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Although possessing considerably better colour rendering and more acceptable colour appearance than high pressure sodium (HPS) lamps, for economic reasons metal halide (MH) lamps are still rarely considered in road lighting. The results of previous theoretical and experimental research in the field of mesopic vision encouraged a comprehensive techno-economic analysis which compared financially road lighting solutions realized by MH and HPS lamps. Based on previous findings regarding both perceived brightness and visual performance, the analysis considered all relevant road lighting classes, lighting arrangements and reflection classes. It was proved that for lighting classes characterized by lower luminance levels MH lamps are economically comparative or even more favourable than HPS lamps.  相似文献   

但庶  边永强  刘欢 《山西建筑》2014,(2):149-151
通过分析对比国内外各种关于高速公路路面使用性能及其对环境影响的研究,简要评述和汇总了国内外评价研究现状,以期能为我国高速公路路面性能评价及养护提供合理建议。  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is to study the influence of a roof monitor skylight on comfort criteria. The roof monitor skylight simultaneously provides lighting and outdoor ventilation air for a living room or a master bedroom in a house with an underfloor heating/cooling system. The air is introduced into the room through an air inlet in the carpentry of the opening in the roof monitor skylight and located – for the purposes of this study – in different positions in the carpentry. To evaluate the comfort variations caused by this change of position, a series of lighting and thermal numerical indicators are applied to a set of simulation models, generating a complete analysis to determine optimal positions for the air inlet. These models are designed for the context of a Mediterranean climate, with extreme calculation conditions (overcast sky in winter and clear sky in summer). The simulation tools Daylight Visualizer 2.5 and Design Builder 2.42 have been selected to generate the models. This work concludes that the optimal position for the air inlet is in the side of the carpentry of the roof monitor skylight opening, ensuring the maximization of both lighting and thermal comfort conditions.  相似文献   

This paper elaborates a future vision for building performance simulation and the contributions planned by IBPSA to enable it over time. The premise is that truly powerful support for the design and operation of the built environment can best be enabled by task sharing developments directed by an overarching vision of the ultimate goal.  相似文献   

黎航  高悦  杨修 《山西建筑》2011,37(30):19-21
首先正确定位发展中国家所处的情况,以四条标准量化他们所面对的问题,其次以政府、非政府的民间组织和每个个体作为解决此问题的切入点并借鉴19世纪工业化国家在相关方面的成功思路,针对我国当前公共卫生现状及相关政策等问题,提出了建议和展望,以期指导实践。  相似文献   

陈德伍 《山西建筑》2008,34(6):190-191
从抗拉强度、弹性模量、抗剪强度以及抗疲劳性能等方面介绍了FRP筋的力学性能,探讨了FRP筋在土木工程中的应用,指出FRP筋具有高强、轻质、耐腐蚀、抗磁性、电绝缘性等特点,能够满足人类对土木工程越来越高的性能要求。  相似文献   

阐述了工业除湿技术的现状,探讨了转轮除湿技术相对其他除湿技术应用于冶金业高炉鼓风系统的可行性与优点。提出了高炉鼓风系统利用转轮除湿的节能方案,搭建了利用高炉余热再生的双级转轮高炉鼓风除湿实验机组,并在工业生产条件下进行了实地运行。结合实验数据,分析了空气参数以及试验机组自身的运行参数、结构参数对转轮除湿量的影响,提出了优化转轮除湿运行的方法。  相似文献   

Standardized building performance assessment is best expressed with a so-called normative calculation method, such as defined in the Committee for Standardization/International Organization for Standardization (CEN/ISO) calculation standards. The normative calculation method has advantages of simplicity, transparency, robustness and reproducibility. For systematic energy performance assessment at various scales, i.e. at the unit of analysis of one building up to a large-scale collection of buildings, the authors' group developed the Energy Performance Standard Calculation Toolkit (EPSCT). This toolkit calculates objective indicators of energy performance using either the monthly or hourly calculation method as specified in the CEN/ISO standard for building energy calculation. The toolkit is the foundation for numerous single, medium-scale and large-scale building energy management applications. At the largest level, applications should be able to manage hundreds or thousands of buildings. The paper introduces two novel applications that have the normative calculation at their core: (1) network energy performance modelling and (2) agent-based building stock energy modelling.  相似文献   

