agreement, were adopted in 2015. Involvement of not only national governments but also all other stakeholders including local governments is important to promote sustainable development and to achieve the goals. The question arises, therefore, of what methods should be used to best implement and assess sustainability issues at a local level. In this light, a new version of Comprehensive Assessment System for Built Environment Efficiency (CASBEE), CASBEE for Cities, is introduced for assessing the sustainability of cities and communities around the world based on SDG indicators and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The tool allows users to understand the sustainability of cities and communities based on quality (Q) and environmental load (L) perspectives. The sustainability assessments show that cities in developed countries tend to have good grades for Q, but bad grades for L, while cities in developing countries tend to have the opposite trend. This will assist cities and communities in both developed and developing countries to understand urgent problems and to identify effective solutions for sustainable development.  相似文献   

谭文勇  夏琴 《园林》2021,(2):65-72
社区公园的可达性是保障居民平等便利地亲近自然空间的关键。在山地城市中,地形限制使其在客观距离的可达性方面存在局限。基于此,文章引入感知可达性概念,将可达性的定义从物理维度拓展到心理感知维度,通过既有研究梳理,厘清距离感知、目标感知、环境感知和个人差异4类感知可达性要素;结合山地社区公园的特殊性,提出感知可达性的提升策略及其对山地社区公园的规划指引,最后以未来方舟生态城社区公园体系规划为例,通过整体布局的视线通廊缩短对距离的感知、全而不同的公园体系设计增强对目标的感知、安全有趣的步行路径设计优化对环境的感知、差异化的服务供给满足不同人群的感知需求。从感知可达性的角度出发为山地社区公园的规划建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This study investigates public preferences toward design and environmental aesthetic attributes of an automated transportation system—Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) in an urban setting. The goal of the study was to understand the perceived visual aesthetic quality of the PRT within diverse architectural and natural elements composing the town's main spatial and visual structure and to separate the various components that determine a cumulative visual experience. We utilized human perceptual judgments as indicators of visual aesthetic quality, and referred to a psychophysical method to assess the perceived visual aesthetic quality of the scenes. Perceptions were captured using a rank ordering process of most and least preferred scenes on presented panels and responses were analyzed using correlation and regression statistical techniques. Results indicate that specific design attributes such as pillar shape or size, and type of fascia, did not emerge as significantly influencing public perception, while the relationship between automated structure and vehicular infrastructure, and the position of the observer are particularly important. Overall findings indicate that studies conducted on automated transportation should consider the effect of context on the perception of the system. The findings improve our understanding of visual strengths and weaknesses of automated transportation structures within the urban environment and can be useful in the planning for similar transportation systems.  相似文献   

Urbanization as an inexorable global trend stresses the need to identify cities which are eco-efficient. These cities enable socioeconomic development with lower environmental burden, both being multidimensional concepts. Based on this approach, we benchmark 88 European cities using (i) an advanced version of regression residual ranking and (ii) Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Our results show that Stockholm, Munich and Oslo perform well irrespective of the benchmarking method. Furthermore, our results indicate that larger European cities are eco-efficient given the socioeconomic benefits they offer compared to smaller cities. In addition, we analyze correlations between a subjective public perception ranking and our objective eco-efficiency rankings for a subset of 45 cities. This exercise revealed three insights: (1) public perception about quality of life in a city is not merely confined to the socioeconomic well-being but rather to its combination with a lower environmental burden; (2) public perception correlates well with both formal ranking outcomes, corroborating the choice of variables; and (3) the advanced regression residual method appears to be more adequate to fit the urbanites' perception ranking (correlation coefficient about 0.6). This can be interpreted as an indication that urbanites' perception reflects the typical eco-efficiency performance and is less influenced by exceptionally performing cities (in the latter case, DEA should have better correlation coefficient). This study highlights that the socioeconomic growth in cities should not be environmentally detrimental as this might lead to significant discontent regarding perceived quality of urban life.  相似文献   

Visual perceiving is one of the most important and direct ways to perceive physical environment and instantly generate images of it. The data gained from visual perception lays a foundation for the research on city images. This study concentrated in the Jinsitao Waterfront of Shichahai area in Beijing. By collecting photos with wearable cameras and generating an image map of visual perception through image identification and analysis, this study explores strategies for improving vista view system in the study area, offering a reference for other research on historical district renewals in cities. Thirty volunteers were asked to tour along an 800-meter path from the north edge of Qianhai to the south edge of Houhai recording the scenery with GoPro cameras on their foreheads. Over 25,000 screenshots were then captured consecutively from the video documents. By identifying and analyzing these screenshots, mapping perceiving locations, and corresponding them to perceived objects, an image perception map was generated, from which a series of planning and design strategies were developed to suggest that future historical districts’ planning practices should enhance the protection of a site’s overall image and distinctive landmarks, as well as the improvement of visual corridors and vista view system.  相似文献   

陈李波 《华中建筑》2008,26(3):169-171
城市景观依感知类型而言,可以分为城市视觉号观和城市非视觉景观。较之城市视觉景观主要注重城市景观所呈现的外在形式美而言,非视觉景观则更加重视城市景观所蕴含的内在的生活美以及市民个人的亲身体验。因此城市视觉景现和非视觉景观应视作城市蒂观互为彰显的两个层面,两者在我们对城市景观的欣赏与体验中处于同等地位,甚至在某些层面而言,后者更为重要与迫切。  相似文献   