界定了消防工作绩效评价的内涵,在全面分析公安消防部门职能的基础上,根据绩效评价指标体系的构建原则和公安消防部门的法定职责,从消防工作的责任目标和社会目标两个层面出发,建立了消防工作绩效评价指标体系,并对各指标的内涵及取得方法进行了说明。该评价指标体系比较适合政府对公安机关消防机构消防工作绩效的考核或上级公安机关消防机构对下级消防工作绩效的考核。  相似文献   

点支式玻璃幕墙支承体系的分类及构件性能分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
李宪锋 《建筑结构学报》2007,28(Z1):274-279
点支式玻璃幕墙体系以良好的通透性和安全性以及优美的建筑表现在国外获得广泛的应用,随着我国建筑材料生产技术的发展和现代建筑艺术造型的兴起,点支式玻璃幕墙这种新的建筑形式在我国也得到了快速的发展。玻璃幕墙出现在各种不同风格的建筑物上,因此也产生了不同的幕墙结构体系。本文通过点支式幕墙的支承分类、不同支承结构特点的论述以及主要组成材料的技术分析,对不同结构体系的点支式玻璃幕墙的设计原则和在实际工程施工中需解决的技术问题进行了论述,阐明了点支式玻璃幕墙的一般设计规范、不同幕墙支承体系的设计要点和技术分类,同时对不同幕墙支承结构的材料组成在技术层面上作了充分的论证,希望能够对国内类似的点支式幕墙结构的应用提供一些参考。  相似文献   

聚羧酸系高性能减水剂及其发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张桂祥  黄建国 《山西建筑》2010,36(12):160-161
介绍了聚羧酸系高性能减水剂的国内外现状及发展趋势,阐述了该减水剂的主要合成方法、分类与分子结构,探讨了聚羧酸类减水剂的作用机理,展望了该减水剂的发展方向,从而提高人们对聚羧酸高性能减水剂的认识。  相似文献   

Unclear roles and responsibilities and other factors related to organisational design, have been found to be some of the common barriers to providing good urban water services in developing countries. A comparative study commissioned by the World Bank in 2013 assessed how five well-performing water utilities located in different parts of the world aligned their organisational structures and management systems with their strategies and the operating environment. Lessons therefrom can be adapted for organisational (re)design of water utilities, for their improved performance, subject to enabling factors in the individual organisation's operating environment.  相似文献   

粉煤灰效应及其对混凝土性能的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
宋岩丽 《山西建筑》2003,29(11):61-62
研究了粉煤灰的形成、资源特性及粉煤灰的效应。探讨了粉煤灰对新拌混凝土和硬化混凝土在和易性、强度、抗冻性、抗渗性及抗碳化等方面的影响 ,提出粉煤灰在混凝土的应用中具有其它材料无法替代的技术优势  相似文献   

ZJU400 离心机研制及其振动台性能评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土工离心机可以产生与原型相同的自重应力,保证模型破坏机制与原型一致,是解决岩土工程、水利工程和环境工程等领域复杂问题的理想试验模拟手段。搭配机载振动台系统,离心机还可以在原型应力条件下探讨地震引起的建构筑物变形和稳定特性。鉴于离心机振动台的科研价值,浙江大学建造了有效旋转半径为 4.5 m 、负载能力 400gt 的双吊篮臂式离心机,可开展 150g 重力加速度下的静态试验和 100g 重力加速度下的动态试验,吊篮尺寸达 1500 mm×1200 mm×1500 mm 。同时,离心机配置了最大振动幅值为 0.6 cm 、最大振动加速度为 40g 的振动台系统,可进行有效负重小于 500 kg 水平单向地震动响应模拟。静动力试验使用的刚性模型箱和层状剪切模型箱的最大尺寸分别为 1.2 m×1.0 m×1.0 m 和 600 mm × 350 mm × 449 mm 。通过饱和砂土地基建筑物震陷试验,初步检验了离心机振动台系统的整体性能。  相似文献   

The elderly’s perception of their environment largely depends on acquired visual information. This study provides a quantitative analytical method for designing bedrooms in nursing homes by developing a computational model that uses viewing distance, viewing angle, and viewing field as variables. The model is utilized to measure a range of visual environmental properties, including privacy, accessibility, permeability, and visibility, which reflect the quality of bedrooms in nursing homes. The suitability levels of bedroom planes for the elderly and their main living functions as well as the fitting degree of the functional layout are calculated based on these data. After validating the computational model’s feasibility, this study optimizes the typical schemes of single and double rooms in nursing homes. Results reveal certain advantages of the arrangement where bathroom doors are set toward the inside of the bedroom and double rooms have a large width. The computational model can be used in measuring the spatial quality of bedrooms in nursing homes and as a mathematical model for related algorithm design and software programming to assist in the design and optimization of bedrooms for the elderly.  相似文献   

在装配式建筑构件生产及施工过程中,通常要对大量不同类型的检测信息进行管理。因此,如何高效存储、管理并及时共享检测数据是工程技术人员必须面临的问题。本文基于Revit开发平台,根据各测点分类、采集时间,建立相应的数据库系统,对采集数据进行实时存储;Revit结合RevitAPI封装的类实现检测信息的集成以及相关功能的开发。以PC构件套筒灌浆饱满度检测信息管理为例,开发数据交互、测点定位及检测曲线等功能,实现对PC构件检测信息的及时共享,从而提高检测信息与建筑模型的交互性。对PC构件检测信息的可视化管理初步验证了该开发功能的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

诞生于中世纪的哥特建筑以哥特大教堂为主要载体,融合了建筑、绘画、雕塑等艺术形式,以冷峻尖削、庄严神秘展现给普罗大众,成为中世纪欧洲最大众化的文化宣传阵地。哥特大教堂所呈现的视知觉语法对哥特建筑走向平民化起了巨大的推动作用,它在不断变化发展形成了一种特殊的艺术美学,深深的影响了现代设计的发展,对于借鉴与学习哥特建筑的视知觉语法,能有效的帮助设计师更好的把握设计的完形体验。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation to measure the evaporation rates, PSZ-coated engine performance and emissions of radish biodiesel (Methyl Ester of radish oil) and its blends in different volumetric proportions with diesel is presented. The thermo-physical properties of all the fuel blends have been measured and presented. Evaporation rates of neat radish biodiesel, neat diesel and their bends have been measured under slow convective environment of air velocity of 0.2?m/s with a constant temperature of 200°C. Evaporation constants have been determined by using the droplet regression rate data. The neat fuels and fuel blends have been utilised in a test engine with different load conditions to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of the fuels. From the observed evaporation, performance and emissions characteristics, it can be suggested that a blend of B25–B75 could be optimally used in coated diesel engine settings without any modifications on it.  相似文献   

分布式智能照明控制系统在智能建筑中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘光平 《山西建筑》2007,33(24):201-202
通过分布式智能照明控制系统的介绍,并结合典型分布式控制系统在工程中的应用,阐述了分布式智能照明控制系统与其他控制系统的区别,以及分布式智能照明控制系统产品应用及发展情况,从而体现该系统的优越性。  相似文献   

采用数值模拟分析方法,对采用交错桁架结构体系的工程实例进行多遇地震和罕遇地震下的整体受力分析,探讨其抗连续倒塌性能特点。计算结果表明:结构平面布置规则、竖向刚度均匀时,在多遇地震作用下,层间变形较小,各项指标均满足规范要求;罕遇地震作用下,结构最大层间位移角小于规范限值,可实现"大震不倒"的抗震性能要求;交错桁架结构体系的水平及竖向关键构件失稳后,结构端部桁架杆件虽然屈服,但未发生整体稳定性破坏,结构不会发生跨塌;柱发生破坏时,柱端纵梁及桁架形成转换梁效应,将上部柱传递下来的荷载进行重分配,结构不会发生连续性倒塌。  相似文献   

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