在考夫卡等格式塔心理学家的研究基础上,阿恩海姆系统地建构了视觉动力理论。用这一理论解读建筑形态,可以将原本纷繁复杂的形态语言的感觉更加清晰化,使得人们对建筑造型的感性认识能够上升到理性分析的层面。本文不仅沿用了这一理论,更是根据建筑形态的实际状态进行分析,用吸引力、排斥力、支持力、挤压力等对视觉动力进行分类,以解读人们在建筑审美活动时的知觉规律和心理本源。  相似文献   

冯琳  宋昆  胡子楠 《建筑师》2013,(5):48-53
视觉文化作为一门新的研究领域。试图用全新视角来思考以图像为中心的文化危机。文章在视觉文化研究基础上,分析视觉因素的三种取向,即视觉规律、视觉行为和视觉机制。进而将其与建筑相关联,分别从“视知觉”的对象、“看与被看”的场所以及“视觉性”的载体三方面。探讨建筑视觉因素的作用、表达方式及深层内涵,借此回应建筑学中关于视觉因素的迷惘状态,并为当代建筑设计提供新的视野。  相似文献   

During the warm summer of 2006 a comprehensive longitudinal field survey of the adaptive actions of occupants, their thermal satisfaction and the coincident environmental conditions was conducted in eight Swiss office buildings. We have applied logistic regression techniques to these results to predict the probability of occupants’ actions to adapt both personal (clothing, activity and drinking) and environmental (windows, doors, fans and blinds) characteristics. We have also identified, for each type of control action exercised, the increases in temperature at which thermal sensation votes are reported. These “empirical adaptive increments” have also been defined for combinations of control action. In this paper we present the field survey methodology as well as the results relating to the above, which we discuss along with scope for further related work.  相似文献   

This paper explores city dweller aspirations for cities of the future in the context of global commitments to radically reduce carbon emissions by 2050; cities contribute the vast majority of these emissions and a growing bulk of the world's population lives in cities. The particular challenge of creating a carbon reduced future in democratic countries is that the measures proposed must be acceptable to the electorate. Such acceptability is fostered if carbon reduced ways of living are also felt to be wellbeing maximising. Thus the objective of the paper is to explore what kinds of cities people aspire to live in, to ascertain whether these aspirations align with or undermine carbon reduced ways of living, as well as personal wellbeing. Using a novel free associative technique, city aspirations are found to cluster around seven themes, encompassing physical and social aspects. Physically, people aspire to a city with a range of services and facilities, green and blue spaces, efficient transport, beauty and good design. Socially, people aspire to a sense of community and a safe environment. An exploration of these themes reveals that only a minority of the participants' aspirations for cities relate to lowering carbon or environmental wellbeing. Far more consensual is emphasis on, and a particular vision of, aspirations that will bring personal wellbeing. Furthermore, city dweller aspirations align with evidence concerning factors that maximise personal wellbeing but, far less, with those that produce low carbon ways of living. In order to shape a lower carbon future that city dwellers accept the potential convergence between environmental and personal wellbeing will need to be capitalised on: primarily aversion to pollution and enjoyment of communal green space.  相似文献   

商砚穿  石岩 《新建筑》2004,(6):92-93
人眼对光的视知觉特性有三个主要特征:视知觉感光是综合过程,可以产生视觉质感,对色光的感知越来越敏感;明度视觉感知扮演重要角色。在这些特征的基础上,提出利用人眼的视知觉特性进对光行设计时的设计要点。并且进一步解释如何综合运用这些要点进行建筑设计。  相似文献   

建筑是一门视觉艺术,本文以人最平常的视觉和心理活动为基础,探索当代建筑艺术和视觉心理感受之间的关系,以科学的方法解释了当代建筑借助视觉心理规律而呈现的美感,并阐述了视觉心理在观者认知建筑艺术行为中所起到的重要作用。  相似文献   

A transparent and theory-based scheme for analysing visual character is presented. Based on a literature review, nine key visual concepts are identified: stewardship, coherence, disturbance, historicity, visual scale, imageability, complexity, naturalness and ephemera. The nine visual concepts are presented in a framework of four levels of abstraction, described through the concepts' visual dimensions, landscape attributes contributing to the concepts and potential visual indicators suggested for mapping and quantifying the concepts. Each of these concepts focuses on different aspects of the landscape important for visual quality, where visual quality is an holistic experience of them all. The visual concepts presented are used to describe different characteristics of visual landscapes, rather than presenting a normative value for visual quality. It is believed that this framework can be important for landscape assessment and the compilation of landscape character.  相似文献   

以雨花台烈士纪念区为例,从视觉感受出发,结合景观叙事,探讨参观者在步行状态下对纪念性景观的主观感受与景观空间构成序列之间的联系。纪念性景观空间构成序列需要考虑空间、时间和情感3个方面。从空间元素、空间形式和参观者视线等角度出发,结合参观者的空间内部感受时间长度,对各个节点空间和空间序列进行分析,揭示参观者视觉感受与各要素之间的关系特征。  相似文献   

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